The Jailhouse Blues Ch. 03


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"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" demanded the increasingly distraught Tina ...

And I just stood there, and did nothing in Tina's defence. Just stood there, and said nothing in her behalf.

Because I just didn't have it in me, to confront prison officer Candice. I was standing up, but I couldn't stand up to prison officer Candice. My back wasn't straight enough. My shoulders weren't square-shaped enough. And I didn't have the backbone. She would teach me a lesson I would never forget -- another one!

"So just shut up, Tina -- if you know what's good for you!" warned prison officer Candice, looking down over her right shoulder as with the sole of her right foot she continued molesting Tina's bare right breast.

I believed myself to be a decent, and good-natured person. I wanted to do the right thing ... but I just couldn't help but watch.

I just couldn't help but watch, as the ball and toes of prison officer Candice's bare right foot marauded Tina's right breast exploratorily: the reddish-pink ball of her foot, doing a dastardly dance of delight over and under and around the pale-skinned globe; the pink pads of her toes, skimming again and again, gossamer light over the tip of the rubbery pinkish-brown nipple; and the insides of her slender golden toes, sensually teasing -- sliding, squeezing, caressing -- the excited and visibly budding protuberance.

"Stop it! I said stop it -- bitch dyke!" demanded the outaged female prisoner.

Hell! I thought.

This Tina was a feisty one! Defiance personified. Stubborn, resistant, confrontational -- noncompliant. She was certainly made of some stern stuff: Her back, was straight! Her shoulders, were square-shaped! She had some real backbone!

In response, prison officer Candice removed her right foot from her novel prey's bare right breast, returned her foot to its pale-blue, thin-rubber soled flip flop ... and then she started over, with the sole of her left foot.

"No! No, you can't! Not -- not again! Stop! Stop it! I said stop it! One day you'll pay, Candice! I swear!" cried Tina, as with bitter resignation she watched the bare sole of prison officer Candice's left foot, now, maltentfully approaching her exposed and totally vulnerable left breast.

"I told you to shut up! Didn't I? So shut up -- or else!" ordered prison officer Candice, with something more akin to the usual acidic and commanding harshness I was accustomed to hearing from her.

Apparently, prison officer Candice was abandoning, now, her olive-branch proposals of provisional warmth and conditional tenderness. Apparently withdrawing, now, her take-it-or-leave-it, one-time offer of taking Tina 'to her bosom'.

"You've had your chance, Tina. So just shut up -- you ungrateful little bitch!"

"No -- you shut up, Candice!" shouted Tina. "I won't be bullied, Candice. Not by you. Not by anyone! And take your foot off my breast -- I am not your plaything!"

"There are much prettier girls than you, Tina, who would give their right arm to be in your position right now!

"So ... you don't want to be nice to me, do you? Well, fine! I don't want to have to listen to all of your whinging and whining, then. Don't you get it -- bitch? You got yourself into this predicament. So you've only got yourself to blame.

"And yes: I can, do whatever I want! Like it or not, Tina, until I tire of you, until you lose your shine -- until I grow bored of you -- you will be my plaything! My sex toy -- and my sex aid!

"You've had your one-off opportunity, Tina -- and you blew it!" said prison officer Candice, glowering down meanly. "I'm not one for second chances!

"And guess what, Tina? I've decided to visit the Governor, after all," said prison officer Candice cattily.

"Trust me: she will not like the things I am going to tell her about you. She will definitely not take kindly to what you have said. I know Governor Monroe: she will want to set an example. For all of your treacherous traducements of our glorious Authoritarian Female Party, the Governor will at least double the duration of your prison sentence -- and it will mean the Wheel of Chastisement, too! And believe me: that is a sure cure for prisoners' uppityness! Effective, in ninety-nine per cent of cases ...

"I could have kept quiet about that, Tina. I could have overlooked it. I could have spared you the pain, the humiliation, the extra prison time ... But why should I? Tell me that! After you've looked your gift-horse in the mouth? If you won't give me any incentive? If you won't be nice to me!"

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I thought ... Especially, between two women!

"And when all's said and done, Tina, I'll still make you mine. Mine, to do as I like with," said prison officer Candice spitefully. "You are still going to be my bitch -- whether you want to or not. Because I can do anything! To you -- and to any prisoner!"

Gesturing towards the onlooking prison officers Bella Donna and Billie Jo, who'd been observing these proceedings with keen interest and great pleasure, prison officer Candice yelled with malicious glee, "We all can!"

