The Morrisons Ch. 13


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I looked up and said, "He helped Terri and tried to help Hanna, but their boss at the time used Hanna after hours so there was no way Jeff could keep her safe. That's why he is special and he and his wife have been at our home before so they know about our lifestyle."

Kelly buzzed and announced the arrival of Charlie and Jeff so I told her to show them in. A few seconds later there was a soft knock on my door and I called, "Come in please."

Charlie led the way with Jeff in the middle and Kelly in the rear. I asked all of them to be seated. Looking right at Jeff, I asked him point blank, "Are you still interested in working for us?"

Jeff smiled a very broad smile saying, "Yes Dan, I'm impressed with the company and I know I can make a difference."

I smiled at Charlie and Jeff and then held up two copies of Jeff's job description, one for Charlie and one for Jeff. I said to Jeff, "Please review your job description and let me know if you're still interested."

Each man took the papers from my hand and then I sat back in my chair and waited. Both men read the pages and when they looked up at me I asked Jeff, "Do you have any questions?"

Jeff said, "No, I believe I've been briefed on most everything that's on here. Like I told you, I can make a difference."

I looked at Charlie and asked, "Do you have any questions for me?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Dan, I appreciate you creating this manager position because it is going to help me greatly. Now I understand why you wanted to create it when you were in charge of my department."

I thanked Charlie for his input and said, "If you don't have any other questions then I'm going to talk to Jeff for few more minutes and get his squared away."

Charlie said, "No, I'm all set." He stood up and shook Jeff's hand and said, "I'll see you in the morning."

I asked Kelly to escort Charlie out and I would page her if I needed anything more. When Charlie and Kelly were out of the room I looked at Jeff and said, "Now the most important part of this conversation; how is everything at home Jeff? Do you have enough food and everything you need? Are the bills paid?"

Jeff looked at me nervously and fidgeted in his seat for a few seconds before he glanced over at Beth. I realized what he was worried about and then said, "Beth is my executive secretary, she knows all the business I do and probably knows more than me about some things. Jeff, you don't have to worry about talking in front of Beth anytime you are in my office. Beth has been out to my house for a couple of nights, does that tell you how much I trust her?"

Jeff smiled at me and said, "Dan, I appreciate everything you have done for me and my family and I am so grateful for you offering me this managerial position in the same company you are the CEO. We need to get a little more food for the kids but everything else is fine. You have been more than generous with us."

I looked at Jeff and asked, "Do you realize that you will be working here almost a month before you get your first paycheck? Managers only get paid every two weeks in this company."

I pulled my checkbook out of my pocket and opened it. I wrote Jeff a check and held it out to him and he hesitantly leaned forward before he finally stood up and took the check from my hand. I said, "I want you to go grocery shopping tonight and pick up whatever you want or need. If that isn't enough I want you to swear that you'll let me know when you come to my house for the small party we are having on Saturday."

Jeff looked at the two thousand dollar check I'd given him and he suddenly had tears rolling down his cheeks. Beth was quick to get him a few tissues then sat back down in her chair. Staring at the check Jeff finally whispered, "Thank you Dan for everything you've done. This is far more than offering me assistance until we get back on our feet. Your generosity is unmatched to anyone I've ever known."

He looked up at me finally and said, "I'm not sure I can get a baby sitter to watch the kids on such short notice so I don't know if Tina and I can make it out there on Saturday."

Again Jeff looked nervously at Beth before saying, "You know we have been doing what your family does at your house so it won't be anything unusual for the kids. It's just that I'm not sure what the others at your party would think. If you know what I mean."

I smiled and said, "I think you are beating around the bush needlessly. Beth, as I told you, has been to my home and she knows about my home life so between the three of us, this conversation doesn't go any further. Jeff, I want you to bring Tina and your family out on Saturday and I will have Terri hire a baby sitter for the day. That way you and Tina can enjoy yourselves. So no more worries about what you have to do with your kids."

