The Queen: Desire is Enternal


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Glancing down at her, Malcolm noticed two things straight away. First and foremost, he noticed how the top three buttons on the queen's blouse was, in a most tempting fashion, undone.

His cock twitched in his jeans as he stared at the swatch of pretty dark skin the partially unbuttoned blouse allowed him to see. Dropping down to his knees next to her for a closer look, he noticed the pronounced outline of her nipples pressing so captivatingly against the blouse.

"You look as lovely during the day as you do at night, my fairest of queen," Malcolm whispered to her as he bent to give her a pair of soft kisses on each of her cheeks. "I just wanted to say hi is all," he said as he began to rise to his feet before stopping.

His eyes, they simply could not help themselves, were stuck on her chest. Slowly, as if he was in a trance of sorts, he found his hands reaching out to her chest as he sunk back down on his knees next to her.

His fingers trembled as they began to fiddle with undoing her fourth button before stopping.

"You can't" he told himself in a whisper.

You can . . . don't be such a bloody pussy," his harshly critical inner voice hissed back at him.

He sat there for a quiet moment, his fingers trembling before they slowly undid the fourth and fifth buttons. He closed his eyes then, deciding he would wait until her blouse was unbuttoned completely before looking.

He was just undoing the second from the bottom button when he heard a car door slam shut out in the driveway.

In a near panic, he jumped to his feet and was about to rush out of the library when he remembered he needed to cover his tracks. Hurriedly he started to re-button the queen's blouse but for some reason, maybe because he was extremely nervous, he was finding buttoning up her blouse was more difficult than doing the opposite.

He managed to get just two buttons done up before his inner clock told him he must go.

Fleeing the library, he just managed to make it down the hall to the kitchen as his mom entered the house.

"Hey Mom," he said casually as she came bouncing into the kitchen carrying a bag of groceries.

"Hey yourself," Matilda happily replied.

Malcolm paused before blurting out something that had been on his mind for the last day. "Hey you know I was looking at the internet, just being curious and all and the next new moon phase is like real close."

Matilda paused in putting away the groceries. "So did I. It's in just a couple of days to be exact." Smiling at him, she added. "Are you worried our slumbering guest will start wandering the house then, honey?"

"Wait . . . so you don't think she is dead either. I mean you said slumbering?"

"Just words honey. I . . . don't think anything at this point. Dead, slumbering, whatever . . . I don't put labels on people remember?"

"Good non-answer, Mom, but, you know, I am not saying all that stuff you heard is true but I simply don't get the sense she is . . . well dead."

Matilda approached her son; dropping her voice to a quiet whisper, she told him, "Honestly, neither do I, hon."

They left it at that before parting ways to go about their day's business.

Day #5 Evening

After his close encounter with getting her blouse undone earlier in the afternoon, Malcolm was more determined than ever to get the job done of undoing the queen's blouse fully, but he was also very anxious to see if his mom would pay his queen another nocturnal visit like the night before. All day his curiosity raged at just what his mom did last night behind those closed doors of the library causing her to whisper and giggle so much.

With this thought squarely in mind, Malcolm headed to the library a bit early on this Wednesday night, it was just before ten, hoping to get there before his mother . . . if she was going to pay a visit.

Matilda had a late class this evening, teaching a Medieval History class at a small local college, and usually arrived home a little after ten.

After slipping inside the dark library, Malcolm hurriedly made his way over to his earlier hiding spot from the prior night behind the sofa. Hunkering down, he got comfortable while waiting to see if his mom would pay another visit to the queen.

Although it had been extremely difficult to avoid the queen's allure after entering the library, Malcolm, not wanting any distractions, purposefully avoided her, making straight for his hiding spot.

Matilda, feeling a sense of guilt from her dreams and actions from the night before, told herself all day she would not visit Zora again, but as the day wore on her feelings of guilt slowly ebbed away to practically nothing. By the time she arrived home at ten thirty, after stopping off at the nearby pub for a quick drink with one of her colleagues, and after teaching her boring Medieval History class, Matilda was ready for a little curious excitement.

Malcolm had just actually dozed off while waiting for his mom's hoped for visit when he suddenly jerked awake. The door to the library was opening.