Meanwhile, the other, alternately complaining and pleading female prisoner, her wrists also secured to the bars as she too sat in the assuming-the-position position on Cell 13's hard and unyielding smooth concrete floor, was at the moment rendered unable to either complain bitterly or plead pathetically: she had all five toes of prison officer Cordelia's right foot stuffed into her mouth.

"Suck my toes -- traitor bitch!" snapped the white-blonde haired prison officer Cordelia, at the dishevelled and distraught young woman restrained at her feet.

Distracted, prison officer Cordelia had been caught up in the excitement of the moment ... the arousing excitement, of watching her lover prison officer Candice cruelly bullying the restrained and helpless, exposed and vulnerable female prisoner, Tina.

But now, having just returned her full attentions to Tina's cellmate, prison officer Cordelia was really giving the other vulnerable and helpless female prisoner some strife. "I said suck -- bitch! You are now my toe-sucking little hussy! When I give you an order, I expect you to obey me! I expect your instant compliance!"

With her mouth stuffed full of prison officer Cordelia's diabolically invasive toes, and her bulging, horrified eyes streaming tears of unspeakable anguishment, Tina's cellmate could only mumble something muffled and incomprehensible as she stared wretchedly at the bottom of her tormentress' grubby, sweat-smudged bare heel, right in front of her eyes.

Glaring down behind her over her right shoulder, prison officer Cordelia snapped again at the miserable, teary-eyed captive. "Bitch! Why can't I feel your tongue doing anything? This is not good enough -- not good enough at all! Suck harder! I want to feel your tongue working! Get that tongue of yours working ... Right! As soon as this Foot Service session is over, I'm going to cane your bare bottom: the Standard Six summary chastisement penalty. Do you hear me, you lazy bitch? Obviously, the message needs ramming home. Because your heart isn't in it!"

And again, I just stood there, and did nothing in female prisoner number two's defence. Just stood there, and said nothing in her behalf.

Because I just didn't have it in me, to confront prison officer Cordelia. I was standing up, but I couldn't stand up to prison officer Cordelia. My back wasn't straight enough. My shoulders weren't square-shaped enough. And I didn't have the backbone ... Prison officer Cordelia would have half-murdered me.

"Do you hear me? Come on -- bitch! Lick in between my toes! Then, when you've tongue-cleaned my toes and licked all in between them, I'll put my heel in your mouth, and you can suck on that, too. Suck the bottoms of my heels clean, while I enjoy my e-cigarette! Because that's what you are, now -- bitch: my toe-sucking, foot-licking, heel-sucking hussy!"

Female prisoner number two said something in reply, but with her mouth stuffed full of prison officer Cordelia's toes it was hard to make it out.

"This is what you are going to get, from now on! So get used to it! You had it all, didn't you? You had it all -- and you threw it all away! Treacherous bitch! So now, this is what you've let yourself in for!" prison officer Cordelia told female prisoner number two.

"How could you? How could you throw it all away? Such a gift! All of those amazing entitlements! All of those female-friendly benefits! Well, you've made a big, big mistake, throwing them back in the AFP's face! Oh, I'll soon make you see the errors of your ways!" promised prison officer Cordelia. "I'll put a thinking-cap on your head! And ... and I said: suck harder!" she yelled, with catty vindictiveness.

Despite prison officer Cordelia's deleterious attentions, female prisoner number two's stressful tears couldn't belie the fact of her also being very attractive. This damsel-in-distress, was just as attractive as her cellmate Tina.

Like her cellmate Tina, female prisoner number two was also in her early twenties. Compared to the svelte Tina, she was a bit more curvy and womanly-figured. And her attractive dark-brown hair -- although prison officer Cordelia had messed it up some -- was lustrous, shoulder-length and wavy.

Prison officer Cordelia removed the toes of her right foot from female prisoner number two's mouth, and returned it to its pale-blue, thin-rubber soled flip flop. She then slipped her left foot from its flip flop and, reaching her left foot behind her, she inserted it between Cell 13's bars, over the flat crossbar just above floor-level ... and Ross and I looked on, mesmerised, as with her toes prison officer Cordelia proceeded to massage sensually and manipulate expertly female prisoner number two's left nipple, once again teasing and exciting it to hardness.

Prison officer Cordelia played the golden pad of her big-toe over the vulnerable and conveniently accessible nipple: her French-pedicured toe, rubbing it, pressing it, caressing it -- and just simply playing with it -- which soon caused female prisoner number two to hang her head back and moan; eyes closed, and her top teeth pressing down on her bottom lip.

