The Honeymoon


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The next morning Max awoke, entangled in Rose's wonderfully feminine body, his penis entangled in her legs and pussy. Max realized he must, in fact have lost consciousness very soon after cumming, since he could remember nothing after the moment of release. Rose must have removed the strap-on from his ass or it had fallen out during the night, for he was unencumbered by the shameful device.

Rose was still asleep and Max lay still not wanting to disturb her. He reflected on the events of the previous night and the previous day. Max had never experienced such humiliation and shame or such intense physical pleasure. The two seemed to be intimately linked, inseparable; two basic emotional elements fused together to form a feeling substance greater than their sum. Max also began to wonder what it was like for Rose. She was clearly experiencing great pleasure from their union, yet she was confident, in control, casual yet commanding. For the first time in this life, Max pondered what it was like to be a woman. Unlike him, Rose did not experience any shame or humiliation; in fact, the exact opposite was true. She derived her pleasure, in part, from his humiliation. It must be wonderful to be a woman thought Max, so confident, dignified, and in control.

As Max reflected on these things, Rose awoke and stretched. "Ah, pet did you sleep well?"

"Yes Mistress," replied Max. "I hope you did too."

"Yes indeed, my pet."

Looking at the clock, Rose noted it was past noon again. Married life was so very wonderful she thought. And things could only get better! Her plans for the next two days called for a repeat of the last one, with some variations. The idea was to continue Max's indoctrination into married life, and servitude. Miranda had urged her to go slow, and Rose had been convinced by her arguments. After all she had lived with her brother all his life, raising him and caring for him. Rose could not compare the few months of courtship with her years of experience. Still, it took some discipline and patience on her part not to rush things.

Max had performed superbly last night. His frantic desire, longing looks, and cries of passion exceeded her wildest expectations. What was even better, he was retaining his natural embarrassment and self conscious shame. She would be able to humiliate him endlessly, for years to come. In short, a lifetime of domination and humiliation waited for him and a lifetime of pleasure for her. Miranda had warned her against rushing things, and it was tempting to accelerate the pace of his indoctrination. However, Rose was both disciplined and patient and as such decided to stick with the honeymoon plan.

"Get my bath ready Max. I'll be there in a minute."

"Yes Mistress," said Max getting out of bed, blushing at his nakedness, knowing he was exposed to his Mistress' full view.

Rose sighed at his retreat. Yes, patience and discipline she thought; patience and discipline!

The next two days were spent like the first, except that the happy couple had no visitors, not even Miranda. Rose mercilessly teased Max all day, keeping him in a near continuous state of sexual excitement, with no release. Of course, she did not deprive herself, using him frequently for her pleasure. The next day and evening, she allowed him no release, leaving him sexually frustrated and emotionally tense. That night, he cried himself to sleep in her arms, she stroking his throbbing penis, being careful not to let him cum. The next afternoon, she let him cum explosively again then fucked him up the ass, twice, his limp penis dripping and useless. That night, she forced him to satisfy her orally then denied him again. Max wept openly, but Rose admonished him harshly, asserting her dominance and control.

The next day, their fourth since the wedding, Miranda visited them again in the early afternoon. Rose had just finished her bath, and Max was cleaning up both himself and the bedroom, giving the two women a chance to talk. "How's it going with Max?" inquired Miranda.

"Excellent!" replied Rose. "He is coming along quite nicely, ahead of schedule I would say." Rose proceeded to explain in detail, the events of the last four days telling her sister-in-law of Max's responses and progress.

Miranda nodded when Rose finished her report and said, "I must agree, he is doing exceptionally well. Still, do you think he is ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes," said Rose. "It's now or never. He needs to take the next step; otherwise we will need to revise his training schedule after the honeymoon."

Miranda considered what she had heard, weighing her personal knowledge and experience of her brother against what Rose had told her. Miranda tended to be a bit of a worrier and she realized Rose was right. It was now or never for Max. He needed to take the next step. She would rely on Rose's assessment; after all she was never sexual with Max, and she had no desire in this area, beyond insuring that he would prove an adequate partner to Rose.

"Ok," she said finally. "You're right. It's now or never."

