The Honeymoon


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"It will have to do," she said. "We are almost out of time." Looking at Max, she pointed to the red cloth on the bed and said, "Well you better get dressed, they will be here any minute."

Max looked at the tiny red cloth on the bed and was filled with dread. The bright red material was laid out neatly on the bed, the sole item remaining on the comforter. Max's heart sank as he stared at it. It was triangular! The aprons Rose had given him to wear during the week had all be rectangular. They were small, he thought, but this was little more than wearing a sash around his waist. As he tied it in place, he noted that the 'apron' point extended barely to the bottom of his now flaccid penis. If he were to become erect, he would be fully exposed; the small red triangle of material would merely fall uselessly to one side of his penis. Max gulped in dismay.

"You look great!" said Rose. "I really like that on you!"

Before Max could recover, the door bell rang in the next room and Rose said, "Shall we go and greet our guests?"

The question was obviously purely rhetorical, for Rose took Max by the arm and together they went into the living room and toward the front door. Outside, Max could hear, the soft quiet expectant chatter of female voices, waiting to become fully embodied women when the door was opened. Without pausing or hesitating, Rose opened the door and a hail of, "Hi! Wow. You look great! Married life so agrees!" that entered like a wall of water crashing onto a quiet beach.

Max had partially ducked behind the door, desperately trying to postpone the evitable and embarrassing moment of exposure. He knew he was doomed, as he could feel his penis starting to stiffen, and it took all his control to keep himself even partially flaccid.

"And where is he?" said one tall dark haired women, a few years older than Rose.

Rose glanced around for a second, like someone who misplaced a child due to a moment's inattention. Stepping aside, she took Max's arm and pushed him forward into the center of the women, for their inspection.

"Here he is," she said, showing her shy pet off to the crowd.

In a daze Max heard the women give their approval to Rose. "Oh he is cute!" said the tall woman again. Taking his forearms, she pulled Max slightly forward and kissed him on the cheek. "You probably don't remember, but I'm Anne." Stepping aside, she gestured to the young dark-haired woman next to her, "And this is my daughter Alex."

"Hi!" said Alex, waving her hand slightly.

"I'm Jennifer," said the red-head next to her.

"And I am Helen," said a short blonde-haired woman.

"Come in, and welcome!" said Rose shutting the door. The group of women walked into the living room, and took seats making themselves comfortable and chatting with each other about the house and the newlyweds. Looking at Max Rose said, "Go fix us some drinks."

"Yes Mistress," said Max seizing the opportunity to retreat form the inspection of the women.

As he backed away so as to avoid exposing himself further, he heard Jennifer say, "My, he is adorable Rose! Where ever did you find him!

"And so well trained already," said Anne.

"Hardly" said Rose. "That will start next week."

As Max fixed the drinks he reviewed the women in his mind, placing names and faces together. Anne was tall with dark straight shoulder-length hair, and a medium build. She looked to be a few years older than Rose, and not nearly as beautiful. Her daughter, Alex, appeared to be in her early twenties and was a younger version of her mother, except that she wore her hair very short. Jennifer looked older than Anne, was slightly shorter, and with frizzy, but straight red-hair. Helen was the shortest of the four women, with short curly blonde hair. None of the women were anywhere near as beautiful as Rose, but like his Mistress all were large breasted.

Max returned to the living room, with a tray of drinks which he carefully passed out to the four women and his Mistress. Each thanked him warmly, scanning him from head to toe. It took all of Max's will and concentration to keep from having an erection. When he was finished, Max returned to the kitchen with the empty tray to finish dinner and prepare the service.

When he was finished, he approached Rose and said, "Mistress, dinner is served."

"It smells wonderful!" remarked Helen and the other women added their approval.

Rising, Rose said, "Shall we ladies?"

The women followed Rose into the dining room, with Max in tow. While the women seated themselves, Max returned to the kitchen to get their food. After serving the meal, Max took his seat at the opposite end of the table, across from Rose. Anne clinked her wine glass and rising said, "I wish to propose a toast to the happy couple. May they have many long years together!"

"Hear! Hear!" said Jennifer, and the women drank their wine.