Taking the young woman captive's now clearly hardening nipple between her big and second toes, prison officer Cordelia pulled and tugged on it, and gently but firmly squeezed ... and soon, she'd teased the nipple back to full, proud erectness.

"No!" wailed the exposed, completely vulnerable and totally helpless female prisoner number two, in the unspeakable anguishment of her involuntary ecstasy.

"No! Please don't! Stop! Please! I said stop! Stop it now! Please, please stop!" she bitterly complained and pathetically pleaded alternately. "You can't do this! You just can't do this! ... Oh please, please stop!"

"No! I won't stop -- bitch!" snapped prison officer Cordelia, the expression on her face, graphically illustrating the true extent of her unspeakable pleasure and execrable gratification.

"Ungrateful bitch! You've asked for it -- now you are getting it! And this is nothing!" prison officer Cordelia told the unutterably despondent female prisoner number two, now whimpering miserably in involuntary ecstasy at her teasing, tormenting, diabolically titillating feet.

With the sensitive and sensual pad of her relentlessly stimulating left big-toe, prison officer Cordelia expertly maintained the standing-proud erectness of her quavering quarry's quivering left nipple. Over her left shoulder, she shouted down at her defenceless victim, "Do you hear, bitch? Nothing! This is nothing! And don't tell me you don't like it -- you little slut! Because we can all see that you do obviously do!"

"No! Stop! Stop it! I said stop! Please! I can't stand it! I can't take any more! Please, oh please stop!"

"Um ... Cordelia, sweetie," said prison officer Candice, with mischief in her voice. "Shall I just pop into the cell? Shall I get one of those folding chairs for you to sit on, darling? So that you can sit comfortably, and play footsie with both of Janice's lovely titties at the same time? Actually ... I think I'll do the same, with Tina. Sit comfortably, and have a nice play with her cute little boobies."

"Oh, yes please, Candykins. I'll enjoy that as well. We'll make up a foursome!"

"No! No! No!" wailed female prisoner number two, Janice, totally freaking out just at the very thought of it.

"All right! All right, then! I'll -- I'll call you ... Miss Cordelia. If ... I must. Please, please don't cane me."

"Yes, you must -- bitch! At all times, you will respectfully address me as Miss Cordelia.

"Failure to address prison officers in the correct respectful fashion, will result in you being caned. You will receive the Standard Six: the summary chastisement penalty. Which we will administer to your bare bottom.

"And I'll play footsie with your titties whenever I want! Whatsmore, I will most definitely cane you, when I consider your Foot Service performance is not up to scratch.

"So you are going to have to improve drastically, on your pathetic efforts just now. If I even suspect, that your heart isn't in it ... Understand -- bitch?"

"Ye-yes. I ... I understand," said Janice in wretched capitulation. "But please, please don't cane me ... Miss ... Miss Cordelia."

"Don't cane you? But I've just told you you're getting the Standard Six. Remember, Janice? I've got to ram the message home. Because your heart wasn't in it! It's the only way you'll learn. Learn to show respect. Learn to demonstrate reverence ... And if I get just one more word of backchat from you -- I'll double it! In a minute, I'm going to come into your cell, stand you up, cuff your wrists to the bars, pull down your panties, and—"

"No!" shrilled Janice fearfully. "No! Please! Please, Miss Cordelia! Please don't cane me. I've -- I've said I'll ... respect you, Miss Cordelia."

"Janice! What did I just tell you? About just one more word of backchat?"

Janice said nothing. But all of the outraged complaining was gone from her eyes now. Only pathetic pleading was left, as she soulfully looked up to prison officer Cordelia.

Prison officer Cordelia turned her back once more on female prisoner number two. Looking down on her over her right shoulder, prison officer Cordelia said, "So ... you'll respect me, will you, Janice?"

"Ye-yes. I've -- just said ... Miss Cordelia."

Prison officer Cordelia slipped her right foot from her pale-blue, thin-rubber soled flip flop, inserted her foot between Cell 13's bars, and raised her bare sole to within an inch of female prisoner number two's distraught and horrified face. "Kiss my foot, Janice," said prison officer Cordelia.

Other than to start crying again, female prisoner number two didn't react.

Prison officer Cordelia said, "Janice ... do you want the Standard Six?"

Janice emitted such a wail of despondent grief, as tore my heart in half to listen to.