Looking at Jeff I said, "Now for the last piece of business. I want you to review this wage package."

I handed a copy to Beth and one to Jeff. Beth was reviewing it when suddenly Jeff started the tears rolling down his cheeks again. Beth got him a couple more tissues and then stood behind him and patted Jeff on the back asking him if he was alright. Jeff looked up at me and asking, "Are you positively sure this is my wage package?"

I smiled and said "Let's review what's here." I went down each item and then I got to the end I asked Jeff, "Do you understand what you'll be making while you work here? Of course this wage package is reviewable in six months."

Jeff smiled at me and said, "I only want a job, I don't want to own the company; that would be too many headaches."

I looked directly at Jeff and asked, "So I take it that wage package is acceptable to you?"

Jeff smiled and said, "I'll never know how to repay you for all your kindness and support during this trying time in my life. All I can say is thank you and that doesn't even seem the scratch the surface."

I smiled and said, "I know you will be doing a great job once you get settled into your position. I want you to know there is room for you to advance if you work out the way I expect you to."

I looked at Beth and said, "I want you to call Joe and have him come and pick up Jeff and take him back home."

Looking at Jeff I said, "Unlike other managers and supervisors you will have a direct link to me; if there is anything you need, come talk to me. However, I don't want you to flaunt that information in front of anyone else here. All you have to do is contact Beth and she will make an appointment for you if I am busy or bring you in to see me if I'm not."

"Beth, while you are waiting for Joe to come and pick up Jeff, I want you to make sure Jeff is shown everything. Once Jeff is on his way home, I want you to come in here because I'll have some work for you." I said with a huge smile, looking directly at Beth.

Just as they were standing up my new cell phone rang and when I looked at it, I realized it was my lawyer calling me. I answered it, and then I waited for Beth and Jeff to step out of my office before continuing my conversation with him. He informed me the parcel next to my home had recently been combined with another parcel and the current owner said there was approximately three hundred ninety acres altogether. My lawyer told the owner he was representing a client interested in buying the property. My lawyer informed me he made the owner an offer based on property values in the area. The owner's lawyer made a counter offer and my lawyer told me if I wanted the property I had to approve his final offer which he said is very reasonable based on the average price of property in that area. I told my lawyer to close on the property as soon as possible and to contact my accountant to arrange payment. I told my lawyer I wanted permission from the owner to have my surveyors start on the property immediately and I wanted a couple of my crews to walk the entire parcel and map it for me. My lawyer assured me he would have that permission by tomorrow afternoon.

I hung up from my lawyer and called home and talked to Terri. Then I told her I wanted to have a small party on Saturday with about forty people. I told her we needed a large tent set up and to get the caterers she had for our impromptu party. I told Terri I would give her the rest of the information when I got home.

I was working about ten minutes when my door opened and Beth walked in completely naked. She wasn't even wearing her shoes or stockings this time. She paused in the open door and I sat behind my desk and stared blankly at her. She posed for me and finally asked, "Didn't you tell me to show Jeff everything?"

I smiled at Beth then asked her, "Did anyone else see you naked?"

Beth replied, "Not yet. Only Jeff saw me strip naked in my bathroom when I was giving him a tour of my office, showing him everything as you requested. I told Jeff I would see him on Saturday at your party. I also reminded him that he should keep whatever he saw between us and not talk to anyone else. I stayed in the bathroom when Joe came into my office and took Jeff out to his car."

Beth continued to say, "This is an unbelievably weird feeling standing here completely naked and none of the doors are locked so anyone could come in here at any time and find me. What would you do if someone came through my office doors right this second?"

I sat silent behind my desk and enjoyed the view of Beth for several seconds before saying, "I'm not sure I want to find out that answer. Close my doors and come in here and get a towel from my bathroom to sit on. I want to tell you what I want you to do."

Once Beth was seated, I said, "I've been thinking about the apartment where you live and how hot it is. How would you like to move out of your apartment and put your furniture in storage, at least for now?"