He held his breath as his mother entered the room. As he stole a quick peek out from behind the sofa, he noted how she appeared to be carrying something but it was too dark inside the library as of yet for him to see exactly what.

Humming quietly to herself, Matilda lit the four pillar candles after setting the two small wash basins down next to the queen's body. One of the basins was filled with warm, soapy water and the other with warm, clean water.

Turning to the queen, Matilda said softly, "So I imagine it's been a while since you bathed my queen so I thought a nice sponge bath might be in order."

Giggling loudly to herself, Matilda dipped the wash rag in the soapy water before adding softly, "I hope you don't mind?"

Malcolm was just able to hear what his mom told the queen, causing ripples of excitement, she was going to give her a sponge bath, to course through his body. Adding to his excitement was the tone of his mother's voice, it had that soft sing song quality to it, along with her quiet giggling, indicating she had been drinking.

His mother was one of those button down types who was normally all prim and proper . . . until she got a couple drinks in her and then all that prim and proper nonsense went out the window.

Wanting to get a closer look, he felt safe as his mother's back was to him, Malcolm leaned further out from behind the safety of the sofa.

Matilda was just about to wash the queen's bare arms up and down when she stopped. "What is this," she said in a scolding voice, "your blouse is unbuttoned again, my queen and I know, for sure, last time, I buttoned it up all the way. And now look, four buttons are undone."

Matilda giggled again before adding, "Hmm, I think some queen is being naughty and trying to draw attention to herself by undoing her blouse."

Dropping the soapy wash rag back into the water, Matilda told the queen. "Fine then . . . I guess I will just finish what you started. I got to take the stupid thing off anyways if I wanna give you a proper wash up."

Malcolm stared, his heart beating faster as he clearly heard what his mom told the queen. Sadly though, his view was mostly blocked by his mom as she patiently undid the queen's blouse before gently lifting her up and stripping it off.

There was nothing "inadvertent" about what happened next as Matilda's eyes fell purposefully on Zora's full sized breasts. "My, my," Matilda whispered, before breaking out in soft giggles again, "but you do have a gorgeous set of knockers my queen."

Despite how he strained to see, from his angle and with his mom's body blocking his view, Malcolm simply could not get a glimpse of those "gorgeous knockers".

Starting with Zora's arms, Matilda slowly ran the soapy wash rag up and down them several times before moving it to her neck and shoulders.

"I hope the water is warm enough for you," she told Zora as she dabbed at her face with the soapy rag. Switching to the other wash basin with the clear water, she used a fresh wet rag to clean the soapy residue off the queen's warm skin.

Next, using the soapy wash rag, Matilda carefully washed the queen's tummy. Like the rest of her body, the queen's tummy was well toned, showing nary a hint of fat.

After rinsing her tummy off with the clean rag, Matilda turned her attention to the queen's lower legs and feet. After giving them a quick wash and rinse she next moved the soapy rag up to her firm and fit thighs, washing right up to the very edge of the white panties Matilda put on her just two days ago.

After rinsing off her thighs, Matilda's excitement grew to a near fever pitch. There was only two basic areas she had not washed as of yet on the queen's body: her breasts and between her legs.

Thinking of washing either of those areas caused Matilda no small measure of excitement.

"Well I should be through so unless you tell me otherwise my queen I am going to take my time and wash up those beautiful breasts of yours, making them all nice and clean, huh?"

Matilda feeling both bold and silly, thanks to the alcohol, waited a good ten seconds for the queen to respond.

"Well I guess your silence means it's OK," Matilda chirped as she dipped the wash rag into the soapy water.

Matilda ran the wash rag up and down the entirely of the queen's breasts while mixing in a couple of nice surreptitious squeezes.

"Oh my . . . but you do have a pair of firm breasts my queen," she whispered to Zora before dipping the rag into the soft valley between her breasts.

After taking her time washing up the queen's tits with the washcloth, Matilda dropped it in the soapy water with a loud plop. Bringing the warm clean rag over to her chest, Matilda again took her time in rinsing off the queen's tits while again mixing in a couple exploratory little squeezes of her ripe melons.

"Now, last but not least, I suppose I should wash between your legs my queen."

