The Inevitable Barrier Ch. 02: The Fallout


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I know his routine better than his wife I reckon.

As I was walking up the pathway, I watched the lights in his house go out, one by one. I knew he was locking the house up, getting ready for bed. I got to the doorbell in time.

But, as it turned out, maybe I was just a little too early. For a change.

On the way home, I was replaying the images I'd just witnessed back at my brothers house.

I got the shock of my life to see my husband visibly flirt with Ang. The last time I saw Des, before Jack & I had an extremely tender moment out on his back lawn, was when he'd flaked on Jack's couch in the loungeroom, two minutes after walking through the front door. Clunk. Out like a light, booze snooze. Arsehole.

I knew he was gunna be out for the next two hours.

As far as I knew, Ang had been in her den when we arrived.

I was all fuzzy, my muff was sizzling due to the erotic activity Jack & I had just experienced out in his back yard, even after ducking into the bathroom to give My Little Lady a wash, then putting my undies back on, I was leaking like a broken tap.

Standing next to Jack in the kitchen, I looked up at his face, he was focused on grabbing a tea-towel to dry the glass he'd just rinsed.

He started drying the glass, looked me in the eyes, nodded in the direction of the den & muttered two letters, 'HB'.

Because of technology, Jack & I have been able to carry on a sexting relationship. We'd shorten words & we even came up with our own code when we wanted to communicate different messages to each other when our spouses were lingering within ear shot.

I turned to look in the direction my brother had indicated.

It was a second or so too early.

The moment I saw my husband's hand readjust his obvious erection in his pants, the fizzing in my flange became a thumping in my skull. Ang was standing in front of him, nipples prominent through her windcheater, (HB= high beam), legs pressed firmly together, thighs moving back & forth against each other, licking her lips.

They were about six inches away from each other.

I KNOW Ang was feeling the heat from my husbands cock, I can feel it when he's twice that distance away.

I almost screamed at her.

Before I knew what I was saying, I blurted out that it was time to go. Des & Ang reacted like they'd just been shot. Both of their bodies jolted, both of them snapped their eyes to see Jack & me standing in the kitchen. They looked like a pair of roo's caught in a spotty. Sprung.

It then struck me as strange as to why Jack was still standing there, not moving. Still drying the same glass. He never said a word.

It was like he was struggling with the morality of just seeing his wife 'almost' commit adultery. I give Jack my, 'walk with me' look.

When were outside saying goodnight, Des meekly tossed me the keys to my car when I told him that I was driving home.

When he'd climbed into the front passenger seat, I put my hand up behind my brothers neck, pulled his face close to mine, I kissed him goodnight, I tagged his bulge with my hot muff, he was rock hard. He grabbed my arse & pulled my muff harder against his cock.

When I stepped away from Jack, I spotted Des looking at us in the passenger side mirror. I smiled an evil smile back at him, then when around to climb in behind the wheel.

As I drove off, I spotted Jack in the rear vision mirror.

A lonely figure.

The silence in the car was haunting.

Even though the aircon was on, Des was sweating.

I pulled into our driveway, opened the garage door, drove the car in, put her into 'park'. Closing the garage door, I walked into the kitchen, I slipped out of my shoes again. I groaned.

I looked down at my shoes & noticed the piss splashes.

Then, I got a tingle in my wingle at the memory of me hoiking my dress up to expose my muff to my brother & pissed right in front of him.

Satin dress, high heels, glass of bubbly in one hand, the hem of my dress in the other.

Poor Jack, almost lost his lollies for the second time that night, right there & then. The bulge in his jeans made me proud.

"Happy Birthday Little Man," I whispered to him as I finished pissing, shook my hips, watched the last drips hit the grass, dropped my dress back into place, shimmied my hips again, grabbed his donk on the way past, heading towards the back sliding door.

As Jack was attempting to juggle the bottle, my clutch bag & his glass, the bottle smacked against the door frame.

Jack swore, I got the giggles, I had to run.

I waved at him over my shoulder as I dashed up to the bathroom.

All the water I had to drink at home before we came here was flowing. My GP reckons I have unbelievable control of my bladder.

The 'tink' of the ice machine in the freezer door against crystal brought me back to reality.

I looked over at the bar, Des was making himself a whiskey & dry, crushed ice.

