The Pleasuring of Kaylee Ch. 01


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He was her sole unsuccessful foray into working relationships. The man was infuriating and charming beyond belief. He could work miracles of hope in her and then cover her in crushing defeat all in any particular uninvited visit to her shuttle. The unfeeling tyrant held her beating heart in one hand and squeezed, throttled into V-fib for his own amusement and she let him, seemed to encourage it somehow she couldn't understand. She didn't know why.

She was the consummate Guild Companion yet Serenity's captain tore her down bit by bit. But experiencing the months of this bloodless conflict were perhaps useful in providing the small lesson of help to Kaylee today. Help for Kaylee to find herself in Jayne. Inara certainly clung to the hope that she'd assisted in the best way, that she'd done the right thing sending her little friend running to Jayne's arms.

She thought back to the exchange she and Kaylee had shared not much more than an hour ago.

"Should I go change clothes, 'Nara? I'm grimy an' sweaty in my work clothes, even though I left off the underwear like he asked me to." She was so interested in hearing Inara's answer on the changing clothes issue that Kaylee didn't bother to feign embarrassment as she spoke. Figured the Companion wouldn't be fazed by anything related to foreplay.

She was right, the no-panties statement had barely even lifted a corner of Inara's perfectly painted lips. "You look adorable, Kaylee. You always do. I've seen the way he looks at you when you come to the table straight from engine work tattooed in oil. And when you came to Serenity's dinner table on Christmas day wearing the ball gown from Persephone I marked well his seen his eyes on your face and form. Both forms of dress appear to cause him to look at you the same. I suspect it's not the state of your toilette that attracts him, mei-mei, it's the simple fact that he craves you."

Kaylee blushed, hoping Inara was right, hoping the craving might ignite into a burning need in Jayne for her close company on a long-term basis. It needed to be if it was going to match what she couldn't help feeling. Inara's next words bolstered her friend's hopes, "I do believe the man wants you more than he wants to get paid, more than he wants anything at all, if the accrued time spent ogling you is any indicator. Now if you really want to move on, to exorcise the Jayne-centric circuitry you're in the process of overloading, go just as you are. Find out where you stand and go from there."


Kaylee came through the door into her engine room after fleeing what she'd done to Jayne. She stood, chest heaving with twin causes of flight and shame evidenced by a full-on blush from throat to hairline. She stared unseeing at the turning gears. Walking idly around the room, she berated her own stupidity, kicked herself from the core to the border of the black and back. She called herself a fool in all the considerable incarnations of a country girl's native vocabulary. Then she switched to Mandarin.

Her most recent encounter with Jayne hadn't brought her any further toward parsing out what was worth saving and what to throw away when it came to her and him. All she'd done was add an un-wanted (albeit unplanned) blow job to the total mistake of a one-night stand. He'd showed he didn't want it, actually told her to stop and lifted her away from him. She couldn't do nothin' right. Out of practice in the ways of it, and no wonder, considerin' the long dry spell with nothing to practice on.

Today's result was that she was worse-off'n she'd been when 'Nara had brought her a sticky bun for breakfast. When she'd asked the Companion what to do and her answer had been, "Go talk to the man."

Kaylee'd meant to do that, oh, she'd tried to do that, but when she got there, when she found him there all naked and wet and swai in the shower, her powers of speech had fled along with her inhibitions. She'd been lured like a sailor to a siren's call.

No. No thinking on it. Enough already. That way lay madness and more pawing of him by her. Ticking the pawings off on her fingers, she cited aloud, "I jumped him in his bunk last night, not even bein' asked first, I kissed him on the mouth knowin' he don't like it, and now today I latched onto his nethers like a calf to the teat. 'Least this time he jerked me up and showed me good and proper how wrong I've been."

It wasn't 'Nara's fault, Kaylee owned it all on her own. Things woulda worked out better if she'd just talked to him like her friend suggested. She'd have followed that to the letter, alright, if he'd been anywhere but the shower when she'd found him. Coulda left him in peace in the wet too, she had the choice to walk right past the door, saving herself the current agony that raced all through her, toes to hairline. Good lord, what was wrong with her?

She sighed heavily, eyes downcast and caught a glance of the sugary breakfast treat where her friend had left it peeking out under a silky napkin partially covering the little saucer it perched on. An uncomplicated hunger to break her fast struck the physical side of the inner-tormented girl and she leaned up on the wall, slid her back and butt along it, scooching down to sit in a huff on the floor next to the plate.

