The Inevitable Barrier Ch. 02: The Fallout


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They glanced at each other after looking at Jack for a solid two minutes.

"I know it's only been a few hours, Baby Bro, but, in all honesty, there's nothing else I really want now, other than to spend the rest of my Life with you." I said softly.

Dad looked over at me, his eyes dark chocolate.

"This is a bold decision, Baby. Your Mum & I can only be here for you when you need us. We also know that you & Jack are there for us when we need you. Ozzy & Zoe, know they have their father there for them, as much as Brian & Cassie know that you are there for them. Remember, this affects THEM too, Sweetheart, as much as they're grown up & adults now, they still need their Mum & Jack will always be their Dad. It's just the way things have turned out. They also know the truth, now, about Des & Angie. It's up to them how they deal with it. All you two can do is wait for them to come to you, & they will. As much as they were never that close to Des & Angie, they'll be in ya face soon enough." He said.

I guess my focus had yet to get that far ahead of me. Dad was right. Jack & I needed to switch our focus on to the kids for the time being.

This was always in the back of my mind, it was just, now I had to deal with it.

"Mum, Dad, I know how far we've travelled, it's been tough on all of us. As far as that goes, now that the divorces are finalised, Des & Ang are on their way to Melbourne. The kids & us will hafta have a round table to clear the air, that's a given. What I reckon Jack & me are having a funk with is the morality of everything. Divorce is something this family have never had to deal with. For it to be adultery as the catalyst for where we all sit now, is kinda overwhelming. Jack & me have had this connection, it's been there from the time we understood what we had. We always knew that we were gunna be close. Despite the family history, I feel a need for my brother that goes beyond anything I can explain logically, it's like he's the other half of me. When he's got his cock in me, we're more than just a part of each other. We can be on opposite sides of the city, yet, it feels like he's walking with me, it's deeper than that even. He only has to look at me & I cum, that's just who he is. He's my brother, he makes me horny, he makes me cum, he makes me happy. He's all the bloke I ever want. When I was with Des, though, I learned to put my 'Jack' Love on pause. I had to. My loyalty to my husband was important to me as much as Jacks loyalty to Ang was. But, that only lasted a few years. Both me & Jack lost our spouses to circumstances beyond our control. Both me & Jack had prepared to give our lives to our spouses, that was the family creed, that was what we were planning for. We offered it up to Des & Ang, they chose to abuse that respect by fucking each other. As surreal as it feels, the bottom line is Des & Ang committed adultery, THAT is never accepted within the Secret. That's the Creed that Jack & I lived by. Those few years that I spent as a proper wife, my need for Jack, was on hold. Once Cassie & Zoe turned five, Des detached from us. We'll probably never know why, but, the fact is, the affair happened. Jack was cheated on, so was I. It was only when the bond I had with my husband disintegrated, that I let my 'Jack' Love loose." I paused.

"And, now, I never wanna let YOU go, Baby Bro, you're all mine." I looked at my gorgeous brother. We both got out of the tub & walked to each other. We hugged.

It was the best hug I'd ever had from him. His hot cock pressed hard against my mound, I ground my muff against his hard shaft. I felt the thump of his heart against my nipples, my Little Lady chirping hungrily, pinging like the corner shop doorbell on pocket-money day.

As much as my body was responding sexually, it was also absorbing the essence of my brother.

He truly was a magnificent bloke.

There was no other Love like his for me. I truly was blessed to have this bloke as my brother, I was doubly blessed to now have him as my lover, finally.

Jack's mobile phone rang from inside.

We parted & I almost lifted off the ground. I was giddy.

I sat down on the nearest deck chair, my knees throwing a party.

Through my mini haze, I heard another mobile phone ring.

A quacking duck. I got the giggles. A duck quacking for fuxake.

Then I realised, it was MY phone ringing.

I scrambled inside to grab my phone. I glanced at the screen.

Des. Seriously, now?

I answered the call, I looked at my brother.

He mouthed 'Ang', pointing to his phone.

"Yep." I answered. My brother was stroking his donk rapidly with two fingers, it looked like he didn't really want to touch it, looking at it with a picture of disgust. Then he started to silently fake an orgasm as he spoke to his ex-wife. He went crossed eyed, then he feigned frustration, then he air-fucked the kitchen stool like he was fucking an imaginary woman on it. The facial expressions too much. I was doing my utmost to stop myself from spluttering all over my phone as Des spoke.

