The Trick: Lisa, Sawn


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The Magician had reached up to Lisa's throat, pulled the white silk scarf from round her neck, and stuffed the whole thing into her mouth – all done with the rapid and fluid dexterity of a Magician.

"That's better." He rolled his eyes theatrically at the audience, and then turned to look at his Assistant, wagging a finger at her sternly. "Lisa, this is a tricky illusion to get right, and I can't concentrate with all that racket going on."

Lisa looked at him incredulously, not believing what was happening to her; she'd never seen an illusion where the Assistant had had her mouth completely filled with a gag before. She started breathing heavily through her nose, hoping she didn't hyperventilate. A wolf-whistle from the audience didn't help, and she started to blush profusely at the thought of her lacy white stocking-tops and suspenders being on display.

The Magician fastened four more straps over legs, one just above each knee, and slightly thicker ones over each groin, just a few inches from her panties. The skirt had just about fallen enough to obscure these – not that Lisa could see.

"OK, Lisa," the Magician exclaimed, clapping his hands together, "we're all set! We've got you strapped in just like the instructions said, and..."

"IN-UGH-UNN?!?" Lisa screamed in disbelief.

The Magician hung his head. "Lisa, I've a confession to make," he said, looking at her shyly with his best puppy-dog eyes. "I've never performed this trick before."

A feeling of cold fear and utter helplessness passed through Lisa. Here she was, completely fixed into a steel frame by another idiot male who didn't know what he was doing, and she was completely at his mercy. She stared at him with wide green eyes.

"I found it in the basement when I got here, and I thought the 'Assistant's Revenge' would be a spectacular finale. All I needed was a beautiful and willing volunteer..." He turned and addressed the audience with a smirk. "...and I'll settle for one out of two."

"Anyhoo," he continued, "now the cat's out of the bag, I can get the instructions out and you can see that I'm doing everything properly, OK?"

Lisa stared at him, but this was probably better than him trying to bluff his way through the trick.

"O-A," she managed to say through her scarf hoping that this was the right course of action.

"Right." He flourished a piece of folded-over foolscap with diagrams on it and read aloud from it. "Lisa's Escape: 'One: find Assistant called Lisa.' Check." The audience chuckled. "'Two: use your wit, charm and invention to persuade Lisa to be fastened into apparatus.' Check."

What had she got herself into? Of course this wasn't the right course of action – in fact, she had just made it worse for herself. Lisa glared at him.

"'Three: close and secure all shackles, straps, bands etcetera over Assistant's body.'"

He made a show of demonstrating to the audience that each of the straps fastened over Lisa's body were secure; the shackles at her ankles and wrist were bolted, the leather straps holding her calves, thighs, chest, upper arms and forearms were pulled tight and buckled, her uniform bulging ever-so-slightly round them, the metal bands across her waist and neck were definitely, and undeniably, in place. Having double-checked that Lisa wasn't going anywhere, the Magician turned back to the audience.

"Check. Ladies and gentlemen, Lisa is now most definitely committed to this illusion. Thank you, Lisa."

Lisa was trying to burn holes in him with her eyes.

"'Four: take hold of curtain and pull it with you as you walk one complete circuit round Lisa and the apparatus.'"

He looked at his red-haired Assistant, whose expression would have made anyone think that she was being restrained to prevent her from doing serious harm to the man in the cheap black suit in front of her.

"This is it, Lisa – here's your chance to shine!"

'You'll not be smirking in a second,' Lisa thought as she stared at the idiot in front of her, 'because in ten seconds time, I'll be out of here and slapping your face.' She wasn't ruling out a knee to the groin, or a spiked-heel-stamp to the foot, either.

Lisa's breathing had slowed down as she tried to regain some element of composure. The Magician had taken hold of the edge of the curtain to Lisa's left and he looked at her.


Lisa closed her eyes and prayed that this muppet knew what he was doing.

He marched quickly across Lisa pulling the curtain behind him. Lisa saw the audience disappear from view from left to right and quickly the whole volume of the club was obscured by the heavy curtain. Lisa hadn't really thought about how the trick was going to work: did the frame have a false back to it? Would this fool 'magically' release all the restraints holding her firm body firmly in place and quickly swap places, magically re-fastening them over himself once he'd got in? In truth, she didn't really care how it worked, just that it did work.

