The Hooker and the Psychologist Ch. 01


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Gently at first, then with increasing confidence, Skye moved to an almost sitting position, then she started shivering uncontrollably. Her teeth chattered, her legs, arms, hands, torso all moving quite violently as she shivered. Jim smiled to himself; she was going to survive, he thought, remembering his lectures in which he learned that in moderate to severe hypothermia the victim does not have enough energy to shiver. If they're shivering, they're usually going to survive.

"Would you like some hot food?" he asked her.

"I don't have any. I just packed some cheese and crackers for tonight."

"No, I have made some hot food for you. Would you like to eat it now?"

She looked at him and smiled, chagrined that he had taken care of even this detail while she had ignored her nutritional needs on this trip.

"Yes, please. I'd like some hot food please. You're very kind."

"Well," he grinned, "If I rescued you from the blizzard it would be a pity if I let you die of malnutrition. Besides, you need hot food to continue the warming process."

"Mmmm, I feel like an iceberg. My legs, feet, arms and hands are numb and feel like they're permanently frozen and are hard to move. My only warm bit really is my head and stomach."

"Yes, that will be right, and those are the important parts. Here, get this in you and it will help the warming process."

She slowly reached for the proffered plate and her hand slowly clasped it, but as Jim tentatively released his hold on it he knew she didn't have the strength to hold it, so strengthened his grip again.

"Here, you sit there and I'll feed it to you."

He offered her a spoonful and she chewed it then swallowed. He only wanted her to eat slowly so her stomach would become accustomed to the warmth and the food; he couldn't risk her vomiting it up. Once she'd chewed and swallowed that mouthful she began giggling.

"I'm sorry," she spluttered," I haven't been fed by anyone since I was a little baby."

It took time but Skye managed to eat all the food on the plate and to keep it all down, much to Jim's relief.

"I'm really, really cold," she said.

Jim noticed that night had fallen and the only light was a glimmer around the door of the stove. There was nothing more to do except to gently warm Skye overnight. The problem he had at present was how to do this. If he left her wrapped in his bag she probably would keep her torso warm and her extremities would remain cold. He also would freeze, well, maybe not, but would certainly get little sleep due to the cold even if he used her bag. If he reclaimed his sleeping bag and wrapped her in her own bag, she would certainly not warm up and would probably be far worse and possibly even die overnight. What the experts recommended was that a warm person lies next to the cold person with skin to skin contact. He also remembered the warnings about the warm person suffering from hypothermia from the cooling effects of the cold person, with the suggestion that the warm person was changed frequently, but here it was only himself who was warm. It was a risk that was quite justified and that he would have to take he decided.

"Listen, Skye, to warm you up I'm going to lie beside you so that my body heat will warm you. Now it's best done with skin to skin contact. Are you Ok with that?"

Skye considered the question for a short time, realizing she was wearing his clothing and could see her clothing and underclothing drying beside the fire. She was also a hooker, she reminded herself, so had seen, touched and lain alongside plenty of other men with skin to skin contact. That held no mysteries for her. She was, however, deeply touched that this older, though probably quite naïve man, would have these concerns for her.

"Well, I guess so. Thank you. After all, you've already seen me naked so go for it."

Jim lifted her gently in the sleeping bag and propped her against a wall, then placed a second mattress on the floor alongside the first and opened her sleeping bag out to make a quilt, which he spread over the mattresses.

"I'm going to have to unwrap you and remove the clothing you're wearing. Otherwise I'll leave the room and you can do it yourself. Which would you prefer?"

"Hey, you've already seen me naked once in daylight. I hardly think it'll matter if you strip me a second time by firelight. Quite romantic even, I would think."

Jim felt his penis give a lurch at this last statement. His sex life with Rae had declined until it was now almost non-existent so the even slight sexual innuendo was interpreted by his subconscious as something far greater than it actually was or was intended to be. Jim ignored it, putting it out of his mind, or so he thought. He was a married man with children and a loving wife, so nothing could possibly happen. However, the mind is a fickle thing, as he knew only too well from his work with psychopaths, and he sensed that somewhere in a dark recess of his mind a thought had taken root and he would have to be very careful that it was not nurtured to grow to fruition.