Beth stared at me for a few seconds then asked, "Are you offering me a place to stay out at your home?"

I am saying, "We have known each other for many years and I think we have always gotten along above and beyond the employer/employee status. Recently we discovered we have more in common than we ever dreamed. I just got a call from my lawyer and he is arranging the purchase of the property next to mine. When I complete the purchase of that property, I am going forward with the plans to build a new house for me and possibly some other houses for some of the people who are closest to me. You are included in that short list of people."

Beth looked at me with an awestruck look and her mouth was open as she listened to me. Finally the information I'd told her sunk in and she jumped up out of her chair and rushed around my desk and threw herself at me. I caught the very naked Beth and pulled her down into my lap and said, "Listen lady, you're very special to me and I love you in a special way. If you feel the same way, then we can work out a plan to move you into my house until we figure out what's going to happen on a more permanent basis. However as you know, my home has a rather open door policy so if you decide to store your furniture and move out to the estate, you won't have much personal space."

Beth started talking and didn't stop or take a breath for at least two minutes. I sat and listened to her with a grin on my face and when she paused for a breath I said, "Ok, when we go home tonight, we'll find a mover who has storage containers to move you out of your apartment and you can plan on moving into whatever room Terri has for you, at least for now anyway."

Holding Beth in my lap I looked at her and said, "I want to change the subject now and tell you I have to take the family out to a planned event tomorrow night. I have to leave work early tomorrow so it might be better if you drive your car out to my home tonight instead of leaving it in the parking garage. That way you will have your car at home in case you want to go somewhere tomorrow night while we are out."

I finished by saying, "I want you to lock the door to your office and then I want you to sit at your desk completely naked and do your work. While you are working, if someone needs to talk to us, I will decide who will enter your office and catch you completely naked. So every time the phone rings, that could be the time your body will be on display."

Beth shivered and said, "Oh fuck this is so exciting and stimulating. My pussy is juicy just wondering who you will show my body to next."

Beth stood up and picked up her towel and walked out into her office leaving my doors open. I watched as she locked the door and then she disappeared from my sight. Only moments after she was out of my sight her phone rang. I listened as she answered it then she buzzed my phone and nervously told me that Mr. Banks was on the phone.

I picked up my phone and greeted Tom then asked him what I could do for him. Beth appeared at my office door with a worried look on her face and listened as I talked to Tom. He informed me that he wanted me to visit a company in Frankfurt, Germany as a possible supplier of parts and raw material for our company. Tom informed me that he would send me all the information in the next fifteen minutes. He told me I will have to review the material and be ready to make them an offer. He told me the trip would be at least 3 days maybe more. Tom also told me if I wanted to take some of my family, he was authorizing it. Tom advised me to take the bigger company plane if I took my family with me. I asked him if he was going on the trip also and he told me I was going solo because he knew I could do the job. I asked him when I was going to be leaving and he said, "Dan, make arrangements to leave early Monday morning then set up your meetings with the company for Wednesday morning. I will have Brenda send Beth the information she will need to set up your trip and coordinate everything. I will also have her include the name and number for a great place to stay.

When I hung up the phone Beth asked, "Are we going on another trip?"

I looked at Beth and smiled before asking her, "How would you feel about spending some time in Frankfurt, Germany next week?"

Beth jumped up and down and saying, "Are you kidding, Dan? Are we really going to travel to Germany?"

I smiled and asked, "Have I ever told you something that was untrue?"

Beth jumped up and down and much to my enjoyment, I watched her tits bounce. Then I said, Tom is sending a folder with information in it to me in a few minutes. I'm not sure who is going to bring it so I guess you will have to stay naked and answer the door. Without hesitation Beth said, "If that's what you want me to do Dan, I will do it for you."

I smiled and said, "Although it would be interesting I think I will choose a different situation to show off your body. I want you to go and unlock your door and when someone knocks, I want you to go into your bathroom and stay there with the door open until the person leaves. Now go and unlock your door."

