The Visitor


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"Wow, I don't know any way to say this but straight out. I am gay. I have loved and wanted you for longer than I can remember. I can make you forget about every bad fuck you ever had."

"Cheryl, that isn't possible. I would have known. I have never been closer to anybody."

"You would have known if you paid attention. Shit, how many guys have I told you about and how many have you told me about?"

"But you dated all the time when I lived here."

"Yeah and I even fucked some of them, but that doesn't change the fact that I am a lesbian. Damn even when Tommy Adams was screwing me I felt nothing!"

"Then why did you do it?"

"I did what I thought I was supposed to do. Every girl in town wanted Tommy, but I got him."

"Oh fuck, why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I tried to hint, but I was too afraid to tell you or anyone. You know how it is in this town? I would have been crucified."

"But you could have trusted me. I would never hurt you."

"I couldn't know that. All you ever did was talk about boys and cock."

"I am sorry; I wish I was a better friend so you could have trusted me."

"Oh god no, you were and are the best, Barbara. It was the time and place."

Both women had tears streaming down their faces at that point.

"Cheryl I have to tell you that I have never even thought about gay sex. I don't Have you ever.."

"Yes I have licked some cunt if that is what you are trying so hard to ask!"

Barbara was shocked at her friends tone and choice of words.

"Please don't be mad because I don't have the same desires as you."

"I am sorry, I am not mad at you really. I don't expect you to suddenly want to have sex with me because I announce I am a lesbian. I have just always hoped that someday we might. I don't know you not getting married seemed like maybe there was something hidden in you too."

"Cheryl, you never found a woman you wanted to make more permanent arrangements with?"

"I got close a time or two, but it s hard to make a relationship work when you are in love with someone else besides your partner. Maybe now that you have turned me down I can put out my torch and find someone."

"Oh god I wish you had said something years ago so it wouldn't have come to this. I hate that I am hurting you."

Before Cheryl could respond there was a loud knock at the door.

"Fuck, I don't want to see anyone now!" Cheryl complained.

There was another bang and Chuck yelled through the door, "Open up it's the cops!"

"Damn it is Chuck with my car and stuff," Barbara whispered.

"Go let him in while I wash my face. We can finish this later."

They hugged and went in separate directions. When Barbara opened the door Chuck was standing there with a suitcase in one hand and big bag in the other getting ready to kick the door again.

"Damn Barb, what took so long? You gals need to hide the stash?"

"Shit, silly boy, I gave that up years ago," She said automatically shifting into flirting mode.

Despite her conversation with Cheryl, Barbara was still hoping to find out what it was like to ride Chuck's nightstick now that he was full grown. The first time around they hadn't gone beyond kissing. She took the suitcase and asked him what was in the bag.

"Dinner for three. I hope you hadn't made plans yet."

"I don't have any but we will have to ask Cheryl."

"Ask me what? Hi Chucky," Cheryl said seemingly her old self.

Barbara figured it was just a good act. But she was still grateful her friend managed to pull herself together.

"Hey hot stuff. I went to Donny's grill and picked up a little romantic dinner for three. What do you say?" Chuck asked with a wink.

"I don't know about romantic but I am always up for Donny's cooking. I hope you got barbeque and slaw."

"That along with beans and tater salad ma'am."

"Good deal! You want a beer with that, Chucky?"

She had been the only one to call him Chucky when they were kids. When he came back to town she just fell back into the nickname. He was the only boy that she had ever considered a real friend. Because of that she had rebuffed every romantic advance he made. She thought that he would likely have been a pleasant enough fuck. But she only fucked for show and didn't want to hurt him.


"Barbara can you grab some plates from the buffet while I get the drinks? You want beer or more wine?"

"Sure. I better stay with the wine and maybe a glass of water. I seem to be getting tipsy."

As Cheryl walked away Chuck observed mostly to himself that he should have married that fine piece of ass and stayed in Radcliff.

"Chuck Stevens! Did you forget I was in the room?"

"Sorry just musing about old times."