Max was not sure how he survived the meal. On his right sat Helen and to his left Anne. Both women asked him a few questions, but fortunately it was Alex who saved him. She had just finished college, and the bulk of the conversation consisted of her finding a job with Anne proudly adding details of her daughter's accomplishments. When dinner was over, Max cleared the table and served dessert. Afterwards the women retired back to the living room for coffee and conversation while Max retreated to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

At this point, Max was beginning to have some hope for the evening. Glancing at the kitchen wall clock he noted that it was well after eleven, and as he had spent most of the evening either hiding in the kitchen on concealing his lower body under the dinning room table. With any luck he might only have to spend a few more minutes with his Mistress's guests, before they returned home. If so, he would have survived the evening relatively unscathed. And that unfortunately for Max, was when things went horribly and dreadfully wrong. The one who he had thought saved him earlier turned out to be his betrayer.

In the living room, the women had been discussing Max with Rose. "God! He sounds wonderful said Anne. I wish I could find someone like that for Alex!"

"Hell with her!" joked Jennifer. "I want him for myself!"

The women laughed and Rose was pleased. All was going well. She could hear that Max was almost finished cleaning up from the relative quiet in the kitchen. Now was the time. Turning to Alex she said, "Are you ready? You remember what we discussed."

"Yes" said Alex. "I'm ready: Mom went over it a million times."

"Ok, then," said Rose. "It's time."

Alex got up and casually strolled into the kitchen while the women waited, looking at her. Rose was a little apprehensive about using Alex for this phase. The young woman had no real experience with this sort of thing. In fact, Rose was not sure she should be there at all tonight. If she had not been such good friends with Anne, Alex would have been at home right now. But Anne, upon hearing Rose and Miranda's plan had insisted. "I know she has no experience, but she's got to start somewhere. This will be a good real-world education for her, instead of all that theory she been getting in school." Rose had reluctantly agreed. In a way, tonight would be a rite of passage for both Max and Alex, though Max would be at the receiving end.

Alex casually and quietly strolled into the kitchen. This promised to be fun! Finally, her mother was beginning to treat her like an adult. She couldn't wait to have her first real-time experience. Although Max was a little too old for her, one had to get experience where one could.

Approaching Max and noting his naked behind, she said, "Excuse me Max, can I get a glass of water?"

Max who had not heard the young woman's approach almost jumped out of his skin. Blushing a deep red he stammered, "Yes . . . sure . . . let me get a glass."

"Don't bother," said Alex reaching past him.

Alex made sure to brush up against Max, letting her full breasts rub against his arm. Leaning on her right foot and extending her left arm, Alex grabbed a clean glass from the cupboard above the sink. Simultaneously, she balanced herself by placing her right hand on Max's lower back, and letting it slide down to his naked butt as she reached for the glass. Max stiffened at her touch, but her close femininity turned the tide of an evening long battle against him. Max could feel his penis stiffen, and he pressed himself against the sink, trying to conceal his rising shame. With glass in hand, Alex rubbed up against Max again, reaching around the captive male to fill it with water from the tap. At the same time, she gently stroked his naked bottom with her right hand.

Max was truly trapped. He could feel his penis becoming engorged, with only the sink and the pressure of his body to prevent him from exposing his shame. Alex had him encircled on his left, and to his right a cooling, but still uncomfortably warm oven closed off any possible escape route. Max desperately hoped the young woman would drink her water, and then return to the other women in the living room, giving him a few moments to regain control. But this was not to be.

Taking a sip of her water Alex said, "Max you are so shy! Are you afraid of me?"

"No Miss," said Max continuing to press himself against the sink.

Alex having been briefed by Rose earlier, easily guessed his predicament. This was just too easy! These submissive males had absolutely no control. "I didn't get you excited did I, when I got my water?"