"I'll have a Double Jack, four cubes, please, darl." I said quietly as I slinked over to him. He eyed me cautiously.

He was sweating heavily now.

I stopped moving when I was standing right next to him.

In my mind, I was picking up the half empty bottle of scotch & slamming it into his ugly head, instead, I held my breath & tapped my muff on his hip.

His hands were shaking as he valiantly filled my glass with bourbon. Some of it spilling out on the bar, "Shit!" he said.

He handed me my drink, I looked him in the eye, passion fuelled fear evident in his eyes, he had no idea what I was about to do.

As much as it almost made me puke, I was on a mission.

I took the glass from him, lifted the glass to my lips, sensually took a large swallow of the fiery brown liquid.

I closed my eyes, in my mind I was dribbling bourbon down between my boobs & my baby Bro Jack is licking it all off my flesh.

He's chasing it all over my belly, I'm almost hysterical.

I'm super sensitive across my belly when I'm horny, so I usually wear bare midriff shirts.

Just the lightest of touches above my belt line & My Little Lady is chirping.

Again the 'tink' of ice against crystal dragged me back from somewhere I really wanted be right then, instead of here, about to 'seduce' my highly inebriated husband.

I had purposefully dribbled some of my bourbon down the front of my dress. I flinched, "fuck!" I said. He froze.

Some of the bourbon had splashed onto his bulge.

I pretended to pat it dry with my fingers.

"I'm so sorry baby, how clumsy of me." I whispered, pressing my right palm against his donk.

"ooh, is this for me?" I asked him, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Unggh" was all he muttered.

I whispered, "I'll take that as a 'yes', then?"

I unzipped his fly & extracted his slimey cock, I almost chundered, right there, right then.

Somehow, miraculously, I held it together, I nuzzled his neck before sliding down his chest, the stench of nicotine invaded my sensory receptors, I gagged, but I kept dropping to my knees.

I closed my eyes, pictured a hacksaw in my hand & cutting my husbands cock off.

I pulled his cock so that his knob slipped between my lips, I took another deep breath & inhaled his cock.

The nicotine almost made me pass out, my jaw clenched.

Then, I detected caffeine.

The acids it my belly looking for the exit door, the bouncers were squirming in my throat keeping everything settled.

I felt the base of his cock pulse slightly in my bottom lip, time to eject.

My mouth was off his cock as the first glob spat out of his piss slit. I'd had plenty of practice at this, so I was able to get clear of his first spurt & angle his cock away from my face, by then he was too far gone to do anything about it, he had to keep the momentum going & pump out his cum.

It always landed all over his hip & on the floor beside us.

I hated him cumming on me or in my mouth.

It stank, it tasted atrocious.

Being a pisshead does that to a bloke, apparently.

Their goop is rendered useless from the over-consumption of alcohol. Their bladders take a hiding, the liver cops it as well, their urine is almost toxic. Their colons take a pounding as well.

Generally, they just stink, all the fucken time.

I let his droopy cock go, wiped my hands on the front of his pants.

I stood up to look him square in the eyes.

He was in a happy place right now.

The post orgasmic male always gives me thrill.

Especially when I know that it was me that put that look in their eyes. It was just a little power thing with me.

Sucking a blokes cock to orgasm, making him watch my eyes the entire trip, is a huge rush for me. My minge tingles incessantly, I avoid touching anywhere south of my navel, it'll make me pop.

There's only three people on this planet that know that about me.

(now you do too & its too early for that story just yet)

My husband was never worthy of one of my special blowjobs.

I saved those for my brother & my father.

Actually, there was a lotta things I shared with my family that I never shared with my husband. Not all of them sexual either.

Most of the time he never knew that Jack was always there to help out, especially with the kids. They Loved their Uncle Jack.

It was a little strange though, when every christmas, Jack used to receive this expensive bottle of bourbon, with a note,

"Thanx for everything Jack', Cheers Mate, Des."

With a drunk, the post orgasmic look fades in under a minute. They're asleep in under two.

I now had to get Des into the bedroom before he crashed where he stood. I slipped his right arm over my shoulders & hooked my left shoulder into his right armpit, I grabbed hold of his right wrist & pulled it towards the floor, then I threw my left arm around his waist, my left hand coming to rest under his ribcage.

