The Reluctant Model Pt. 01


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When I came down after this one, and they were still moving from position to position taking photos, it was initially like being in a kind of dream. But as I gradually recovered my full faculties, I initially felt the shame of being in such an exposed and disgusting situation; and I recoiled into a foetal position. But even adopting this defensive pose didn't stop them taking turns to get in close, and photograph me from every possible angle.

And then after maybe two or three minutes more, it was as if reality kicked-in, and I realised they'd already seen and photographed everything I'd got to photograph; so why was I scrunched up in this ridiculously uncomfortable pose? And as I uncurled my body and sat myself up on the couch, Bob said, "Super. That's it, put your hands on the couch either side of you, and stick those glorious tits out." And so that's what I did.

But I don't think I'd obeyed instantly, and I think my first reaction was to give him a defiant look. But when his only reaction to my look, was to pop his face out from behind his camera and show me his beaming smile; I guess I just thought, what the hell.

So then for maybe the next fifteen minutes or so, Bob would instruct me, in where and how to pose, and him and Ken would take their photographs. And I'm not sure if you can imagine it, but in those fifteen minutes, they had me in just about every conceivable pose. Some of them taken on my own, displaying what Bob called my assets; and I do mean displaying. But sometimes I was with Sidney or Trevor, or even both of them. And there was even one, with me bent over, with Trevor's cock-end in my mouth, and whilst Sidney stood up behind me, he slipped his cock up inside my fanny. And even that wasn't good enough for Bob. As he then instructed Sidney to lift up my left leg, and hold it pointing towards the ceiling. Which then turned my hips, and gave him and Ken an unrestricted view of Sidney's cock stretching my fanny.

And I let them. But if I'd thought that was the deepest of depths of degradation, then Bob knew better.

As he put his camera to one side, and he proceeded to undress, he said, "Right luv, what d'you know about felatio?"

I'd never even heard of it, so I asked, "What's that?"

"Like what you were pretending to do to Trevor, cock sucking."

And yes I had opened my lips, and reluctantly let Trevor put that big fat purple head of his cock in between them; but it had been very reluctantly and I'd not let him push it in too far. So hearing the words cock sucking, I gasped, "Oh no, I couldn't do that."

By now Bob was naked, apart from his socks, and his cock wasn't showing the slightest sign of arousal, (unlike Sidney and Trevor, who both seemed to be in an almost constant state of erection). And he said, "Now come on, you've been a star performer so far. You can see my old fella needs a bit of encouragement. I'll not ask you to suck me off all the way, and I'm not expecting you to let me cum in your mouth. Just stroke it a little, and then give it a little bit of sucking. Once it stiffens up, you can slip it up your fanny."

I was totally amazed at his matter-of-fact attitude to the whole thing. Not only the sucking of his cock, but his assumption that I was automatically going to let him shag me. And as I was thinking this, he was getting himself onto the couch, and lying himself down on his back. So it wasn't even that he was going to shag me, he expected me to shag him. I'd never even done that with my husband.

And then Ken took me by my elbow, and talking quietly directly into my ear, he said, "It's Bob who controls the payments. And I know what your Gerry would say if he was here."

I looked at him in amazement, "My Gerry would be totally devastated if he knew half of what I've done already. In fact, I think he'd want a divorce."

"You obviously don't know your Gerry too well. He was the one who asked me if I could get you work modelling, because he knew I was in a camera club. I didn't want him getting the wrong idea of what kind of photographs we took, so I showed him some photos. Ones like we've just taken with you and our two lads here; I thought that would put him off. But all he asked was how much you'd get for that kind of photograph."

"Gerry wouldn't. He said..."

"I don't care what he told you. All I know is he badgered me into getting you here, and he said he wanted us to do whatever we could to persuade you; short of actually hurting you that is."

"That doesn't sound like Gerry."

"Well I'm certainly not going to attempt to force you. But not going the whole way, and getting paid the maximum amount of money, after you've done as much as you have already, don't you think that would be foolish, to say the least?"

"Well I guess if Bob wants to do me, then I'll lie-down and let him. But I couldn't suck his thing."

Ken led me across to where Bob lay, and guiding me down to a kneeling position alongside the couch, he knelt down with me. He then took my wrist, and guided my hand across to Bob's cock, saying softly, "Just take a hold. That's it; now bring your other hand across. That's it, just gently." And then after no more than a minute or so of me caressing Bob's cock, I felt Ken's hand resting gently on the back of my neck, as he continued, "Come on, just do it for Gerry. I promise this is what he'd want you to do." So with very little pressure, I allowed him to guide my head down, and as Bob's cock touched my lips, he said encouragingly, "Good girl, now open wide." I did, and in it went. And by now it was stiffening up, and swelling to quite a thick diameter; a lot thicker than my Gerry's.