"Hey, just a quick call. The house is devoid of all my gear. As far as I can tell, anyway. If I've left anything behind, I've left the address in the office." He said. He sounded broken.

"That's great, Mate. Thanks. It's much appreciated. Brian is due back tonight & Cass will be here the day after tomorrow. They'll bunk down at the house. I'll be spending a fair bit of time up here, probably until the end of the month when the kids have gotta go back to Wagga." I said.

I sounded sincere enough. I had to turn away from looking at my crazy brother & his antics as he spoke to Ang.

I was reticent about saying anything about putting the house on the market.

"Oh, ok, then, umm..." the pain in his voice clearly evident.

The awkward silence strung out until he eventually said,

"So, I guess this is goodbye." I heard his sharp intake of breath vibrate through the word 'bye'.

"Yeah, I guess it is, Des." I sounded casual.

Jack gave me the 'shoot me now' signal, then collapsed backwards onto the couch. I stifled a snort.

"Yeah, umm, so, yeah, goodbye, I guess." the saliva gurgling in the back of his throat.

"Goodbye Des. Be good" I smiled as I sounded pleased with myself. Ended the call.

That's it. As of now, I am a divorcee.

Ten feet away from me, my brother spoke into his phone, his feet swinging to an imaginary beat.

"Goodbye Ang. Be good." his smile sounding happy, his eyes surrounding me. He ended the call.

"I'm a divorcee!" he blurted. We both cracked up laughing.

Mum & Dad appeared in the doorway. "Did we miss something?" Their faces displaying a playful expectancy.

I went & stood next to my brother. He stood up, I grabbed his donk. He reached down, cupped my muff, we both turned to our parents, went crossed-eyed & we yelled out. "WE DIVORCEE'S!"

Both of them lost their lollies, cracking up laughing.

Once Dad had composed himself, he went straight over to the bar & produced a bottle of Donna.

He grabbed four flutes, handed them out to all of us, keeping one for himself.

Jack ripped the foil off, as Dad held the bottle.

I grabbed the cork & slowly popped it out of the bottle.

White flowing gas seeped out of the opening of the neck on the bottle.

Dad then expertly poured the contents of the bottle into all four glasses, spilling nothing.

The aroma of the wine thundered into my nasal sensors.

A spike of energy ripped through the length of my slit. I felt moisture.

Dad put the bottle down on the table, held his glass aloft,

"To Family." Mum said

Three voices chorused back, "To Family" clinking crystal filled the air. Dad put his glass down on the table next to the bottle & went over to the little cupboard next to the barby. He came back to stand next to the table with the billy & the mix bowl, but, no little magic container. I looked quickly at my brother, I saw him take a sharp breath when he spotted the billy.

My heartbeat got a little heavier when I spotted the billy.

That night, a year ago, we all believed that whatever was in the little bit of 'magic' sprinkled on the mix, was responsible for Jack blacking out. We all panicked.

Mum had just picked up the phone to ring the doctor when Jack came round. All three of us, Mum, Dad & myself, had gathered around him on the couch in the loungeroom.

When he was focused, he gazed at all of us & immediately detected the concern from the frowns we were all displaying on our faces.

I was mopping his brow with a wet flannel. Mum was holding his wrist, taking his pulse, using her watch.

"How long was I out?" He asked.

"Its been almost three hours." Mum said quietly.

"What the fuck happened, Little Man, you scared the fuck outta us." Dad said, his voice dripping with deep concern.

It was the very first time I'd ever heard that tone in my Dads voice.

"It hit from outta the blue, Dad. I swear I have no idea what it was.

I felt this spike of energy zap me between the eyes, exploded out the back of my head, then I went black. That's all I remember." Jack said.

His voice as thick as the Yellow Pages.

"I was totally getting right into you stroking my donk, I was about to toss my lollies. I remember feeling that I wanted to cum in your hand more than anything, it was important for me to blow my load for you. I was feeling all of you, Dad. Not just in my hand that was stroking your donk. In all of me." He continued.

"Then that zap brained me, next thing I know, you three are all sitting here with worried looks on your faces." He added.

Dad was gently rubbing my brothers nude head. He leaned forward & planted a kiss on the top of his head. Jack closed his eyes.

"I Love You, Dad." He murmured.

"I Love You, too, Son." My father replied softly.

