The Mask of Pan


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The dream ended there, I have no memory of entering the room or climbing into bed. I supposed the dream had run its course.

The next I knew, I was lying in my bed in full daylight and my erect cock was spewing a load of cum over my belly and chest. I looked up to see my landlord standing in the doorway clutching a towel.

"I had just come in to wake you when you started to erupt." he said, chuckling. "I thought a towel was in order."

He tossed it to me on the bed and I ashamedly covered my swollen cock while wiping up most of my load.

"There is no need to be embarrassed." he said. "It is just proof that you are a healthy young man, though I do wonder what you were dreaming of. I have had the same experience many times."

When he said that, I remembered what I had been dreaming. It was a replay of the dream of fucking Paolo's ass on the forest floor.

He walked over to the bed and inhaled and said, "Have you noticed that the blue flowers have an odor very similar to that of semen?" and I realized that that was the component of the smell I had been unable to identify.

"I don't usually have this type of event happening." I said.

"It shows how much the mountain air and the village agree with you." my landlord said. "You are becoming healthier by the hour."

"Was my condition so obvious when I arrived?" I asked, sitting up.

"Not so obvious as the marked improvement that you already are displaying." he replied. "Now, you've slept late again, your bath is drawn and lunch awaits."

He gave me a hand to help me up from the bed and I noticed that his eyes lingered on my still half hard cock. I got the impression that he was tempted to grasp it.

After I had been bathed and fed, Carlo said, "Off to the café with you to watch the passing sights, if there are any. I'll call you when supper is ready."

I duly trooped down the street to the café. When I arrived I was given a friendly greeting by the men who I usually saw there, even calling me by name. I had just sat down when one of them leant over and asked, "Do you play dominos?"

"I'm afraid I don't." I replied. "I never learnt."

"Come, move your chair over beside us." he said. "We shall teach you."

I slid the chair over to the space that had been made for me and the men each introduced themselves. While they were doing so, I concentrated on their lower face and jaw, trying to decide if any of them had made an appearance in my lustful dreams. I couldn't really be sure.

The inn keeper appeared with my usual drink and set it on the table, then stood behind me as they began to explain the game to me. I was acutely conscious of the nearness of his hips and ass and the dream I had had of fucking him. My cock was beginning to harden and it was no help that he decided to rest his hands on my shoulders and lean near as I began to play the game.

"This time next week, I shall challenge you to a match." one of the men told me.

"Be careful," the inn keeper said. "He's a known cheat and he will try to take advantage of you." The men at the table laughed and I could feel his seemingly erect cock pressed against my upper back. Was it just my imagination?

"It isn't taking advantage if I'm willing." I said.

"A true sportsman." the man said. "We will have a wager that we will both enjoy the outcome of." The inn keeper chuckled and returned indoors.

With the familiarity of all Italian men, I soon found myself with the man on the right of me with his arm draped over my shoulders while the man on the left clutched my hand in his. I had never been in such a situation and I found it anything but unpleasant. I could smell the musky aroma of the bodies surrounding me, more pleasing than the flowers.

The afternoon flew by, all of us absorbed in the game before us. When next I looked up, the afternoon was fading and the inn keeper was directing my attention to Carlo standing up the street.

"I'm sorry, I'm being summoned." I said to the men. "I have enjoyed the afternoon; I hope you will allow me to play again."

"Make no mistake," the man who had invited me said, "we all look forward to the opportunity to play with you."

I returned to Carlo's house and the evening passed much as the previous ones had done. We had an excellent meal together and then Carlo brought out the bottle of liqueur.

"Let us try having only one drink tonight," Carlo said, "and we will see if your dreams are as compelling."

We sat and talked until bedtime and I honestly didn't feel that much effect from the drink, although once again my senses seemed heightened. Carlo led me down the hall and we stood talking as I undressed. When I was nude, he drew back the sheet and said, "I hope that this night is as pleasant as the last few have been for you."

"That is something we both wish." I said as I reclined in the soft bed.

I closed my eyes and various scenes passed behind my eyelids. The erotic fantasies of the previous two nights replayed in my head in great detail, stoking a lust I didn't know I even possessed. My cock was so hard that it ached.

I wasn't even aware that I had fallen asleep when I heard the three taps that my previous dreams had begun with. When I opened my eyes, the figure in the mask again stood at my window. I rose and went to the door to the outside and stepped into the moonlight. This time, it didn't feel like a dream, it felt as if the events were actually happening and were real. I stumbled after the figure through the field of blue poppies only this time I stepped upon something that hurt my bare foot. I looked down and saw a small rock shining in the moonlight and I bent and grasped it in my hand. It was cool and sharp.

"Paolo, wait a moment." I cried.

The nude figure at the edge of the woods stood and waited for me to reach him. When I did, I ran my hand over his hairy chest and down to grasp his stiff cock. I moved forward and wrapped him in my arms and cupped his lush buttocks in my hands. I could hear and feel him breathing against me.

"This isn't a dream, is it?" I asked.

