The Novelist Pt. 02


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Alexis held out her hands as if she were presenting a gift in a game show, and gestured toward Marie. "We need some supplies." She stated.

"Another one?! Let's get a look at her. Come here, sweetie. I don't bite."

Marie walked carefully toward the man. Stephen took in her body. He noticed her looking at the case behind him.

"Oh! You like those do you? I make 'em myself. Only the finest, strongest leather. Leaves a nice a mark." He reached in the case and removed a leather strap that looked identical to the one her son had used on her earlier. She gasped as she felt it in her hand.

"She's recently familiar with your work." Alexis stated.

"You don't say? You been misbehavin', sweetheart?"

Alexis looked at Marie. "Marie, you're going to need to let Stephen get a look at you. Remove your dress and show him your ass. Just bend over the case right here."

Marie looked at her slightly alarmed by the request. She watched Alexis stare back at her, and she remembered what Sir had told her. She reached up, crossed her arms grabbing the fabric, and pulled the dress over her head. Marie wasn't wearing anything underneath so she just leaned forward letting her breasts press into the glass case. The bruises on her ass were even darker than before.

"Holy fuck!" Stephen exclaimed at the brutal results of Tom's punishment. "I can't even imagine what you did to deserve that! Where'd he find this one anyway? She can take a licking alright. It's so rare to see someone capable of taking a solid whippin'."

Alexis stated with a grin, "This one is his mother."

"No fucking way! You're fucking with me."

Alexis just nodded.

Stephen looked Marie up and down. "That true, sweetie? You his mother?"

"Yes, Sir." Marie responded timidly.

She didn't know the right way to respond to this man. The degradation she felt was nearly unbearable. She didn't know why Alexis would make her do this, but she knew Alexis wouldn't endanger her. The embarrassment was still so demeaning.

"Shit! Now that's a first. I gotta hand it to him though. I ain't never met a man that knows how handle 'em like he does. Welcome to your new life, sweetie. What I wouldn't give to have a taste of this peach. So, whatcha need, Alexis?"

"Collar." She said simply. "And a toy box."

"Now you're speakin' my language." He laughed and guided them each toward the front of the store. "Now, I have just about every color, shape, and width. You want something with one ring? Two? Three? I got different kinds of clasps. Padded and unpadded. Studded. Spiked. Just take a look around. If you don't see something you like let me know, and I can make it for you in a couple of days."

"Thank you, Stephen. Give us a minute." He nodded and disappeared in the back. "Alright, Marie, this is how this works. A sub always picks out a collar to present to her Dominant when she's willing to give herself completely. You pick out something that appeals to you. Sir likes them to have three D-rings though. This is a symbol of your submission. It's important. You may get another collar at some point, but you should think of it like a wedding band. The one you present on the day can never truly be replaced. It'll never have the same significance. This is the most important thing you will do for him. It means he owns you."

Marie walked around with fascination at the variety in front of her. She reached out and picked them up one at a time. She held them to her neck and felt the leather on her skin. Surprisingly, she liked the way it felt on her. It was a strange sensation but enjoyable. She glanced at herself in a mirror and stared at her reflection. It looked so bizarre. She wondered why she would wear a collar. It's not like a choker necklace or jewelry she noted. It was distinctly submissive. She would be a pet. There was no other association that compared. A pet, Sir's pet. What a strange turn her life had taken.

She held a thick padded pink collar with silver spikes. She examined it, and then she looked up at Alexis. "Why did you make me take me clothes off in front of him?" She asked timidly. She was clearly confounded. "Why did you tell him that Sir is my son?"

Alexis smiled. "Honest answer? Because I could. Because Sir told you to follow my instructions, and I knew you'd obey. Did it bother you?"

"Yes." She said with her eyes toward the floor. She could barely look at Alexis. She felt her actions had belittled their friendship. "It was embarrassing."

"Why did you put the plug in my ass this morning?" Alexis asked.

"Because he told me to!" She blurted out defensively.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes. Not at first, but after it got easier I liked it." She said quietly. "Is this some type of retaliation?"

"Oh, Marie! Of course not." Alexis said. "Let me ask you this, why did you climb up on Sir's lap and let him spank you with the strap last night?"