"Well I don't think you had a chance then or now. But if you play your cards right there could still be some romance in your immediate future."

"Well I suppose you do deserve first dibs. After all you were the first girl ever let me touch her boob," He said with a smirk.

"I never!"

"Yes you did. I guess it wasn't as memorable for you. Senior year I was taking Milly Sims to the prom. I was sure she was going to at least let me feel her up. When I told you I had never touched a girl's breast and was afraid I would mess up you let me practice a feel on you."

"Oh shit, Chucky that was you first feel. Fuck 18 and through a padded bra!" Cheryl said with a laugh as she came in with a tray loaded with drinks.

"I really had forgotten. I hope Milly appreciated my hard work," Barbara said laughing too.

"I guess she did. I got laid prom night," Chuck added unashamedly.

"You waited long enough to dip your stick, Chucky," Cheryl teased enjoying the diversion of talking old times.

"Well I was holding out for you Cher. But you shot me down more times then those ducks at the Riverland shooting gallery. Finally found someone to take pity on me," He said only half joking as they began to eat.

After a few minutes of silence, Cheryl turned to Barbara and asked, "Should I tell him?"

"That is something only you can know, but if it was me I think I would," Barbara answered surprised at having been asked.

"Tell me what? Geez, am I finally getting lucky tonight?" Chuck piped up in his usual happy manner.

"Not exactly, Chucky. But we have been friends a long time and I think maybe it is time I told you why you got shot down so much. Shit if there was ever any boy I would have actually wanted it would have been you. But the thing is I am gay."

"Well that explains why my charms never worked on you," He joked, "But seriously I have known that for a long time."


"When I was home after junior year of college Tammy Dorsey and I had a summer romance," He started to explain.

"Is that code for you were fucking?" Cheryl interrupted.

"Yeah, anyway, she decided that we should share our sexual histories. She seemed to get off on talking about that shit. Anyway, as you know, hers included you, Cher."

"That big mouth bitch!" Cheryl exclaimed. "So you just assumed I was gay because I had been with one chick?"

"Actually, no. Tammy clearly wasn't gay and I figured you two had just been experimenting. I knew you had slept with at least two guys back in high school. But she insisted that you were a lesbian. You should know that I never cared, but I was bothered that you didn't talk to me about it. Hell I told you everything back then."

"You never told me that you fucked Tammy."

"Cher, you were off on your European adventure that summer. I didn't see you until the following Thanksgiving. With her revelations about your sexuality, I figure it was better I didn't mention anything about being with her."

"So why the hell have you continued to flirt with me like a dog sniffing after a bitch in heat?"

"Habit and because I like it. Shit Cher, you do know you were my first true love."

"Oh so what am I, chopped liver?" Barbara piped up hoping to stifle the building tension.

"Ok don't fight over me ladies."

As always when stuck Chuck turned to joking. The conversation turned to more pleasant old memories as they finished dinner.

Meanwhile at the boarding house, the visitor was pacing in his room. He needed to investigate the powerful new emotions that he had experienced. However, he had learned that humans were rather skittish creatures. It was difficult to get them to even engage in simple conversation with a stranger. The effort that it took to maintain his human appearance used so much of his power that his ability to delve into their minds was limited. His only hope of making valuable discoveries was to engage them intellectually one-on-one or to surreptitiously observe them when not in human form. He decided to try the latter that evening.

He took the form of a different earth creature that night. He had observed that there was a creature that could move among the humans almost without notice. On the surface the creature was both physically and mentally inferior to humans. Yet humans seemed to revere and get pleasure from the clever little animals.

The grey and black tabby moved through the shadows unnoticed by the last of the shoppers on Main Street. The visitor observed that humans tended to shy away from the dark. Most of the throng was either in their personal conveyance machines or huddle in one of the group dinning chambers. The cat's night vision helped him easily find his way back to the house he had seen earlier. He hoped that the two women would still be there. As he was about to climb the fence and enter the yard the visitor heard a tremendous banging and then saw the light as it leaked out into the night from an open door. He watched as the dark haired female allowed the male entrance to the house.

