The Queen: Desire is Enternal


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"Now comes the real fantastic part. Leading up to the new moon phase Zora can be, if properly worshipped, more responsive and even start to interact in sly, subtle ways with her admirers. Again, Baanu would not provide many details on what that exactly meant, but only said her needs or demands would be conveyed to her admirers by soft whispers inside their heads which only they could hear and should not be disregarded but, in fact, should be obeyed without fail and without quesiton."

"Wow . . . that is wild. So it's like telepathy in a sense."

"Yes I suppose but there is more . . . something real naughty Baanu told me?"

"Of course, remember I am--"

Interrupting her son, Matilda snapped, "I know, I know, eighteen and can hear about the naughty stuff. OK, well, here it is then. On the night of the new moon as the clock chimes midnight, Zora can be brought to full life and made to serve her master if she is given the following . . . the sweet nectar of life from an innocent young virgin boy but . . . but only if the boy's mother is present and willfully and actively helping provide such nectar."

Matilda fell silent now, waiting to see her son's reaction.

After a brief moment's pause, Malcolm leaned in close to his mother. "Serve her master . . . and the master would be the one, the virgin boy I mean, who . . . who gave her this sweet nectar?"

"That is what Baanu insinuated, Malcolm. I imagine you are wondering exactly what this sweet nectar of life might be?"

As if co-conspirators in a crime, mother and son were both leaning in close to each other, their words being exchanged in soft whispers.

"Did she tell you, Baanu I mean?"

"No, and I did not ask but . . . but I can presume what it might be, honey."

"Hmm, presume away, Mom."

"You sure?"


"I presume the sweet nectar of life would be the . . . the, you know, the sperm of the young man in quesiton."

Both of them leaned back then, maybe embarrassed before Matilda quickly jumped to her feet. "Well that was enlightening I imagine for you."

"It was."

"Well I am off to do some research to verify what things I can of what Baanu told me."

Just as his mom was leaving the room, Malcolm called out to her.

"Mom, wait. I have something to tell you."

"What is it hon?" Matilda answered as she paused at the entranceway to the living room.

"What you said yesterday about me being adorably handsome so therefore I could not be a virgin. I know you were only joking but the truth is . . . I am."

Matilda felt her heart leap in her throat for a quick second before she regained her composure. "Its . . . It's only a myth, honey. Nothing to worry about."

"I know," he replied why wondering-- what if it's not. He found such a thought intensely exciting.

Day Three Late Evening

It was just past eleven and, once more, Malcolm was paying the queen a visit.

As he nervously approached the shrouded figure of his sleeping beauty, just as he had done the prior two evenings he bent down next to her, shining the light in her face.

Once more he was captivated by her beauty but unlike the two nights before he came bearing gifts this time. Fishing a small piece of paper out of his pocket, he flashed the light on it. After touching her cheek lightly, it felt just as it had the other night, soft and warm, he whispered, "Zora, my queen, I wrote these words for you earlier this afternoon after searching my heart. They are not perfect but they will have to do."

Adjusting the light so it shone on the stationery he cleared his throat before starting to whisper again. "I have tried my possible best to free my heart from your wicked grasp for it's not worthy of such grand beauty as yours, but, alas, my love, it is an impossible task. I love you and every single thing about you and no matter what life brings towards us, because yes I know you, somehow, someway are still alive, you'll always be my everything, my life, my lady, and my most sovereign queen."

He then bowed his head deeply before bending down to apply the lightest of kisses on each of her cheeks in turn.

For the next minute or so, Malcolm sat there, perched on his knees, just staring at his sleeping beauty while wishing her eyes to flutter open and smile at him.

He was just thinking of leaving, when he heard footsteps outside the library door. Shit someone was coming.

Moving like nothing short of a cat burglar, Malcolm leaped to his feet before fleeing across the dark library. Clicking off the flashlight, he just managed to dive behind the large sofa across the room from where Zora lay prone in front of the fireplace, before the door opened.

After hearing the library door quietly shut, he took a sneak peek out from behind the sofa wanting to see who this intruder was ruining his alone time with the queen.

