The Perfect Girl


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He lowered his gaze and shook his head. "I really wish you'd tell me."

She wasn't sure she wanted to tell Danny all this, but if he resorted to wishing it, she didn't have much choice. Wands were not necessary to grant this wish. They had nothing but time. They had all night. They had eternity.

She told him. Everything.

"But...couldn't I just wish that wasn't true?"

There it was, the inevitable. The billion-dollar question. She shook her head no, and explained why.

"...Oh...well, and...I couldn't wish that I was able to wish it?"

"No. Believe me, that's been tried. I tell you, there's no way around it."

Danny thought. It seemed less than fair to him that the girl he'd fallen crazy in love with wanted so badly to return his love, but couldn't. Both hearts ached. Danny didn't want to let go of her, so he kept his arm in hers.

He sighed. "I wish you weren't my fairy godmother anymore."

"Hm." Lindsey leaned into him to lay her head on his shoulder, and as she did, her purse was turned on its side, and her nail file wand slipped out, clattering onto the pavement. She didn't have the energy to pick it back up for a few minutes. When she did, she looked down to see something that shocked her.

"Oh my God," she said. "I think my..."

She looked up at Danny. "...I think my wand broke."

They looked down at the nail file together, which was half-severed and bent in the middle.

"H— is that possible?" Danny asked. "Just from falling on the ground?"

Lindsey chuckle-scoffed. "I know, right?" She turned it over in her hands. "What happened?"

They must have examined it for ten minutes before Lindsey's eyes grew in excitement...



"Try something with me," she whisper-urged him. "Say that again...and break it off."


"Just go with me on this, Daniel. In a myriad of years I have been a fairy godmother, I have never once broken my wand. Please, just humor me. I want to try this. Make that wish again...and break it in half with me."

Danny arched his eyebrows curiously. "Okay," he acquiesced, lowering his own voice to whisper with her.


He took hold of the other end of the file.

"Lindsey...I weren't my fairy godmother anymore."

They both tugged and twisted on their ends until the fibers split and the file came apart in their hands.

Lindsey gasped. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "I...I just felt a spark! A-a little shock, like...static electricity." She chuckled in giddy hopeful excitement, dropping her half. "Oh my gosh...hang on, I...I gotta try something real quick."

She reached into her purse, closed her eyes, summoned a vision, made a fist and pulled out...

Gasp. "Nothing!"


Lindsey looked up at him with far more elation in her face than he'd seen to this point during their time together. She thought she was about to start crying from happiness.

"I'm not!"

"You're not what?"

"Your fairy godmother!" Lindsey shouted ecstatically. "They're gone! They're— powers are all gone! Daniel, we did it!"

"What?! Y—'re kidding!"

"No!!" She reached into her purse again. "I can think of anything right now: a-a flower, a fork, a sandwich, a remote control. And look!" She whipped her empty hand back out of it. "Nothing! Oh,'ve freed me! The contract's broken!!"

Danny looked back up at her in amazement. "'re..."

Lindsey nodded, feeling joyful tears coming on as they gazed into each other's eyes. "Powerless! Yes!"

...And as he looked into her eyes, suddenly he could detect exactly what color they were. Indigo.

"Your powerless...human...girlfriend!"

Danny's breath was taken away. "Oh my G—!" He threw his arms around Lindsey, and Lindsey responded in kind. They began stamping lipprints all over one another before Danny ventured a query.

"So...Charlotte doesn't exist then?"

Lindsey blinked obliviously a few times, her moist indigo eyes lovingly reflecting his image back at him, honestly unaware of what or whom he was talking about.


Danny kissed her with all the passion one single mortal being could summon.

When they broke from the kiss, almost as if brought on by a cosmic coincidence, a single gentleman happened by. "Uh, excuse me, folks," he said. "Do you know, by chance, where the b—"

Lindsey's eyes lit up. She chopped him off before he got any further. "Folks?" she asked. "Plural?? Y— can see me, sir??"

"Uhhhhhnless I'm going blind," the man shrugged matter-of-factly.

Gasping in joyful wonder, Lindsey leapt into the air as high as she could from a stationary stance and screamed, "YAAAYYYYYY!!" She hugged the bewildered man extra tight, proclaiming, "YOU CAN SEE ME!" She next returned her attention to Danny, squeezing him just as tight. "HE CAN SEE ME! DANIEL, HE CAN SEE ME!!"

The man let a few befuddled moments pass. "Um..." he finally spoke again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, uh...whatever might have been going on here, but I was just wondering if either of you happened to know where the bus stop is?"

"No!" Lindsey laughed gleefully. "We don't!" She turned again to Danny. "I don't know! I actually get to say, 'I DON'T KNOW!'"