The Magician was now moving round behind Lisa, the long curtain still rattling in its overhead rail.

'Any second now,' thought Lisa, 'and then he's in for a shock...'

Lisa saw the trailing edge of the curtain come into the view to her left: it would soon make its way across in front of her and reveal her again to the audience in exactly the same position as they had last seen her: still very much encased in the metal frame. She felt a cold breeze blow over her, a breath of cool air that brought goose-bumps up on her skin.

Lisa's heart sank as the audience was revealed to Lisa again; Lisa's re-exposure to the audience brought sniggers, several smirks and a wolf-whistle. Lisa felt the chilly sensation again.

"Ah," said the Magician. He was standing to Lisa's right, rubbing his chin and trying to look like he was upset about the trick having gone wrong. "Well, that wasn't supposed to happen," he grinned. "I'm not complaining, but that's not what should have happened."

What he wasn't complaining about was his Assistant's appearance. Lisa's classy and sophisticated suit had vanished and been replaced with – well, virtually nothing at first glance. The audience gawped at Lisa, still held in the metal frame, but between each strap and band was creamy bare flesh and not sky blue material.

"Nice bikini, Lisa," the Magician smiled, enjoying the close-up of her tiny dark brown bikini that was more string than material. Lisa tried to look down at herself to see what this moron had done, but could only see two small triangles of material covering her exposed breasts. She closed her eyes as she blushed, trying to work out how he'd got her new swimwear out of her case.

"Don't worry, Lisa, you look just fine." He took hold of the curtain edge again. "Mighty fine..." he said winking at the audience. "Sorry about that – let's try again shall we?"

The Magician repeated his semi-circuit of Lisa, and this time Lisa felt the chill disappear and the tight, reassuring touch of clothing, or at least some clothing, over her skin. She also wasn't released again, and her heart sank further as the audience reappeared for a second time. They were craning their neck to see what delight the incompetent Magician had served up for them this time.

She was dressed as a proper Magician's Assistant: fishnet tights, blue sequin leotard with a low cut at the chest and a high cut at the hips, long, black silk gloves that went to her elbows and a wide black choker just visible around her throat. She also had a little diamante head-dress atop her red hair. The Magician coughed.

"Well – it's certainly more appropriate this time." He looked sheepishly at his volunteer. "I, um – sorry Lisa – I think this trick might be more of a 'Quick Change' than an 'Assistant's Revenge'. Third time lucky?"

Lisa was concentrating on a point somewhere out in the darkness of the bar and ignored him.

He pulled the curtain round his hapless Assistant for a third time. Seconds later, Lisa had again failed to escape or have any revenge on her captor.

"Wow," said the Magician, his eyes wide, his mouth open. He licked his lips and swallowed distractedly.

This time Lisa was revealed to be strapped in to the frame wearing some expensive and very flattering lingerie. Fine white stockings encased her legs, running from her blue high heels up to the delicate and lacy tops surrounding each upper thigh, clips attached similarly-coloured suspenders to a thin belt encircling Lisa's waist. Matching panties and brassiere, each sporting the same intricate design motif, hugged her pelvic region and bosom perfectly; nothing was too big or too small, nothing was out of place.

The audience were similarly impressed: jaws hung open, lips were licked, groin-covering material was re-arranged. One of the two remaining females in the audience blushed and crossed her legs. Lisa felt herself blush again as she recognised the familiar feel of her own underwear: she knew how good she looked in it. The Magician shook himself and regained control of himself and his trick.

"Perfect! Just the costume we need for this trick," he said, clapping his hands. This was too much for Lisa.

"MMMMFFFFF!!" she screamed into her scarf. 'What is this fucking idiot doing?!?' she thought.

"...and I'd better double check what this trick actually is." He lowered his voice and spoke to himself. "Am I reading these instructions right?"

He picked up the oversized instructions and shook them out, causing the front sheet to come away and reveal the real front cover. "Because it's obviously not what I thought it was..." The Magician turned it over and noticed the illusion's real name. He smiled and read it out loud for everyone's benefit.

The Magician flipped over the over-sized instructions and noticed the illusion's real name. He smiled and read it out loud for everyone's benefit.

"'Bent-Over Buzzsaw'," he read deliberately before grinning mischievously. Lisa's eyes widened in horror. "MMFF?" she managed.

