The Queen: Desire is Enternal


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"I doubt it. After all, it's just a myth, you know, about her coming alive if you pamper her, if you shower her with gifts."

"Of course it is, Mom," Malcolm said verbally while silently believing the opposite.

"I think I will just go to bed early tonight, take a sleeping pill, and get some good rest. She had caused enough mischief already."

"Me too then. I mean about going to bed early, not the pill part and I agree . . . she has caused enough mischief. Too much maybe."

They both knew their spoken declarations to be false as they both very much planned on visiting Zora that evening.

They both retired for the evening around nine with Malcolm setting his alarm for 11:30—as did Matilda.

Day #7 - Late Evening

Malcolm, dressed in a pair of gym shorts and tee shirt, arrived first as it simply took Matilda a bit longer to get ready since she took a few minutes to apply a bit of makeup before visiting her queen while Malcolm only did a hurried wash up before brushing his teeth and combing his hair neatly.

He paused at the door, leaning down to see if he could hear anything. He half suspected his mother had been lying about having no plans to visit the queen.

When he heard nothing for a good thirty seconds, he slowly pushed open the library door before letting out a sigh of relief when the room was both quiet and dark.

He nervously slipped inside, his gift in one hand, his small flashlight in the other.

He was about to flick on the flashlight when he froze. He heard a noise coming from just outside the library door.

There was a couple floorboards just outside the door which tended to groan loudly when stepped on and as Matilda, just like her son earlier, paused before the closed library door, listening, she made the mistake of shifting her weight, causing one of the floorboards to groan loudly in the silent house.

Malcolm, tip toed hurriedly across the library before quickly slinking down behind the sofa—just as the library door opened.

He watched the dark figure enter and then pause before lighting, first a match, and then the four tall pillar candles on the coffee table next to the queen.

As the candles flared to life one by one, Malcolm spied his mom, looking quite fetching in a white satin robe, settle down next to Zora before pulling out a black velvet case jewelry case.

The case contained a pair of lavish diamond stud earrings Matilda bought the queen just that afternoon.

As Malcolm continued to peer out from behind the sofa, he prayed whatever he was about to witness would be as nice as the sponge bath the other night.

"These are for you my beautiful queen," Matilda whispered as she opened the case, tilting it forward for the queen to examine.

Giggling when the queen failed to respond, Matilda whispered again, "I take it your silence is one of awe over my beautiful gift."

Earlier, as she was getting ready, wanting some liquid courage, Matilda downed two glasses of wine and was feeling rather playful and light hearted as she slipped inside the library.

"I will take the liberty of putting them on for you my queen."

Matilda carefully put on the diamond floral earrings before leaning back.

"Hmm, they look nice on you my beautiful queen," she whispered before adding, "As they should considering the money I spent on them."

Reaching out, Matilda carefully stroked the side of Zora's face. She looked glowingly beautiful tonight . . . and more alive than ever. Oh and I see . . ." She paused, giggling again. "Your poor blouse is half undone. Hmm, did I do that? I think not my naughty queen."

Running her finger through her silken black hair, Matilda dropped her voice to a sultry whisper as she spied the bottle of coconut oil she had left there the other night.

"Maybe you undoing your blouse for me is . . . is an express invitation to rub some more of the luxurious coconut oil all over those gorgeous tits of yours my queen. Hmm, I think maybe you would like that?"

Then it happened, causing Matilda to let out a small shriek. Zora, The Moon Goddess, spoke to her, albeit it, silently that is.

As clear as anything a perfectly feminine voice spoke-- in English-- inside of Matilda's head.

"The queen liked your coconut oil the other night. Do it again!"

Matilda put a hand to her mouth, suppressing a loud shriek.

It was true! Baanu was right!

Matilda, hurriedly jumped to her feet, to grab the oil as her mind whirled. Remembering some of what Baanu told her exactly-- Zora can be, if properly worshipped, more responsive and even start to interact in sly, subtle ways with her admirers while her demands will be conveyed to her admirers by soft whispers inside their heads.

She had discounted it as pure myth at the time but now with the myth proving to be real, things were definitely trending in a most exciting way.

