The Vampire's Sex Slave Pt. 01


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He had never wished it more than when Emma had been thrust into his cage. Why he feel so strongly about the female he was about to lay he didn't know, all he knew was that the thought of killing her twisted his insides until pain. This time he just knew he couldn't let that happen once more. Brushing his rough finger across her plump bottom lip he made himself a promise. He would keep this one alive. Somehow he would!

For now however he had to fulfil Alex's commands to sooth his mind. Once Alex had had his fill he would leave them be for a time, time that Val could use to convince Emma to stay. Not to ask for death but to stay by his side. He would get her out eventually, he would get them both out in time. He just had to convince her that they would someday be free.

The jarring noise in Val's head clouded his mind. He could no longer think of anything but fucking, even his previous hectic thoughts fogging in the light of the need between his thighs.

'Have you ever had anyone touch you Emma?' He muttered his voice rough with little use.

'N...Never!' Emma whispered, terror still glazing her eyes. She lay perfectly still as Val began to stoke her sides. My god she was the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. He body looked so tanned, so lush. Her full hips and breasts begged to be sucked, kissed, her body ripe for penetration, ready to be taken inside. He noticed with some joy that she looked to be slightly exotic as though some of her family had come from different parts of the world. Her dark raven hair and glowing complexion taking on an almost Latin appearance. Val had never had the chance to travel but being so close to something that was made up of different parts of the world felt almost as though he could experience the Earth just from touching her delicate skin.

'Then I have much to show you.' Val's fingers trailed down her stomach to the small thatch of dark curls covering her puffy lips. His breath hitched as a tingle of pleasure flowed from her body to his own. Although he would never ask her to admit, he knew she was feeling some pleasure from his touch whether she knew it or not. He could feel it in the flow of energy between them. Staring directly into her eyes, Val waited only a moment before slipping his thick fingers along her heated core. Her body shivered at his touch and although Val could sense she desperately wanted to use her hands to still his movements she solemnly kept her hands at her sides.

'Good girl. You listened about not making any sudden moves.' Leaning closer to her face, Val continued rubbing along her warm slit with the tips of his fingers. 'You're doing well not to arouse my predatory needs inside. How does it feel sweetheart, being touched like this for the first time?'

Emma could barely reply. The sensations lighting a fire somewhere deep inside her core. His light tickly touch made her want to shiver with need. A feeling she had never experienced with another by her side. 'I...It feels ticklish.' She responded. Surprised that she could speak at all.

Val let out a small laugh before laying down beside her on the mattress. He continued moving his fingers along her plump lips the motion drawing moisture from her hot core, seeping over her thighs. He propped his head on one of his hands and gazed into her eyes as she lay perfectly still letting him have his fill of her slick cunt. 'What would it feel like if I put them inside? Have you ever tried filling your cunt with anything, your finger perhaps?' He asked conscious of her hitching breathes with every dirty action he implied.

'No...I've never had anything in...inside me before.' Emma moaned unable to ignore the sensations he was wringing from her wet core.

Without ceremony, Val slipped his middle finger inside as far as she could take it. He watched in delight as her back leapt from the mattress bowing slightly, unknowingly allowing him better access inside her tight channel.

'Oh my God, that...that's...'

'That's what baby girl?' Val whispered excited to hear what was swirling through her mind.

'That's full.' She moaned finally returning her hips to the thin mattress underneath her ass.

'Once I get you all warmed up you will be able to fit in a lot more than that.' Val couldn't help the light smirk that lifted the corners of his mouth. 'In fact why don't we give it a try?'

Immediately Emma felt a second of his thick fingers join the first and push right into her core. 'Uhh' she groaned the fullness almost too consuming as though her body wasn't sure whether it could take it or not.

'There it is.' Val moaned as he hit her hymen lightly with the tip of his fingers. 'I usually plan to take this away with my cock but this time I don't want to hurt you too much. Emma look at me!'

In her heated blaze Emma turned to her side and stared into his passion emblazed eyes.

'I've never wanted to take more care of female that has ended up in my jail as I do with you. I know it's evil and selfish but I want you to choose to stay with me, not for you to choose death. I want you to choose me Emma. I know I shouldn't but I do. So I am not going to take this from you with my cock because it will hurt too much for you to stand.' Val indicated her hymen with a gentle probe at the thin lining inside. 'So I'm so sorry but I'm going to take it right now with my fingers. It will hurt Emma but remember I don't mean to hurt you at all.' With that Val quickly thrust his fingers as far as he could into her sopping wet core. The scream reined from Emma's lungs like a lash to his heart. It was Val not Emma who turned away in pain.