Straining his eyes to see in the dark library, he let out a small exclamation of surprise when a candle being held by the dark figure flared to life. Bloody hell, it was his mother! What was she doing done here at this hour? It had to be almost midnight by now.

Malcolm shrunk back behind the sofa, praying he would not be caught before he started to consider his options. He could expose himself but then he would have to explain what he was doing there and if he was doing nothing wrong what did he hide for? He quickly dismissed exposing himself while deciding his best chance was just to remain quiet and hope his reckless position would not be exposed.

With this thought clearly in mind, Malcom risked another peek out from his hiding spot and was just in time to see his mom bending over, thankfully with her back to him, next to Zora. Sitting on the rug next to them was a small dark bag.

"Ms. Zora I brought you a couple things. I hope you don't mind."

Jesus she was talking to her!

"A brush for your hair, some lipstick, a bit of powder and blush, you know, makeup. I guess it wasn't around back then but I'm sure you will like it. Just relax and let me take care of you my queen."

Malcolm put a hand to his mouth as he watched his mother begin to brush Zora's hair.

She just called her 'my queen'. Yeah just like I did! Malcolm thought utterly amazed at this unforeseen turn of events.

He watched as his mother took some time brushing the queen's beautiful black hair before applying both the lip stick and the makeup. While his mother was mostly silent while doing this, from time to time, he could just make out her whispering something to Zora, but, unfortunately, not loud enough for him to hear.

After Matilda was done brushing the queen's hair and applying her makeup, he watched as his mother reached into the bag she had placed next to Zora.

This time his mom spoke just loud enough for him to hear. "Look I brought you this. It's one of my newer blouses. I might have worn it once. I think it will be better than that old shroud you are wearing anyways though . . . I just hope it fits you."

Malcolm watched—with bated breath-- as his mother patiently started to strip off the white shroud Zora was wearing. Being modest and afraid of being labelled a Peeping Tom if he was caught watching his mother undress the queen, Malcolm shrank back behind the sofa.

After a few minutes he risked another quick peek out and was just in time to see his mom maneuvering Zora back into place.

Reaching into the bag once more, this time his mom brought out a most shocking item: a pair of optic white lace bikini panties.

He watched—stunned-- as his mother casually hung the sexy panties from her fingertips in front of Zora. "You like them, my queen. Here let me put them on you so you are not bare down there. I bet they will look real sexy on you huh?"

Oh shit. Malcolm slinked back behind the sofa now sporting a sizable woody.

He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, trying in vain to control his raging erection. Finally, after about a minute passed he heard the library door quietly shut.

Forcing himself to stay still, he counted to a hundred slowly, wanting to make sure his mother wasn't going to return.

When the dark library remained quiet, after reaching a hundred, he finally crept out from his hiding spot behind the sofa.

He waited to he was almost next to her before turning on the flashlight.

"Wow", Malcolm whispered to himself as his mom's expertly applied makeup made Zora even more beautiful to his wide, staring eyes. Then the soft light from the flashlight slipped down. Malcolm let out a shaky breath as the simple white blouse his mom put on Zora was rather snug on the sleeping queen, especially through the chest area which was more than a little ample.

"Double wow," Malcolm breathed as he directed the beam of his flashlight directly on Zora's chest. Her large braless tits pressed invitingly against his mom's white blouse, but before Malcolm could observe more he heard a noise coming from somewhere upstairs.

"Got to go," he whispered to his queen before impulsively bending over and giving her a kiss directly on the lips as he murmured, "God you are so beautiful."

Day Four Late Evening - Malcolm's visits . . . again

Despite going to bed early and actually falling asleep, Malcolm jerked awake shortly before midnight. He tossed and turned for a few minutes as he tried to avoid thinking of the beauty that lay only one floor below him. It was hopeless as his mind kept flashing back to the way those sizable tits of Zora's pressed so damn tantalizingly against the thin material of the white blouse his mom put on her.

Like a moth drawn to the flame, Malcolm hopped out of the bed and quietly made his way down the stairs and to the library.

He was just starting to open the door when he froze. From behind the closed door he thought he heard a noise. Bending over, his ear close to the door, Malcolm held his breath, listening intently.

There it was again. A soft giggle followed by his . . . his mom's whispered voice.