"I don't know." She said confused. "I was turned on and confused. I guess I wanted to be acknowledged. I wanted to be told what to do. I wanted to not think about anything. I wanted to get fucked."

"Ok." Alexis said. "So why didn't you stop there? Didn't you find it embarrassing?"

"Of course I was embarrassed! I don't know why I didn't stop it!"

"Did the embarrassment turn you on? Did getting whipped this morning turn you on? Did sticking the plug in my ass turn you on?" She fired off the questions in quick succession.

"I... yes. It did." She said resigned to the truth.

"Did taking your dress off in front of Stephen turn you on just now? Forget whether it was embarrassing or not." She said.

"Yes." Marie squeaked out.


"I'm not sure. I think because it was so wrong! I was displayed in front of a stranger. It was so slutty. I felt so objectified. He was looking at me like some kind of whore. But part of me enjoyed being appreciated or seen as sexual at all. I guess that's why." She said as she honestly tried to figure out why she had reacted that way.

"Well," Alexis said. "Why don't you go out to a bar and take off your clothes? Why don't you find some stranger and take him home and pull that dress off? That turns you on, right?"

"No! It's not the same!"

"Of course it's not the same. That's why you're here shopping for a collar for Sir. You need to be told what to do, no matter what emotion he makes you feel. You need someone to tell you to take the dress off. You need for it to be someone else's decision. You need Sir. But, you need to trust that person too. You need to know they won't hurt you or endanger you. Marie, once you trust Sir, you can allow yourself to stop thinking so much and find pleasure in the obedience."

And then it made total sense. Marie realized that Alexis had just taught her a valuable lesson about submission. She made Marie start the process of understanding what was driving her need to move forward into this lifestyle. That simple realization provided her with incredible relief and resolve. It felt okay for her to submit herself. She trusted her son. She trusted Alexis. She knew that she could allow herself to enjoy this experience without worrying about the consequences. They would protect her even if what they asked of her was confusing or embarrassing.

Marie picked up another collar. It was about an inch and half thick of soft black padded leather. There was a thin strip of hard black leather that ran along the center. The harder leather held in three sturdy rings and the ends had a heavy duty silver buckle. She examined it closely. It was not bright and colorful like the pink one. She thought that it looked more appropriate for its purpose, though. She held it around her neck and looked at it in the mirror. She liked this one. It felt right.

"This is the one." She said to Alexis. "I like this one."

"Not the pink one with the spikes?" She asked. "You can choose any."

"No. I like pink, but that one's not right. I want this one." She said as Stephen came back around the corner. "Alexis, can I ask another question?"


"Why do you call him Sir even when he's not around? He'd never know, right?" Marie asked with genuine curiosity.

Alexis stood behind her in front of the mirror and pulled her hair to the side to get a look at the collar on her thin neck. She looked at her eyes in the reflection as she spoke. "It's so that I never forget who he is to me. It's not about calling him Sir because I'm asked to call him that. I call him Sir because he commands the respect. I call him that because I admire the strength he has to provide me with not only pleasure but also security, respect, care, and love. It's not about the sex, Marie. It's about the man that makes me love to bend to his will. Sex is just a bonus. If it were just about being told how to pleasure someone then every man would think they're a Dominant." She paused for a second and smiled. "This is an excellent choice. I think it's perfect."

Stephen never had the opportunity to see two submissive women speak so candidly about their lifestyle. He knew then why Tom had surpassed his ability as a Dom. He had taught Tom everything he knew years ago when he was researching his second book. Stephen was a very capable Dominant. Tom had put his own spin on his training techniques. For him, it was an art form. In Tom's mind, the pleasure, the pain, the submission, the love, the respect had to all come together in a delicate balance. Stephen dominated his women with a heavy hand and they loved the submission. Tom dominated their hearts, their minds and their bodies, and they loved the man.

Stephen finally spoke up breaking them out of their moment. "Alexis, I found a toy box that I'd put together awhile back in case he had someone come in. You can take a look at it and tell me what you think."