Emma squirmed from his painful embrace with desperation and terror. The pain so intense she felt like crying all over again. Was that what sex would feel like. That pain in her time and time again for an eternity to come. No she couldn't do it. In a frenzied moment of shock and fear Emma found herself summoning the strength to ask for it all to be over. The sheer reality of her fate too much to bare. It was as though by ripping through her virginity he had broken through her stupor of compliance and paralysis. She desperately squirmed from his grasp searching for air to fill her lungs to say the word she suddenly needed to say. 'No... End me n...'

Val's hand over her mouth stopped her cries. 'No...No Emma please don't say it. If you say it I will have no choice but to comply.' His heart beat violently in his chest at her near command. He should have thought to cover her mouth to stop her instinctual words, it was only his supernatural speed that had stopped her from screaming them out loud. As she desperately tried to pry his hand away from her mouth, Val decided her had to think of another way to alter her cry. Acting only on instinct he shed his jeans and settled quickly behind her writhing form. Collaring her hips with his other hand he positioned her burning channel over the tip of his cock and sank her down. The gut wrenching scream she released was like daggers to his mind. He desperately tried to sooth her. Making no move to thrust as he eased her whimpering cries. He could feel her tears tracking along her cheeks onto his hand and each splash of salty water felt like a punch to his frenzied heart.

'I'm so sorry,' he murmured, his voice rougher than ever as he fought his predators need to pin and devour. As she tried desperately to break free of his hold he had found himself holding on tighter, desperate to keep her close, not give her the choice to stay. His fangs extended at the thought of her getting away. He was a monster and he knew it, had known it fully from the moment his sire had made him into a creature of the night but he had never felt more evil or desolate as he did now. With all the others he had pinned them down, taken them by force and dealt with the consequences after his deeds had been done but with Emma he felt as if every move he took had to be perfectly done. He didn't want her to choose death he wanted her to stay with him. But more and more his lack of social skills and human compassion took him down the wrong path. Perhaps he should have waited to penetrate her until he had soothed her initial cries but he had become frenzied at the thought that she was trying to get away his only instinct to pin her to him in any way he knew how. Now with their bodies completely intertwined he could feel the chills of her body next to his, her pussy's strong grip around his shaft.

Eventually her whimpering began to subside and a strange silence re-entered the small space between them. Slowly Val removed his hand ready to silence her again if so much as uttered a wish to die.

At a loss for better words, Val concentrated on the desperate commands coming from Alex to his mind. 'Emma I want you to take all of me as I thrust into you from behind. You can scream, you can whimper fuck you can even cry but I need you to submit to me now.' Val brushed her hair from her side, revealing her pale fear stricken face to his eyes. Guilt racked him like never before. 'The pain will subside I promise.'

Emma offered him the smallest of nods, her single compliance to his actions and then nestled herself down on the mattress appearing more fragile and scarred than ever before.

Momentarily closing his eyes Val began to drag his throbbing cock from her tight channel and slowly work his way back in. Her breathe hitched on every draw, the sensations consuming all the air in the room vibrating their moans around the dark space.

Emma couldn't speak. Her eyes glassy with unshed tears, her limbs numb with shock. It had hurt so much when Val had decided to take her virginity with his hand. The sheer surprise had initially outweighed the pain so much so that her natural reaction had been to bolt, run from him, from the sensation. She could still now feel her warm blood pooling between her thighs.

Now she lay on her side with Val at her back thrusting into her body like she had never known before. His guttural moans and whispers of praise that she was taking him so well, that she was the most precious thing he had ever seen, did nothing to quench her anger and terror inside. She lay numbly just feeling the pain at her core. Wincing every time he decided to move until her wincing rippled into the air as violent whimpers and cries.

What seemed even more disturbing to her mind was that underneath all the scrapping and tugging Val's cock was creating in her pussy she felt the smallest shards of arousal. It had been heart-breaking to accept at first that she could be experiencing anything good from his actions inside but slowly she couldn't help relishing the small twitch of pleasure she felt as he thrust deep into her core, serving only to increase her cries.

'That's a good girl,' Val moaned at her back, gripping her hips and positioning them so she could take more of him inside. As he moved the slither of arousal she felt seemed to double and double over time. Before she realised she had begun moving slowly to his pace setting her own searching for more of the pleasure he wrought from her heated flesh.

As the pleasure built, Emma couldn't help but turn to look into his eyes, the pleasure and unhidden lust their unnerving to her battered mind. He was taking so much joy from her torture that she didn't know whether to laugh at him or cry. What kind of monster looked on with passion as someone else suffered and begged to die. A vampire she supposed. Or someone who had never known what it was like to feel real joy. Share love and happiness with someone long enough to discover that pleasure should come without pain. But what kind of existence had this vampire had before she had arrived. Had he known anything of enjoyment and passion other than what they were experiencing now? If he hadn't she wasn't surprised that he was smiling and praising her while he was taking from her at the same time. If this had been all he'd ever known then he really would think that this experience equated to a good time.

