The Honeymoon


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Rose who was enjoying her pet's predicament falsely came to his rescue, "Max you were clearly excited when we all came into the kitchen like Alex said. Why was that?"

Max blushed remembering that they had all viewed him in that shameful state and his less than flaccid penis stiffened further. "She brushed up against me when she got the water," said Max, "and I got . . . I couldn't control . . ."

The women looked at each other knowingly, clearly making up their minds. Alex stood with a less than suppressed smirk on her face and her arms crossed, cradling her aggrieved breasts protectively.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" asked Anne. But all the women shook their heads. Max opened his mouth, but could think of nothing meaningful to say. "Ok then," said Anne. "Helen, Jennifer. Why don't you go into the kitchen and confer. We will wait here until you are done."

Helen and Jennifer got up slowly and walked into the kitchen while the remainder of the group sat in silence, waiting. From the kitchen the two women could be heard speaking softly with each other. After a few minutes (which seemed like forever to the anxious Max), they returned and sat down. Anne looked at them and said, "Did you come to a conclusion and an agreement?"

"Yes," said Jennifer.

"Tell us," said Anne.

Helen stood up and addressed the group. "It's clear to us that Alex is telling the truth and Max is lying."

Looking around Max could see the women nodding agreement and he burst out, "No! I didn't do anything!"

"Shut up!" said Rose harshly to Max. Max seeing his Mistress angry at him, Max closed his mouth and bowed his head. Something had gone terribly wrong! Why didn't they believe him?"

"Please explain your conclusion," said Anne looking sharply at Max.

"We all saw Alex go into the kitchen and we could clearly hear Max in there. Max's story is not logical because why would a young woman go for an older male, such as him? Alex had been polite about Max, but it was clear from our conversation she was not attracted to him, so why would she do what Max had claimed? Max also conveniently left out the details of Alex 'brushing up against him' until after she mentioned it. This is also the old story of the male blaming the woman for his lack of control. In addition we all saw he was excited when we entered the kitchen and it's hard to believe that he has so little control that a mere brush against his arm would excite him so."

The women nodded in agreement at Helen's conclusion. Anne said, "We are agreed then, Max did in fact do as Alex has claimed?" All the women nodded in agreement again, including Rose, Max noted. Looking at Max she said, "Max we have just unanimously agreed that Alex is telling the truth. Moreover, it is clear that you have lied in an attempt to cover up what you did. Having been found guilty of this serious offense to Alex, and I might add the rest of us as well, you are now subject the usual punishment." Turning to Rose she said, "You will get him ready."

Rose nodded and stood. Looking at Jennifer and Helen she said, "Get my punishment table and bring it here, you know where I keep it." The two women quickly got up and went to get the requested item. They went with an excited enthusiasm that belied their earlier seriousness. Turning to Max Rose said, "Remove your apron slut! You're going to get everything you have coming and more!" Max blushed at the thought of having to remove the all but useless covering in front of all these women, but his penis stiffened further at the thought of having to expose himself, and the cloth slipped to one side revealing his shame to all in the room.

"Look!" said Helen returning with Jennifer and what appeared to be a folded metal frame, "He's excited by all this. He's totally shameless Rose."

Rose nodded in agreement. This was getting better all the time. Max was responding just as she had hoped. His obvious sexual excitement removed any remaining doubts about the evening that she might have had left. Looking at Max she said, "I said remove the apron, now!"

Although the apron was all but useless as physical cover, it was the only thing keeping Max from being completely naked in front of so many unfamiliar women. Removing it would leave him totally naked and exposed. But he had little choice. His Mistress had commanded him to remove it, so he had to comply. Slowly he undid the strings and took off the scantily red cloth, exposing his erection for everyone to see. Rose grabbed the apron out of his hands and Max blushed, and looked toward the floor. His penis stood rock hard and erect and his balls dangled loosely below. All the women seemed to be staring at his erect member and Max's blush deepened.

Meanwhile Helen and Jennifer had finished assembling the table. It was a small square affair with a clear top and tubular metal frame and stood approximately waist high. On the bottom of one end, at each leg, stood a leather cuff. At the top of the other end, similarly placed, were two additional cuffs. "Go get my strap-on," commanded Rose, addressing Max who was still looking at the floor with shame.