A note of gratitude rose in her at the saving grace of a body's simple need to eat. She grabbed the plump edge of the bao underneath the napkin and took a big wholesome bite.

"Mmmmm, strawberry…", she exhaled the words. Chewing slowly and swallowing, she reached over to the insulated thermos of canned hot chocolate she kept percolating where the engine heat was mildest. Swigging the chockie goodness to wash down the strawberry-sopped bread, she weighed her options, whatever she might have left of them at this disastrous juncture.

It all boiled down to simple needs. a.) She needed Jayne. b.) She'd needed to tell him this, but her way of tellin' it was by way of jumpin' him when he least expected it. c.) He was as close to the manly side of manliness a guy could get, which meant he needed to take it however and whenever it was offered, but he wasn't 'xactly falling all over himself to do the askin' himself. And that brought her to d.) She needed to leave him the hell alone instead of making a damn fool of herself. She chewed and thought, chewed and sipped and thought some more.

In the deepest part of her heartache, she heard a beloved baritone voice in her recent memory say, "I couldn't no way dream it up to be as good as it turned out to be."

Jayne'd told her that, said that to her after he'd finally let her withdraw from where they were tethered up together, after her body slid away and off the linchpin of him long and long till they were back to being two people instead of one. She was standing, had just finished dressing to leave, and he had told her.

He had, hadn't he? Since waking this morning she'd been focused on her mistakes where he was concerned, on her ignorant slutty ways worked on him. She'd forgotten the kind little lovely words of him that so properly, gently decorated with a cherry the time they'd shared. It had affected her so that she'd stopped mid-stride in leaving, hauled ass back over to where he lay on the bunk, squeezed his muscled bicep to steady herself and kissed his mouth quickly, knowing it was all manner risky to do it. She'd turned and fled out of there like a bat out of heaven before he could lay into her for that intrusion.

Never one to fool herself, at least not for long, Kaylee thought over her latest exit not 20 minutes ago. She'd tucked tail and ran, not looking back for a second. Now that her heart rate was approaching normal and her face's flush was back to the usual roses and cream, she realized she'd solved nothing by running away. In fact, she needed to run back. Deal with the questions and answers, no matter what they turned out to be.

Dusting powdered sugar off her hands and rubbing them down the material on her leg for good measure so as not to pollute Serenity-parts with corrosive elements, she then picked up the few parts on the floor that still needed installing in Serenity's cooling mechanism. A few deft turns of a wrench, a torque here and there, and she was done.

Dirty rags went in one box, clean in another and that was that. The monkeys in space excuse she'd told Jayne was just a way to get away from the interrupted oral pleasuring with the shreds of her dignity intact.

The reorganized mechanic checked her face in the shiniest part of Serenity's silver plating, licked at a crumb and wiped at some grease and chocolate traces, then headed out into the corridor outside. Her steps were sure, firm, her travel plan was simple. Destination: Jayne.

A few minutes later she stood outside his cabin door. It wasn't locked, she peered inside, then climbed part-way to have a better look. No hunky man inside. Headed for the kitchen where she'd often find him cleaning the tools of his trade. Uh-uh. Just Simon and River playing dominoes, heads together conspiratorially, not even noticing when she poked her head in the door.

His shower was over and done with by now, surely. 'Less he'd gone back in for a cold one to even out the raging hard on she'd left him. Kaylee headed back to the scene of her latest attack, figuring either way he'd have to be dressed by now. Maybe he'd be willing to talk to her.

Just one talk was all she needed out of him. She'd start with an apology, a single apology for all three encounters then she'd lock sincere chocolate eyes on his steely ones and ask how he really felt about her. If she had to sit on the floor and hold onto her own knees to keep from running away before it was over and done, she would. Answers were needed here and now. Enough of the not-knowing. Time to lay it all out and move on with life, whatever form it took after the talkin'.

Her motivational speaking to her inner child ran out just as she got to the shower room door. She knocked twice, quietly. No answer brought another knocking, a bit louder now. She edged the door open and softly called, "Jayne?" Nothing. She pushed the door hard and it bumped against something hard but yielding. The something yielded a loudish groan.