The sleek cat leapt into the yard and secreted himself in some bushes next to the house. Then the cat was no more. The visitor allowed himself to appear in his natural form. At least he assumed it was his natural form. It was the form that required no effort on his part to maintain. He had not been home in what to humans would have comprised nearly two life spans. In that time he had assumed the form of so many different species that it was hard to be certain what his natural appearance might be. Having let go the effort to maintain his appearance he was free to use his full powers to probe the humans inside the house. Invisible tendrils reached out and easily captured the thoughts and emotions of the three humans.

The blonde who wanted to mate with her own gender had confused and jumbled thoughts. Her emotions seemed to ebb and flow. He could feel her anger as well as her desire. The dark-haired one also seemed confused. Deep below the surface there were thoughts of mating with the male. But he did not feel in her what humans called love. Instead he felt a new word lust. He also felt some reluctance in her to satisfy her desire. That reluctance was oddly connected to the blonde's desires. The male's mind was simpler. There was no conflict. He clearly cared for both of the females. He wanted to mate with the dark haired female but there was a hint of another new concept to the visitor. In what felt like a dream to the visitor the male held a vision of being unclothed with both females. Humans were known to be an essentially monogamous species. While not all mating was for life it was known that they took a single partner for some period of time. Multiple mating had not previously been observed. The visitor was puzzled about the male having thoughts that were not in the nature of the species. There was clearly much more for him to learn. He decided that these three even if they were anomalies warranted more study.

As he continued to investigate the thoughts of the three humans he was drawn ever deeper into the male's dreamlike thoughts. Clearly previous data on the mating habits of these creatures was mistaken. This male carried many images of group sexual activity in his mind. Some of the images were not conjured up as in a dream but were clearly memories. But they were not the moving memories found in must human minds. They were still images. The male was recalling photographs of such activity. This was yet another curiosity to the visitor. He saw no benefit in photographing mating activities or looking at the resulting images. Yet the visitor was drawn ever deeper into that area of the males mind.

Suddenly the visitor felt a strange sensation. His body seemed to be changing. He feared his was losing control of his morphing abilities. There was some sort of growth forming on his lower body. He slipped an appendage down to what a human would have called his crotch to investigate the odd phenomena. He discovered something akin to human male genitalia was emerging from his body. His species was capable of developing the sexual characteristics of both genders. However, there was no recorded evidence of an investigator spontaneously becoming gender identified with a subject species.

The visitor immediately ceased his deep probe of the males mind. His theory was that he had connected too deeply with the humans sexual thoughts and his own body had begun to synchronize with the humans. The trio was finishing dinner and the visitor wanted to observe sexual rituals while he had the opportunity. He knew considering the desires present it would not be difficult for him to use gentle suggestion to cause the mating process to occur. However, he did not want to chance trying to manipulate three minds at once. Though the chance to study a same sex mating was intriguing it also would have been the hardest to make happen. Both the male and the dark-haired female seemed to desire mating. They would be the easiest to stimulate to action. He decided that the blond one would have to be removed from the scene.

Suddenly, Cheryl felt an overpowering desire to leave the house. She grabbed her wine glass and drained the remaining liquid down her throat as she fought to control the odd feeling. She had never been one to have ants in her pants before and was puzzled about the sudden desire to flee her own house. She managed to wait until they had finished eating to announce that she was going for a walk.

"Let one or both of us go with you then," Barbara suggested a bit worried about her friends sudden change of demeanor.

"No I will be ok; I just need some time alone. The air will do me good. I have some shit to sort out I guess," Cheryl said not really sure why she was going, "Help yourself to more wine or beer or whatever. I will be back in awhile."

Truth was she didn't know where she was going or for how long when she walked out the door. Long and far she heard in her head as she turned toward Main Street after seeing what she thought was a shadow in the bushes.

Almost as soon as Cheryl was out the door Barbara felt an intense desire to kiss Chuck. Chuck's already strong desire to bed Barbara grew to a near obsession and his cock grew hard in his pants. He squirmed in his seat and tried to will away his erection as Barbara stood. She moved behind him and began to massage his shoulders.