As Matilda grabbed the bottle of oil she recalled something else Baanu told her. It was something about how the queen's demands should not be "disregarded but, in fact, should be obeyed without fail and without quesiton".

"Well, it appears I am now one of your subjects my queen since you have woken from your quiet slumber."

Almost immediately there was a harsh reply inside of Matilda's head.

"You would do well to remember that my dear doctor. Obey and you shall be rewarded, but to do otherwise will invite my wrath which I would take out upon that adorably cute son of yours."

Matilda actually bowed her head then before sinking down to her knees as she whispered, "Obey I shall, my queen, but please impart on me your secrets."

"All in due time, but for now . . . pamper me with some more of that wonderful concoction you called coconut oil."

"And just where would the queen like to be pampered first?"

"Much like last time, start with my arms and legs and go slow, allowing both of our anticipation to grow . . . along with his."

"His, my queen? You mean Malcolm?" Matilda asked as she dumped some of the oil on her hands.

"Of course. He is here . . . watching from behind the sofa."

Matilda started to turn, but stopped when she heard Zora's commanding voice barking at her inside her head. "Do not turn around. We shall put a nice show on for him."

Matilda quickly turned back as her excitement grew at the thought of her son watching them from his not so secret hiding spot.

Starting with her bare arms, just as before, Matilda quickly worked the oil up and down before letting her hands slip down to the queen's firm thighs.

Glancing up at her, she noticed, despite the loud voice she just heard barking inside her head, the queen still appeared to be slumbering quietly.

As she worked the oil up and down her arms she risked a question. "Please, if you don't mind me asking, how do you know English so well my queen?"

"I listen and learn doctor, much like you I imagine. Now concentrate on being an attractive woman who is offering pleasures to her queen . . . and not on being a boring doctor full of inane questions."

Properly cowed, Matilda didn't reply . . . or to ask any more questions.

Moving down to Zora's thighs, she carefully worked the oil in small circles going right up to the very edge of her pretty panties.

"Now let's liven up the show for you son, doctor. Help me rise up so I am leaning back on my arms. Talk to me, just loud enough so he can hear, tell me to do it. Act as if you are in command of me while remembering I am actually in command and if you hear my voice inside that pretty head of yours you must obey."

Matilda smiled at the queen sweetly, indicating she was more than willing to play along as she pulled her hands off the queen's thighs.

"Now let's get you up," she spoke aloud to the queen. "Sit half way up and lean back on your hands."

Matilda helped the queen rise up with some gentle prodding while noticing she was yet to open her eyes before there was some more soft commands being whispered in her head.

Enthusiastically following along, Matilda spoke aloud again. "OK I am going to take your blouse off my queen so I can finish up applying the oil to your tummy and then to . . . those gorgeous tits of yours."

Upon hearing this, Malcolm's cock grew instantly hard as he watched while his mom patiently unbuttoned the queen's blouse. This time, most fortuitously, his view was not blocked as his mother was on the opposite side of the queen's body away from the sofa.

Malcolm view was fixed like a laser on the queen's chest as mom slowly undid Zora's blouse before deftly stripping it off of her.

"Jesus they are beautiful," Malcolm whispered to himself as he stared with unabashed hunger at Zora's beautiful tits. They were large, dark, and tear drop shaped and glowed with an impossible beauty in the muted candle light.

Once she got her blouse off, Malcolm watched his mom maneuver the still slumbering queen around before she began to talk to her again.

"OK sit up my queen as I want you comfortable. Legs straight, hands on your knees . . . that's it."

The queen was really a vision of pure, absolute beauty to Malcolm as she sat there, completely naked except for the skimpy panties, hands on her knees, head tilted down, seemingly still in some kind of semi coma.

More instructions were hurriedly whispered to Matilda as she picked up the bottle of coconut oil. "Now I am going to pamper those regal and most majestic tits of yours my queen with my coconut oil making them all nice and soft and shiny."

Moving behind the queen, Matilda sank down to her knees as she slowly kneaded her shoulders first before letting her hands slip down to gently cup both of the queen's boobs.

"Your tits are so nice and firm, my queen and so very beautiful."

Using infinite patience, Matilda worked the oil into them with an abundance of tender loving care.