As much as all her confusion over his pleasured expression and passion emblazed eyes angered her inside, she still couldn't deny that some very isolated part of her felt the same fire he was experiencing. Her breath hitched as he repositioned them on the mattress and pinned her to the dirty worn fabric. His muscle torn body looming over her spread legs as he thrust back inside. As he slipped his thick slicked cock back into her open cunt she couldn't help but moan, her desperate pussy welcoming his body inside. On and on he rode her like she'd never known. Their bodies working in the darkness to build the friction inside. Against her best wishes and her will she couldn't ignore the building pressure he rose in her cunt. A tight cord tightening somewhere deep inside.

'Baby its time. I'm so fucking close I can barely keep from fucking you raw. Cum for me baby girl... cum all over by cock. Sooth me like never before.' His heated words melted her will, writhing at her tight cord prising it to snap.

'Oh God, Val I...I can't stop. I want to... I have to...'

'Cum baby, you can. I promise you nothing bad will happen if you do.' Val wrapped his hands lightly around her chin and drew her face to meet his eyes. 'I can set you free sweetheart I know I can, just cum for me now and make me cum. Give me everything you have!'

Emma threw back her head, her back bowing at the same time. The intense pleasure as the cord snapped flooding her insides. At the same time that she felt her orgasm consume her she recognised she wasn't the only one flooding her heated core. Val's guttural groan only served to heighten the pleasure as she realised his seed was pouring into her body filling her hole. Their bodies burst with over stimulation and sizzled in the aftershocks of their actions.

Eventually Val lowered himself to her side, his cock still remaining seated where he had just released his seed, blocking its escape. Stroking a damp strand of hair from her eyes, he stared at her for long moments until self-consciousness began to flood her mind.

'Well done you two. Bravo!' Came a sadistic voice from a corner of the room. Emma hadn't noticed that the door had been opened during their intense pleasure and it appeared that Val hadn't noticed it too. His body instantly pulling taught at the sound of a voice coming from inside his jail. In a faster movement than Emma could witness with her eyes. Val was out of her heated core and crouched in front of her his back blocking her view of the only entrance into their cell.

Footsteps from the corner of the room resounded in Emma's ears as she realised during their pleasure they had not been alone. Zipping up his trousers and tucking his weighty cock inside Alex appeared from the shadows like a moth drawn to the light. His hands looked wet and Emma could only imagine what bodily substance was causing them to glimmer in the dim light.

'I must say you out did yourself this time Val. Your best performance yet. I came twice before you'd even finished inside her and usually I'm hard pushed to get it up at the dismal performances you've been displaying with the other virgins I brought you from time to time.' Alex stepped closer to Emma and Val, craning his neck to see past the vampire towards the girl shivering in the dark. 'What is it about this girl that you really like?' he questioned more to himself than to anyone else in the room.

'Get the fuck out Alex, I've done what you commanded what more do you need!'

Alex laughed, the sharpness of his voice cutting through Emma's nerves. 'Now you know that aint true don't you Val. I told you I wanted you to take her in every way you know how and we both know you know plenty more ways than just that. But I've decided to end our first lesson for tonight. As I said there's something about this girl that seems to entice the old Val I trained back out of you. Look at the way your crouched to protect her like you got a chance in hell at stopping me if I wanted to blow her fucking brains out right now.'

Emma could see the ripple of Val's taught muscles as he prepared to pounce. Why couldn't Val defeat this man if he tried? What was holding him back from killing Alex and just walking out? Emma didn't have chance to ponder before Alex turned his attention back on her naked form.

'So then, back to the question at hand.' Alex beamed, his voice raising with the excitement of the situation. The tension horrifyingly volatile to Emma's fragile mind. 'What is to be Emma after you've had your first round of fun? Is it stay or is it go?' Alex once again tried to learn in closer to Emma but Val stood up and separated his captor from the female on his bed. 'I must warn you that the challenges only get harder from here little girl. More painful more humiliating and all that. Have you tried anal at all? I've heard some virgins like it up the back if they don't want it in the front. Or how about masturbating in front of a group of men? I think good old Val here is first class at convincing his females to do that. We all love to watch as he deprives his woman of orgasms they so desperately need or holds them down while we all take a turn turning their pussy sore. What do you say, fancy giving it a try for the rest of your life or would you rather Val just kill you now?'

Although Alex looked more than delighted at either prospect Emma couldn't help but turn to Val as the room turned silent and still, her decision waiting on the wind.