Before she could lose her nerve, Matilda slipped the soapy rag under the queen's panties after parting her thighs.

"Oh God, I can't believe I am doing this," Matilda whispered in a voice quivering with excitement as she slowly ran the rag up and down the folds of the queen's vagina.

This was the first time Matilda ever touched another woman's vagina; somewhat surprisingly, it was giving her such untold excitement as to make her very own pussy wet.

Quickly now, she switched rags as an old friend paid her an unwelcome visit: guilt.

After hurriedly rinsing off the queen between her legs, Matilda gathered up everything and got the queen's blouse back on, before literally fleeing the library with her unwelcome visitor nipping ferociously at her heels.

Once upstairs, in the safety of her bedroom, Matilda forced her mind away from what just happened and was able to, after a bit of a struggle, slip off to sleep.

Malcolm let out a shaky breath. Although he could not observe-- in any great detail thanks to his poor angle, combined with his mom's body blocking his view-- his mom giving the queen her sponge bath, he was just able to see just enough and hear enough, to cause his cock to become a raging monster.

Not trusting himself to stay in control, Malcolm forego his plan to unbutton the queen's blouse so he could check out her tits, and instead settled for a quick peck on her check and a hurried good bye before he too fled the library.

Upstairs, tucked under the covers of his bed, Malcolm fought the good fight for about—a minute and half—before succumbing to temptation. Whacking off furiously to the thought of his pretty mother giving the queen her sponge bath, Malcolm was spurting out cum in record time.

Matilda was dreaming again and oh what wicked naughty dream it was. In her dream, the queen paid her a visit and this time Matilda was the one receiving the sponge bath from a very aggressive Zora.

During the washing up process between her legs, Zora let her fingers slip inside Matilda's pussy to do some eager and rather deep exploring, and after a good two minutes of said exploring, Matilda found herself being swept away by a tremendous orgasm as she came awake with a loud shriek—while furiously finger fucking herself.

Matilda heard it was not uncommon for women to masturbate in their sleep but never considered herself one of "those women" who would do such a thing.

As she sank back under the covers, Matilda was realizing the slumbering queen in her library was making such past considerations quickly obsolete.

Day #6 Late Evening

After her wicked dream, thanks mainly to the intense finger fucking she gave herself, leading to a wonderfully powerful climax while dreaming of Zora, a tremendous wave of guilt washed over Matilda. She was not acting professionally in regards to her discovery, but instead was being swept away by her find's beguiling beauty.

Determined to put an end to her nocturnal explorations with the queen that night Matilda took a sleeping pill, allowing her to slip off to sleep before temptation got the better of her.

Malcolm, on the other hand, was able to bury his guilt over whacking off while fantasying about his mother and the queen and happily paid Zora another visit.

His mother mentioned she was taking a sleeping pill and retiring early so Malcolm was looking forward to spending some quality alone time with his queen as he slowly approached the library door just a few minutes shy of midnight.

After listening at the door, he wanted to be sure, and hearing nothing, Malcolm slipped inside the library.

He used the book of matches he stuffed in his pocket to light the four pillar candles still sitting on the coffee table next to Zora. Leaning forward, Malcolm peered longingly at the sleeping beauty, who looked more captivating than ever in the soft light of the flickering candles.

Reaching out, he stroked the side of her face tenderly with one trembling finger as he whispered, "My queen you look . . . more beautiful than ever tonight . . . I . . . I fall in love with you every time I gaze upon you, hypnotized by your beauty."

Leaning down over her, he gave her several soft kisses on each of her cheeks, and then another on her forehead before moving his lips carefully to hers. After taking a deep breath, he pressed his lips firmly against hers. Her lips were soft and warm as he applied several light kisses to them causing his poor heart to race with untold excitement.

Whatever excitement he was feeling quickly turned to sheer terror though when he heard a soft noise over by the library door. Jerking his head up, he found the door was wide open. Worse still, his mother, with an almost sad expression on her face, was leaning up against the door jamb.

"Busted," she said to him softly.

"Mom I . . ."

"Shhh, you can explain things to me upstairs. Blow the candles out and let's leave the queen in peace, hon."