It was this TLC applied by his pretty mom to the gorgeous queen and her magnificent breasts that soon had Malcolm literally panting with forbidden excitement as his cock grew to epic proportions of hardness.

And then things really started to get hot as he watched his mom, still being fed the naughtiest of commands by the horny queen, move around to the front of Zora before gently pushing her onto her back.

Reaching down, she carefully removed the queen's panties before tossing them aside casually.

"I have some special oil to apply between your legs my queen. It's actually all natural." Matilda spit on the palms of her hands before licking on the index and middle fingers of both of her hands.

Her heart beating wildly, Matilda slipped one hand down and in between the queen's legs. Using the palms of both hands, she alternated rubbing Zora's pussy before slipping one finger up and inside of her causing the queen to hiss audibly.

Making her voice nice and firm, Matilda whispered loudly "Hmm you like that you regal bitch. I bet you do. I . . . I am going to make you come so hard you will be the one worshipping me you, bitch."

Matilda worked her fingers in faster now, making the queen moan quietly as she started to squirm all over the plush rug.

Malcolm was actually starting to undo his jeans in a prelude to jacking off as he viewed the show but then stopped. He couldn't risk it. He would wait until his mom left.

Matilda dropped down between the queen's legs as she parted them wide with her hands. "I am going to feast on your royal pussy now my queen and make you beg like a common wench for me to make you come."

Although Matilda had never went down on a woman before she knew exactly what to do . . . or thought she did as she simply would do what she liked having done to herself.

She swirled her tongue all around the queen's wet opening several times as she continued to work her finger in and out, in and out, making the queen moan louder from her tender attentions.

Replacing her finger with her tongue, Matilda started a most gentle assault on the queen's royal clit, first as she flickered her tongue over it several times lightly before giving it a trio of slow languorous licks.

Zora, squirming all over the plush rug as if she had been hotwired, now demanded loudly inside of Matilda's head to "make me come."

Matilda redoubled her efforts to tease the queen by first pulling back, breaking contact completely, before saying in a teasing whisper, "Aww, how sweet, some regal bitch wants to come. Hmm, I don't think I have teased you enough yet my queen."

Lowering her mouth back down so it was hovering mere inches away from Zora's royal treasure box, Matilda blew gently on the queen's clit as she stroked it tenderly with the back of one finger.

"Hmm, nice and moist you are my queen" she whispered before lightly flickering her tongue all around her swollen clit.

Zora moaned louder than ever as she once again demanded her subject make her come. This time the doctor would comply.

Taking a deep breath, Matilda resolved she would not come up for air again until the job was done. She started by spraying the entirety of the queen's vagina with dozens of light kisses before she started to flicker her tongue across her clit while using her thumb and index finger to tenderly massage it.

Applying ever increasingly pressure, Matilda flickered her tongue faster across Zora's clit while working her finger up and inside of her deeper and faster.

Zora, wriggling all over the rug, came hard after a good minute or so of these tender attentions.

"Well . . . I guess the queen should be pleased as I obeyed her commands huh?" Matilda announced loudly, for her son's benefit, "And made her come like a common wench."

Malcolm observed her mom carefully getting Zora dressed again, wishing she would hurry and get out of there so he could get down to business. His plan was simple at this point. He would go over to the queen and after presenting her with the necklace, he would pull out his cock and jerk off . . . while gazing at his queen's infinite beauty. This was all based on the assumption the queen would still be slumbering quietly.

After his mom blew out the candles and left, as she was instructed to do by the queen, he proceeded with his plan.

He waited a few minutes, considering his state of affairs down there, it was a long few minutes, wanting to make sure his mother was not coming back, and when the library remained silent and dark he slowly crept out from his hiding spot.

After he relit the candles, he sank down next to the queen on his knees. Peering at her closely, she appeared to be still in her coma like sleep, he whispered, "I have something for you my beautiful queen."

Pulling out the bracelet he held it up. "I hope you like it. Its fourteen carat white gold."

Nervously, he lifted up the queen's right wrist before carefully attaching the bracelet around it.

Pulling back, he licked his lips nervously, almost afraid to take the next step.