"I am glad you agree," said Rose. "I need to make some final preparations. You can visit with Max while I'm gone; it won't take long, an hour or so."

"Fine," said Miranda, "I'd like to chat with Max for a while. Take your time."

Rose nodded and said, "Ok, see you later."

After Rose left, Miranda waited patiently for her brother to finish his morning chores. She knew he was probably reluctant to present himself, since he had only the skimpy white cloth covering him. After about twenty minutes, Max appeared, apparently out of excuses to delay their meeting. Rose had told him his sister was there before she left, so Max knew she was waiting for him. Seeing her brother, Miranda rose and greeted him with a hug and peck on the cheek.

Max blushed at his sister's embrace and held himself away from her body the best he could to avoid any contact that might reveal his shameful state. "How are you Max?" said Miranda, sitting down.

"Ok, good," said Max also taking a seat at the patio table, more to conceal his body than to relieve his tired feet.

Miranda looked at her brother sympathetically. She knew Max was experiencing new feelings and sensations, and was having to come to grips with being married and all that this entailed. "I know it must be hard for you Max," she said in her gentlest tone. "But you are doing very well. I talked to Rose and she is very pleased."

"Really?" inquired Max, worried that he might not be pleasing his Mistress.

"Yes, really," confirmed Miranda. "Tell me what's bothering you Max. You should be happy. Maybe I can help you."

Max blushed, but he did want to confide in his sister. After all, she had been his sole source of guidance till he married Rose. "It's just . . . just so embarrassing," blushed Max. "I . . . I can't . . . it's so hard to say . . ."

"What is? Tell me Max," insisted his sister. "There is no need to be embarrassed. Rose told me everything that has happened."

Max blushed a deep red at hearing this. God! How could Rose have told her everything! It was so very humiliating. But, remembered Max, not for Rose. Confiding in his sister Max said, "It's all so humiliating. I didn't think it would be like this. I love Rose and so want to please her, but the things she wants to do . . ." Max blushed again.

"I know Max dear," said Miranda trying to comfort him. "But this is a natural part of married life. You should be pleased that you are making Rose so happy."

"Yes, I know," said Max still blushing. "Rose told me I make her happy. She said it was normal to feel ashamed and humiliated. That it was natural, since I was the inferior sex."

Miranda suppressed a smile. Rose's way of referring to males that was both accurate and amusing, but she didn't want to appear unsympathetic to Max. "Rose is both right and accurate in what she told you. Your feelings of shame and humiliation are perfectly normal."

"Oh, Miranda! Why do I have to be a male? It's so very humiliating! I get hard all time around Rose and I can't control it. Why does it have to show? It's so embarrassing!"

"I know dear," said Miranda. "Males are that way. They don't have any control like women do. You should be careful, because one day it might get you into trouble. But on the other hand, if it wasn't for males, we women would not have the pleasure and joy you bring us. You should rejoice in the pleasure you bring Rose. If it wasn't for you, she would be so unsatisfied. Also the fact, from what I hear, you are also experiencing the pleasures of physical love."

Max turned completely red at this, for it was true and very, very embarrassing to talk to his sister about. "I can see it's true," said Miranda patting his hand and smiling slyly. "You are going to make a wonderful partner for Rose. You should stop fretting. Rose has many well-thought out plans for you. You may not understand them now, but eventually you will, and you will see that she is right and has your best interests at heart. Soon you will see, at least in part, what I mean. Prepare yourself, and accept whatever happens. I have discussed this already with Rose and I agree that this is what is best for you. Remember above all else, it's your duty to please her!"

Max wanted to question his sister more about the things Rose had planned, but just then he heard the door open, and Rose walked in. "Having a nice visit, I see."

"Yes, lovely," said Miranda.

Rose smiled, and looking at Max said, "I need to talk with Miranda for a few minutes, why don't you go and get lunch ready?"

"Yes Mistress," said Max getting up and going into the house.

When the two women were alone, Rose said, "Everything is ready for tonight and tomorrow. Are you sure you won't join us?"

"No," answered Miranda. "I don't have those feelings for Max and anyway, I would probably inhibit him if I was there."