No less bemused, and now a bit frightened, the gent said, "Okay...well, thank you anyway. I'll keep looking." He waved goodbye. They would've offered to accompany him to help locate the bus stop, but he seemed intent on removing himself from their company.

They waved back, and continued to share their affection. When they were ready to go as well, they left, back past the ordinary severed nail file lying meaninglessly in the street, past the empty property lot where Charlotte's house used to be...

...And kept walking.


One month later

December 2nd, 7:25 p.m.

The moon rested in the bed of a thousand bright stars, the spirit of Christmas now fanned into the atmosphere.

Danny and Lindsey had returned to America and begun a solid romantic relationship. Lindsey viewed the situation as surreal. She was never to have been bestowed with such magnificent privileges. The reaches of the brilliant powers of a fairy godmother inspired incomparable and unique awe in any and all normal human beings. But for Lindsey, it came with just as costly a price. She wasn't free. She was committed to an eternity of service...

...Until Danny Lucas Kilmer magically found the one loophole which had slipped from the fingers of thousands before him.

Danny himself found it impossible to believe not one single person in the hundreds upon hundreds of godchildren made the wish. Perhaps they did, but nobody, not even Lindsey, knew to snap the wand in half. It was, after all, her defining accessory. Lindsey's wand was vitally essential to her identity as a fairy godmother. But she had become miraculously human, and mortal. She would grow old, and she would die one day in the long, long faraway future...and she wouldn't have it any other way.

After she'd gotten out all her euphoric, disbelieving tears, and Danny took her back home to his midwestern cubby in America, he introduced Lindsey to his family and all the other varied facets of his life. He hadn't properly closed his newsstand before their trip all over the world, and to put things mildly, it wasn't any longer fit for him to make his living, but Danny and his family weren't exactly destitute, so they borrowed a little money, and started out on their own. They decided there was nothing they couldn't accomplish as long as they had each other.

Just after December had gotten underway, they decided they wanted to share love in a more intimate way, so they adjourned to Danny's bedroom. He lit a candle, put on some new age music and sprinkled some rose petals over the mattress. They sat side by side, beginning with some nice, slow kissing and innocent petting to warm up. Danny tickled Lindsey's cheek and nose with his eyelashes, just as he had Charlotte's, and she giggled in coy amusement.

He took a moment to consider Charlotte. He could barely remember her at this point either, but his conscience asked him if it didn't concern him to have created a boink-buddy out of thin air, had sex with her one time, and simply discarded her. For a few moments he felt guilty. But he reasoned that technically, Charlotte had never been actually real. Even if she was "real," she still wasn't real. As he told Lindsey, she was what he thought he wanted at the time, but didn't. He wanted a three-dimensional girl, with both positive and negative feelings and traits to share with him. Charlotte felt no pain, anguish, sadness or melancholy whatsoever, of any sort. Theoretically speaking, he could have much as struck her, and she wouldn't have batted an eye. She was essentially a walking, talking blow-up doll. Their sex was spectacular at the time, but that turned out to be all it was: just sex. Insignificant sex.

Lindsey freed her hair from the ribbon and tossed it behind her, shaking her head and flipping her liberated locks all over, making herself extra cute. She crawled up on Danny and pushed him, ladylike, down on his back, climbing atop. The making out resumed, an air of mutual body heat and arousal added to the equation. Their bodies responded, protruding into one another. Before much longer, they couldn't wait to shed their clothes. They commenced to eagerly stripping each other, simultaneously crying and laughing, respectively at the blessing of making exquisite love and the impairment of their senses to get their clothing off.

After enough digging, clawing and peeling had been done to reach naked skin, they moaned in harmony, reveling in the warmth of their body heat, kissing until losing sufficient oxygen. They rolled back and forth across the bed, Danny on top of Lindsey on top of Danny on top of Lindsey back on top of Danny again. Their threads hung off of them, so they agreed to call time out to appropriately adjust the situation. They rechristened the bed. Now fully nude, they fondled each other like barely pubescent teenagers. Lindsey slid her legs off Danny and started rubbing and stroking his erect cock and balls, and Danny gripped her breasts, pressing them together and smooshing them against his own chest, and subsequently reached downwards to massage her pussy.

Their juices were in motion and their organs were becoming increasingly swollen and ripe for unisonous conquest. They revved each other up further by maneuvering into a 69. After a few glorious spells of squeezing and groping asses, Danny devouring Lindsey's cunt and fingering her clit, Lindsey sucking Danny's dick and balls, savoring his pre-come like the compliment it was, they sat back up and repositioned themselves to do what they had really started out to do.

Lindsey cushioned herself in the mattress and lay patiently waiting as Danny spread her pussy and began entering her. He thrusted inside her with as much skill and finesse as he could manage. Lindsey, for her own part, didn't particularly care how skillful his technique was; she was simply ardently thrilled to be having such beautiful sex with someone whom she truly loved and who truly loved her back. Not to take anything away from the act itself for her, again, it was a lovely complement to their devotion to one another, but without the vital emotional factor, they could never have made such sumptuous, dear love.