The door was opened enough for her to get her head around the edge to see Jayne laid out flat on the floor. His calves were the impediment to her entry but another small push slid them back away enough to get inside the room.

Not bothering to close the door, all worry and concern for Jayne directing thought, she knelt down at his shoulder and looked him over for injuries. She whispered his name again and again, checked his breathing, then turned his head gently to the side to look for blood and the worse possibility of popped stitches. No blood, just a smallish lump on the back of his head, far enough away from the site of his last injury to be a relief to Kaylee.

She ran her fingers along his clothed right leg, taking care not to mash his gunshot thigh wound, then leaned up over him to reach down his left one, searching for fractures. No need to run along his arms since she could see right then and there that they and his broad chest were completely bare.

Sitting back up on her bent legs, she put both hands alongside his strong jaw and leaned in close to him. He was breathing deep and regular, not much harm done, she figured. Must have slipped on the wet floor and knocked himself out.

Though she was a little disgusted at herself for not resisting the oft-emerging desire to take advantage of the man when he was dead to the world, she closed the gap between her lips and his, careful to not impede his taking air in through the nose.

His mouth was hard. And soft too. Her lips slowly took his lower one between her own, tugging just a little, tongue running along inside and back to test the outside. She kissed the corner of his mouth, then treated his top lip to the same behavior granted to the lower.

He tasted good, smelled good, like copper and warm breezes coming out of clean hay bales. She'd thought the excuse he voiced to the entire crew that time, his statement that he'd not kiss women on the mouth might have been due to a case of horrible bad breath, but she could now testify to the non-value of that theory.

She inched her kneeling position a little more parallel and bent down almost double at the waist to play her lips sideways over his. Kaylee let out a groan of need and frustration at the realization that her needful pussy was thickly wettifying due to her mouth's roaming at Jayne's own.

Funny how the wondrous exercise of kissing the man had barrelled-in directly southward on her body, a good two feet down. As she took her pleasure at Jayne's mouth, Kaylee squirmed where she sat on her bent calves, writhing back and forth a tiny bit to ease the ache and flow inside her lower body.

"Uhhhhmmn," sound traveling out her mouth sealed over his and down into his own throat and chest. She held his head between her hands and plundered him, swept his warm mouth, edged her tongue up under his lax one and, oh gods in heaven and in hell, he felt so…

He swam back to concioushess, felt her on him, in him, locked gratitude-to-gods onto his mouth, all purposeful movement and sway, kissing him like she was starving and he was strawberries.

He slolwy opened his eyes to see her own closed tight as she took her pleasure of him. Her mouth felt like glorified heaven, tongue feasting at his open mouth's offering. He forced an uncommon stillness on him, on his own tongue wanting to stir, driven to tangle with hers.

This was one helluva kiss, fit to make a man give up all pretense of avoiding the activity. He wondered what lil' Kaylee'd do if he started participatin' rather than him being just a greedy spectator. He lowered his eyelids, feigning sleep, reminded his mouth and body to stay still and abruptly, purposefully groaned aloud into her mouth, still unmoving.

She slung her mouth up off of him. Looked down into his still face, his closed eyes, and stood guard staring hard, willing him to wake now that she had two safe feet of space between their lips.

His mouth pinned by her gaze opened the barest bit and he said something she couldn't make out. Hearing enough to tell that he was repeating something, she held her hair back from her ear and leaned closer so as to suss out what he was saying. Was it something about her he was whispering?

"Kiss me, Kaylee, ohhh, kiss me." Her name on his swai kiss-swollen lips was irresistible to the woman. Even if he was unconscious, the request had to mean that some part of his mind sought her out, wanted her, wanted the connection with her. She pivoted her head back to face him and softly parted his lips once again with her own.

Strong hands quickly reached up cupping her head bringing her down onto his mouth urgent, alert, hard, sweeping, taking over, no hesitant softness allowed. She let out a surprised sound that just as quickly became a non-verbal guttering purr as he imitated her earlier slant-wise attack, plying her own with the effective tactic.

As she relaxed into him, swallowing as she was being swallowed, Kaylee felt one of his hands leave her hair to press into her middle back as he turned her over atop him like otters mating underwater, then with the force of his strong hand and arm, his waist and hers crossed as he slid her half under him on the cold tile floor.