Rose nodded, silently acquiescing to her sister-in-law. "Ok, I understand. I'll call you the day after tomorrow and let you know how things went."

"Fine," said Miranda standing. "I'll be anxious to hear how it went." The two women hugged and Miranda said, "Good bye and good luck!"

On her way out, Miranda hugged her brother good bye and said, "Remember what I told you. Rose loves you and only has your best interests at heart. Please her and everything will be fine." With that she left leaving Max and Rose alone again to enjoy their lunch and each other.

Rose's post honeymoon plans called for training Max to serve her in every way she desired for the rest of their lives. She had planned a rather rigorous program with Miranda in the weeks and months prior to their wedding. In fact, Rose had done little else since becoming engaged to Max. Poor Miranda bore the blunt of planning and arranging the wedding, but had somehow found time to work with Rose on her brother's training plan. The two women had given the post- honeymoon program some thought, and parts of the training had logically and necessarily spilled over into the honeymoon (or as Miranda referred to it, post nuptial adjustment) period.

The problem was that Max was just too innocent and naive concerning sex and the demands of serving someone as experienced and sophisticated as Rose. As such, the two women had planned a slow progression of escalating sexual experiences during the honeymoon week that would hopefully leave Max better prepared for the rigors of what was to follow. His training would occupy months if not an entire year, and one scant week of preparation allowed little room for maneuvering. Rose reflected on their pre-nuptial discussions.

"Maybe you should have a longer honeymoon, perhaps two weeks instead of one, or ease into the training program more slowly," Miranda had suggested.

"Hmm," said Rose considering the alternatives. "The latter is a real possibility, of course. However, dragging out the honeymoon has its own problems."

"How's that?" asked Miranda.

"Well, we run the risk of having him become complacent or resistant and, hard as it is to believe, even defiant. With males it's best to take control immediately and be firm. "

Miranda reflected on her future sister-in-law's points. "It was hard to picture Max as ever being defiant. However, he could be stubborn in his own way and he definitely had a tendency toward being complacent. "Perhaps, you're right," she said at last. "Still we could stretch out the training period. Perhaps move the last few activities planned for the honeymoon there instead."

Rose considered this. Miranda definitely had a point there. But she was also a little too conservative, especially when it came to her brother. "Still . . . what is the downside of not waiting, of keeping to the planned schedule?"

"You could traumatize him," replied Miranda. "After all he has no sexual experience whatsoever beyond a few wet dreams. He has never even masturbated. If you push him too hard, force too many new experiences on him, he might withdraw into a shell. Believe me I know. I've studied this in psychology when I was in college."

Rose had to admit that Miranda definitely had a point here. They were dealing with a very naive and inexperienced individual. Pushed too hard, he just might behave as Miranda suggested. Still, Rose's intuition suggested otherwise. Was Miranda just being overly protective? After all, his current situation was due in large part to her (and this was not entirely bad, Rose had to admit).

"At some point he is going to have to take the plunge," said Rose. "Delaying it might not help either."

Miranda bit her lower lip in indecision. Knowing her brother, he might never be ready. Left to his own, he would never have gotten married. It was getting harder and harder to control him sexually. She had to be extremely vigilant about giving him too much privacy, lest he start masturbating. Miranda never left him alone for more than a few minutes. She timed his showers, and had even taken the door off his bedroom. In fact, this was just what had driven her to find Max a spouse. She knew she was fighting a losing battle and that it was just a matter of time. And once the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, there would be no getting it back in. Miranda knew how strong the male sex drive could be.

"Perhaps you're right," said Miranda at last. "But maybe we can delay a decision."

"How so?" asked Rose.

"Well, it will be a bit of extra work, but we can develop two schedules. Both would start the same, but mid-week during the honeymoon we can get together and see how he is doing, and decide then."

Rose thought for a moment then said, "Yes, I like that. Very good, it covers the range of possibilities and gives us some room to maneuver. Yes, that is an excellent idea!"