Max blushed a deep red at her words. This was enough to remove any doubt Alex might have had. The damn male had a hard-on and was trying to hide it from her! God! Just a brush of her breast and a pat on the ass was enough to get him going. "It's all right Max. It's perfectly natural. Don't be afraid. I want to be friends." With that, Alex gently took him by the arm and pulled him away from the sink as she moved sideways into the space between his body and cabinetry. Max tried to resist her gentle pull, but in order to avoid touching Alex as she advanced into his space, he was forced to move back, exposing himself to her full view. His penis stood fully erect, the red triangle of cloth brushed aside as if it were a loose adornment to the band that held it in place. Fully exposed, Alex could see his shameful lack of control; his erect penis and balls fully exposed to her scrutiny.

"Oh my!" gasped Alex in the most sincere faux surprise she could muster. "I did get you excited! I am so sorry!"

Max blushed red to the waist. His embarrassment and humiliation were so intense all he could do was stare at himself, fully exposed to the young woman before him. Of course this only made matters worse, since it increased his excitement and strengthened his erection. Alex took a step toward him and Max instinctively moved backwards.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to be friends," she repeated. "Maybe if you touch me it will help you realize I don't want to hurt you."

Max's eyes widened and he shook his head. But Alex was too quick for him. Stepping forward she grabbed his left hand and placed in on her breast. This of course did nothing to help Max who stood rigidly and helplessly mesmerized under the grip and control of the young woman. Holding Max's hand against her breast, so he could not easily pull away, Alex let go of the glass of water she was still holding in her left hand. As she let it drop she screamed and slapped Max across the face.

In the next room, the four women waited patiently for their signal. When Alex screamed, they rushed into the kitchen just in time so see Alex pulling Max's hand away from her breast. The broken glass and the red handprint on Max's face completed the picture.

Pointing at Max's erection, Alex shouted, "He tried to take advantage of me! Look!"

The four women gasped in mock horror at Alex's words, and Anne went immediately to her daughter's side, taking her protectively in her arms. "Alex!" she exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

Rose in her harshest tone said, "Max, what's going on here?"

Max, stunned by the suddenness of the events and caught totally off-guard, struggled to place them in some reasonable and logical order in his mind. He could see he was in trouble, big trouble. But why? Why had Alex screamed and slapped him? It was she who had touched him, not the other way around!

"I . . . I . . . She touched me . . . and the glass dropped . . . and . . . and . . . then she slapped me," he finally managed to stammer.

Rose, hands on her hips looked at him angrily and skeptically. "What do you mean, she slapped you? Why would she do that?"

"I don't know," said Max blushing from the women staring at him, the blush partially hiding Alex's red hand print on his face.

"Liar!" shouted Alex pointing her finger at him and doing her best to look and sound offended. She was really enjoying the whole situation and her role in it; it took a lot of control not to smile or laugh. "I came in here for a glass of water and after handing it to me, he groped my breast and I could see he was exited and I didn't know what he was going to do, so I slapped him!"

"Oh God!" exclaimed Anne looking at her daughter worriedly.

"Look, she's right," said Jennifer pointing at Max's stiff erect penis.

"God Max! How could you?" said Rose angrily.

"I . . . I . . . didn't . . ." stammered Max dumb founded by Alex's words and his Mistress' anger. He couldn't believe his ears. How could Alex say that he had touched her? Why was she doing this to him?"

"Oh come on Max!" said Rose. "Jennifer is right, look at your penis, it's hard as a rock. How could you, in front of Alex? How disgusting!" The other women nodded their heads in silent agreement.

"But . . . I . . ." continued Max, still stammering.

"But nothing!" said his angry Mistress. "I am going to get to the bottom of this, if it takes all night!"

Grabbing Max roughly by the arm, she led him out into the living room, the other women in tow. Alex and the three women were enjoying the show. Silently, Anne, Jennifer, and Helen smiled at Alex and mouthed 'good job!' or gave her a thumb's-up. Max, of course could see none of this and soon found himself standing before his angry Mistress and the four female dinner guests who had comfortably seated themselves around him.

To his surprise it was Helen who spoke first, "Rose this is serious and ought to be conducted properly. If he has done what Alex has claimed, then you will have no choice."

Max struggled to comprehend her words. Serious? No choice? No choice about what? Surely they couldn't believe he would touch Alex that way!

"Yes you're right, of course," replied Rose coolly. "We need to do this right. And if we determine he did what Alex has claimed, then he will have to be punished."

