The Graduate


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True paused for a split second, as the memories of her first same sex relationship crashed through her mind, bringing with them the pain she had buried too many times.

"Too often." True replied, mentally pushing the shadows of her past away again.

Chris must have sensed her sadness, as True felt a hand briefly touch hers, reassuringly soothing and banishing the past back in to the past.

Taking a deep breath, True selected a bottle of shampoo and softly worked on Chris's hair, massaging the scalp under her fingers and working on the tendons at the base of Chris's skull.

"My that feels good." Chris commented. "I don't think I have had anyone wash my hair in an age."

"Are you happy for me to do your front?" True asked quietly.

"I think that would be nice." Chris replied, turning around to face True.

True took great care to cover Chris in a thick lather of suds, gently sponging every inch of skin she could get to, but avoiding the areas she knew would excite. She wanted this to be more about relaxing than sexual.

That was of course right up to the point where Chris drew her close and pressed a firm kiss to her lips.

"This was supposed to be a tranquil moment." True gasped as they parted, a smile on her lips.

"Oh I feel very tranquil." Chris replied. "And I always wanted to try shower sex, even if it is a little cliché."

"In that case, you relax and allow me to please you." True directed.

For once, True felt Chris yield to her touch, and she immediately went to work, lathering her hands once more and repeating the wash down process she had before, only this time concentrating specifically on the parts of Chris's body that True knew would arouse. Working softly on Chris's neck and shoulders she let her fingers brush across the wet skin before working her way downwards, encircling Chris's breasts and tantalisingly delighting the sensitive skin all over Chris's upper body. When she was satisfied with the progress she had made, True began to use her influence on Chris's legs, coaxing little shudders as she slowly teased the areas at the back of the thigh and knee, pausing now and then to place a kiss on a choice bit of flesh.

True watched carefully for every tiny response to her touch, wanting Chris to be stimulated to the right level before pushing on to the next course of action. She had observed that Chris gave very little away verbally, so relied on how the muscles quivered and the changes in breathing.

When she judged the time was right, True stepped behind Chris once more, holding their bodies tightly together with one arm, she twirled her fingers in the soft patch of hair between Chris's legs, her face pressed against Chris's shoulder and breasts hard against the wet skin.

A hand tried to force its way between them to touch True, but she had been ready for this, and firmly clasped Chris's fingers in hers, then used both their arms, pressed to the muscled stomach, to keep Chris's behind pressed hard against her own sex. Her free hand remained, teasing Chris by letting her fingers run across the warm opening.

True nibbled on Chris's ear, listening to how Chris's breathing deepened as she began touching the warm nub of Chris's clit. True couldn't help but smile, her breathing went faster as she got more aroused, whereas Chris's slowed down, she suspected that was why she made a lot of noise when she climaxed, and Chris remained silent.

Chris's free hand gripped True's behind firmly, causing her to give a small yelp. Chris was a lot stronger than any sexual partner she had been with before, and True wondered how she would fair if she asked Chris to try and overpower her. The thought sent a warm trickle through her, but she pushed the fantasy to one side to concentrate on what she was doing.

Holding the knuckle of her thumb on Chris's clit, True slipped her fingers inside the velvety folds, gently probing for the spot that would please Chris.

She felt Chris stiffen under her touching and teasing, and not wanting to rush things, True backed off a little, letting Chris relax, then beginning once more.

After a few minutes, True worked up a rhythm, bringing Chris to the brink then back down again, then when she thought Chris wasn't going to expect it, pushed harder instead of backing off. She felt every muscle in the solid wet body go ridged, and Chris's head rolled back over her shoulder, lips pressed tightly together in mute climax.

"Breath lovely Chris." True whispered softly, easing another small climax out of the trembling body in her arms, then placed a soft kiss on Chris's cheek.

Sometime later, Chris and True were lying curled up in True's bed, happily cuddling in the afterglow of Chris's climax. True was amusing herself stroking the skin of Chris's stomach, occasionally letting her fingers tease the still slightly damp hair of Chris's mound, whilst her head rested on Chris's shoulder. She was very aware, that Chris had a fairly deep rooted shyness about being undressed in front of her, and whilst she wanted to help, she didn't want to push the issue, but worried that if she didn't say something, Chris may carry the burden for a long time.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, deciding the rewards would be worth the risk.

