The Pandora Effect Ch. 08


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Adam paused for just a split second, and then decided that being himself was the best course of action. "Personally, I think Eason can't take that piece of paper and shove it up his ass. I'm a United States Navy SEAL and I know what my duty is to my country and my men -- Sir."

The whole team looked on in shock, as their team leader never blinked an eye and sat up a little straighter in his high backed leather chair. The President chuckled and tried to hide his smirk as he looked down at his folded hands on the table.

Tanner Eason however found no humor in the insulting remark and was beside himself. "How dare you address him in that manner! I can't fathom why you're an officer in the Navy. I'm going to call your command and..."

"Calm down Tanner, Mr. Dawson was just speaking his mind," Walker said as he looked at Adam. "That -- Sir -- is a trait I sometimes miss in politics. Speaking of your men, I'm truly sorry at the loss of your medic, Petty Officer Balch. From what I've heard, he was a very gifted man."

"So was Director Brown. He never flinched when he told us to blow the building," Adam added.

"I'm setting up a private memorial service for him here at Langley. He had no family to speak of, he treated his men as his family so I thought it would be fitting to say goodbye here."

"Oh," Kristine sobbed as she brought her hand to her mouth to hide her quivering lips.

"Mrs. Dawson; feeling sorrow for a fallen team member doesn't fit the bill as the cast iron -- person -- I've heard about. I'm rarely surprised in my current position, but maybe the reports about you have been somewhat misleading."

"Sorry Mr. President, he was a good man."

"Yes Mrs. Dawson he was, I just wish I could do more for him other than a shiny piece of metal and a star out front on some board."

Adam pushed his chair out and stood then placed his crutch on the arm of the chair. As he limped towards the President, he grabbed Carl's chair for balance. He realized that this was neither the time nor place for this, but something inside him screamed for a reckoning of the price paid by his teammates.

"Something to add Mr. Dawson?" the President asked as he watched Adam steady himself.

"Yes Sir, before Garrett gave his last full measure of duty, he asked me to do a favor for him."

"If there's anything I can do to make it happen, you just say the word and it's done," Walker offered.

Adam stood next to Director Eason, and with care, moved his right hand down to an open pocket on his fatigues. In an extraordinary display of speed, he shoved his fist just behind Tanner's eye. Adam's powerful blow crushed the bureaucrat's temple, as the Director's eyes slid sideways and his body spun out of control. After crashing in an unresponsive mass to the floor, the Navy SEAL looked at the President of the United States. His expression still fueled by the fuming rage inside him.

The Secret Service agents by the door moved towards Dawson and he took a step back. The other members of Alpha fire team stood in haste and faced the two agents. President Walker's hand shot up towards his bodyguards and he cocked his head.

"Stop! Nick, Fred, if these men meant any harm to me at all, I'd be dead already. You go after Dawson for doing something most of us have wanted to do for three years; his team here will make sure you regret it. Now let's all sit down and talk about what happens next."

Adam looked down at the unconscious CIA Director. "That was from Garrett Brown, you spineless son of a bitch."

"Well, now that we have that out of the way. For the record, you and your team have been on training maneuvers with the British government. Off the record, your country owes you a debt that she may never be able to repay," Walker said.

"We were doing our jobs -- Sir," Jake muttered.

Walker looked down the table at the lone S.A.D. man who was helpless to save his boss. He softened his posture and pondered what kind of feelings the young man was going through. Even though he was in the military in his younger days, Walker had trouble coming to grips what that kind of devotion took, to watch your friend die, knowing you couldn't do anything to stop it.

"You must be Newton, Brown's point man," Walker said.

"Yes Sir, Jake Newton."

"Your boss was a pretty good leader."

"One of the best Mr. President."

"You think Eason here is going to replace him with someone that might get you killed? That is if he ever wakes up again," the President chuckled hard.

"Not me Sir, I'm being transferred to the armory. I guess I'm not good enough anymore for missions," Jake said as he glared at the body of Tanner Eason.

"You're not going to the armory, Mr. Newton. Before I came over, I picked up your new boss. Fred, would you please go fetch the Director of the Special Activities Division for me."