I half dragged him into the bedroom, I was thankful he was still coherent enough to know that he was heading for the bedroom.

His wobbly legs taking some of the strain.

I dumped him on the bed & left him there.

He farted loudly as his face hit the sheets.

I stripped of my dress & undies threw them in my dirty clothes basket.

I walked into the en-suite & turned the shower on, when I got it to my favourite temp, I stepped under the stream.

I closed my eyes, I was instantly transported under a warm, tropical waterfall, naked, big hands, soaping my boobs, thumbing my nipples, fingers sliding between my thighs, his cock pressed against my bum cheek, hard as rock, hot. The searing flesh making me tremble. I know whose hands these are, I know whose cock it is. It's the only cock I really want. His massive hands glide all over my body, every muscle begins to strain, I'm heading quickly to a thundering finish, his fingers glide gently over my rosebud, I shudder, I reach my hands up & clasped them behind his neck, his right hand snakes over my belly, my clit is screaming, I can hear her in my ears, right alongside the thumping in my chest. I grip his neck even tighter, I dig my claws into his flesh, I'm almost there. His finger slips slowly toward my hot hole, the tip touches the top of of my muff, I shudder again, here it comes, my toes tingle, my nipples are about to explode, I'm up on my toes, his finger finally slides over my clit, I'm cumming. I'm straining, almost bursting, my nipples feel like they're on fire, my cunt is pulsing madly, his finger then slides deep into me & drags across my G-Spot, my Girly Hot Dot.

I howl, I snap my thighs together, my legs tremble violently, my body bucks & jolts, every muscle is at its limit, my teeth are vibrating in my jaw. My chest feels like it's about pop open & shoot my heart into the Pacific. I'm pulsing, I lose track of time.

Then, I hit the limit switch. I tumbled, hurtling back down on a very fast fluffy cloud. It felt like the cloud wanted to cuddle me, keep me cosy, my heart rate was slowing, the thump in my chest had reduced to a dull thud in my skull, my muscles finally returned to normal operating procedure, my breathing returned to normal, I put my heels back on the ground, then I realised where I was.

I put a hand against the shower recess wall, my knees like busted shock absorbers.

My whole body was in the afterglow of my cum.

It's a mildly different cum to when I'm with a bloke.

Pleasuring myself has been a glorious road to travel over the years.

Mum taught me to appreciate my body & totally let myself go.

As much as I did thoroughly enjoy fingering myself to orgasm, nothing compared to cumming with a cock deep in my cunt.

The sensations send me clear into oblivion.

Sometimes I wish it were a never ending, one-way trip.

Before Jack & I gave each other our virginities, we explored each others bodies with intense sensuality. From as early as I can remember, we shared baths, showers & beds with our parents as well as each other. I remember going to our cousins place where Jack & I just used to sit with each other & read books.

We enjoyed each others company. We were happiest when we were left alone to enjoy each others company.

I knew as much about Jack as he did about me. There was absolutely nothing we hid from each other. We tried to do that sorta shit when we were kids. Mum & Dad pick us up on it, pointed out the differences. We decided that brutal honesty was the only way to live.

All through high-school, I avoided all the boys because they were all the same, all they wanted was a feel of my boobs, to get a 'stink-finger', get their end wet.

There was no protocol. It was 'show us ya tits, suck me off, can I have ya number?'

Back then, I detested boys. The only boy I really had any time for, was my Jack. My brother knew how to treat a lady.

He was taught by two of the best romancers this world will never know. My parents.


It took me until I was standing here, outside the courthouse, that I truly saw how much I was in Love with my brother.

It was a tough time for us when we met Des & Ang.

We were twenty-ish, & now, to finally be standing here, free of the bullshit that had been caused by Des & Ang, was a lack lustre emotion.

It had been a monster effort to put together a case against both Des & Ang.

Society has this way of manipulating perception. As a family, when you grow up with Love, patience, understanding at the highest level, everything else you see, pales in comparison. The fact that the physical act of incest sex is seen as bizarre & perverse by inept social try-hard wannabes, is the truth behind why we keep a low profile. Having to face the ridicule, the abuse, the mayhem is by far & away the last thing we ever wanna worry about. It's because of this perception that forced families like us, to head below even the underground communities.