Immediately True felt Chris tense under her hands, then slowly soften again.

"Did you know that in German the only neutral pronoun translates to it." Chris said quietly. "I feel it's a little degrading to be referred to as an object and not a person."

True held her breath, not wanting to give Chris a reason to withdraw from the brink of speaking out. She decided to let her body talk for her and wrapped her arms around the body next to her in a warm cuddle.

"Can I tell you something True." Chris said quietly.

"Please do Chris, I want to help." True whispered in reply.

She felt Chris take a deep breath, a prelude to the deluge.

"I was born in a female body, but my character, way of thinking and acting were always more on the masculine side. I feel as though I have always fallen somewhere in between the two. When I was growing up I didn't like how people would treat me differently, depending on if they thought I was a boy or a girl. When I first heard of non-binary and learned what it meant, everything kind of clicked, and I began to understand who I was. Like many non-binary people, I prefer to be addressed as a person, or an individual, rather than a mister or a miss, a man or a woman."

Chris paused as if waiting for a negative reaction from True.

She just hugged Chris a little tighter, holding back a reply, anticipating Chris had more to say.

"Do you know what dysphoria is True?" Chris asked.

A multitude of pennies dropped inside True's mind. She had spent enough time talking to the counsellors that she employed for her advice forums to understand that dysphoria and gender dysphoria went hand in hand with people who suffered from gender identity issues, and worryingly had a high mortality rate if ignored or suppressed.

"Strangers see me as either male or female, because the option that I am neither doesn't occur to them. And I usually prefer them to think I'm a guy. I think it may just be overcompensation for the long years of living as a girl. The thing is, while I do strive to pass as male, I don't actually want to be a man. Which is one of the reasons I have difficulty undressing in front of people. Although I suppose the upside is, I get to take the best of both worlds in exchange for the lack of recognition."

Chris paused again having passed the point of no return.

"My body is female and when I tried to pass as male, I hated the fact the even wearing a binder, I couldn't achieve the flat chested male look I wanted. Although I think that may be my overly critical eye, as I can quite often pass as a male to strangers."

"True placed a gentle kiss on Chris's shoulder and wiped away the tear that had formed in the lovely eye she could see. "Well you are a beautiful, caring, perfect individual to me Chris. How often do you get dysphoria and how do you cope with it?"

Chris forced a smile. "Thank you True. You are also very caring and beautiful. It depends, it can be days in between bouts or hours. I usually try to focus on positives or do something to distract me even though there is a long road ahead of me, at least I am on it"

"Well if there is anything I can do I will help in any way I can, and I really mean it Chris. When I selected you to help, I knew there was something beautifully special about you. I just wasn't prepared for just how precious you really are. I've known older people who haven't got a tenth of your maturity and intelligence, not to mention how gentle and loving you are."

Turning over to face her, Chris asked. "Why do you help people True? What do you get out of it?"

Now it was True's turn to go tense. No one had ever asked why she did what she did, although she suspected that a lot of her friends thought she was too promiscuous to hold down a steady relationship with just one person and used the courses as a way of having multiple partners.

"I want to spare young people like you, the pain I've been through." She blurted out.

Chris reach up and brushed a stray lock of hair from True's forehead. "Do you wish someone had shown you how to love someone?

Inwardly, True cursed for opening her mouth and nearly revealing her deepest secret. "Yes something like that." She replied quickly wanting to steer the conversation away from herself.

The little frown puckered Chris's brow once more. "But surely you loved your physio, so there must be something else."

True sighed. There was really only one way out of this without causing hurt to Chris. "I have a sex addiction." She replied bluntly. "I have found that a long term relationships get a little strained when the person I am with finds out I need a lot of intimate contact."

"Ah." Chris replied then frowned again. "What's a lot of intimate contact?"

"Lots." True answered, fearing Chris would be repulsed.