The Secret Service agent cracked opened the door and motioned for someone in the hall to come in. When the door was pushed opened, a salt and peppered haired man walked in and he gave the men seated at the table a ridged look. His bright gold tie contrasted hard against the white starched shirt and Navy blue suit. The older man looked more like a business executive than a special operative.

"Well you fucking clowns look like shit. Haven't you ever heard of safety first?" Neal Hawkins strolled over towards the fallen body of Tanner Eason. "Well I guess I'll say hi to him later on."

Adam jumped up and hopped towards his longtime companion. "What the hell are you doing here Neal? I thought you retired?"

"Like I told you in Aviano, guys like us don't fish -- we hunt," Neal said as he shook hands with the fellow SEAL.

"I hope you approve of my choice for a new S.A.D. Director, Mr. Newton. I have a feeling you're going to get more than you hoped for."

"Yes Sir, I think I can whip the old man into something useful," Jake replied with a huge smile.

"What about you Mr. Dawson? It's no secret the teams have had a -- how do you SEALs put it -- hard on for the CIA."

"No problem here Mr. President," Adam said as he smiled all the way back to seat.

"I'm glad to hear that, it will come in handy with the next bit of news," Walker said as he reached into his jacket. The President pulled out a large stuffed envelope and tossed it towards Adam. The SEAL picked it up and looked back with a confused look.

"First things first. Lieutenant Commander Dawson, you and your team have a one-month leave, off the books of course. I don't care where you go or what you do, just don't talk about Pandora. If you wouldn't mind going over my proposal during that time, I'd appreciate it. I expect your answer at the completion of your leave."

"With all due respect Mr. President, I don't like surprises and neither do my men. Why don't you just tell me what you're thinking?"

Walker turned his head towards his new Director. "It was your idea, you tell him Hawkins."

"The whole idea is outlined in there Adam. It's an idea I've been working on for the past few years. We want you to start up a brand new SEAL team. You're recruits won't come from Coronado, they'll be hand-picked by you from any SEAL team in the fleet."

"And just what may I ask do you want this -- new -- team to do?"

"Black ops, you'll be allowed to let your hair grow as long as you want, grow a beard for all I give a shit. No one will know who you are, or what your job is. You'll be assigned missions that are off the books and no one else can handle out of the five teams."

"Okay I'll look it over. The President's personnel shit squad huh," Adam said as he flipped the envelope in his hands.

Walker leaned over towards Adam. "As a matter of fact Mr. Dawson, I was thinking more along the lines of SEAL Team Six, although shit squad is catchy too."

Kevin Dvorska's residence, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Laura sat on the couch, her small hands clasped together, as the thoughts raced through her mind. The phone call from Kevin was short and the only thing he could tell her was he'd be home today. She picked up the remote and turned on the television. After flipping through the channels, she turned it off and tossed the remote on the small coffee table just in front of her.

"Come on, you should have been home by now," she muttered as she checked her watch.

She laid her head back and closed her eyes. As her head contacted the overstuffed couch, she felt the blond wig that hid her burn scars from childhood shift just a touch. Laura reached up to adjust it when she was startled by a sudden knock on the door. She cursed the unwanted intrusion, and marched to the door in hopes of getting rid of the individual in short fashion.

"Whoever you are, you need to leave. My boyfriend is coming home and I don't need visitors," she whispered, as she placed the safety chain on and opened the door.

When she peaked outside, a blazing smile crossed her face and with a quick motion shut the door. Once the chain was free, she threw opened the door and ran outside. She gave the young man a quick hug, and then looked around the parking lot.

"John, welcome home. Now where's that big hunk of a man I've been waiting for?"

John Balch held a small package as he joined her in searching the parking lot. He knew there was little time to sit down and chat with her, Kevin would be arriving within minutes. Gabriel gave him permission to do this one favor, as long as none of the other team members from Alpha saw him.

"Um -- I got out of the debriefing a few minutes early. The others are right behind me Laura, so Kev should be here very soon. I just wanted to stop by and drop this off for my little buddy," he said as he handed her the small brown wrapped package.