At her words, he looked up startled and turned pale. Oh no! He thought. Not that! Not here, not now! Oh God!

"Move!" shouted Rose seeing his obvious panic.

Max jumped and lumbered off to the bed room to fetch the humiliating device. Oh God! He thought, she can't use that on me! Not now, in front of everyone. Oh God no!

When Max returned the women had seated themselves and the punishment table had been moved in place so that it stood squarely in the center of the area where they sat. Rose stood at one end of the table waiting. She had stripped to her bra and garter and stockings, her pussy exposed. Max was startled that she would voluntarily remove her clothing like this in front of everyone, but she glared at him and pointed to the floor at her feet. Max reflexively brought the strap-on to his Mistress and knelt before her as he had so many times that week. Kissing the dildo he handed it to his Mistress who expertly put it on.

When she finished, Rose took Max and made him face the table and said, "Bend over slut, and grab the other end of the table."

Max blushed and did as he was told. Rose gabbed his hands and placed his wrists in the leather cuffs and then went around the table and fastened his ankles in the same way. Max's humiliation was intense and so was his erection. The table had been placed so as to afford Rose's friends the best view possible of his penis and exposed ass. Worse, Max's head was turned so that he was looking at the seated women who all looked at him with amused and satisfied smiles. Max blushed red to his waist and he could feel his penis start to throb.

"Because of your reprehensible behavior this evening, I am forced to punish you in the prescribed manner," said Rose. "Alex, Anne, Jennifer, and Helen will witness your punishment as is their right as the aggrieved parties. And I would add, it is very, very much deserved!"

With that, Rose produced a fist sized hard rubber ball and placed it in Max's ass over his anus, spreading his cheek wide. Then taking a ping-pong paddle she proceeded to slowly and steadily spank him. Her blows were not hard, but they were brutally regular and firm. Max cried out at the first smack, more in surprise than in pain. Soon his ass turned a warm pink, then the color deepened to dull red, then a bright red under Rose's expert application. The hard rubber ball in his ass prevented him from squeezing his ass cheeks together at each blow. Although 'prevented' did not mean Max did not try. Reflexively he squeezed them when the paddle struck him, but this caused him even more pain, as the ball hurt his ass when squeezed. Soon tears rolled down Max's face as Rose brightened his ass with the paddle. After what seemed like forever, she stopped and through a blur of tears Max could see the satisfied look on all four women's faces.

But worse was to come. Rose immediately removed the ball and positioning the dildo over his anus, plunged it into his tender ass. Max gasped at the penetration and felt his penis go rock hard. Rose began thrusting hard and methodically in and out of his ass. "God! Look at him," said Jennifer. "He has no control! Look at how hard he is!" All the women laughed at him and a lively banter ensued among them.

"It's about time these sissy males were on the receiving end ," said Helen to more laughter.

"I couldn't agree more," said Anne. "Imagine! That's what he wanted to do to my daughter. God! I'm enjoying seeing this!" The women nodded their heads in approval as they continued to watch Max receive his punishment.

"What a slut he his! Look at his penis. It's standing straight out, like a pole. How disgusting these males are. Always having to show their excitement and total lack of control," added Jennifer.

Max thought he would die of embarrassment. But the throbbing in his penis intensified. Rose continued her thrusting in and out of his ass, using him and panting with pleasure. Her strokes were long and deep; with each thrust she buried the dildo in his ass up to the harness, her wonderful soft body making brief contact with his. The humiliation of the women seeing and laughing at him combined with the shame of being used so visibly by his Mistress was overwhelming. Max's penis throbbed like never before and he could feel a fullness in his groin, just above the base of his organ. Max became frantic to cum, but there was absolutely no direct stimulation of his over-excited member, and release was therefore denied him. With only the slightest touch he would cum, but that was denied him.

"Mistress!" cried out Max in desperation, "please have mercy on me, please!"