"Yes I get that, but are we talking sex every hour on the hour, or is it a little more sporadic than that?" Chris persisted.

"You're not going to let this drop are you?" True asked, resigned to sharing as Chris had shared.

"Nope." Chris's head shook, smiling politely.

She wasn't sure if it was the way Chris had smiled, or just the fact she really wanted to open up, but True found herself willing to explain.

"On a normal day, if I don't have at least one climax I get really anxious, if it goes longer than that I'm just not worth knowing."

"That's not so bad." Chris told her. "I think the obvious answer is to keep things varied. That way the effect of the stimulation will be fresher."

The words sank in to True's mind slowly, like a spoon in to treacle. "So you're not disgusted by it?"

"Why should I be? Sex addiction is just as recognised as any gender disorder." Chris told her. "Besides I have quiet enjoyed making you climax. I have found out that is a very good distraction for my dysphoria."

True's stomached did a series of flips and she placed a long kiss on Chris's lips.


Day 4

For a change, when True awoke, Chris had already risen, and instead of showering, True went to check if everything was ok. She spotted Chris sat at the kitchen table, staring intently at a laptop.

"Good morning Chris." She greeted. "Are you ok."

Looking up, Chris hurriedly closed the laptop. "Hi True, sorry I was just reading something."

Normally, True wouldn't pry in to personal things, but she felt an overwhelming tug of curiosity, especially as Chris's cheeks had shaded pink.

"Anything interesting?" She half teased.

"Erm... Actually I was researching your problem." Chris replied, unable to meet her eyes. "Sorry, problem isn't the right word. Would predicament be more suitable?"

A half smile creased True's mouth. "Predicament is a good word." She agreed.

"I was wondering if you could take me in to the town?" Chris asked. "There is a shop I would like to visit, so I can buy you something."

"That is a lovely thought Chris True said. "But you don't have to buy me anything."

The hint of pink touched Chris's cheeks again. "Actually, if I was being truthful, it would be for both of us."

Curiosity nipped at the corners of True's mind. If there was something guaranteed to get under her skin, it was a secret. "I don't suppose you are going to let me give you the money for whatever you want to get?" True asked.

"I want this to be my treat to you, as a way of saying thank you." Chris told her, a small trace of determination in the words. "Besides I think it will help with my education."

With a sighed True relented. "I just need to get a coffee and a shower, then get dressed and we can go if you like."

Chris's eyes lit up at the words. "Excellent. I'll pick out your clothes while you shower."

The muscles in True's stomach tightened. She had forgotten she had told Chris to choose her clothing each day, and the memory of the previous day's excitement made her arousal take wings again. 'Best make that a cold shower.' She told herself.

With the impromptu shopping trip complete, True and Chris had returned to the house. Chris clutching a plain carrier bag and wearing an excited smile all the way home. True had no idea what Chris had purchased, or even which shop had been visited. She had been somewhat surprised that Chris had chosen a full outfit of underwear jeans and blouse, for her to wear. Surprised, but slightly disappointed, if she was truthful.

The moment they were in the house Chris bustled off in to the privacy of the guest room, firing True's imagination and impatience. She settled for making coffee.

"I'm ready for you to see what I got for you now." Chris said from the kitchen doorway. "But I need you to do exactly what I ask."

True shrugged, more interested in what Chris's plan was than anything else. "No problem." She replied. "What do you want me to do?"

"I would like to you to go in to your room and undress." Chris instructed, then handed True a black scarf. "Then I want to you to blindfold yourself and stand and wait for me."

Taking hold of the scarf, True felt a slight tremor in her hand. Sensory deprivation was nothing new to her, although the intense anti interrogation course she had been on while in the Regiment, was possibly nothing like what Chris had planned.

Once in her room, True did as she had been asked and shed her clothing, then wrapped the scarf around her head, comfortably covering her eyes. Her mind automatically switched in to 'blind' mode, allowing her hearing to sense what was happening around her. So far the room was still empty apart from herself.