"I'll make sure he gets it John. Do you want to come in and wait for him," she said as she stepped to the side.

"That won't be necessary Laura," he said with a wave of his hand. "I need to get back home too. Just tell him Gabe sends his regards, he'll know what you mean."

"Okay, anything for one of the guys."

John started to walk away but hesitated briefly before turning around and facing the once small girl he watched over during a fateful night long ago. "Oh I almost forgot, just one more thing Laura."

John walked back to her and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a gentle hug. Laura returned the gesture, as she laid her chin upon his muscular shoulder. As she hugged John back, she began to feel a strange warmth wrap around her.

"Wow, you're really warm. You should head to the club and see about taking care of that fire Mister," she said with a small laugh as she stepped back.

"Maybe I will, take care of yourself Laura and make sure Kevin gets that."

"Sure thing, see ya soon John," she said as she walked back in and closed the door.

Laura tossed the package on the table, and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. As she pulled the insulated door open, she could still feel the warmth from John's hug, even with the chilled air coming from the open refrigerator.

"Now that boy's got a heater to give some girl on a cold night," she thought as she closed the door and entered the living room.

She was just about to sit down, when the front door opened and the man she gave her whole heart to, came walking through. As their eyes met, time stood still for both of them. The love they shared for each other knew no bounds, even with the secrets they both hid from the world around them.

"Hi Honey, I'm home," Kevin said as he held out his powerful arms.

Laura took just three steps before launching herself into his waiting arms. She hugged him as tight as she could as she wrapped her slender legs around him and squeezed. Kevin groaned as he felt the pressure increase, and she relented her hold on him as she softened the embrace. The young woman leaned back but left her legs and arms wrapped around her werewolf boyfriend.

"God I've missed you so much. I've been dying for you to get home since you called me from London."

"Is that right, I couldn't tell," Kevin said as he swung her back and forth with care.

"Oh you evil werewolf you. Don't make fun of me, I can't help it."

Kevin let her down and walked to the kitchen for a drink. As he walked back to be with his love, he felt the moisture dampening his short sleeved shirt. It had been a long trip and even longer day. He knew a hot shower was the first thing on the list.

"I must smell like an old rag factory. I'm gonna get cleaned up before we get into the welcome home party." Kevin waved his hand in front of his face in mock disgust.

"I'll go get the shower ready for us baby. After that we need to sit down and talk about stuff."

"Oh, oh, now what have you gotten yourself into?"

"Later sweetheart, right now I just want to feel you against me," she replied as she walked with hurried steps to the bathroom.

Kevin stretched as he sat the beer down on the coffee table. He noticed a small package on the table mixed in with some bills and papers. "I'll go through that shit later, shower first."

As Kevin pulled his shirt off, he noticed Laura leaning out of the bathroom entrance. Her shirt was unbuttoned and her perky breasts stood out for his viewing pleasure. She caressed the supple mound of flesh, as she smiled with an air of seduction. In sudden remembrance, she bolted upright and paused in the manipulation of her body.

"Oh, I almost forgot baby, John was just here. He left a package for you on the coffee table, and said to tell you some guy named Gabe said hi."

Kevin looked on in shock at his true love. "What -- what did you just say?"

"John was just here. He left just a few minutes before you got home. Didn't you see him on the way in?"

Kevin darted for the front door and threw it open. He scanned the area as he stepped out onto the steps. He found no trace that the guardian angel was anywhere around. He ran back in and shut the door with unnecessary force, looking at his stunned girlfriend.

"What's the matter Kevin? You look like you've just seen a ghost," she asked, her face full of confusion.

"What did he want Laura? What did he say?"

"Nothing sweetie, he just wanted to drop a package off for you. It's right there on the table. Now if you don't mind, I want to get in the shower with you before all the hot water is gone," she said as she walked back into the bathroom.

Kevin ripped the brown wrapping apart and held the paperback book in his hands. He flipped it over and looked at the cover. The photo of the Congressional Medal of Honor adorned most of the cover, and then he noticed a small piece of paper tucked between the pages. He thrust the book open and removed the note.