Stop being a pussy, his inner voice barked at him. Undo her fucking blouse, pull out your cock and then jerk off. Maybe you will get lucky and spew some cum on those gorgeous tits of hers.

His naughty inner voice then began to cackle manically at the thought of squirting a load of cum all over those regal breasts of hers.

"No . . . I won't do that. I won't disrespect my queen in that way," Malcolm announced loudly, almost angrily.

I will go jerk off in the privacy of my bedroom allowing the queen to rest in peace, Malcolm firmly decided.

He actually started to rise to his feet before he stopped.

Thinking aloud he whispered, "But I, at the very least, should get a small peek at them . . . while giving her a kiss or two."

Reaching down, he started to anxiously undo her blouse and after getting it undone all the way, he was finally allowed an up close and personal look at the queen's tits . . . and became lost.

"Jesus they are so beautiful," Malcolm whispered as he stared at these perfectly tanned globes of pure beauty.

Before he could even stop himself, his prior promise to not disrespect her all but forgotten, he was undoing his jeans as he leaned down, his passion raging out of control as he rained a series of sloppy kisses on her lips.

He had just pulled back from the last of his messy kisses and was reaching out to fondle the queen's bare tits when disaster struck.

Waiting just outside the library door for her queen to give the command to enter, Matilda nervously shuffled her feet.

"Go . . . enter now . . . quietly . . . and then, at first chastise the boy for being naughty and then . . . just do as I command."

Matilda quietly nodded her head in ascent as she carefully pushed open the library door, ever so slowly so it would not make a noise, before stepping inside.

She smiled as Malcolm, totally oblivious to her presence, started to stretch his hands out toward the Zora's luscious tits. She noted how, not surprisingly, he had already undone the queen's blouse all the way fully exposing those luscious tits. Doubtlessly, he was planning on fondling them a bit before jacking off.

The queen gave Matilda her instructions then. "Make yourself known to him. Show him you are both angry and disappointed."

"Malcolm . . . just what the bloody hell do you think you are doing!" she barked at him.

"Malcolm jerked his head up. "Jesus Mom you scared me. I was ju--"

Interrupting him sharply, she hissed, "You were just nothing, Malcolm. I know what you were planning on doing."

Marching over to him, she stared down. The bulge was evident even as he fumbled to do up his jeans.

"Go wait for me, over there on the sofa, while I do up her blouse. Thank God I got here before you did something really stupid."

"Mom I--"

"Go I said."

"Fine," he said as he staggered to his feet. "But can I just go to my room and maybe we can talk about this tomorrow."

"No, we talk about it tonight. Now go to the sofa and sit down and wait for me before I get real mad."

Like a scolded dog, Malcolm retreated across the library over to the sofa.

While buttoning up the queen's blouse, Matilda received her marching orders from the queen on just how to handle things with her son from this point forward.

After getting her blouse done up again, Matilda sat down on the sofa next to her son and before she could even say a word he was falling all over himself apologizing.

"I am really sorry, Mom. I . . . won't see her again. I won't come down here again."

"I am afraid it's too late for that, Malcolm You can't shower her with gifts, with attention and kisses and then simply ignore her. You will put both of us at risk if you do that."

"Mom what do you mean . . . at risk?"

"Shhh," she whispered to him before glancing furtively in the queen's direction. "We can't talk about that now but instead can we talk about me for once? I mean, basically, ever since she arrived, I have felt invisible around here. All your attentions anymore seemed to be focused on her. Sad fact is honey, I am jealous . . . especially after I spotted the expensive diamond bracelet you gifted her."

"It . . . it wasn't that expensive, Mom and I had some extra money because I won big at me and the guys monthly poker game."

"Really. Well I really doubt that the bracelet was cheap, but anyways prior to her coming here, you doubtlessly would have spoiled your mother with some small gift after winning at poker, but now thanks to sleeping beauty over there, your mom is all but forgotten. At least you have your priorities straight."

"Mom, I'm sorry. It was just, you know, curious to see what might happen if I did spoil her with some small gifts."

"I can tell you what happened," his mother told him softly, blinking back tears, "Your actions indicate you want her more than me."

Looking down, Matilda, not acting in the least, began to sniffle. "It makes me overly tense and hurts my feelings . . . such thoughts."