He gently but quickly removed his sleeping bag from around Skye, then removed the baggy clothing, exposing her bare skin. He felt her back, which was slightly warm, and arms and legs, which were cold and felt lifeless. However, he knew they were not and had not been frozen so there was no danger of frostbite and they would recover, but they did need to be warmed as soon as was safely possible. He picked Skye up and placed her on her side on her sleeping bag then lay down beside her, his front to her back, and pulled his sleeping bag over them both, reaching over Skye to tuck it in tightly underneath her.

"Does that feel alright?" he asked, hearing her teeth chattering.

"Y-y-y-yes th-th-thank you."

He placed his upper arm around her down her upper arm, feeling the icy cold beginning to cool him down immediately. He also noticed the same thing happening where his legs touched hers. His front torso was a little better off as it was pressed against her back, which was slightly warmer than her extremities, but her buttocks certainly remained cold and cooled his ardor considerably. The thought flashed through his mind, completely unbidden, that some energetic sex would probably warm them both up but he again rejected that out of hand, mentally chastising himself and trying once again to control his thoughts.

They lay together for a while, Skye warming slightly while Jim cooled down considerably. They dozed fitfully until after a considerable time Jim asked if she was awake.


"What say we turn over and change sides so I can warm your other side."

"Hmmm, Ok, if you like," she replied sleepily and non-committedly.

Jim managed to roll her onto her other side then crawled back into bed where she had lain. The bags were both cold from her body. This was a lot harder than it seemed, he thought, reviewing in his mind all he had read and heard about rewarming hypothermic people. It took a while before he could warm the sleeping bags up and by that time he was cooling down still further from contact with Skye's cold parts. He moved away from her limbs, conserving his body heat for where it was most urgently required. He relaxed, warming slightly though now feeling hungry from the energy he had used to generate heat. He should have restoked the fire when he was out of bed, he realized too late.

They both must have slept for some time during the night. The body has a funny way of looking after itself, grabbing sleep where it can to replenish its supply of rest despite adverse conditions. This was how people slept when caught out on a mountain slope without shelter; it was also how they died, he reminded himself, not that there was much chance of that inside a cabin with a fire going. When he next awoke it was still dark and the glow from the fire was very faint. The wind was still howling outside, the rain and hail beating a staccato rhythm on the roof and windows. He shivered, partly from cold, partly from relief that he was inside and not out there. Then he became aware of himself as he awoke a little more. His upper arm was draped over Skye, his hand on her breast, his groin pressed closely against her buttocks and, shock horror, his penis fully erect and pressing itself between her upper thighs and into her vulva.

Thank God she was still asleep, he thought. He slowly and gently moved his hips backwards away from her and she stirred.

"Leave him there, I liked that," she muttered.

Jim froze, not from cold, but he held his breath and remained absolutely still. He heard his heart pounding in his ears. What do I do now, he pondered. I could pretend to be asleep, could stay where I am, could roll over even, or could put it back as she requested. Later on he would realize that this was not the best decision making time and that his choice was possibly not the best one he could have made. However, he didn't have the luxury of hindsight, so he followed some primeval instinct and moved back to where he had been. He was rewarded by Skye snuggling harder against him and almost purring as she settled back into her sleep.

He awoke again probably several hours later. The wind was still howling, but the rain and hail seemed to have ceased. He opened an eye and looked towards the window where a small amount of light was coming through, the remainder being blocked by the snow that had piled against the glass. He wasn't equipped for snow travel and Skye certainly wasn't. Skye; he checked on her, feeling her feet and hands. Both were warm against his own so he knew she was out of the woods, so to speak. It would still take some time for her to fully recover her strength, especially on the food they had and the additional time they would need to stay due to the snow. But he was now certain they would survive.

It was only after his weather and Skye checks, when he was in the process of working out how they could return and how long they would need to stay marooned in this cabin before travel was again possible, that he realized something which, at the time, he considered to be far worse. Skye had turned over in her sleep, or at least he guessed it was in her sleep, and now lay alongside him, her breasts pressing against his chest, her upper leg wrapped over his upper leg and his fully erect penis nuzzling between her bare labia. It would have only required a small movement on either of their parts for him to actually penetrate her vagina and engage in sexual intercourse with this stranger.