She suspected Danny wasn't worried about what the immediate future might or might not hold for them, and so for right now she didn't either. Actually, what was going through Danny's mind was the awesome reiteration and reassessment that he at this moment was physically demonstrating his love to his sweetheart, the lady he loved, an elusive, previously unknown woman who had presented herself as his fairy godmother a short four months ago. The surreality Lindsey was feeling as a result of their other-worldly actions wasn't lost on him. Having sex with Lindsey felt like nothing he'd ever felt. He felt bad for her as he thought how many before had wished her to have sex with them that meant no more to her than his insignificant sex with Charlotte. Even if she enjoyed it, it cost her some of her magical power, and thus drained her a small bit. She really could grant just about any wish imaginable, but if too much magic was spent at any one time, the results could be detrimental to Lindsey.

But it was nothing either of them need worry about any longer. All possible problems, issues and non-pleasantries were shut outside the door, unable to seep in and disturb their peaceful act. Breaths heaved and hands searched as their bodies' intimate contact melted them both like hot, hot fudge. Yet Danny tried to hold himself back from coming too quickly, both because she was no longer his fairy godmother, and because he wanted to make this evening last forever.

But at the same time, he knew he was healthy, and had told her so, and he knew Lindsey had to be healthy...

...And her face in the throes of their wild passion was devastatingly sexy. He tried to make it last, but it was an uphill battle. Soon, he could feel it approaching. First, though, he would attempt to discern her reaction.

"Oh m—...oh my G—...G-God..." he stammered out while there was still some time left. "I-I'm gonna c—...come, Linds..."

"Oh God, YES!" Lindsey whispered back, seizing his cheeks and ears and madly planting sizzling kisses all over him. "God, yes, Daniel, I want it! I want it so damn bad! PLEASE come inside me!"

Green-lit with her adamant blessing—which scooted right past consent and slammed headfirst into yearning, hunger and desire—Danny took a deep breath, held it and let the orgasm break, washing them over with its wet torridity. He strained with all his might and main to keep his breath controlled, grappling for just a few necessary gasps of air. His face reddened, dripping with sweat. Lindsey fell hopelessly in love with his steeled determination to pump up the intensity like a basketball until it exploded.

Lindsey tried her best to grip down on Danny's trembling, pulsating dick with her oven-hot, blood-swollen cunt, giving it a tender, tight pussy hug, helping to squeeze out the sticky love cream from his balls. Danny clamped onto Lindsey's shoulders and buried his cringing face in her neck, no longer in control of his technique or mechanics. They just let it happen.

And happen it did.

Danny's essence cannoned through his bulging cock and nailed Lindsey like piercing bullets inside her outstretched pussy. They screamed together in repetitive staccato bursts as steaming pleasure poured over them like boiling water. The sublimity of the release was multiplied tenfold by the accompanying reminder that it had all come about as a result of the both of them granted the wishes they wanted most: a renaissance girl to share the grandeur of the universe and everyday life for Danny, and the liberation and freedom from Lindsey's prison of obedience for her, as well as the capacity to give and receive pure love, to her heart's content.

Feeling Danny come inside her set off the chain reaction in her to make her come monstrously herself, exactly like a domino effect. Lindsey sent Danny careening over the edge and he took her right along with him.

"Oh, Daniel, my love..." Lindsey whispered as he began to drift to sleep. "Thank much...for making that birthday wish."

"Fwank hoo fuh grannig ih," he replied, still muffled in Lindsey's cheek and neck.

It was a cold Thursday morning as they woke up roughly eight hours later, but for right now the name of the day claimed no significance. They awoke still in helpless love, had some breakfast, and went out to celebrate their first day as a consummated romantic couple. Lindsey was chilly, as she'd only gotten to take her fairy godmother outfit with her on her missions, and was now devoid of magical power, so the first trip they took was to the mall to obtain her a suitable winter wardrobe.

And there was no need to cut the mall visit short, so they covered the rest of its inside perimeter, doing a little more shopping, hand in hand, and found a quiet little corner for a bit of quality making-out.

In between their sweet kisses, Danny said, "I'd like to stop by the grocery store too. I wanna make something special for you for dinner. It's called colcannon, from Ireland. And I'm also gonna try to find some travel agencies and see if they'll consider giving me an interview. My only wish now, Lindsey, is that you'll stay with me and be mine forever."

Lindsey smiled big, crinkling her eyes and nose at him.

"I think I'll be able to grant that one. As long as you'll grant mine and promise to marry me one day, Daniel." She Eskimo-kissed him, and playfully joked, "I've always wanted a last name."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

great story.

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