And as much as I'd hated the thought of having a cock in my mouth, once it was there, it was as if it was meant to be. Ken was now kneeling behind me, and with arms wrapped around me, he was fondling my breasts. And between the sensations he was generating and the weird feelings in my tummy (I think as a result of the cock in my mouth); I was once again in full slut mode. And nothing that my rational self could tell me, could persuade me to stop.

And then Bob said, "That's enough sucking, get her to mount me."

Ken's hands slipped out to each shoulder, and as he said, "Come on my dear, get yourself up onto the couch, and slip him up into your fanny." He manoeuvred and guided me. And so with just guidance, and no real force, I allowed myself to be positioned above Bob, legs astride his torso, and my fanny above his now rampant cock. Then Ken said, "Okay, you know what you've got to do now."

So I slipped a hand under my crotch, and taking hold of Bob's cock, I guided it into my fanny. And then without any encouragement, I actively shagged him. And I have to say, that although his cock might have initially been reluctant to rise to the occasion, once I'd shown it some encouragement with my mouth, it definitely didn't disappoint. And between my now over-excited libido, and bob's prowess at sex, this shag developed into a shagging to rival the two previous ones with Trevor and Sidney. And like my shag with them, I was again blown away with another sensational orgasm.

When my senses recovered, both Trevor and Sidney had left, and Bob and Ken were sat talking, both fully dressed. As I was now the only one who was still naked, I again felt a wave of embarrassment, and I instinctively sat myself up, and covered my breasts with my hands. On seeing my reaction, Bob let out a muted half-laugh, and then said jovially, "It's a little late from modesty my dear. Come on, be a good girl, and stop hiding your assets." He was obviously right, and I slowly lowered my hands. But then he said, "And your knees, I'm sure you don't normally sit there with them locked together. Give that little fanny a glimpse of daylight."

Then Ken said, "It's getting on for ten o'clock. It'll not see any daylight until tomorrow."

"No, you're right. But all the same, she could let it see the light from the hundred watt bulb."

"What you really mean is, let the light shine on it, so you can see it."

"Yes you're right. Come on then love, give me another little look before Ken takes you home." And despite the fact they'd seen me from all angles, and both of them had shagged me, it still took all my willpower to spread my knees, knowing they would be able to see my fanny; but I did it. "D'you know what? You're turning out to be a real treasure. And speaking of treasure, we need to discuss your payment for tonight. So tell me honestly, from what you were told before you came, how much do you think I should pay you?"

"Well Ken did say something about, if I let go of my inhibitions, I could get as much as ten pounds."

"And you think you've done enough tonight to get paid that much?"

"I don't know. But I've done everything you asked me, so I was hoping."

"D'you know how much your husband gets paid for working a forty-two hour week?"

"He normally brings home about seventeen pounds."

"So if I pay you ten pounds for less than two hours, d'you think that's fair on your husband?"

"I'm not sure how you can compare the two."

"No, you're right. He's a skilled machinist, working in dirty conditions. And you're just a novice at this, and sometimes a reluctant one at that." I felt really disappointed at hearing this, and I guess it showed. Because he quickly added, "No don't look like that. I mean you've done really well for a beginner. And if you tell me you honestly think you've earned ten pounds, that is what I'll pay you. Is that fair?"

I was obviously feeling very deflated, and questioning my own worth, as I sulkily said, "I guess if you look at it the way you just said, ten pounds does sound too much. But Ken did say my Gerry only persuaded me because this kind of modelling was so well paid."

"So that's what you want? Ten pounds?"

"I would like to please my Gerry."

He opened the wallet he was holding, and counted out ten one pound notes, and then said, "Will you do one more thing for me?"

"I can't just say yes unless I know what you're going to ask me to do."

"Okay, this is my deal. Take Ken old fella out of his pants, and suck him up. Like you did for me, not all the way, just enough to get him hard. Will you do that?"

"And then get on top of him and shag him?"

"No. Just suck him up. Then you'll get your ten pounds and be on your way home."

I looked at Ken, "Is that what you want me to do?"

"I'd love it."

So I went over to where he sat, and kneeling in front of him, I took his cock out and began to suck. In under a minute, it was standing proud and ready for action. I lifted my mouth off, and holding his cock so Bob could see it, I asked, "Is that it?"

"Yes my dear, that's the terms of the deal sorted. But don't you feel a pang of guilt?"

"Guilt? For what? I've done what you asked me to do."

"I know, and the money is yours, you've earned it. But Ken's cock, don't you think it looks lonely. I'll bet it would really appreciate it if you'd back yourself onto his lap and wrap your warm wet fanny around it." I couldn't make up my mind what to do, and as I knelt there hesitating, he continued, "Don't worry, the money is yours whether you fuck him or not."