As much as it was a shock for the general population to discover the sexual attraction between two siblings have to each other, it was also a shock to discover that we were also reviled by the darker, seedier, side of humanity.

The sicko's & weirdos reckoned WE were sick & twisted.

What truly fucks with me, is the family Creed of consensual sex between adults, is blurred by the social stigma that it's morally wrong to engage ANY sexual activity with another family member.

This begs the reprisal, that as much as we engage in sexual activity with members of our family, we only engage in sexual activity with our own family, in private. Unknown to society.

We will never condone under age sex in any way shape or form.

...'stroking my baby's body as I wash him/her,' immediately conjures images of the disgust that society want the rest of the world to believe is wrong. The ONLY thing wrong WITH it, is the word 'stroking'.

...'rubbing, fondling, feeling my baby's body as I wash him/her...' different word, different connotation or the same connotation?

Society wants us to believe that there is only one way to Love your child.

Which, is totally, the biggest crock of bullshit.

My parents Love me in a way that I know will make other people cast the aspersion that we are freaks. What those fuckwits are ignorant of is, that we never plan to bring it out into the open.

As much as we fuck our own family members, we NEVER go around blurting it out to all & sundry. Society never knows what goes on beyond the walls & doors of my parents place.

No-one needs to know.

In this day & age however, everyone wants to know the in's & out's of a ducks arse about you & your sexual activity.

Its a warped & perverse world we've developed into.

Incest was around long before the word perversion was invented. Yet, we're the ones crucified for being sick, twisted & demented.

Get a fucken Life people, & leave me alone. Please?

Both my parents fondled my body all through my childhood years.

It was an expression of their Love towards me & my brother.

There was absolutely no sexual connotation connected to the physical aspect of my relationship with my parents.

Until we turned eighteen.

Although we were never allowed any penetrative sex of any description before the age of eighteen, once our bodies gave us the messages of what our bodies were capable of doing, my brother & I barely kept our hands off each others bodies.

I was a pig for intel about the male body. I wanted to know how it ticked.

I was more than happy to share my womanly secrets with my brother, anytime, anywhere.

With Mum & Dad's guidance, my brother & I executed the perfect start to our sexual lives. By the time we'd met our prospective spouses, we knew what turned a member of the opposite sex into a big pile of quivering nerves.

I really, truly do feel sorry for you blokes!

Us females were designed this way, ya know.

As far as we know, there's never been a breech of the Creed.

Only two people that I know of, have been detached from the Secret, due to the breech of our other Creed.

My ex husband & my brothers ex wife.

They were expelled before they got to know the truth.

From the night Jack & I found out about my husband & Ang, we set about getting as much intel as possible.

We had private dicks covering nooks & cranny's that usually get overlooked, Jack had a mate install two cams in Ang's den, I had a mate that worked in a travel agency. She was fantastic.

I found out that my husband was never really out of the country for as long as what he said he was. In fact, we were able to place him with Ang on many occasions. We were also able to place him with the women he was bedding around the globe.

The Judge that presided over the case, just so happened to be great mates with my Mum & Dad. She was also a part of the Secret.

From what Mum told me, her muff tastes divine, she has a gifted & talented tongue, as well. Apparently.

Two of the more interesting bits of intel we got, came through from Des's home town & Ang's childhood.

We found out that Des had a 'thing' with his mother & Ang was doing her Dad.

It was a tad convoluted in parts, but the general run down was that Des & his Mum did everything but vaginal penetration.

She never let him anywhere near her spadge.

Ang, on the other hand, travelled around Oz a bit with her old man. He was an interstate trucky.

Ang's Mum went back to Lithuania when she caught her husband, chock-a-block up their daughter.

Ang was fifteen when she started fondling her dad's frankfurt.

Des was almost twelve when he found out his mother was a sexual predator. Apparently, he had a bigger donk than his old man.

She took his virginity when he was sixteen.

Maybe that explains a lot, maybe it has no relevance at all.

The only thing that keeps pounding around in my head, is what's worse, fucking my family or my husband committing adultery?

I guess it all boils down to who actually knows I'm fucking my family. That was one of the issues that dogged us, ya know, the amount of people that knew Des & Ang were fucking. The amount of people that knew he was fucking up a storm in all forty-three corners of the globe, was quite extensive.