A few minutes later Beth's phone buzzed and I signaled her that I would pick it up in my office and when I did, Kelly advised me a young man was at her desk with a large package for me. I looked at Beth and motioned with my head for her to go into her bathroom then I said, "Kelly, please send him in."

A few seconds later the young man knocked, then opened Beth's office door and saw me sitting at my desk so he walked straight ahead into my office. I stood up as he extended his hand to pass me the package and thanked him for delivering it. He turned immediately and walked back to Beth's office door. Just as he reached for the door handle I called out, "Beth please come in here for a second."

I saw him look back at me then went out the door and closed it. Beth appeared at my office door still naked and giggling. She said, "If that guy would have looked towards my bathroom instead of looking at you, he would have seen me like this. What did you want me for?"

I smiled and said, "I tried to time it so it would be a risk if he was out of the room before you came out of the bathroom. I guess I waited too long. I think we have had enough play time so you had better get dressed for now because you have a trip to arrange and some rooms to book."

Beth had just turned and started to walk back to her bathroom when there was a knock on her office door. Beth froze in place and looked at me. I hesitated then motioned for Beth to go get dressed. I waited a few seconds then called, "Come in."

Kelly opened the door and stepped in and looked at Beth's desk then looked at me. I motioned her to come into my office. Kelly carried a folder in her hand and approached my desk. When she was in front of me I asked her to please have a seat. She looked around my office, possibly looking for Beth but when she heard the toilet flush in Beth's bathroom Kelly looked back at me. I asked Kelly about the folder and she informed me that Brenda had sent it over for Beth to use in setting up our trip. Beth walked into my office as Kelly was speaking and came over and took the chair next to Kelly. We talked quietly then Kelly stood up and told us she needed to finish the letter she was working on. The balance of the day went along as normal with Beth setting up our trip and I reviewed the files which were brought to me.

I called Kim about fifteen minutes before I was ready to leave. She told me she would be ready and waiting for me. Kim inquired if Beth was coming home with me again and I said, "Beth will be bringing her own car home tonight. Kim told me she loved me and would see me in a few minutes.

I put everything together and locked the package that Tom sent me in my desk and put my laptop in its case. I called Beth and told her I was ready to leave. We walked out of the office together and when we got to my car I looked at Beth and said, "Walk down to your car, look around and make sure no one sees you, and then I want you to strip completely naked and put your clothes in the back seat on the passenger side. I'm going to follow you with my car so you will have to drive over to Kim's office while I pick her up and then we will go home. I will be behind you all the way. If you think a light is going to turn red before I get through it, it would be better if you stopped at it unless you want to go through it and take a chance of exploring on your own."

Beth looked at me and said, "I'm not ready to explore on my own yet. I know each time I do something I take a chance on being seen and that's the whole purpose but I want to make sure I am safe first and foremost. I'll make sure you are behind me at all times."

I watched as Beth walked down to her car and stood beside it and looked around. I know she opened her car doors but I couldn't see what she was actually doing because she was in between the cars. Beth saw me watching and smiled at me and soon she disappeared from sight for a few seconds then her head reappeared and she smiled and waved at me then her head disappeared again. I heard her car start so I got into my car and backed out of my parking space. I pulled up behind Beth's car and we exited the parking garage.

We pulled up in front of Kim's office and Kim came walking out. I watched as Kim strolled over to Beth's car, looked in and started laughing. I watched as they exchanged words and Kim clapped her hands together several times while laughing before she turned and walked back to my car. When she pulled open the door and sat down in the seat Kim turned to me and said, "Pull away from here quickly. You're going to ride home with a naked woman too."

Beth pulled away from the curb and I followed and suddenly there was a flurry of clothes as Kim stripped off everything she was wearing, including her thigh high stockings and her shoes. Kim put all of her clothes in the back seat then turned to me and said, "I've always wanted to be nude when we were away from the house. It looks like Beth is going to fit right in with us."