I got to my feet, turned around, and with my legs spread very wide, backed myself over Ken's knees. And once my fanny was in line with his cock, I lowered myself down, using my hand to locate him. As his cock slipped up my well lubricated fanny, Ken's hands gripped my waist. At that, Bob got to his feet, and with his hands under the top of each of my arms, he began to usher me up onto my feet, but with my head down in a bending stance. And from underneath me, Ken was rising from the chair, keeping his cock embedded in my fanny.

So now I'm in very much the same position as I'd been with Trevor and Sidney. And to complete the pose, Bob now offers his placid cock up to my mouth. But he doesn't just force it onto my lips, it hovers there as he says, "You don't have to do this, the money is on the table and you can go any time you want. This is just a goodwill gesture on your part." I opened my mouth, and using my hands, I guided his cock into my mouth and began to suck. And as I did, he said to Ken, "Okay Ken, she wants it, start fucking."

I hadn't mentioned it, but from the moment Ken had been up on his feet behind me, he'd been slowly shafting away. But on hearing Bob's instruction, he upped his pace; not just in speed, but also in force. In fact he was ramming his loins so vigorously into my bottom, that he was almost dislodging Bob's cock from my mouth. But in no time, the cock began to stiffen, and the dislodging mutated into Bob kind of shagging my mouth. So with Ken thrusting away furiously in my fanny, and Bob doing the same in my mouth, I was once again ascending the stairway to heaven.

Or so I thought.

What I'd not even considered, was that the sole purpose of a cock thrusting in and out, was in order that it can draw up spunk from the ball-sack, and blast it out of the hole in that big purple head. And that was what Bob's cock did! And even once I'd realised what was going on, and attempted to pull away, Bob was strong enough and determined enough to make sure I couldn't. And so he deliberately unloaded spurt after spurt, filling my mouth to overflowing.

And not content with that, as he pulled his cock out, one of his hands covered my mouth, as his other rubbed my throat, coaxing me to swallow. And all the time, Ken was thrusting away in my fanny. I guess it took Ken at least two, or maybe up to even three minutes more, before he unloaded his ball-sack into my fanny. Once Ken pulled out, Bob then removed his hand from my mouth, and between them, they lowered me to the floor.

And I just lay there, crying. I say just, but it wasn't just crying. I'd swallowed a good portion of Bob's spunk, but there was still a lot in my mouth, and that was now dribbling its way from my lips. And at the other end, there was a similar situation. And I guess that's not really surprising, considering I'd now had five load of spunk pumped up into my fanny. And as Gerry and I weren't planning on having another child just yet, I'd taken the precaution of fitting my diaphragm; I guess that says a lot about what I'd thought would happen at this assessment!

I'm going to leave my story here, but there is more to tell. I mean at this point in time, I still didn't know what my Gerry's reaction would be to me bringing home ten pounds. And was I going to admit to all the shagging I'd done. And what did Bob and Ken mean when they mentioned hire her out to old Baker?

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Mag58Mag58over 1 year ago

very sexy story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great sex story! Is there going to be a part 2 to this? Been waiting for a long time!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Is there a tag for gang rape?

Shame the author doesn't realise there is no such thing as fuck them until the enjoy it. An orgasm is a physical reaction and does not have to be associated with enjoyment.

Stupid really a slower progression and gradual corruption would have worked, but I guess delayed gratification doesn't.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
More of Sheila

Nice first part. Waiting for the old baker.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

but I found it rather childish and, after a while, boring.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
How about the follow up with her being rented out to 'old Baxter'.?

One of the best I have read

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
godd writing but far fetched

Wow, a gang bang disguised as a modeling assessment. And a beautiful young lady willingly going along with every sexual act they put her through. HARDLY LIKELY. This isn't erotica and it didn't get me excited but the writing has good potential. But not this MADE-UP fantasy that every beautiful woman in the world wants to be part of a gang bang with animalistic gutter minded men. Gang bangs are not erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

That was so hot, I love how a woman can be talked into anything if you just take the time. Excellent work.

Jordan72Jordan72about 7 years ago
Too Fast

I love your work. "so you want to be a model" was a best all time story. But this seems way rushed. She is really not reluctant.

kensimoorekensimooreabout 7 years ago
More Please!

I love modeling stories, please write more, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good to see you back

Great to read your stories . You need to write more, as you have many fans . I check on you every month or so , even re reading your old stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please write chapter 2. Great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great to see you writing again!

...and sharing it here. I know this is a tough site for writers, but many have missed you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice to read you....again

Wow cant believe you are still writing, excellent news. keep it up. although you did seem to give it up a little easy this time round...C

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
cool story

Captured the English way of speech and language.

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