"Well, that sounds a bit more interesting than 'Assistant's Revenge' doesn't it, Lisa." He looked her square in the eye. "Lisa, do you want to be sawn in half?"

"MMMM!" Lisa screamed franticly.

"You do? We'll make an Assistant of you yet," the Magician grinned.

"MMM!!! M M-M MM!!"

The Magician ignored her and consulted the instructions again. "Where were we? Oh yes, here we are: 'Five: wind winch at Assistant's waist until she is bent over into the right position for cutting.'"

Lisa shivered at the word 'cutting'. This idiot clearly couldn't be trusted and now he was proposing to cut her in half. She knew magic tricks were just that – tricks – and that Magician's Assistants were always restored and shown to be whole at the end of sawing illusions. She sincerely hoped that this was an illusion, maybe one with a small jigsaw with a false blade, or a spring loaded blade he would pretend to push through her, but at the bottom of her mind, some primordial part of her brain considered the real physical danger of blades. Her imagination filled with unwanted images of razor-sharp edges slicing through her flesh and toothed saws ripping into her helpless body. She felt a cold fear descend knowing she was completely at the Magician's mercy; she was firmly bound into an inflexible metal frame, and gagged. She couldn't run, she couldn't scream. Lisa was totally exposed and knew she could only be absolutely passive as this man inflicted whatever he wanted on her vulnerable body.

The Magician had fixed a little handle to a cog mounted on the frame at Lisa's left hip, and as he started winding, Lisa found out the frame wasn't inflexible. The Magician turned the handle slowly and the frame – and Lisa in it – began to bend in the middle. Lisa felt her upper half start to lower itself as she was bent over at her hips. There was nothing she could do as she felt the weight of her chest being taken by the straps above and below her bosom. The Magician continued winding the handle, and Lisa discovered another subtle articulation in the frame surrounding her: her back began to arch slightly, pulling her chest back towards the vertical as her waist continued to be lowered. The Magician finished his winding and Lisa was left bent over at the hips with her waist horizontal and her upper body bent back at 45° as if she had her hands planted on a table she was bending over.

A thought crossed Lisa's mind reminding her of the last time she'd been bent over like this and she momentarily forgot about the cheap-suited Magician and his infernal equipment...

The fiesta was loud and long, and nobody noticed Diego pulling Lisa into an alley between two cafes. It was 2:45am. She'd met him at midnight at a churro stall, and had been laughing at his broken English chat-up lines ever since. He was very Spanish: dark skinned, thick black hair, confident and macho. Lisa had three days off and was staying at the airline's corporate apartment in the city with two other hostesses. They'd known before they'd landed that their leave coincided with the largest fiesta of the year and were well prepared. All three of the stewardesses were single, and they'd agreed they were all open to whatever liaisons the night might present to them. Lisa had succeeded first, and had abandoned Sara and Emma in favour of Diego over an hour ago.

They'd danced, they'd flirted, they'd drunk sangria and Estrella, they'd eaten jamon iberico and gambas. Then they'd given in to the tension they'd both felt, given in to the urges that had brought them together in the first place, and whispered not-sweet-at-all nothings into each other's ears. Diego's deep voice and guttural – and repeated – pronunciation of the word 'culo' had Lisa's pussy moistening as she returned the compliment by telling him where she wanted to feel his jizz. He understood well enough, and his eyes darkened as his easy demeanour became nothing more than raw lust.

"I can't see how I'm going to saw you in half with you like this, Lisa," he said. "I'd have thought you'd need to be laid down flat." He clapped his hands together.

He dragged Lisa into the alley, behind some commercial wheeled bins, and pushed her up against the wall where he kissed her forcefully and thrust his hand between her legs. Lisa didn't resist. He wasn't gentle, and when he discovered that her knickers were already wet, he continued his hand thrust and pushed two fingers straight up her snatch. Lisa's eyes widened as she felt them go in to the knuckle, but the only noise she made was a satisfied grunt as she finally felt something inside her. Her new acquaintance's left hand had a tight hold of an ass cheek and Lisa just leant against the wall, feeling its roughness against her, and held him tightly to her, feeling his broad chest squashing her tits, and his tongue invading her mouth.

