The Inevitable Barrier Ch. 02: The Fallout


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I knew from previous experiences with my brother, that pissing on his cock, he was able to cum with no hand, cunt or mouth manipulation. I aimed my stream at his donk. Bullseye. He removed his own hand from his cock, drilled his eyes into me. I held his gaze.

I was able to keep pissing on him for a solid minute. As the last of my piss emptied out of my body, Jack went rigid, cum started dribbling out of his cock & landed on Dads hip.

Jack was groaning loudly as his body pulsed out his second orgasm. No more than five minutes had elapsed since he blew his load into Dads mouth.

Jack collapsed onto his back & closed his eyelids. His chest heaving.

Dad had directed his stream to where my hand was a blur between my thighs. I used both hands to spread my cunt as wide apart as possible & moved my Little Lady under the hot fluid.

As soon as it hit, I hit my limit, over I went. I groaned loudly as my cum shook the very fabric of my existence. My body rigid, my upper thighs trembling violently, fuck, I was cumming hard. When I eventually touched down I collapsed backwards on the towel. My chest heaving, I was fucked.

We all took a good fifteen minutes to calm down enough to get up & wander over to the outside shower recess Dad had built five years ago.


Dad got rid of the swimming pool. The kids were away defending the country, it was barely used.

So, he pulled the pool, filled the hole & created a decent deck area for entertaining.

The hot tub, the outdoor bar, the pool table, the outdoor shower, the barby, the wood fired kiln, the deck table & chairs, the sauna, the outdoor dunny, were all set up underneath a fantastic cover that provided a wonderful atmosphere.

Protected from the elements in a sophisticated way that gave the impression you were in a lush mountain resort, this outdoor area was one of my favourite places to come. Even when Mum & Dad were gallivanting around the planet, my brother & I had access to this place any time we wanted to spend time up here.

Brian, Cassie, Ozzy & Zoe all had access to the place as well.

It was a fairly big house, four massive bedrooms, all with ensuites & huge walk in robes. An average sized kitchen that contained all the mod cons. The lounge/living room was sunken with a projector & wide screen, an ornate fire place, bean bags & lava lamps everywhere. It was separated from the rest of the house, yet, still had access to the back deck. The bedrooms were on a lower level that was accessed by ergonomic ramps & passageways.

All up it was a great place to unwind & relax.

Being a corporate lawyer was a stressful job. I needed somewhere to come & be 'me'.

In the last twelve months, Jack & I had spent a fair whack of time up here.

From the moment it was confirmed that my husband was fucking around on me, I more or less shut down everything with him.

There were nights he'd arrive home from somewhere or other & the house was empty. I was at Jack's place or up here.

I felt dirty being in the house.

In the last twelve months or so, Jack was realising that he was feeling the same as me, with his own house.

It was twelve months ago we both served divorce papers on Des & Ang.

It was tough on my brother. With Ang rarely leaving the house, he was finding it hard to even acknowledge her. Knowing that she was in the house with him when he was in his office working, put him close to the grinding wheel. We were all feeling it.

Des had finished the last of his contracts, twelve months ago, he was forced to pass on all of his intel to his greatest competitor.

A bloke that had been groomed to take over Des's portfolios two years ago, when Des's first indiscretions came to light.

This bloke was also a member of the Secret.

As were all of his family.

My husbands indiscretions numbered, incredulously, seventeen women around the planet. All married, in an open relationship with their respective husband. Every one of them an unscrupulous whore.

That might seem like a contradiction to a lotta people, but, do I look like I really give a flying fuck what they 'think'?

In those first years with Des, I was the happiest I'd been since leaving home. I was a Mum, I was a good Lawyer, I truly loved my husband. I was faithful to him. In those early years we connected on a comfy level. He was in the process of stepping up his portfolio to contain international assets.

When Brian was born, Des was in Vancouver, Canada.

His first international contract.

When Cassandra was born, he was in Singapore.

His first indiscretion.

I spoke to him on the phone the night he was leaving Singapore to head home. Cassie was five days old.

We were due to leave the hospital the next morning. He told me that he'd send the car to pick us up. He wanted to grab a shower & put dinner on before I got home.

Jack was babysitting Brian, he also had Ang due to drop any tick of the clock with Zoe. Ozzy was the same age as Brian.

I told Des not to rush, & that my brother had taken care of everything, he was driving me up to Mum & Dad's, they'd already come down to grab some of my clothes.

Mum & Dads phone rang later that night. It was Des. Drunk.

He apologised profusely, stating that this was the first real break to break into the Asian sectors.

At the time, I had no idea about the whore he fucked in Singapore.

He was adept at covering his tracks to keep the truth from me.

About the time the kids turned ten, I started to get a vibe from Des.

His behaviour had altered slightly. An extra shave, a little more time grooming himself, he'd eased up on the booze.

He was looking better.

Then, the middle of the night phone-calls from his list of whores started. They were explained away, that, due to the time differences his clients were in, it was impossible to know who was going to ring who, at any time during a twenty-four period.