Embarrassed, Malcolm quickly blew out the candles before trudging past his mother and upstairs to his room.

Matilda, before shutting the library door, chastised Zora quietly, "Naughty queen, trying to seduce my innocent young son . . . tsk tsk."

Matilda followed her son into his room. She had awoken feeling thirsty and only went downstairs to get a glass of water before having one of those sudden feelings she needed to check on Zora, only to find her son bent over her, showering her with kisses.

"Mom, I can explain . . . I--"

Interrupting him, Matilda said, "No need to explain, honey. I am not mad. I mean the queen, her beauty is seductive, maybe even irresistible and you are young and curious, yet, watching you kiss her . . . makes me . . ."

Matilda sighed, daring not to reveal her true feelings to her son for fear of making him even more embarrassed.

When she turned and started to leave, instead of finishing her thought, Malcolm spoke up. "Makes you what, Mom?"

"Nothing, hon, we . . . we can discuss things tomorrow, maybe."

Malcolm sighed as he stripped down to his briefs and crawled into his bed. His mother was acting very strange and he just knew it was because of the queen.

Day #7 - Morning and Afternoon: One day prior to the New Moon

Both Matilda and Malcolm checked on the internet first thing in the morning, even before heading to breakfast wanting to be reassured the next new moon phase was tomorrow. It was.

Properly reassured both of them looked forward to this evening when, if the myth be true, the Moon Goddess would become more "active".

Matilda, for her part, was still on the fence about just what to do. Last night she tried to stay away by taking a sleeping pill by still awoke during the night feeling an overwhelming urge to go visit the queen. The excuse she made to herself about wanting a glass of water and that is why she went downstairs was pure rubbish. She went down to visit the queen and if it had not been for her son beating her to the punch it might have been her showering Zora with kisses last night.

Professionally she knew she should stay away from the queen, but personally . . . she was more than a little curious to find if the myth's whisperings about the Moon Goddess being more active on the night before, the night of, and the night after a new moon were true.

Malcolm, on the other hand, having no professional code of conduct to worry about, was more than a little anxious to see just what might happen over the course of the next three nights.

Over breakfast that morning, Matilda broached the subject with her son.

"Look Malcolm, I know it's on your mind and I know what you want to do."

Trying to act casual, Malcolm responded dumbly, although he was pretty sure what his mother was referring to. "What are you talking about Mom?"

"I think we both know what today is. The day before the new moon and I'm sure you remember what I told you that Baanu told me."

"You mean about how Zora can be summoned by worshipping her with small gifts and bestowing acts of kind deeds and words upon her. And how, as she lays quietly in her state of repose, just awaiting the next new moon, she should be physically pampered . . . especially on the night before the new moon. Yeah, I remember."

Matilda smiled. He remembered, point by exact point, which could only mean one thing. "You want to visit her tonight don't you? And try some more of that physical pampering I am guessing."

"I don't know," he mumbled thinking eventually she was going to severely chastise him for catching him kissing her last night.

"Well if you do hon . . . just remember, she is a queen and as of such you best treat her that way."

Most surprising, apparently, that was all his mom had to say on the subject as she picked up their dirty dishes and disappeared into the kitchen.

That afternoon, as soon as his mother left the house for a meeting at the museum about her guest, Malcolm scurried off to the downtown shopping district.

Taking Baanu's advice to heart, Malcolm spent the afternoon visiting several different jewelry stores, searching among them for a gift befitting a queen. Nearly two hours later, he left downtown some four hundred pounds poorer while being the proud owner of a mini 14k white gold bracelet, featuring a small heart shaped pendant.

Meanwhile, directly after her meeting was over, Matilda too headed downtown—to buy a gift of her own for the queen. After getting the gift she just happened to pass by one of downtown's chic sex shops. Curious, of course she wouldn't buy anything, she ducked inside.

Day #7 Early Evening

Over dinner that evening both mother and son did something unusual: they blantantly lied to one another.

"Are you going to visit the queen tonight, Son?" Matilda directly asked Malcolm about halfway through their quiet dinner.

"I don't know. You?" he replied while knowing full well he was planning on visiting her. After all he had an expensive gift to bestow upon her.