"This is the respect that I expect from you, Janice. The reverence, that I want ...

"Kiss the sole of my foot. Start kissing, and keep on, kissing. Start at the pads of my toes. Kiss each one, and then slowly, slowly, slowly work your way up to the bottom of my heel. And I want to feel your lips, Janice. Kissing. Actually kissing. Kissing, in respect. Kissing, in reverence."

Still, female prisoner number two couldn't bring herself to do it. Couldn't bring herself, to hit rock-bottom. Couldn't bring herself, to so lower herself. To so humble herself. Couldn't bring herself, to actually touch her lips, respectfully, reverently, to prison officer Cordelia's expectantly proffered bare sole.

Janice emitted some kind of keening, wretched wail. It was barely audible, but nonetheless it conveyed articulately the depths of her misery.

I realised that Janice was making her tormentful choice: It was either Foot Service ... or the Standard Six.

"Janice ... I'm waiting," prompted prison officer Cordelia.

And Ross and I looked on, mesmerised, as female prisoner number two capitulated. Her eyes streaming in shame, in unspeakable humiliation, Janice began kissing the pads of prison officer Cordelia's toes ... starting with the little toe.

I wanted to look away. I wanted to do the right thing ... but I just couldn't.

"Okay then, Cordelia," said prison officer Candice, apparently satisfied, at watching the positive rehabilitative progress made thus far with female prisoner number two, Janice.

"That's her brought to heel. She was an easy nut to crack -- bitch material, if ever I saw it. She may even be one of us ... she just doesn't realise it yet. Because I can't believe she is that frightened, of the Standard Six. Before long, Cordie, Janice is going to be pining for you. She'll soon be more than happy, to be your toe-sucking, foot-licking, heel-sucking little hussy.

"Tina, though ... she's another matter, Cordie. She's not so easy-peasy. She's stubborn, resistant, confrontational -- noncompliant. Tina is made of sterner stuff than her cellmate. She's standing up to me. She's got some real backbone. But I won't let her defy me. I won't let her say 'No' to me. I'll get there. I'll break her. She's just going to take a little more work, that's all ... and then her conquest will be all the sweeter."

I felt a tug on my handcuffed wrist.

"Yes, prisoner Lightwood ... female prisoners," said prison officer Bella Donna. "Here, in Greystone Prison. Admitted from today. And why? Because, unlike the vast majority of adult females in the UK today, who know which side their bread is buttered -- they don't! They don't know when they are on to an incredibly good thing."

"That's right -- they don't!" said prison officer Billie Jo feelingly. "After all the Authoritarian Female Party has done for them!"

"Now you see, prisoner Lightwood," said prison officer Bella Donna conversationally, "just what happens to such females. Females, who are so very foolish as to reject the female-friendly ideology of the AFP. Females, who are so incredibly ungrateful as to spurn the caring, loving bosom of the supreme sisterhood.

"From now on, these errant females are to be brought to specialist correctional facilities, such as this one. In Greystone Prison and other such remedial institutions nationwide, these females will be put through thorough, intensive-treatment rehabilitation.

"These troublesome females' anti-establishment movement is growing alarmingly. And along with ourselves, our sister institutions are gearing up to absorb their fair intake of these troublemaking female prisoners."

"That's exactly right, Bel," agreed prison officer Candice. "And I'll be 'rehabilitating' prisoner Marshall, here -- my new bitch." Nipple-tweaking away again with her abusing, golden slender toes, prison officer Candice said, "Aren't you, Tina?"

"No! Never -- bitch lesbian!" shouted the outraged Tina.

"Tina!" remonstrated prison officer Candice. "I won't tolerate such disrespect! You will accord me the respect I des—"

"And I promise you, Candice: one day you'll pay. Oh, I'll see you pay! You -- and all of these other AFP bitches! One day, Candice, justice will catch up with you -- all of you! And ... and get your dirty, stinky foot off me!"

"Yes, prisoner Lightwood," said prison officer Bella Donna equably, totally unruffled by female prisoner Tina Marshall's grossly disrespectful outburst.

"Prisoners Tina Marshall and Janice Middleton: two of the ten dissident female prisoners admitted to Greystone Prison today.

"And why?" said prison officer Bella Donna, asking my unasked question for me. "Because, unlike the vast majority of females in the UK, equality-loving females such as Tina Marshall and Janice Middleton don't want to live in a society where our menfolk are put in their proper place -- and rigorously kept there.