Alexis followed him to the counter and looked approvingly at the wooden case in front of her. It was a polished, stained wooden case with silver latches. It was about three feet long, two feet wide and one foot deep. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship on its own. She unsnapped the latches on the front. Part of the inside was lined with velvet. It held a variety of glass dildos and butt plugs. There was a selection of vibrators and dildos, a set of nipple clips, a ball gag, and a variety of other toys. Everything fit into its own compartment nicely with an extra area for miscellaneous items.

"It's already been stocked?" Alexis noted.

"Yeah. Like I said, I had one ready to go. Ya never know with him." Stephen said.

Marie looked on intrigued. "But doesn't Sir have all these things?" She asked confused.

"No, Marie. These are yours. Sir likes each woman to have her own toys. You'll be responsible for keeping them clean. These won't ever be used on anyone but you. He keeps an additional set or two that I clean off carefully, in case he needs to train someone unexpectedly. Anything you purchase additionally will be kept in here. Okay?"

Marie just stared in absolute fascination thinking about each of these items being used on her. It excited her as much as it made her nervous.

"Okay." She said setting the collar on the counter alongside it.

"Good choice, sweetheart!" Stephen said as he picked up the collar. "So this is the one?"

"Yes, Sir. I... I just..."

"What is it? You only present it once. Ya don't like it?" He said studying the look on her face.

"I just wish it had something personal." She said. "Like maybe an 'M' in the center. But... but this is fine too. It'll be fine." Her cheeks were burning red. It embarrassed her to talk about personalizing the collar.

"Fuck. You are a tasty little peach aren't you? Give me ten minutes. I'll be right back." He took the collar and disappeared around the corner into his workshop.


Tom made his way through the front entrance of Donovan, Unger, Roth and Associates. It was a quaint two story building on Rexford. Frank Donovan had started the firm with Jonathan Roth nearly ten years ago. Frank had been a high profile attorney in New York City before moving to California to pursue entertainment law. Jonathan, his partner, was a veteran of the entertainment game. The firm was small but their client list was impressive.

Tom waved to the security guard in the lobby as he walked forward getting on the elevator. He weaved through a series of desks on the second floor before cordially greeting Frank's secretary.

"Good morning, Ms. Dubois. Is he available for a few minutes?" Tom asked pleasantly.

"Oh! Mr. Bolden, what a surprise! You know I haven't been a "Ms." for over twenty years. I do love the flattery. Give me a moment." She said as she stood up and shuffled behind the large oak door.

After a minute Tom heard a voice bellow from within. The door flung open and Frank Donovan barreled out giving him a firm handshake, which quickly turned into a manly embrace. They exchanged their greetings and slipped in to the privacy of the well-appointed office.

At sixty-two years old, Frank had the look of a battle hardened man. His tall frame gave him an intimidating presence. His salt and pepper hair hinted at the wisdom of his years. He took a seat behind his desk reclining just slightly and waited patiently for his guest to speak. Frank always let others begin a conversation. It was his opportunity to listen before gauging how he would respond. Most people found it disconcerting, but it never bothered Tom who appreciated the calculated approach.

"I apologize for the unscheduled visit, Frank. I'll cut to the chase. I need some assistance on a personal matter, and I'd like to invite you and Anne to dinner tonight at my house. We can talk over a meal and a drink." Tom was succinct.

"I see." Frank began. "I'm sure Anne would enjoy getting out. I don't think we had any plans... not that she tells me when we do. But, this is unusual for you, Tom. Are you going to give me a hint as to the nature of your request? You've rarely been a person that needs any help in personal matters."

"It's complicated. You told me once that you owed me a big favor. I'd like to cash that in."

"You're serious?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Very." Tom responded. "I'm not sure you can help, or that you'll be comfortable helping. We've been friends for what? More than five years now? I wouldn't ask if it didn't mean a lot to me. We'll discuss it tonight. On another matter, let's just say that things are getting crowded at home. How would I go about a confidentiality contract that's personalized to my unique situation? Is that possible?"

Frank laughed. "Anything is possible, Tom. Just tell me what you need and I'll happily bill you for it."

Tom took the opportunity to spell out his concerns with the overlapping stream of women going through his home. It was imperative, he explained, that each woman was protected. Tom enjoyed exercising discretion to keep his lifestyle confidential, but his submissive women depended on him to keep their involvement discreet as well. Tom had begun to worry that someone might let something slip. He also wanted to have the ability to allow the overlapping visits to continue with greater frequency. Tom left out any mention of Marie. He would share that additional detail this evening.