True's hearing zeroed in on a slight noise by the door. Was it her imagination, or had the door just opened? She was sure she heard the slight scuff of a foot on the carpet. True forced herself to remain unmoving keeping her head exactly where it was. Chris had asked her to play a role, and she was very determined to fulfil that role.

Soft lips touched the nape of her neck making her flinch a little, then relaxing again immediately. She now knew Chris was behind her.

"I hope this won't be too cold." Chris whispered.

An arm brushed against True's ribcage, and she was sure she heard the tinny sound of metal on metal.

Something pressed against the skin of her stomach, and immediately the sensation took her breath away. Whatever the item was, it felt soft against her skin, but at the same time unyielding. The item wrapped around her lower chest and waist, fitting snugly under breasts, then True felt a slight tug as a zipper was done up at the back.

"I'm just going to make a few adjustments." Chris's voice told her. "Let me know if it is too tight."

Guessing the item was a corset of some sort, True inflated her lungs by breathing in, ensuring there would be plenty of room to breathe when Chris had made the adjustments.

The metallic jingle sounded again, as True felt straps tighten up around her body.

"How does that feel?" Chris asked.

Taking a couple of deep breathes True nodded. "Yes it feels fine." She said, then added. "And very arousing."

"I haven't quiet finished yet." Chris told her as another kiss touched her neck.

Something brushed against True's behind, and she held in a squeak of surprise. She sensed more than anything that Chris was stood to her side as a strap was passed between her legs.

For a moment nothing happened, then True felt something smooth and rubbery press against her labia, and she gasped openly as it slipped inside her, then felt the strap pull tight over her mound.

"All done." Chris told her happily. "You can take the blindfold off now."

Easing the scarf off her eyes, True blinked, letting her vision return to normal. The first thing she did was to turn and look at her reflection in the mirror.

The whiteness of her skin contrasted starkly against the black leather of the corset. Chris had fastened it snugly so it hugged her figure, emphasising her round breasts. The crotch strap covered her pubic mound entirely, and her fingers strayed over the covering as she sensed the egg move inside her. It felt very erotic to be dressed like this, even more so that Chris had chosen it, dressed her in it, and assumedly possessed the controls for the egg.

"What happens now?" True asked, feeling nervous and at the same time excited.

"I thought I could get used to how you react when I press certain buttons, then after some practice we could go out for dinner."

True's head swam and she had to reach out and hold on to Chris's arm for a moment to steady herself. Being dominated in this way was an entirely new experience for her, and she was starting to enjoy it immensely.

"Are you still okay to do this?" Chris asked as True was fastened back in to the corset.

It had been a very enjoyable afternoon. Chris had been attempting to keep her on the edge of climax for as long as possible, but thanks to inexperience of operating the controls to the vibrating egg, and True's over excitement, she had climaxed several times before Chris had got the hang of when to stop teasing.

For True, being under someone else's control was exhilarating. So much so she had planned a surprise for Chris. They had showered together again by the light of the battery operated candle, and True had again demonstrated her ability to relax Chris in to a state of orgasm. After the shared shower, Chris had got dressed while True had applied the little face makeup she wore, then Chris had returned and help fasten her back in to the corset, inserting a freshly charged egg at the opportune time. Now all that remained was for True to dress in the clothing Chris had chosen for her.

And of course for True to surprise Chris.

"Before I dress, there is something I want to give you." True told Chris.

The cute frown crumpled Chris's brow, and True felt a sugary warm feeling inside her.

"Here, I want you to use these." True said holding out a hand.

As Chris's hand opened, True dropped two small but sturdy padlocks, complete with keys in to it.

A surprised look formed on Chris's face, and True grinned that she had managed to surprise Chris totally.

"I guess these are to lock you in?" Chris asked a little breathless.

True's grin spread as she nodded. "I wanted you to feel fully dominant, this way, not only do you have the controls, you also have my only way of escaping the outfit. It is also symbolic of me submitting to you."

Chris moved behind True, and the was a soft click as the clasp over the zipper was locked. As the padlock to hold the crotch strap in place clicked, True was sure Chris's hand trembled slightly and she smiled happily. She been correct and Chris was aroused by the situation.