The women snorted and laughed at his pitiful cries. "He wants mercy, Rose," taunted Jennifer. "The slut wants mercy!" The women all laughed again and Rose continued her thrusting. She could feel her orgasm starting to build. God! She was enjoying this! Fucking her slut like this in front of her friends, humiliating him by taking him up the ass in so 'public' a way. On her next thrust, Rose felt her climax beginning, and moving her hips in a slightly circular motion, she channeled her budding pleasure, spreading it outward from her pudendum downwards and upwards throughout her body. She moaned with her intense pleasure, as the waves of pure physical joy swept over her.

Max hearing his Mistress's pleasure pleaded again, "Oh Mistress, please! My penis! Oh God! Please Mistress!"

The women all laughed at him, seeing the look of desperation on his face. He needed to cum so badly, to shame himself more, but he was expertly denied by his Mistress, who had used him without allowing him release. As her orgasm subsided, Rose returned to thrusting, not done taking her pleasure. This time her movements were more energetic and wet slapping sounds came from Max's male cunt as his Mistress pursed another orgasm. Max was forced to remain in his heightened state of arousal, so close to release, yet denied, like someone dying of thirst chained only a hair's breadth away from a life saving glass of water, just out of reach. Rose's second orgasm took hold, and swept over her again, her moans of pure pleasure sweeping over the frantically frustrated Max.

Max bucked his hips, his penis thrusting into insufficient air; desperate for anything that might bring release. His groin ached and his penis throbbed, searching for what was not there. Alex pointed at him and giggled, "Look! He's humping the air!" All the women broke out laughing, and even Rose chuckled. Then something happened that Max had never experienced before, his penis started dripping. Rose had so stimulated his prostrate that pre-cum dripped from his throbbing organ. And Rose was still not done using him in this most humiliating of ways.

Alex notice Max's dripping penis and pointing she said, "Mom, what's that coming out of his penis? He didn't cum did he? He's not supposed to cum, what's happening?"

"It's pre-cum dear," answered Anne. "It happens to sissy males when they get over excited and stimulated. They can't control themselves and they start dripping that."

"Oh," said Alex. "It's kind of weird."

"It's normal for males," replied her mother. "Come here let me show you, you should know about these things. One day you will be married." Standing up, mother and daughter approached the helpless Max. Rose had started another round of thrusting, and was working on her third orgasm.

Alex approached Max hesitantly, behind her mother to inspect this new phenomenon of male physiology. God! She was learning so much today! And having such fun too! She couldn't wait to go home and try this out on her own partners. Bending down, the two women looked at Max's dripping penis. Steady drops of semi-translucent and sticky fluid dripped from the tip. As Rose continued to pound away, the effect was to milk her pet; semen came out of him but he derived no pleasure or release from the escaping fluid.

Touching, the tip of Max's penis, Anne wiped away a drop of the pearly liquid and held it out to Alex to inspect. "It's just like regular cum," commented her daughter.

"Yes," answered Anne. "It's essentially the same stuff. Rose is basically milking him for his cum. He gets no pleasure from it at all, no release. Orgasm is totally absent."

"Cool," said Alex reaching out to take another drop.

"Careful," cautioned her mother. "Only touch the tip. He is in an overexcited state. The slightest touch and he will cum.

Alex paused and then reached cautiously out toward Max's dripping penis. "Ok I'll be careful." She touched the tip and took another drop of pre-cum and rubbed it between her fingers, noting the consistency. "Cool!" she said again."

Meanwhile Rose was approaching her third climax. She nodded to Anne, and mother and daughter stood up and walked over to the end of the table where Max's head was. Looking at Max Anne said, "You are getting what you deserve. You sissy males have no control whatsoever! I can't image what you were thinking trying to touch my daughter. The mere thought of it makes me so angry!" Max's blush turned deep red. His groin and penis were about to burst under Rose's intense stimulation and the humiliation of being used like this in front of so many women.

Alex looked him in the eyes and giggled. "You are certainly getting what you deserve. You're going to be used like this for the rest of your life, for the pleasure of women. Look how little control you have, dripping so shamelessly." As she said the latter, Alex held up her thumb and forefinger, and pulled them apart revealing the pre-cum she had taken from Max's dripping penis. Max's blushed deepened, extending to his waist.