He had to move; had to remove himself from this predicament. He remembered the last time he'd tried to move away from her and been told to move back again. This time his resolve was firm; he must move back and stay moved back, preferably lying with his back to her. He began to pull away, only to have her pull herself closer and actually pull herself downwards so the head of his penis penetrated between her labia and was resting right at the entrance to her vagina. He realized something else. She was wet, her juices were running from her vagina onto his penis and there was next to no resistance to further penetration. He couldn't resist; the primeval dark part of his mind that he'd tried earlier to silence made his hips push forward and upward. He compared this with some of the stories told to him during interviews with psychopaths and shuddered. Maybe in future he would have more sympathy for the 'something made me do it' line he was so often fed. He felt himself slide an inch into her vagina and, horror upon horrors, felt her settle herself further downwards, compounding the illicit entrance so that now he was inside by at least two inches.

He admitted to himself that it felt nice. The dark part of his mind was congratulating him, challenging him to go deeper, forming such unanswerable questions like 'what's the harm in it?' and 'don't you like it?'. His will power seemed to have vanished. Try as he might, he just simply did not have the resolve to withdraw, making all kinds of excuses to himself that Skye needed the sleep, she needed warmth inside and he was giving it to her, she deserved this for staying alive, he deserved this for rescuing her and, of course, it was all her fault. He dismissed this last one by quite intentionally pushing his hips forward and upwards, feeling his penis slide into her slippery vagina still further. She now had just over half his eight inches inside her.

Whether she was awake all the time or woke with the last thrust Jim never found out. The next thing he knew was that her upper hand cupped his upper buttock and pulled them together. He felt his penis slide the rest of the way into her and his pubic bone press against hers as her hand continued to exert the upwards pressure. He suddenly realized that for the first time ever his penis was inside the vagina of a woman other than Rae. He also realized that this was something that he could not undo; he could never un-penetrate Skye's vagina. The deed was done and he had to live with that. How he lived with that was definitely up to him and also very dependent upon what happened next. He felt Skye snuggle into him, pressing her hard nipples against his chest as she mumbled incoherently, apparently in her sleep, but maybe not; he didn't know for sure.

What to do now? That was the question that passed through Jim's mind repeatedly as he lay there assessing the situation. His reason for lying naked beside Skye was totally innocent and one recommended in all the first aid manuals for treating hypothermia. However, he had no manual for the situation that currently existed. He thought of his wife, Rae, and knew she would be absolutely devastated if she ever found out about what was now occurring, but then he thought of his home situation, the fewer and fewer times that she would meet his needs in bed, and more worryingly maybe, his growing acceptance of this after only seven years of marriage. Then there was the problem of his training; as a psychologist, and being married to a psychologist, they both theoretically had the skills to deal with the situation as it existed between themselves and as it existed now that Skye was part of the problem. Or was she part of the solution? Jim had no prior references to answer the questions that churned through his mind. He didn't have Skye's philosophical attitude that what was meant to be would be and nothing we did could prevent that; that life would sort itself out in the process of life itself.

He tried to put the future out of his mind and focussed on the situation as it existed right now. There was no doubt that he was firmly implanted inside Skye. The other thing about which he had no doubt was that it felt really nice. He could feel her warm vagina clasping his hard penis, muscular spasms clenching and unclenching slowly and rhythmically. Was Skye doing this consciously, meaning she was awake, or was it a muscular reflex, meaning she may still be sleeping, he wondered. He slowly moved his hips away and down, feeling himself withdrawing. There was no reaction from Skye until just the head remained inside, then she again moved herself closer and downwards, firmly implanting him inside once more. He repeated the process, so did she. She must be awake, he thought.

"How're you feeling, Skye?" he asked softly.

"Better now you're fucking me," she replied quietly, "Thank you darling. Are you enjoying yourself? I wanted to thank you for saving me in the best way I know how."