"Hi Kev, thought you'd like to know why I was chosen. Take care of yourself and Laura. She's something pretty special.


Kevin looked down at the page and gasped in shock. In large bold letters, was the name of a recipient of the nation's highest award. His eyes misted over as he began to read the citation.

Balch, John henry.

Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy. Place and Date: Vierzy, France, and Somme-Py, France, 19 July and 5 October 1918. Entered Service At: Kansas City, Mo. Born: 2 January 1896, Edgerton, Kans.


For gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, with the 6th Regiment, U.S. Marines, in action at Vierzy, on 19 July 1918. Balch unhesitatingly and fearlessly exposed himself to terrific machinegun and high-explosive fire to succor the wounded as they fell in the attack, leaving his dressing station voluntarily and keeping up the work all day and late into the night unceasingly for 16 hours. Also in the action at Somme-Py on 5 October 1918, he exhibited exceptional bravery in establishing an advanced dressing station under heavy shellfire.

Kevin placed the book on the table and looked up. "Thank you for your service Petty Officer Balch," he whispered as he wiped a tear from his cheek.

Kevin was ripped from his thoughts of the team's guardian angel as he heard Laura's startling scream. He darted to the bathroom door and flung it open. What he saw took his breath away, as he stared at his love trembling in front of the mirror.

She turned to him; fear and bewilderment occupied her searching eyes. Kevin couldn't find the words to tell her what was happening. There was only one explanation of why her scars that she lived with since she was a little girl were now gone. What remained was healthy smooth skin, sparkling with small vibrant specks of hair starting to peek out.

"How -- what's happening -- I don't..."

Kevin placed his finger upon her trembling lips. As he slid his hand across her face, his loving eyes calmed her, but yet, he could not find the words that belonged to the emotion bursting from his heart. If anyone in this world deserved a new lease on life, a small gift from heaven, it was his true love. She believed in him, accepted him, loved him with all her soul, even with the knowledge that he was the world's most efficient killing machine.

Kevin dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her slim waist. A feeling of peace warmed his body, as he felt her delicate hands stroke his hair, then pulled him close to her body. He knew at that very moment, his life was complete, and he needed nothing else but her.

Laura eased his head back and looked down at her soul mate. The loving emotion etched into his tan face, made her realize that this one man, this one caring soul, saw the beauty inside her, when others turned in disgust, or laughed with mock. She felt a twinge of self-pity at having to hide those scars. Not only the external ones, but also the ones you could not see with the naked eye. Her bottom lip quivered as she gazed upon him with all the love her heart held within it.

"I don't pretend to understand what's happening, but maybe somewhere, somehow, this is happening for a reason. I was waiting for later to talk to you, but something is driving me, and I have no words to describe it. I love you so much Kevin; I can't imagine a life without you by my side."

"I feel the same way Laura. I love you with all my heart and I'll always be there until I take my last breath," he said as the wetness began to fill his eyes.

"I hope there's enough love in your heart for both of us." Laura waited for the news to strike him, as she looked on in hope.

Kevin glanced at her belly, and then back to his lover's eyes as the tears now flowed freely down his face. As his soul mate joined him in release, Kevin placed her soft hand in his, and kissed it with trembling lips.

He tried to focus on her face, but found it difficult. The salty liquid that flowed down his face blurred his sharp vision. Blinking his eyes rapidly, he stared at the woman he would gladly lay down his life for. "Will you marry me Laura?"

Laura's body began to quiver when she heard the question that she prayed for, believed in against all odds, but thought the tender moment was abandoned to her forever. Her own tears dropped with light splashes, onto the tender face looking back at her, as she leaned down to kiss the beast, who took a leap of faith for love.



Well, there it is everyone, all 91,000 plus words of it. I hope you enjoyed 'The Pandora Effect' as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know I didn't put many sex scenes in this story, although I could have sent Carl across the street for a quickie but he was tad busy at the time. I pray the Literotica readers won't take it out on me too bad. For those of you that wanted Laura and Kevin's dream to come true, there you go. Thank you again everyone for making the last few years very memorable for me. I must have said it a dozen times, but it still rings true -- the nonhuman fans are the best. Don't forget to vote so I know how I did and please; enjoy your journey, you never know where it will lead you.