Initially, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Up until, I answered his phone one night while he was in the shower.

It was a woman.

This was before caller id was available, so, this woman breaths into my ear, "Hey Big Boy, are you horny?"

"Who the fuck are you ringing my husbands phone in the middle of the night?" I yelled into the phone in my hand.

Rage was thundering through me. I heard the shower turn off.

"click" the phone went dead in my hand. What the fuck?

Dopey wandered out of the bathroom, towel drying his hair,

"Who was that?" he asked. Innocence detected in his voice.

"Wrong number." I said numbly. Surely not my husband.

Seriously, he was an ugly fuck & a dud in the sack.

The biggest shock was when Cassie came home from school with some of her little girlfriends one Friday arvo, one of the rare times Des was home when the kids got home from school.

They were having a girls night. Zoe was one of them. They'd bonded really well as cousins. Brian & Ozzy had developed a boys bond too.

When Cass spotted him in the kitchen, she yelled, "DADDY!"

He picked her up & swung her around,

"How's my baby, Kelly" he replied. I gaped at him.

Cassie pushed away from him, frowning.

"My name's not Kelly, Daddy. It's Cassie." She told him.

The other girls stood quietly just inside the kitchen doorway. Silent.

Des looked like a roo in a spotty. Then, Zoe piped up,

"How could you forget your own daughters name, Uncle Des?"

"That's just mean. It's Cassie, C.A.S.S.I.E. Cassie." she added.

Zoe grabbed Cassie's hand & dragged her off to Cassie's bedroom.

The four other little girls squirted off down the hallway after them.

I was more concerned of the look on my daughters face. The confusion in her eyes tore through me like a hot knife into butter.

What worried me even further, was the dangerous frown on my nieces face.

I turned my face to look at my husband.

To say I was full of Fury is an understatement.

"What the fuck was that?" I glared at him.

"Who the fuck is Kelly?" I demanded.

As cool & calm as anything, he waved it away as being the daughter of one of his clients. A client, I later found out never even had a kid named Kelly. Kelly was the name of his whore in Costa Rica, where he'd just stepped off the plane that arvo, from.

Again I swallowed the lie.

Eight years later, the kids all turned eighteen in the same year.

Between Jack, myself, Mum & Dad, we put together a night for the four kids that we felt honoured them to their fullest capacity.

Ang had started disappearing for the weekends up to her dads after the kids turned thirteen. That's where she was this night.

Des was somewhere. He was supposed to be here.

The kids hit the city after ten that night. My brother & I sat out on his back deck, sipping our Double Jack on the Rocks, four rocks.

The house was quiet.

"Ozzy & Zoe both wanna join the military. They told me this morning." Jack said casually.

"Bri & Cass are similarly inclined, Cass wants to join the Police Force." I replied.

"They've grown up too fast, Chee. I feel as though I've missed out on a lotta shit with them because of their mother." he said.

I detected a smothering frustration in his voice.

I had that exact same feeling.

The time Des missed out with the kids was a heavy burden on me. My brother was the only person to understand exactly where I was coming from. Mum & Dad had no idea what to say to us.

They'd never had to deal with this sort of thing.

We both decreed that night that we'd be there for each other, no matter what the circumstances.


After we'd all showered & freshened up, Mum & Dad hit the sack early. My brother & I curled up together in the loungeroom.

I was a big Vangelis fan so I opted to have that playing in the background.

Jack had brought the billy & the mix bowl in, I grabbed two more bourbons & two bottles of water, then Jack disappeared into the dunny.

I had just pulled a cone & was packing it for my brother when I heard my ducks quacking.

I looked at the caller id. My son Brian.

"Hey Little Buddy," I said as I answered the call.

"Hey Mum." he replied.

"How is my Baby Boy?" I asked.

"Mum, I'm not a baby any more," he said. Indignation evident in his masculine voice. Under no circumstances did my son take after his father. Neither did Cassie for that fact.

They both had the 'Smith' gene, in every facet.

My son's voice had the identical effect his Uncle Jack had on me.

They both had the same effect my father had on me.

It was unreal how those three blokes had the power to turn me to jelly just by talking to me.

"To what do I owe this esteemed honor of hearing my sexy son talking to me?" I asked, jovially. He really was a sexy bloke.

My sexy son. I was proud of who he was & I was proud of being his mum.

"Mum, can ya cut that shit out, I'm a grown man now, that shit was funny when I was goggly teenager." he said, embarrassment dripping off his voice.

"Sorr-ee Bri Bri, no can do. I'm your mother. It's my entitlement to call the only MAN in my Life sexy.

Even if he IS my Son, even though I NEVER HEAR FROM HIM!"

The last four words containing mild venom.

Deathly silence.

"I'm sorry Mum, I guess I deserved that." He finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's DnD, Baby, your talking to me now, that's enough for me.

Talk to me, My Big, Handsome, Muscular, Manly Son."

My voice sounding strange in my ears. DnD is done n dusted.