"In the usual manner," chimed in Anne.

Rose looked at her friend gravely, "Yes in the usual manner." Max gulped not understanding what they were talking about. Punished? For what? He still could not believe what was happening and that Rose and the other women could believe he had done anything to Alex.

The four women nodded their heads in agreement and Helen said, "In order to be fair, I suggest letting me and Jennifer decide. In case of a tie, we can all vote. Anne can preside and you and Alex can inquire, Rose." The five women nodded their heads in agreement and Helen said, "It is agreed then."

Anne cleared her throat and turning to Max said, "What Alex has accused you of is very serious. We cannot allow inferior males with no control of themselves to behave that way. However, we will not act in haste either. This group has decided to find out exactly what happened, and if Alex is shown to be correct you will be punished severely. Do you understand?"

Max looked at the older woman blinking and not comprehending her words. The evening, which had gone reasonably well, and would probably have ended as he had hoped, if Alex had not come into the kitchen, had now taken an ominous turn. They were now talking of punishment, severe punishment, whatever that meant. And for something he had not even done. God! How could things have gone so wrong, so quickly?

But before he could reason it out, Anne repeated herself harshly, "Do you understand?"

Reflexively Max answered "Yes," but he was far from understanding anything about this suddenly strange evening.

"Good. Then you start Rose," said Anne.

Rose looked at Max seriously and said, "Max you need to tell me exactly what happened in the kitchen. And you need to tell the truth."

Max looked at his Mistress still confused and said, "Nothing. I was just finishing cleaning up . . . and Oh God! I didn't do anything. Please you have to believe me!"

"Max," said Rose "Please calm down. Take your time and tell us exactly what happened."

Max struggled for control. The thought of some unknown and harsh punishment stood in the front of his mind as he struggled to make sense of what had happened. After a minute he regained some of his composure and said, "I was finishing the last of the dishes at the sink, when Alex surprised me. I didn't hear her come in. She asked for a glass of water which I offered to get for her, but before I could get it, she reached around me and took a clean glass from the shelf and helped herself."

"Ok," said Rose. "And then what happened?"

At this point Max blushed and he could feel his flaccid penis stiffening. "She said she wanted to be friends with me and that I shouldn't be afraid of her. She said I should touch her and she grabbed my hand and made me touch her breast."

A gasp of disbelief escaped from the women and Alex shouted, "Liar!"

Anne said firmly, "Ladies please!" And then to her daughter, "Alex you will get your turn soon enough. Sit down and be quiet."

"Continue Max," said Rose looking at him gravely.

"That was it," said Max. "The next thing I know, she slapped me and everyone ran in."

Rose looked at Max skeptically and said, "Are you sure that's what happened? It wasn't you that touched Alex was it?"

"No, no!" protested Max. "I would never touch her Mistress."

"Very well," said Anne. "You can speak now Alex."

Alex stood up and said, "As you know, I excused myself from the conversation because I was thirsty and I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I asked Max for a glass, and he got one for me. As he turned to hand me the glass I felt his hand brush against my breast. I didn't think anything of it and I thanked him for the water and said, 'he was such a friend'."

"What did you mean by that?" said Rose.

"I was just exaggerating, you know like when you say 'you saved my life' or something similar. I just meant that I was really thirsty and grateful for the water. That's all."

"Ok, go on," said Rose.

"Well the next thing I know, he started touching my breast again, but this time it was no accident. He basically started groping me and I could see his penis get hard. I guess I panicked a little and I grabbed his hand and tried to push him away. He's bigger than I am and when I couldn't get his hand off me, I dropped the glass and slapped him."

Helen and Jennifer looked at each other and exchanged nods of understanding. Anne made eye contact with them and it was clear that there would be no disagreement between them when they decided the matter.

Max could not believe his ears. Alex had made almost the whole thing up, like some weird fairy tale. The only thing true about her tale was that she was thirsty and Max was not even sure about that. Sensing that the weight of credibility was with Alex and faced with unknown but severe punishment Max spoke up for the first time, "It didn't happen that way! It didn't!"

This time Anne chastised Max, "Max you had your turn. Really, you need to calm down!"