Jim groaned inwardly. It had all been her plan, she'd been awake all the time, offering her body as a thank you gift. She didn't need to do this. He felt he had to tell her, to stop the sacrifice of her honor just to show her gratitude.

"Skye, you don't need to do this. Just your thanks is enough, you don't need to give yourself as well."

Skye opened her eyes and regarded him for a few seconds.

"Don't you like it? If not, you're the first man I've met who didn't, and I've met a lot of men."

Jim thought for a few seconds before replying. One of the difficulties he had was that he thought like a psychologist, considering all the ways in which his response could cause emotional harm before choosing the least harmful response. He'd actually forgotten what it was like to actually say what he thought, even if he knew what he thought, which in this situation he did not.

"Yes, I like it and I do thank you, but I have a wife and children at home and she would be devastated if she knew what was happening right now."

Skye had heard lots of lines from lots of men and knew when they rang true and knew when a guy was simply appeasing his conscience. This was the latter. For him to agree to continue would create immense cognitive dissonance, pitting his male animal desires against the indoctrination of church and society as regards the sanctity of marriage.

"Well, you can just rest easy and tell yourself and anyone else you wish to tell that I raped you against your will, if that makes you feel any better. Now, can we continue please because it feels really nice to me too. Most men I have, and as a hooker I have lots, rush their love making so I don't get to feel all the wonderful sexy feelings, but this time it's way different, darling. Just relax and I'll take you to heaven."

Jim was stunned. This whole situation was getting completely out of hand. He felt he had lost control totally, and he did not like losing control and did his absolute best to avoid that at all costs. However, he remembered an old saying that when rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it. And it certainly didn't feel like he was being raped. It felt wonderful, in fact, possibly the best lovemaking session he'd ever had, he admitted to himself guiltily. In any case he had no answer to Skye's statement. A hooker? That explained her wonderful techniques. Then another thought crossed his mind.

"If you're a hooker, shouldn't I wear a condom? I certainly don't want to pass on anything to my wife."

"I have a test every week and I know I'm clean, but I guess I can't say the same for you." she grinned. "However, I'm assuming that you and your wife are monogamous, you just have that demeanor about you. Not one to play the field. Am I the first apart from your wife?"

"Yes. Is it that obvious?"

"Well, to a pro like me, yes. You really need to live a little, to let yourself go, give yourself permission to enjoy life. So just relax now and let me give you the time of your life."

Lots of questions went whirring through Jim's head as he thought about the whole predicament and Skye's admittedly seemingly wise words to him. Who was the psychologist here? She was acting as though she was my therapist, he thought. Maybe that was what I needed. Maybe I should take her advice? Maybe I should just crawl out of bed and leave her there. Jim realized that leaving the warm bed with snow outside and chilly air inside was not the most pleasant of prospects; far nicer to just stay where he was. So he did.

Skye continued to gently and slowly fuck Jim's cock, clenching and releasing her muscles to give him a beautiful cock massage while gently pulling upwards on his ass cheeks to re-implant him fully on each stroke. It felt wonderful, he admitted, far better than he'd ever felt. He relaxed, consciously placing his doubts and fears in another sector of his brain as he soaked up the delicious and previously unfelt sensations. He entered a wonderful, seemingly timeless place where his whole focus was on his sexuality. It was more like he had expected a meditation to feel, not that he'd ever felt that either. He resolved that when he returned from this trip he would live a little, would seek different experiences. He realized just how staid his existence really was and how life-changing this trip was becoming.

In his timeless state, Skye's gentle movements went on seemingly unchanged forever. Whereas with Rae the aim for them both had always been to give the other an orgasm, then roll over and sleep, here there was no pressure, no goal. The joy was in the journey, not the arrival. He continued to lie there and relax, feeling the sensations wash over him, taking away anything which wasn't right here, right now. It produced an experience unlike any he had experienced before, but he hoped even then to experience it again. For a split second he had time to marvel at the addictiveness of ecstasy, no matter how it was obtained, before relegating that thought to another plane of his mind and surrendering once more to the hypnotic movements and sensations.