Malcolm sighed as he stealthily retreated from the library door after hearing his mother let out another soft giggle.

Day Four Late Evening - Matilda's visit, arriving just prior to her son

It was just about eleven fifty that evening when Matilda's entered the library humming a soft tune. She had been out with friends that night for a late dinner and cocktails before returning home just after eleven.

After brushing her teeth, she got ready for bed, slipping on her usual sleeping attire, a blah looking oversized night shirt. She was just crawling into bed when she was struck by a powerful thought: go pay Zora a visit.

Matilda sat back down on the edge of the bed, deep in thought. Should she? After spotting the bottle of coconut oil on her nightstand, she grabbed it.

I bet the queen would like some nice midnight pampering and this is just the ticket, Matilda thought as she hopped up from the bed and started to cross the room towards the door.

Stopping, she turned and for whatever strange reason decided to check herself in the bathroom mirror.

Matilda normally was not a vain person, not at all actually, but for some reason she thought it necessary to look good for the slumbering queen.

Yeah, slumbering queen, she is not actually dead right! You really have gone off the rails on this one girl! Matilda thought to herself as she quickly appraised how she looked in the bathroom mirror.

After touching up her makeup just a bit, she started to once more cross the bedroom toward the door when she abruptly stopped again. This time she made a beeline toward her dresser as another surprising thought smacked her in the face.

The queen deserves to see me in something other than this drab nightshirt.

With this thought squarely in mind, Matilda quickly pawed through the bottom drawer of her dresser where she keep some of her "nicer" things before settling on a magenta satin chemise. It was brand new, having never been worn as of yet. After slipping on her favorite pink fuzzy robe over it, Matilda, bottle of oil in hand, headed down the stairs to the library.

She didn't need to bring a candle this time as knowing another return nocturnal visit was probably inevitable, Matilda just that afternoon left several pillars candles on the small coffee table in front of the sofa just to the side of where Zora was laid out.

After entering the library and lighting the four candles, Matilda turned to the queen.

"My makeup yesterday did you proud, my queen as I see you still are looking as beautiful as ever. Oh and I brought you a little something you might like."

Settling down on her knees next to Zora, she held the bottle of coconut oil up for her to "see".

"It's called coconut oil and, if you don't mind, I will apply a bit to your nice warm skin," Matilda told Zora.

You're talking to her as if she can really hear you girl, Matilda's wholly logical inner voice chastised her.

"She can hear me, stupid!" Matilda responded to herself in a loud whisper before starting to softly giggle at herself. It was this whispering and giggling, Malcolm heard as he was about to enter the library for his own nightly visit to the queen.

Matilda first applied the luxurious oil to the exposed skin of the queen's arms revealed by the short sleeved blouse Matilda put on her just the day before.

After carefully applying the oil to both arms, Matilda dropped her hands to the queen's fully exposed thighs. The blouse, it came down to just past Zora's waist, did little to hide the queen's nicely toned thighs.

As Matilda gently applied the oil to Zora's thighs in soft semi circles she glanced up at the sleeping beauty. Was it a trick of the soft flickering candle light dancing across her face or . . . or was Zora's lips actually trembling if ever so slightly.

Matilda leaned forward, her hands still patiently working the oil in, for a better look and that was when she first noticed it.

Pulling her hands back, Matilda stared pointedly at the queen's chest before whispering, "I could have sworn I had buttoned her blouse up fully after putting it on her yesterday."

Much to Matilda's astonishment, she now noticed how the top three buttons of the queen's white blouse were unbuttoned.

Matilda sighed as she tried to figure out how this was possible. Maybe I simply forgot to button up the blouse all the way or maybe . . . or maybe Malcolm had been in here and his curiosity had gotten the better of him.

No, he is much too shy for such a naughty thing to do as undoing the queen's blouse, mused to herself as she rejected that idea. Then a positively frightening, and deliciously exciting, idea hit her. Maybe the queen did it herself . . . as an express invitation to . . . me."

With this new and exciting thought in mind, Matilda slowly repositioned herself opposite of the queen's chest.

After taking off her robe, wanting to show off her new chemise for the queen maybe, Matilda reached out to the front of the queen's tight blouse with a pair of trembling fingers.