But Max had little time to contemplate further embarrassment. Rose, climaxed again crying out softly as she took her pleasure yet again on Max. Max's hips bucked wildly as her thrusting slowed, but her penetration of his ass deepened. His penis throbbed and his groin ached painfully as his penis dripped a steady flow of pre-cum. Then without warning, all the women in the room started chanting at Rose, "Milk him! Milk him! Milk the slut! Milk him!"

Rose unfastened herself from the strap-on, leaving the devise inside Max's ass, and walking around the table bent down and inspected his dripping penis. "What a dirty shameless slut you are," she said to Max, over the chanting of the women. "So desperate to cum, aren't you? Even here, in front of everyone, like a whore."

"Yes Mistress," cried out Max. He was desperate and was willing to bear any shame and humiliation for the release he needed so badly. He had never felt like this before and was afraid that his penis would burst if he didn't cum.

"Milk him! Milk him! Milk him!" chanted the women, thrusting their fists into the air.

Rose smiled slyly and reaching under the table grabbed Max's penis like a cow's udder, and giving it two quick jerks, provided the infinitesimal remaining stimulation that he required for release. On the second pull, he exploded and cum shot out of this penis and onto the floor. Rose immediately released him, and watched as the women began to cheer, as the pent-up cum was released in spurt after spurt as his penis continued its involuntary spasms.

For Max, strapped to the table, the release was almost too much to bear. He felt the white hot cum spurt out of him, relieving the pressure in his groin and the painful swelling of his penis. Max blacked out from the intense sexual release and the deep embarrassment of having so many women see him lose control in such as shameless manner. Later, he would realize that he had not really experienced physical pleasure so much as the release of the fluid pressure in his lower body. But at the moment of release, Max simply saw the world turn red and then black as his consciousness ebbed and faded from the relief of such intense over-stimulation. For all practical purposes he was dead, like someone artificially put to sleep before surgery.

The next day, when Max awoke, he found himself in bed, Rose sleeping soundly at his side. The room was dark and Max lay confused trying to remember where and when he was. Looking at the clock, it read 7:00. But it was too dark to be morning, and this added to his confusion. Maybe he was dreaming; had dreamt the entire events of the evening. Moving his hands over this body, he felt himself. His skin was sticky and when he touched his ass it was sore and felt bruised. God! It had been real! He had dreamed none of it! But why was it dark? Then it hit him. The events of the previous evening had continued well into the early morning. By the time Rose had finished with him, it had been nearly daybreak. It must be 7PM, not 7AM! They had slept the entire day. Rose stirred and woke up.

Looking at Max she smiled slyly and said, "Did you enjoy yourself my naughty pet?"

Max blushed and said, "Mistress . . . I . . . no . . . yes . . . I . . ."

"I understand pet," she said releasing him from further explanation. "I was too tired to clean up last night and you were incapable of anything. Draw me a bath and let's have a light dinner. I see we have slept the day away. No matter, we are on our honeymoon."

"Yes Mistress," replied Max getting out of bed to do her bidding.

For what remained of the day, Rose spent it relaxing and giving Max time to internalize what had happened. He was such a delightful pet and she was going to enjoy every moment of what was soon to come. Their honeymoon would be ending in a couple of days and then she would have to start his training. Miranda was coming tomorrow to catch up on the events of the pervious evening and to discuss his training, which would start immediately in the following days. That evening, Rose used him again, taking him up the ass, but allowing him no release. Last night was the last time he would be allowed to cum for awhile, until his training was well underway, and even then it would be associated with additional punishment.

The next day, the newlyweds awoke just before noon and after the usual routine of bath and breakfast, Miranda arrived. After greeting her brother and refusing refreshments, she sat on the patio to talk with Rose while her bother busied himself with the household chores. "So how did it go? How was Max?" inquired Miranda anxiously.

Rose smiled. "He was wonderful and he performed superbly." Rose then proceeded to relate the events of two evenings ago to her anxious sister-in-law. At the end, Rose concluded saying, "You were worried as usual for nothing. Everyone agreed that Max is a natural submissive and craves female domination and humiliation. Anne and Jennifer were both envious and Helen was downright and openly jealous. I had a hard time getting rid of them. It was 5:30 in the morning before I got to bed."