"I'm at Roma St now, the train gets into Bull (Caboolture) in about..." he started. I cut him off.

"Never mind the train, Bubs, catch a limo straight here, we've got it covered. We fucked Des over pretty good. We're gunna be well off til we die, Little Man. Unless you wanna go straight to the house. It's empty. I'm up at the MaD house. Pop & Ma have just killed it. YooJay (Brian & Cassie came up with Jack's nickname, it's a derogative of Uncle Jack, U.J.) & me are in the lounge listening to Vangelis." I told him.

"Seriously? YooJay is listening to the Van? That's fucked up, Mum. Wait till C-Bird hears about this, she's gunna have conniptions," he replied with a belly laugh following.

C-Bird was Brian's pet name for Cassie.

Jack loathed Vangelis. Over the years, as a way to get him all fired up & sexy looking, I used to ring him at work & sing 'Find My Way Home' or I'd hum it to him when we got all touchy feely.

It turned me on to no end to see him get all funky when that song played anywhere we happened to be together. The way his body reacted was priceless.

"Yeah, I'm working up to making him buy an album. He's weakening." I said.

"NO I'M NOT!" a voice yelled from the bathroom off the lounge.

"Yes he is, I saw him looking at the albums in JB HiFi last week,"

I whispered.

"I HEARD THAT!" another strangled yelled erupted from the bathroom.

"So, you're serious about the limo, then Mum?" Brian asked.

"Too right, Bubs. Just jump in the first limo ya see." I said

"Awesome, Mum. How did it go by the way, the divorce, I mean?"

He asked.

"I'll fill you in on all the details when you & C-Bird are together. It's long winded. I much rather talk you both, face-to-face, anyway. You & C-Bird did reasonably well. I know, you're not interested in his money but what we were able to get for you, you & Cass will hafta sit down & have a really good chew on it. But, I'll tell you everything when I see you. Are you coming here or do you wanna go home first. I can meet you there, no probs?"

"Wow, sounds tasty. I'll come up there. I'll wait til C-Bird gets here & we can all head over to the house then. When is she getting in?"

He asked.

"Day after tomorrow, so she told me. I got a short emmy (email) from her after I told you two about the divorce. She mentioned something about the third. That's in two days. Although that has the chance to change, you know what ya sister is like, she's a cop."

I said.

"Yeah, I know her only too well, Mum." He replied.

His voice completely changing tone.

"Ok, Romeo, quit ya lollygagging & get your sexy arse up here, I need a 'mummy' hug. Do you want food when you get here?"

"That'd be great, Mum. Thanks, I love you heaps."

His voice changing again.

"Ditto, Little Man, seeya when I'm lookin achya, I love you heaps too. Big Muahz" I said cheerily.

"Big muahz back achya, Mum, eyeball soon."

The call ended.

Jack walked back into the loungeroom. His semi hard donk swinging in the air, from left to right, as he walked. I loved the way my brother walked. His swagger broke my tap whenever I watched him in his jeans from behind. My undies were soaked in seconds.

My phone interrupted my horny imagery, again.

Jacks phone also warbled, Darth Vader breathing.

My call was my daughter Cassie, Jacks call was his daughter, Zoe.

Fifteen minutes later, we ended our calls at roughly the same time.

I opened my mouth to tell him about Brian & Cassie, when

Darth Vader breathed heavily again.

This time it was Ozzy, Jack's, son.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack ended his call with his son.

He finally plonked down next to me in the bean bag I'd parked my bum on.

"Ok, I've got Oz arriving in the morning, Zoe will be here in a couple of hours." He said.

"I've got Brian also a couple of hours away & Cass will be here in two days." I replied.

Jack turned his head to look at me, instantly putting a tingle in my wingle.

"Do you know what you do to me when you look at me like that?"

I breathed.

"What?" he whispered.

"My cunt turns to mush." It almost sounded like I was moaning.

"Well, now you know what it feels like when you give me those 'cum-fuck-me' eyes." He countered.

"We have time for a little rumpy, before anyone gets here."

I practically squeaked. Again I failed to recognise my own voice.

"Ya might have to put that hot honey-pot on ice for a bit, Mum."

Both my brother's & my head snapped around at the voice that spoke those words.

Cassie. My daughter. Naked as the day she was born.


This ends part 2. Part 3 is a W.I.P.

The conclusion to The Inevitable Barrier: The Continuity.

Jack, Cheryl & the kids face an uncertain future.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Four Rocks???

Why water good booze? Keep the bottle in the fridge and it's already cold.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Progressing nicely

A progression in the true spirit of part 1, lots of intel and lots of funny Aussie dialog spiced with sexy action and greenery. The only difference this time is the tough to follow timeline, it seems that it's all over the place and jumps from present to past and back again within the same paragraph. It doesn't take away from the whole experience but it sure makes it harder to follow it all, so maybe thing about separating it a bit more clearly (lines, dots, those pretty signs you use here and there...) and you'll do a fine job with the story.

Again I gave you 4* and now await the next chapter which promises a lot of fun for everyone!

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