"No, none of it has been a dream." Paolo replied and he reached up and removed his mask. "Are you sorry?"

"How could I be sorry?" I asked. "That means it all happened. Last night, you and I in the forest, that really happened."

"It did, indeed, and it was one of the best nights of my life." Paolo said. "You're not angry with us, are you? If we had invited you to join us at the temple, your mind would have rejected the idea. Even if you had, your inhibitions would have held you back when you were there. We knew that you were one of us and we wanted you to become a part of our group."

"You're right in all respects." I said. "I'm just thankful that you made so much effort to include me. But what is the meaning of the masks?"

"It is an ancient custom that we still employ when we have a new initiate. It helps to maintain the dream-like atmosphere."

I kissed Paolo, clutching his beautiful ass cheeks and I could feel his stiff cock throbbing against my own.

"Come, the others are waiting and they'll think I've kidnapped you to keep all to myself."

He grasped my hand and led me along the path until we arrived at the temple. The men were waiting on the plaza in front of the giant stone phallus and when they saw that Paolo had removed his mask, they all followed suit.

I waded into the crowd, welcoming hands caressing my body, stroking my cock and ass, kissing me on the lips. As I stood in the embrace, I felt a warm mouth close around my stiff prick and I looked down to see one of the men from the café sucking me. Someone else was lubricating my ass and I soon felt a hard cock pressing against my hole seeking entry.

That night there was no confusion and no inhibition. My hole, my mouth and my cock were common property along with the cocks and orifices of all of the other men there. At various times I found myself being fucked from the rear while sucking on a stiff cock. Other times, I had my cock deep in a tight ass while someone else fucked me from behind. At one point, there were two men sharing the task of sucking my cock while another man licked my ball sack and yet another used his tongue to tease my ass hole.

It was as if all of the men at the temple were one big organism, its only goal to satisfy the components of the whole.

While vigorously fucking the inn keeper, his legs over my shoulders so that I could penetrate his ass to the maximum depth, I said to him, "I think that you are my favorite of all of the men available."

"And I am available whenever you should want me." he replied. "Your cock gives me more pleasure than I had thought possible."

The rest of the night flew by. When the sun finally began to rise I was lying on my stomach between my landlord's wide spread legs, enjoying the flavor of his cock in my mouth while Paolo's stiff prick pounded in and out of my hole. I had already cum twice that night and felt no dire need to do so again.

My landlord and Paolo almost simultaneously reached their crisis. No sooner did I feel the divine juice squirting from Paolo's steely cock buried deep in my fevered ass than I was also gulping down the massive flood of hot fluid that flowed into my mouth from my landlord's thick cock. When his balls were entirely drained I buried my face in his hairy crotch, his softening cock against my face. Paolo kept his cock deep in my ass until it too had shrunk to normal size.

"I wish we could just stay like this forever." I said.

"But there is one more of our customs that we must share." my landlord replied.

I had noticed when the sky began to lighten that the men around me started to rise and drift along the path toward the river. Now, the three of us disentangled our bodies and with my landlord grasping my hand and Paolo following clutching my other hand, we did the same. There was still mist playing along the forest floor between the trees and the birds were making their early morning sounds. Pale masculine bodies seemed to float along the path before us and behind.

When we reached the river, it was at a different spot from where Paolo and I had bathed. This was a wide pool with water plummeting over a rocky slope at the top. The river again narrowed at the bottom and gushed over more rocks to continue its journey. Most amazing, the banks surrounding the still pool were so heavily carpeted with the blue poppy like flowers that no inch of earth or foliage could be seen, only a thick blanket of blue.

"It is said that this is where the ancients came to bathe after their rites at the temple." my landlord said as he led me into the brisk water. "The legend is that the blue flowers sprang up from all of the male fluids that were washed into the water here. You can see that they still grow with abandon."

All around me my companions from the night before were standing or floating in the water and my landlord and Paolo led me into the deepest part until only our heads were not submerged. Paolo's body was tightly pressed against my back; I could feel his superb cock starting to grow again as it rubbed against my buttocks. In front of me, my landlord was pressed just as tightly and his thick cock ground against my own, inflaming us both.

After a minute or two, Paolo began to kiss me and my landlord reached down and lifted my legs so that they were resting on his shoulders. My head was on Paolo's shoulder and his arms supported my body. My hard cock jutted up over the surface of the water.

With his face close to my tight ball sack between my legs, my landlord wrapped his hand around my stiff prick and began to stroke it. With the other hand, he fondled and stroked my balls. The men around us paused to watch as Paolo kissed me while my cock was serviced.

With only a few minutes of pumping, my balls let loose another jet of pearly fluid that arced into the air and fell to sink into the water around us. Two or three more spurts followed.

"That is to feed the flowers." my landlord said and then he let me back down into the water. He and Paolo stroked my body, washing away the accumulated essences of the night before. When they were satisfied with their labors, they led me back out of the pool and back along the path.