Val turned to face Emma as she sat curled up in the far corner of the mattress, his expression frantic with panic and desperation. He seemed to be begging her to give it a try. Begging her to trust him to get her out of this situation alive. But could she take that chance. The thought of anal penetration and men watching her as she was forced to masturbate flooded her mind. Bile rising to her throat as she held back a cry. But the intense look in Val's eyes seemed almost impossible to deny. If he couldn't keep his promise and protect her she could tell him to end her any night. That was the only reason she would give it a try. Her nerves rose to their peak and shivers returned to her spine as she took in a shaky breathe both men looking at her with intenseness in their eyes.

'I...I choose to stay!' she whispered, her fate sealed with her final word.

Part two of The Vampire's Sex Slave Coming Soon!

Lily Anderson

Erotica Author

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Lyka_WolfLyka_Wolfover 3 years ago

Darling, ignore the the asshat who didnt even have the god damn balls to leave a name -

Stories are meant to evoke, to entice, to enchant - remember the stories our grandmothers used to tell us? They werent always original, they didnt always make sense - but the left us wanting to hear more. And you honey, have certainly done that. Thank you Lily xxx

Lyka_WolfLyka_Wolfover 3 years ago

Darling, ignore the the asshat who didnt even have the god damn balls to leave a name -

Stories are meant to evoke, to entice, to enchant - remember the stories our grandmothers used to tell us? They werent always original, they didnt always make sense - but the left us wanting to hear more. And you honey, have certainly done that. Thank you Lily xxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Hmmm. Not original

Many years ago, I read on Literotica a story about a virgin being thrown into a dark cell with an old vampire. The vampire was trapped there by humans. He was supposed to drink the girl but instead recognizes her as his mate and chooses to spare her life instead. Then the girl helps him escape by memorizing the musical notes of the security door code. You have plot holes. You keep saying that all women choose death first (unlikely but ok) but we keep finding out that Val has had numerous sexual partners. Also, why would Alex and his men fuck them if they are specifically there to get pregnant by Val? Do you understand how pregnancy works? Why would he need the gratuitous beating? Why do you need the ridiculous mind-control bracelet as a plot device? The other story was written in a superb way, yours is an inexperienced, badly written copy. All great writers start from somewhere. Start by writing about something you know, not retelling another's tale.

jkthekatjkthekatabout 4 years ago
coulda shoulda woulda

Loved it Lily! 90% of readers go for content and your content was great! Pay no attention to the crappy "Anonymous" comments as I assume they're anal. Read some of mine to see ass's chastising me and laugh! Keep it up!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Could be a lot better

I like the concept, the characters, and the plot. However, the pacing and a LOT of the grammar could use some work. You're such a novice writer that I have trouble believing you're even 18. Honestly, I can relate to how it must be, to have all those ideas in your head and to feel like you're doing it right cause you use descriptive imagery and stuff; I was like that myself, after all. I'm not gonna go on a tangent; main point is, you have potential, but you need to study a heck of a lot more if you want your writing to sound professional. Sounds like a 13 year old's fantasies when you write like you do. Keep at it though! Like I said, you definitely have a lot of potential; just from your writing you seem to have the drive and the creativity to write some damn good stories if you study more.

Shawna1138Shawna1138almost 5 years ago

Good story keep up the good work I love Val’s character and the depth you put into him .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
honestly really good

they're both really good well fleshed out characters and you can honestly feel vals guilt as he's forced to rape emma. i suspect this'll end up as stockholm sydrome or something in the end with emma understanding val

Alicia56Alicia56over 5 years ago
Blown away.

Thank you for this story. I felt sympathy for this vampire called Val. Can't wait for more eroticism from you.-Alicia-

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Please have someone proofread your work

This has the makings of a great story. Please have someone proof your submissions for grammar, flow and spelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Overall I thought it was good and will keep reading. The only thing I struggle with is the exclamation points. I'm not a big fan of them, but it is your writing so do what you want. I am a little confused why they keep saying that she has to choose and it will seal her fate. Obviously, if she doesn't do what they want then they will kill her.... So it's not like she loses the choice of death at any point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very nice, ty

I liked your story a lot. Nice plot, good characters. Your writing is good, except for misspelled/misused words. If you continue writing you need a proof reader, not just spell check. One example is: It's cell, not sell, and several others throughout. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The right mix

Intrigued to read more, the right mix of character build and explicit details. Hot! Love to read the next one and hope there will continue to be more!

LilyAndersonLilyAndersonover 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you for all the feedback

Thank you so much for all the feedback. I will be posting part two up of this story in the next couple of weeks. If you want to find out what happens straight away then please feel free to search for the full story of The Vampire's Slave by Lily Anderson online. I love writing erotica and it means so much that you guys are enjoying this story! X

Mara_DMara_Dover 8 years ago

This was amazing keep it up can't wait for part two ❤

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