Lisa felt Diego pumping his two fingers in and out of her pussy, and she ached for him to fill her with something longer, something more substantial. Her right hand found his crotch and felt the substantial erection concealed behind Diego's jeans – she clenched it as best she could. Diego grunted, shifted his weight and undid his fly with his free hand. He took Lisa's wrist and thrust her hand inside his trousers. Lisa's eyes flashed opened in pleasant surprise as she found she could only just get her slender hand round the girth of the man's thick cock and she moaned, knowing that monster would be in her pussy shortly. She wanked him vigorously.

Diego removed his fingers from Lisa's soaking vagina and now gripped a buttock in each hand. He squeezed them and spread them alternately, and Lisa felt her asshole being pulled slightly when he spread her cheeks. With his hands where they were, Diego lifted Lisa off her feet, pinning her to the wall with his body. Lisa had to let go of Diego, but she soon felt the head of his prick prodding the skin of her groin. "Fuck me," she'd quietly snarled into his ear, "fuck me now, you dog."

Diego pulled his face away from Lisa's, dropped her and roughly span her round so that she now faced the wall. He shoved her in the back and Lisa rested her palms against the wall while he pulled her hips backwards, forcing her to bend over. Lisa breathed deeply as she awaited the entry of Diego's dick.

"Anyhoo. Comfy, Lisa?"

Disturbed from her more pleasant memories of Barcelona, Lisa refocused on her current situation and the man who was currently fucking up her life. She was trapped. She was vulnerable. She had no choice but to hope it was over quickly and that this moron actually knew what he was doing.

She shrugged as best she could and tried to re-distract herself with reminiscences of that wall in that alleyway...

She was startled by his tongue forcing its way into her pussy, tasting her juices. She felt him spreading her ass cheeks again, felt the point of his nose bumping into her asshole. She moaned and then, seconds later, gasped as she felt Diego's tongue on her tightest hole. Her knees buckled slightly; it had been a while since anyone had done that to her, and Diego was being a little more forceful than Emma had.

He started licking straight up from the front of her lips, through the crack of her pussy and over her flinching asshole. Over and over he did it, until his face and her ass were as sloppy as her cunt. Mad with desire, Lisa moaned and threw back her red hair every time his tongue started again; she needed his prick now.

She felt it as Diego stood behind her and rested it on her left buttock.

"No babies," he grunted. "We will have protection."

This didn't matter to Lisa – she was on the Pill; but she did want to feel the man's spunk when he came, and she told him so. He smiled devilishly.

"No condom, guapa – I use el metodo catolica." He gripped Lisa's ass again with his left hand, pulling it to one side.

"Good!" The Magician referred again to his instructions. "'Six: attach handle to aid separation later'." He studied the instructions silently for a few seconds before raising his eyebrows and muttering. "Ah!That'swhat that's for. Interesting..."

He reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a short length of chain. He crossed to Lisa's upper body with one end of the chain in one hand, and with his other, he firmly took hold of Lisa's right breast. Her eyes remained closed, and he noticed the strange look on her face as he held it in his hand. "Sorry about this, Lisa, but I need to follow the instructions." He found the nipple under her silky white bra was already hard, which made the act of attaching the clamp much easier.

"MMM!" Lisa's eye's flashed open as the clamp exerted its pressure on her nipple, but she closed them again and the strange, satisfied look returned and didn't waver as the Magician affixed the second clamp to her left, similarly erect nipple. The chain swung gently below her breasts as the Magician took up his instructions again.

He pushed his enormous rod between Lisa's slathered cheeks and into her asshole. She squealed with surprise. Diego finished pushing himself into her, holding her hips firmly – she couldn't move leaning against the wall as she was. She hadn't expected this, hadn't wanted this, but she was so horny, almost delirious with lust, that she was just grateful to have this sexy fucker's cock inside her. She panted as she felt her virgin asshole stretched by Diego's monstrous prick and shivered as she felt it forcing its way deeper and deeper inside her; how far up can it go?

After what seemed like an age, she finally felt his balls press against her pussy and she exhaled. But Diego started fucking her then, and she squealed again with every thrust, louder and higher as he got faster and faster.

"Callate, puta," Diego whispered, leaning over her. He grabbed her hair in one hand and pulled her head back towards him, just hard enough that Lisa felt the first pricks of pain in her scalp. She smiled: this was as rough and dirty as she'd hoped – more so, in fact.