Frank listened carefully and offered multiple ways, in which, he could draw up a formal agreement. He was one of very few men that knew anything about Tom's extracurricular activities, and he knew that Tom took it very seriously. After a short and productive conversation, they parted ways until the evening.


Alexis and Marie had been waiting for almost fifteen minutes next to the register. They could hear the grinding of metal and the din of power tools. After another five minutes, Stephen came back around the corner holding a small wooden box.

"Alright, peach," he said setting the box on the counter, "this is a box I'd been building for one of my subbies. I want you to have it. Take a look and tell me if ya think that better strikes your fancy."

Marie looked at the square wooden box that had the same polished wooden finish as the toy box. She lifted the little latch on the front and opened it. Her collar was inside on a satin pillow as if it were a diamond tiara. She gasped slightly and lifted the collar up in her hands. In the center of the collar was a small, shiny silver 'M' just as she requested.

"It's perfect, Sir!" She beamed. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it." He said. "Be sure to present it like a good little submissive slut. If he asks about me, I want you to tell him that I'd really like to taste his peach. Okay?"

"Okay, Sir." She responded not understanding what he meant.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Stephen placed the toy box in the trunk of the car, and the two women made their way back to the house. As they pulled into the driveway, Alexis knew that Sir was up to something. She saw Fran's car parked on the street.

Alexis had Marie carry the toy box through the backyard toward the guest house. The two women made their way inside as Alexis directed her to a large built in cabinet on the back wall. She opened the doors wide and slid the box onto a shelf. Marie stood with her mouth wide open. There must have been thirty similar boxes each with a name on the front.

"Do... do these belong to other women?" She asked in awe.

Alexis just smiled at her shock. "Yes, Marie."

Marie's mind reeled at the number. She thought about the number of women her son had dominated and fucked. It was truly awe inspiring. She felt a pang of jealousy. She wondered how he had the time to train them all. She hoped he would be able to spend enough time with her. She had never felt so needy.

"We should talk about how you should present your collar to Sir." Alexis said bringing her back to the matter at hand. "When he comes home, you'll be on your knees already. Just like a presentation position. Don't say anything to him until he speaks to you. Keep the box in front of you."

"Okay." She responded. "Shouldn't I greet him?"

"Not this time." Alexis said. "He'll see you have something for him. Wait for him to speak to you. If he doesn't say anything to you, do not move. Just maintain your position until he acknowledges you."

Marie thought it seemed similar to the wait she endured this morning. She could do it, though. If anything, this morning she learned she was capable of enduring quite a lot. It was then that Marie noted Alexis had already removed her clothes. It still shocked her at how quickly she could comply with all the rules in the house. So, Marie pulled her dress off, took the box with her collar, and they both headed back toward the house.


Francesca had left work as soon as she had finished licking Abby's pussy. She had initially felt conflicted about going down on her. She assumed that Sir showed up to praise her. Instead he had instructed her to service another woman. It wasn't just another woman, it was her employee. Somehow she felt that it diminished her authority in her own business. Fran wasn't one to disobey an order. Her nipples had learned a painful lesson the last time she tried that.

Francesca had brought her mouth down to Abby's slit tentatively dragging her tongue across it. It surprised her how incredibly sweet it tasted. The young girl was dripping wet. There was a hint of Sir's cum in the mixture, which she loved. Fran had always felt that when it came to men, Sir had an amazing flavor. It was then that she began enthusiastically lapping away at the young girl.

Abby had watched Fran work her pussy. There was an added pleasure for Abby that it was Francesca servicing her. She had great respect for Fran, but she was a demanding and difficult employer. The brown haired girl took great care to scream out each time she came, and made sure to press her cunt into Fran's face smearing her juices. She couldn't believe how good it felt to have the control for once. She contracted her muscles and pushed Sir's cum out a little with each orgasm, which made Fran double her efforts at pleasuring her. By the time she felt spent, she had cum on Fran's face seven times. She simply sat up and announced that she felt clean. With that, Fran wiped her face and invited her to go grocery shopping as if nothing strange had happened.