"Want another beer, handsome?" She asked in a sultry voice.

"Oh god, Barb, all I really want right now is you!" He blurted out.

"Good! Cause I am all yours!" She said as she slid into his lap.

She smiled when she felt his hard cock press into her ass. They began to kiss sloppily. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced around hers.

"Oh god baby, your cock feels so big and hard. I want it in me, please fuck me, Chuck!" She cried as she pulled her lips away from Chuck's mouth.

"Oh, I can't believe I am so horny. I want you so much Barb. But how can we? Cher might come back."

"I don't care, just come fuck me now," She demanded as she slipped off his lap and tugged at his hand.

He was helpless to resist even though he knew something was wrong. He followed her to the living room where they practically ripped each other's clothes off. She dropped to her knees and took his long thick cock into her mouth. He was practically howling with desire as she sucked him deep into her mouth. Desire won out over pleasure. He reached down and pulled her to her feet.

"Damn, I need you now, Babe!"

"Oh god, Chuck, your cock felt so good in my mouth. I want you to take my pussy with it."

He pushed her lithe naked body onto the sofa and pounced upon her. First he buried his face between her legs and began licking her already soaking wet sex as if he was some crazed sex fiend. She came in seconds flooding his face with thick creamy female cum.

"Fuck me now! Give that big cock to me! Please baby, my cunt is aching for you!" She screamed.

He moved between her legs and his hard tool instantly found its mark. It was a short almost violent fuck. His orgasm was so powerful he blacked out. She came repeatedly until her eyes rolled back in her head and she joined him in blissful unconsciousness.

The visitor who had moved to another window to get a better view was stunned that his gentle suggestion had ignited such passion in his subjects. Being in both their heads at the same time the visitor quickly began to lose control himself. What had started earlier was completed. He was fully male and his human-like cock had grown huge and hard. The new growth differed from the human male he was observing in a few significant ways. It was much larger than all but the rarest human penis, covered with small bumpy protrusions and streaked with a myriad of colors not found on human flesh. An observer would have seen hints of fuchsia, jade, ocher, and sapphire. He wrapped the end of his appendage around the newly acquired body part as he recorded the feelings and emotions of his subjects. With what was left of his analytical abilities he wondered if his new genitals were like those of his ancient ancestors and if they had felt such sexual pleasures. When he felt his subject's peak he too erupted. A thick green pool of vital fluids formed at his feet and was slowly absorbed into the ground.

Whereas the humans had exceeded their capacity for pleasure, the visitor felt as if he had only scratched the surface. However he knew that he must find the blond one and right her course or she might well travel a great distance before returning. The alien form vanished and in its places was a small gray furry creature. It was no ordinary cat though. This one could move with complete stealth while traveling at speeds unknown in any creature on earth. The visitor followed the scent of the blond female and soon found her walking along the river north of the village.

He saw the remoteness of the place and her vulnerability as an opportunity for more discoveries. The cat-like creature morphed into a human female that looked much like the one the visitor had left sleeping with Chuck. The visitor sent thoughts of peace and safety to Cheryl as the young vivacious dark-haired female approached the blonde at the river's edge. Though startled by the strangers approach, Cheryl felt oddly calm and unafraid.

"Hi, I seemed to have gotten myself lost. I hope you can help me," The brunette said as she approached Cheryl.

"Well I have lived here all my life so I am sure I can. But where did you come from?"

"I was visiting a nice little town with a male friend. He parked by the river and tired to get me to.." The visitor fought to come up with the right word, "um have sex with him."

The effect of the visitor's indecision helped make the story seem real.

"Yeah well we know how men are. He didn't rape you did he?"

The visitor had to probe Cheryl's mind for the meaning of the question. He was shocked when he discovered what she was asking.

"Oh no, nothing like that. I got out of his vehicle and he surprised me by driving away and leaving me there. I didn't remember which way we had come."

"Geez, is this creep your boyfriend, honey?"