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Cor007Cor0079 months ago

"Nonhuman fans are the best", hah! What about the human readers ;)

I thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot, thanks for the great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Your story arc and plot twists are phenomenal. Great writing had me captivated and I hinged... absolutely loved it

hungryeye2233hungryeye2233over 3 years ago

another great read. i now have read 2 out of the 3 stories. hope that the third in the series is just as riveting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Great story I hope you do many more

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Amazing story

You have amazing talent, please continue what you do so well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
fukn great one of the best iv read

bloody fantastic keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Fantastic ...

series on Pandora's Effect....loved every moment every part of it, even without the sex....At least her Kristine has some use, finally.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

i have read many stories pn this site and i have to say you are with out a doubt one of the top three authors i have read, i cant seem to stop reading your stories, i start reading them and they draw me in, even when in half asleep i still keep reading... i love the characters, and the plot lines, the twist are nice when they are there but the overall layout and context is nearly flawless i think and im sure more then a few people would agree with me in saying dude you seriously need to publish something i believe anyone who has ever read anything on here by you would by a copy.

Many thanks for the intruige and the time you have put in to your writing


hoofers13hoofers13over 10 years ago

Great story! I read it from beginning to end in 2 days.

SwtBBW_WFLSwtBBW_WFLalmost 11 years ago
...absolutely loved it!!

Great....absolutely incredible.....crying like a girl....happy tears of over how you chose to end the story...absolutely loved it!!

KiwiKingKiwiKingalmost 11 years ago

I've just finished reading the ENTIRE Pandora story from beginning to end...and it was fantastic....great....amazing.......wonderful... you get the picture.

I loved your last stories and now have fully fallen in love with this one.

A funny, dramatic, suspenseful, thrilling story line. I am constantly amazed by the high level of writing on this site, and you are one of the truly gifted.

I'm now on my way to the next series.

Thank you for allowing me a peek into your imagination!

5 stars


ElhazElhazalmost 11 years ago

This has been one of the best stories I have read. Too much Sex for the sake of sex in the story, tends to make the story line a bit 2 dimensional. This story was so well written, I couldn't put it down. Thanks so much for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Best story

Hope you continue with it maybe the next mission would be to find the fallen angel.

MizTMizTabout 11 years ago
Five Stars are not Enough

You killed an Angel......Mr Hot and Steamy was an an angel or rather still is an Angel. Only now he's transporting miracles. And what a couple of great miracles....Kevin is going to be a daddy Werewolf and the Laura is now as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. Ok so the pregnancy isn't exactly a miracle because it happened before the mission that saved humanity as we know and love it, but still another werewolf is coming...or is it?

As for the was extremely realistic and I know you did a lot of research on it. I wouldn't change a thing, now having said that I have come to realize I don't really enjoy reading real life battle scenes. It's different when werewolves and vamps are fighting. Maybe because it's not real. Again you kicked butt on this chapter and I did enjoy it despite the battle because w/o the battle humanity could not have been saved. NOW GET YOU ASS TO WORK ON THE NEXT BOOK IN THIS SERIES.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
My face hurts

I'm smiling so much. Wonderfully written story. Love me some stand up guys saving the world. I think often about how the real deal is out there every day taking care of business while the world worries about what the Kardashians are doing. My thanks to you and my prayers to them.

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaabout 11 years ago

It just dont get any better,,,,a great story for sure,,Looking forward to more from you,Please!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
a close second to jazz

wow i love reading your stories so much ... this story has been one of the best i have read on here ... im not to keen on all the sex .. this story was perfect .. i will look out and hope you are writing more .. there is so much more to play with and look forward to following you in the future .......


MSBLING59MSBLING59about 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Thank you.

Your writing is superb. Thank you for sharing this story.

Now get back to work - I wait impatiently for your next.

nancylogan2nancylogan2about 11 years ago
The pandora effect series.

Love all of your stories but this series was the best so far.If I could give higher than five stars this series would have was your best so far. PLEASE Keep writting.

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