Supported on one bent arm and hand planted beside her head, Jayne pillaged, plundered the strawberries and cocoa of Kaylee's wanting mouth. His other hand left her head to join the other supporting his weight as he bent down to lay some of his chest's surface on her own, suddently needing to feel her breasts through her clothes pressing against his bare torso. That need temporarily sated, he arched up off her and angled his zipper-captive cock down into the place her thighs met, loving, craving the contact of her there.

Kaylee nearly lost it then, her will to have the conversation she'd come there for absconded on the jetstream of wanting Jayne. Of realizing this weren't a one-sided thing they had here. Hell no, he wanted her, and bad. She had to stop it now, stop their maddening toe-crossing, waist rubbing, mouth absorbing travels, or she'd get no answers, would have no respect for herself after. Learned her lesson last time; sex with Jayne was a drug that tended to leave her high and speechless.

No power in the 'verse could make her end this as long as his mouth was on hers, it was so very, very right but he had to come up for air, disconnecting long enough for her to gain some small measure of control, enough to do what she had to.

Self-talk bolstering her just enough, when his lips finally left her own to nip, teeth covered, along her soft jawline, she arched her neck to give him the best access and said his name.

"Jayne? Ummm, listen."

"Unnnhh, yeah?"

"We need to talk, okay? We've gotta stop and talk about this, about us, dong ma?"

"Uh-uh. I don't dong ma anything, Kaylee. Lemme do this right, do it like we talked about last night in my bunk, neh?" His mouth continued the path, making slow progress down her neck, pausing between words at the place her shoulder met her throat. "You don't have to do nothin', just dong ma that I'm gonna do the gorram ridin' this time. 'S all I can think about anymore, playing you, breaking you, you ruttin' breaking me all to the outside of the sum of our stored-up carnal knowledge and back again."

He straightened his bent arms slightly to raise up and look into her eyes, hoping his words or the kisses would work to find a firm "go" there. This had the equal and opposite effect of pressing his groin more firmly into the perfect western saddle of her woman-parts.

Kaylee's eyes closed for the barest instant in wanting panting cantering lust, but she forced them back to his face so as to reinforce what might just be all on her to bring a stop to. A stop right here and now was needed if they were ever gonna try to make the right start that'd bring them as much of this and more in days ahead.

She pushed her abdomen up into him eliciting a pained and painful groan out of the big man. She pulled her arms from between his and took the wide-jawed face into her hands. "Jayne Cobb. You take yourself offa me now before I do something we'll both regret."

"What you gonna do down there, bench press me?"

"Nope. What I'm gonna do if you don't dismount right this minute is," she looked her fill from where his hair curled slightly down over his forehead to the hard lightly-furred chest shadowed by his body cocked over hers, to his beltline where a fine arrow of hair pointed the way to the answer to her prayers.

"Kaylee? Come on. You'll do what?"

"I'll let you take me hard and fast here on the floor, with the door open while half the crew takes notes on our progress."

He wheeled over half off of her and shot a glance out the open door. Zoe, Mal and Inara were all there, somebody in the motley group interrupting an embarrassed silence with a politely clearing throat.

The End of Part 4

gorram – god damn or gosh darn
wang ba dan – bastard
tchen wa - slut
wo cao ni ye ye de sao pi yan – fuck your grandfather's piss stinking arsehole
gan ni niang'n – motherfucking
wa ch-ao! – holy fuck!

The Pleasuring of Kaylee, Part 5

Jayne's captain stared wide-eyed, jaw set titanium hard straight past Zoe's shoulder at a half-naked mercenary lying half atop his own good mechanic on the shower room floor.

'Nara and Zoe stood filling the partially-opened doorway blocking Mal's attempts to advance into the room, making themselves a barrier of female flesh preventing (or at least delaying) Jayne's destruction, should Mal decide to draw down on the man.

Inara had her own motives for feeling protective of the budding relationship she'd earlier heard about and seen through Kaylee's eyes. Zoe's reasons had more to do with Jayne being unarmed and thus of little threat, undeserving of introduction to Mal's packed heat. Also quickly noted was Kaylee's face and figure unstruggling beneath the merc, seeming more than comfortable in Jayne's arms. The firmly braced young womens' unspoken agreement was that they'd hedge Jayne's bets, stand Mal off long enough for explanations to be given and received.