Mum put my brothers hand to her face, palm against her flesh.

Relief flooding out of her.

"We're just glad & happy that you're ok. You scared us all quite a lot, Jack. The way your body..." She left that hanging.

The 'clink' of glass on crystal snapped me out of the funk.

Dad was topping our glasses up. Jack was still looking at the billy.

When Dad finished filling the glasses, he walked over to the recycle bin & dropped the empty wine bottle in it. When he returned, he had a sheepish look on his face. He placed his big hand on my brothers right shoulder.

"This is just straight green, Jack. No little surprises. After that episode, I pretty much gave up on those little kickers. I even got rid of all the shit I downloaded off the net. It was too close for comfort having it affect you like it did." He said quietly.

Jack's shoulders visibly dropped. The muscles in his neck relaxed.

Mum packed a cone, grabbed the lighter & pulled it.

I watched her body. Within a couple of minutes, her nipples were fully extended, her eyes had that 'stoned' look. She looked very serene & also very sexual. Mum repacked the cone & handed it to me. I took the billy & the lighter & pulled it. I repacked the cone & handed it to Dad. He pulled it & repacked it, then handed it to Jack. I started to feel the familiar tingles in my nipples. Moisture was seeping from my muff. The insides of my thighs slowly became wetter as the moisture in my muff succumbed to gravity. I reached down with my right hand to cup my mound & gently give her a squeeze.

It felt like a release of tension was seeping out of my hot hole.

I place the length of my middle finger against my slit.

I closed my eyes briefly when my finger touched my Little Lady.

A shudder rippled through body. A soft 'aahh' escaped my lips.

I loved the way my body responded when THC hit my system. There was no sensation on Earth that felt like it. At least as far as I was concerned, anyway.

A few of my colleagues felt similar sensations when they got on the smoko.

I had just watched my mother's body change when the THC hit her system. I watched Dads donk get semi hard. His eyes got this dreamy look, as the dope started to affect him.

It never stopped amazing me how gorgeous my Dad was.

We all watched Jack looking at the billy. Tentatively, he put the billy to his lips. He looked at the three of us watching him. He closed his eyelids, sparked the lighter to life. He moved the bright orange flame over the top of the cone & sucked. The burning mix in the cone, cracked & turned orange. The white smoke travelled through the chamber & up the spout into Jacks mouth.

Mum, Dad & I held our breath.

Jacked pulled the cone, held it in for a solid thirty count.

We all exhaled at the same time.

A minute later I watched his donk slowly fill up with blood.

His knob flared slightly. I almost tossed my lollies there & then.

His body began to relax. It was lovely to watch the tension ease out of his body. It never ceased to amaze me how horny it made me feel watching my brothers body respond to the THC plus the fact of watching him cracking a fat. There really is something to be said for watching a penis fill with blood, the skin changes colour, the glans flare. The difference of colour contrast on his cock, up against his body, is sexy. I'd watched the men in my Life go from soft to hard since I was a little girl. It was only when I became a woman that I truly understood what the male penis actually meant to me.

I never wanted them to be out of my Life.

Cock meant so much more to me than what it actually was portrayed to be. I used to drool over Des's cock frequently. I always drooled over my Dad's cock, I was practically legless over my brothers cock.

He repacked the cone & placed it back down on the table.

So far so good.

Mum, Dad & I all took another deep breath.

Jack still had his eyelids closed. Mum, Dad & me exhaled.

When he eventually opened his eyelids, a solid six minutes later, he looked at all three of us & smiled.

"Good shit!" he said quietly. We all sat down on the deck lounges.

Fifteen minutes later, my Wingle was tingling, my Little Lady was fizzing.

I looked over at Dad & Jack, they were both sporting proud erections, precum dribbling copiously from each piss slit.

Mum was sopping wet, I'd been massaging her muff for the last five minutes & her girly juice had coated my hand, all the way to my wrist.

Jack reached over to slowly start stroking Dad's donk. Dad returned the attention to my brothers donk. Mum's hand found its way to my muff & she was expertly creating minute tremors all through my body.

"Wanna finish what we started last year, Dad?" I heard my brother say. His voice deep & sensual.

"You bet, Little Man." Dad replied. His voice deep & sensual also.

They spread out a bath sheet on the lawn, lay down in the classic sideways '69' position, returning to stroking each others erections. Mum lead me over to the towel & laid down, pressed hard up against Dads back. I laid down with our faces level with each others muff.