After taking a deep breath, thinking she would simply button her blouse back up, Matilda paused. A mischievous smile crossed her face as, instead of doing up the queen's blouse, she started to slowly undo it more, revealing inch by inch a breathtakingly beautiful pair of large, tear shaped breasts to her wide staring eyes.

After getting the blouse completely unbuttoned she pulled it back. Looking down at the queen's bare tits sent shivers up and down her spine as she picked up the bottle.

It was like she was in a daze of sorts as she slowly moved the bottle directly over Zora's chest before squeezing it. Two large streams of oil splattered down directly in the middle of those invitingly large breasts of the queen's.

"Let's see if you like this sort of pampering my queen," Matilda quietly whispered as she dropped her hands down to Zora's chest.

The queen's breasts felt warm and inviting as she patiently rubbed the oil all over them. Again, after glancing up at her, she noticed the soft trembling of the lips. This time Matilda was not so quick to judge it being nothing more than an illusion thanks to the flickering candle light.

Then it happened, inadvertently. At least that is what Matilda told herself later that night in the quiet of her room while safely under the covers of her bed, when both her thumbs, almost simultaneously, flickered gently across the queen's nipples. Almost immediately, Matilda, yes she had been staring at them, again accidentally of course, noticed how Zora's nipples were becoming . . . slightly erect!!

This could only happen if . . . if yes, my god, she really was alive! Testing her theory, Matilda flickered her thumbs, quite purposefully, across those lovely nipples making them, without a doubt, become even more erect. Matilda spent the next few seconds playfully batting the queen's nipples back and forth while resisting a wild urge to giggle as the trembling of the queen's lips increased in intensity . . . as did the erectness of her ripe nipples.

The daze Matilda was seemingly under broke then as she hopped to her feet, suddenly alarmed at the implications of what she was doing, of what had been done.

After quickly slipping her robe back on, she hurriedly buttoned the queen's blouse up—all the way this time for sure—while making it a point not to stare at her breasts again.

Feeling the need to flee the scene of her alleged crimes as quickly as possible, Matilda blew out the candles before making a speedy exit.

That night, Matilda was haunted by some deliciously wicked dreams. Maybe because she could not stop replaying in her mind how those utterly gorgeous nipples of the queen's became fully erect as she purposefully played with them.

In her dreams she found herself leaning over Zora, showering her with kisses as she felt the queen's, very lively, hands come up between her legs.

While she slept, dreaming this most wicked dream, Matilda began to unconsciously finger herself. This wicked dream seamlessly moved to another where Matilda was on her hands and knees, maybe in the library-- there was a fire nearby—being fucked, hard, doggy style.

In this most wicked dream, Zora was sitting on her knees in front of her, cradling her head in between those lovely tits of hers. As her hard fucking continued, whoever was fucking her was very well endowed Matilda noted, making her overly curious about who exactly was doing the deed.

"Turn around and look sweetie," Zora purred in her ear.

Matilda then turned and got the shock of her life for it was none other than Malcolm going to town on her.

"Oh God," Matilda moaned in both of her dream and in reality as her fingers flew furiously in and out of her pussy. "Fuck mommy harder, baby," she cried as a most tremendous orgasm washed over her.

Matilda woke up with a small shriek as her orgasm came crashing home.

"Of fuck . . . oh fuck" she whispered to herself as the memory of her dream, clear and concise, hit her hard. It took a sleeping pill to get Matilda to fall back to sleep that night.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the library a very satisfied Zora deliberately unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse, this time, in anticipation of the boy visiting her next.

Day #5 - early afternoon

After arriving home from an early shift at work, Malcolm found the house empty. Without thinking, he made a beeline to the library.

Not knowing where his mom was, or what time she would be home, and not wanting to be caught unaware, Malcolm hustled over to the window on the far side of the library facing the driveway. He cracked it open a bit, which would, hopefully, allow him to hear his mother pull up in the driveway if she arrived home during his visit to the queen.

After getting this chore done he was able to turn his attention to her finally. In the soft afternoon light filtering through the drawn curtains the queen looked as beautiful as ever.