And that's where things had remained until today. Miranda's visit had signaled the deciding point. Rose had relayed Max's progress and had even given Miranda some time to evaluate the situation herself by talking alone with her brother. Both women had come to the conclusion that Max was ready to take the next step. Rose could see that Miranda was still worried, but she had agreed. With that, Rose had set their plan in motion and Max would be in for a most humiliating time. After Max had finished cleaning up after lunch and Rose had finished her reflections, she called him over. "Yes Mistress," said Max. "Shall I get the strap-on?"

Rose smiled. This had been their usually routine for the last four days and Max was apparently becoming accustomed to it, even though he was still very embarrassed by the whole thing. If he only knew how prophetic his words were, thought Rose. "No, not today," answered Rose. "We have other things to do. Company is coming tonight, and we must prepare." Rose watched in amusement as Max's face went from relief at not having to perform that afternoon, to panic at hearing the word 'company'.

"But Mistress . . . I . . . what . . ."

Rose stifled a laugh. The poor thing was probably worried about what he was going to wear. The white apron-like cloth he wore did little to conceal him, even from the most casual observer. If he only knew! That would be the least of his worries tonight! But it was getting late, and their guests would arrive soon, and there was much to do and no time to waist on such trivial matters.

"There are groceries in the car, from when I went out earlier. Get them, and then set the table, for six."

Max gulped at the word 'six' and stammered, "Yes Mistress. May I ask who is coming?"

"Certainly," said Rose. "You met them at the weeding, but you probably don't remember, there were so many new faces for you; my good friends Helen, Jennifer, Anne, and Anne's daughter, Alex."

Max gulped at the list of names: female names. "Mistress, what shall I wear?"

Rose looked at Max's white apron, noting a few spots from the day's chores. "Yes, your apron is a bit dirty, I see," said Rose allowing him a moments hope. "I have a nice red one, in your dresser for special occasions like this. Wear that one."

Max went pale again. He was going to be naked in front of all those women! His penis immediately began to stiffen at the thought. God! How would he survive the dinner tonight?

"Well we better get going. There is a lot to do, and they will be here in a few hours," said Rose.

Max gulped again, but his Mistress's words spurred him to action. After fetching the groceries from the car, Max started to prepare the evening's meal. Max's one useful (non-sexual) skill was cooking. He had a talent for this, and sister had nurtured it. Rose knew the meal would be excellent, and the evening, of course, unsurpassed! After Max had finished his culinary preparation, he set the table, as instructed, for six. As he set each place, the plates, utensils, glasses and other dining implements felt heavy, as Max pondered with uncertainly about the women who would soon be sitting and using them. Rose was right: Max remembered none of the women he had met on his wedding day. The whole wedding, only five days ago, seemed a lifetime away, a hazy blur of laughter, conversation, and faces he could hardly remember. God! Having lived with Miranda less than a week ago, seemed to be a forgotten dream! When Max was finished, Rose called to him, "It's time for my bath. We need to hurry. We have only an hour left."

As Max went to ready his Mistress' bath, he wished the next hour would never pass, but would last till he died, or somehow repeat itself like some micro ground-hog day. When the bath was ready, Rose stepped to the tub, and letting her robe fall to the floor, stepped into the water, like a goddess. Max washed his Mistress dutifully, as he had every day since their marriage. Rose forced him to pay special attention to her wondrous full breasts and her pussy. Max, of course was painfully erect the whole time, and Rose would occasionally reach over the tub to stroke his stiff member idly while he worked. By the time Max was done, he was throbbing and fully erect.

Rose stepped out of the tub to the waiting towel Max held for her and said, "Take a shower while I dry off and do my hair."

Max took his Mistress's place in the tub, but instead of sitting, turned on the shower and started to clean himself. He was careful to only touch his penis enough to clean it, more than a few stokes would have been catastrophic given his current excited state. When he was finished washing he went into the bedroom where Rose was just finishing her hair at the vanity.

"Help me dress," she commanded.

On the bed, Max found that Rose had laid out her clothes for the evening. A sexy black dress and other female accessories he had never seen her wear. In fact, this was the first time he had assisted her in dressing. She had spent the entire week in her thin robe, relaxing and keeping him sexually excited. When he had finished dressing her, he watched as she inspected herself in the mirror. She was stunning, Max thought as he admired his beautiful Mistress. He was surprised to see her frown slightly as she inspected herself.