I slipped a finger through the syrupy softness of her outer labia, just underneath her engorged clit. Her thighs separated wide. I plastered my whole mouth onto my mothers muff & went to town.

I licked, sucked, slurped everywhere within the vicinity of her delectable muff. The tangy taste of my Mum's girly juice sloshed around in the cavity of my mouth. Mum, in turn, was paying some extra close attention to my body reacting to the administrations of her tongue on my muff. She was able to edge me to the point of popping for a long time, she was able to keep me there indefinitely.

I mirrored my mothers actions hoping to emulate what she was doing to me. From the moans & groans escaping her lips into my cunt, I musta been doing something right. Her hands were holding my head in place as she fucked my face. It never ceased to amaze me, that I was actually sliding my mothers cunt all over my face, making her cum with my tongue.

I came out of this beautiful cunt, all those years ago.

I felt a heat spreading around my hips, sweat was dribbling liberally from face. Mum's thighs started to tremble around my ears.

She was giving herself a little bit more rein.

I slipped my mouth up until my bottom lip pressed firmly against her clit, I tilted my head slightly away from Mums muff, lifting my top lip away from her searing flesh, I noisily took a huge gulp of air.

I dipped my head back down, then proceeded to ride my mothers cunt to the end.

She popped. Her whole body went rigid, I felt a vibration in my clit that sent me over the edge. She was practically yelling into my vaginal orifice, I started yelling into hers. We were both trembling. Both of us were driving our hips against each others head, hard.

My lungs were on fire, my heart was thundering against my ribcage. The thump in my Little Lady matched the dense thud in my skull.

My toes curled, my calf muscles strained to their limit.

My arms shaking.

I wanted to take notice of everything that was happening to our bodies. It was hopeless, the moment something entered my head about my body, Mum's body interrupted my track of focus.

In the end, I just rode the orgasmic highway until my body started to return to it's normal operating sequence. It was a long while before we both touched down. When my breathing had returned to normal, I was aware of the two bodies laying next to us. I extracted my mouth from Mum's cunt with a loud 'shlop', a few seconds later, Mum's mouth made the same obscene popping sound when it left my muff.

We both turned our heads to watch the blokes finish their session.

Both of them had each others cock buried in each others mouths. They were grunting like a pair of underfed pigs, snorting & snuffling. Then the groaning & moaning got louder, their mouths pistoning up & down each others cock, it was mesmerising. The muscles in both their bodies rippling. At almost the same time, their orgasms tore through their bodies, Jack had his fathers knob between his lips, the underside of Dads cock visibly pulsing as the cum left his balls.

Dad had the adopted the same lip lock on his sons cock. Jacks cock also thumped its load into the waiting interior of his fathers mouth. The strain in both their bodies almost at breaking point. They were yelling around each others shafts as they began using a hand to stroke out the remaining cum. A few minutes of licking & gently groaning, they both floated back down to Earth. Both of them lifting their mouths of each others cock simultaneously. Their donks 'shlop'ing loudly on their lower abdomens. Both soft, shiny, wet cocks glistening in the sun.

They both relaxed the muscles in their necks & rolled onto their backs. Their chests heaving fluidly.

Their hearts visibly pumping in their chests.

"Bravo!" Mum & I chorused at the the hunky blokes laying here next to us.

"THAT was fucken unreal!" Dad whispered into the air. He was still flat on his back, face up to the sky. Jack was on his back too.

"Hoo-Rah!" Jack responded.

Mum & I had moved to be sitting side by side to watch the blokes finish their show. We were cupping each other's muffs, gently massaging. Mum let go of my muff to use two hands to pull her labia apart. She started pissing on the blokes. Most of her stream landing on their genitals. I felt the rumble in my bladder the second my ears picked up the hiss of Mums fluid leaving her body.

I spread my thighs wide & pissed on my Dad & brother.

The sound of both of our streams leaving our bodies & landing on the blokes was perversely sexy. I immediately got a zap through my Little Lady, I relaxed the muscles around my bladder to their extreme. This allowed my piss to fizz close to my clit, I felt something building in my toes.

Dad grabbed hold of his tossle & started pissing on Mum & me, Jack joined in a few seconds later. We were moaning & groaning as we piss all over each other. I watched in wonderment as both cocks roared back into life.