When we arrived back at the temple, Paolo took his leave of us to follow another path. The massive stone erection stood in the early morning sunlight, shining with dew.

"It truly is awe inspiring, isn't it?" I said to my landlord.

"As always is the real thing, too." he replied.

We slowly trekked on until we reached the door to my room and entered.

"You must rest, now." my landlord told me.

"I would rest better if you would share my bed." I replied.

He smiled at me and then said, "Let me go and lower the shades at the front of the house so we will not be disturbed."

He left and walked down the hall, lowered the shades and returned to where I lay looking at him.

"You really are the most beautiful man I've ever seen." I said as I lay looking at his muscular arms, chest and legs coated with dark hair and at his magnificent cock and balls hanging heavily before him.

"Then you must not often look into mirrors." he replied. "At best, I'm a poor second. The villagers have already nicknamed you "The Roman Statue" because of the marble whiteness and smoothness of your skin."

He climbed onto the bed beside me and grasped my half hard cock.

"And, of course, having a cock almost as big as the one at the temple is an advantage we may all admire and enjoy." he said.

He lay down and we turned to face each other and I buried my face in his warm chest hair.

"I wish I never had to leave here." I whispered.

"Then, why should you? How did you exist in Rome?"

"There was a bank where my bank in America sent me money as I needed it." I answered.

"On the other side of the mountain, really not far away, there is a town with a bank where you can make the same arrangement. Paolo can take you there in his cart tomorrow." he told me. "It costs very little to live here, all that you need money for is your food. I won't charge you for your room; I enjoy having you here too much."

"But what if other guests come and you need the room?" I asked.

"Then, you shall have to share my bed until they depart." he answered. "I want you to stay with us. The others all want you to stay. Is there anyone waiting for you in the outside world, is there any place that you have to be?"

"No one has ever really wanted me anywhere before." I said.

"And now, an entire village of men does. The old man who carves our masks has been looking for someone he can train to take his place. I can introduce you, if you wish." he replied.

"What about when winter comes?"

"It may become too cold to gather at the temple but that doesn't mean that our activities stop. We may meet at one or another's house, there are always gatherings. And, we all have our special friends that we see frequently. Paolo and I already claim you as such and so will others."

I lay against him, wondering if I was brave enough to follow my instinct while toying with his fat cock until it had grown long and stiff.

"Rest first and then we shall play." he said, caressing my ass cheeks while holding me tight.

* * * * * *

When we finally arose from bed late that afternoon, Carlo fed me a small snack and then instructed me to go and visit the café until the dinner hour. I wandered down the street and when I arrived it was the same as always. The men playing dominos called to me and indicated an empty chair already placed beside them. I sat down and looked around the table, acknowledging the men who I had spent the night before having torrid sex with. The innkeeper came with my drink, set it on the table and stood behind my chair again.

The man beside me reached over and began to toy with my cock under the table until it was full grown again. As he stroked it, the inn keeper bent down and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Tomorrow evening, after I close the café, I wonder if you would like to come and spend the night with me?"

I reached over and ran my hand up between his legs until it was firmly lodged in the heated deep crease of his ass.

"And then shall I have this all to myself?" I asked.

"For as long and as often as you wish." he replied. He reached down to feel my cock under the table and encountered my neighbor's hand.

"Don't be so greedy!" my neighbor said. "I was just preparing to ask this young man if he would like to take a walk into the forest with me so that I could teach him the wonders of nature."

"Don't worry, there is more than enough here for us all to share." the innkeeper said, as he massaged the top part of my stiff dick.

"Sharing. Now, that sounds like an idea worth endless investigation." I said.

"Spoken like a true villager." the inn keeper replied.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 months ago

Absolutely great.

Auspat2121Auspat2121almost 3 years ago

Great story very erotic and well written. Thank you again.

FestofishFestofishover 5 years ago

Great story! Just awesome! You’ve captured heat without making it crass. That is rare.

pat63628pat63628about 6 years ago
Loved it A Lot !!!

Wow absolutely Perfect!!!

travaynetravayneabout 6 years ago
Wonderful fantasy

I only wish that such a place existed, and that I were young enough to visit. Sigh.

justagirlatheartjustagirlatheartabout 6 years ago
Great Read

One of the best stories I have ever read on site 5*

Eros62Eros62about 6 years ago
Really enjoyable

Would love to swap places with the main character.

bhart1bhart1about 6 years ago
Ahhh! A fine and true example of erotica!

Beautifully edited! I didn't catch a single flaw. In spite of the fantastical nature of the tale, every single word was efficiently imbued with plausibility. It was a perfect storm of erotic detail and well-drawn characters that kept me willingly and happily suspending my disbelief for five, intensely satisfying 'Literotica' pages. I tip my hat to you rae121452! Maybe the best I've read here.

Tega777Tega777about 6 years ago

I see no errors, mistakes in this story. I simply see perfection in its most erotic form. You deserve 5stars.

jt_hooksjt_hooksabout 6 years ago
Great Job

Great story. I enjoy reading your stories... please keep them coming

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