The Walls Came Tumbling Down


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Alan shook his head, "quit it Kate, you have nothing to be forgiven for. I let the snake into our lives. I don't want to hear every time I come here the word sorry coming out of your mouth."

Alan started, "laughing to himself hysterically."

What's so funny ask Kate?

I was always told to kill a snake you cut off its head."

"Kate started laughing realizing what he was talking about."

Kate looked into Alan's eyes with a pleading look, "is there a chance for us Alan?"

Alan sat there sweating, ringing his hands, "God I hope so. I worked hard to take back what was mine. I knew I could drive a wedge between the two of you, but ultimately it was you who had to make the final choice to come back."

Kate explained to Alan they had couple counseling there at the prison and ask if he would go with her to see them.

Alan smiled and told her, "just tell me the time, I know the place," laughed Alan.

Kate replied, "smart ass! By the way, Alan some of the girls here have ask me to ask you when they get out if you need anything to please give them a call." She smiled and waved at a couple of the ladies and they smiled at Alan.

The two ladies looked like they were linebackers and played for the Chicago Bears. Alan stopped laughing, a cold chill ran up his spine.

After thinking carefully and knew he would be treading on thin ice, but he couldn't help himself, "no thanks, if I get that desperate I can go to Singapore to see Ms. Chow." Kate quit laughing.

Then they both laughed together for the first time in years.

Over the next five years Alan brought the boys every weekend they were allowed to visit their mother. They brought tales of their lives for their mother to hear.

During the week Alan would come up and go to marriage counseling. The toughest session was when Alan told Kate their situation had basically killed his parents because of the stress of the divorce and not being able to see his kid. Kate was crushed because she knew she the rejected their pleads to see their grandchild. And all communications stopped. She never knew they died.

The one that was really hard to face was the fact if either one of them had told the other about what happened in Toronto the night Alan was there they might have put 2 and 2 together to equal Aaron.


4 years and 11 months after her conviction. With the credit for the month Kate had already spent in jail before sentencing she received her parole for good behavior. That night Katy walked into her new home. The kids drug her from one room to the other until they got to the Master bedroom. She saw she was going to have to redecorate the man cave that Alan had set up.

"Kate," smiled Alan. "I set you up with a personal shopper tomorrow morning you need everything. She will take you shopping and after you are through with her, I will take you to the spa for the rest of the day getting your hair and nails done along with a Swedish body massage. They will help you with whatever you girls do in there along with any other feminine needs you need taking care of." He knew that she went to this particular spa before all of this fiasco had started for her Brazilian waxes that she loved so much.

Alan put her suitcase into the master bedroom and turned to her. "I will be sleeping in the guest room." Alan could see the disappointment in her face, "honey we are not married. What will our boys think?"

Alan laid in bed hating himself for using the boys as an excuse not to ask to stay with her. He feared rejection from Kate. He wanted to be with her so bad. He just panicked he was so nervous. Neither would sleep well that night.

Alan was waiting on her with the boys when she walked out of the Spa the next day. She looked like she did in her early twenties. Alan remembered why he had fallen so hard for her .

Kate smiled at Alan and proclaimed, "it looks like I left something at the prison, that extra ten pounds I always wanted to lose. The boys ran to her and told her she looked beautiful and hugged her. Jason said to her, "you smell pretty to." She bent down and kissed him on the lips leaving a red print of her lips on him.

"Yuck Mommy," as Jason tried to wipe it off with the back of his hand.

Alan informed Kate, "time for dinner honey it's your choice tonight." Kate looked at the boys. She smiled as she replied, "I would really like a Chuck E Cheese pizza. How about you boys?" Alan snickered.

Alexander and Jason started yelling, "Yeaaaaah. CHUCK E CHEESE, CHUCK E CHEESE, CHUCK E CHEESE.

As they walked away towards their car, Kate grabbed Alan's arm and laid her head on his shoulder as they strolled thru the lot.

Fours hour later for the second time in 5 years Kate tucked her boys into bed and read them a story as they fell asleep.

Alan sat in the den drinking a Crown straight trying to relax. Kate walked into the room wearing nothing but one of Alan's t-shirts. She sat down beside him pinning him up against the arm rest. She leaned over and whispered into his ear, "make love to me now." Alan stood, reached over to pick her up to carry her upstairs.

She pushed his hands away, "now, here." Alan looked confused, "the boys, they might wake up." Kate giggled, "that's why I chose Chuck E Cheese, it was to make sure they were worn out."

He looked upstairs and back towards Kate, she was naked now laying back on the couch spreading her legs. She put her arms up beckoning him to come to her. Alan was slow but not that slow, he undressed in a hurry, who said that something could not go the speed of light.

"Wow you look great Alan. Kate checking out his new body. She took her finger and ran it down his six pack.

Flexing up a little Alan explained, "not much else to do to burn off energy."

He laid over the top of her. He kissed her slowly entangling his tongue with hers. He slowly moved down her neck towards her breast. She stopped him and smiled, "I do not need any foreplay tonight honey, I have been ready for five years, as she reached down and guided Alan into her.

30 seconds later Alan came, and the Kate shuddered. Alan looked into Kates eyes as she started crying. "I am so sorry Kate it's been over 7 years. Was it that bad?"

"No, No, that's not it," Kate sniffled, it's the best I have ever had. Hold me please." Alan grabbed her by the hand, "let's go to our room. Two hours later they were laying in the master bedroom bed trying to recover from wearing each other out, they were both out of shape. She rolled over into his arms placing her head on his chest.

"Alan really 7 years?" she asked inquisitively.

"Yep, well kind of," replied Alan.

"Kind of. "What kind of answer is kind of?" replied Kate.

"We weren't married you know," he replied.

Kate looked away as she replied, "I know."

Alan turned red as he spoke, "I have been making love to you almost every night for the past 5 years, you just weren't here when I was doing it."

She giggled; "you mean to tell me that I was the only one you fantasized about. You never fantasized about that threesome you use to tell me about."

"Nope, after what you did to Aaron, every time I thought about it I got soft."

Kate started laughing uncontrollably, " I know you haven't asked me to marry you yet, but I consider us exclusive now and you better remember that buster."

"YES MA'AM, I will," chuckled Alan.

Tell me Alan," Kate asked with a question mark look. "Where did you meet those guys that showed up at the house?"

"You have to keep your mouth shut about this it will get us both killed you understand!" warned Alan.

"Ok, ok, cross my heart," chuckled Kate.

"No, Kate really, we will both end up as headless horseman and the boys also," warning her again.

"Ok," Kate said no longer laughing.

"Do you remember Akio Tanaka?" asked Alan.


His father is the "Oyabun" the Big Boss, the leader. He felt he owed me a favor and we are even now. I do a lot of business with Akio now and both of our companies have made millions from our joint dealings. And legally I might add."

"Did you really cut off Lucas's balls?" asked Kate.

"No, I paid a mortician $1000 bucks for a pair from a dead guy. But from what I heard after I sent those CD's to his wife she took care of those." Kate started howling.

"Did our firm pay up like you requested?" asked Kate.

"Yes they did with a little persuasion. "We sent them videos of their families in bed sleeping. The money was deposited the next day, 25 million after taxes." I'd give it all back to undo everything."

One last question, "why did you ask for part time custody? You could have demanded I give you full custody."

Alan smiled at her, I didn't want you to think I was going nuclear on you. I needed to sound reasonable. I was afraid if I did that to you you'd take them and run. From the reports I got on you, you are a great mom, and all boys need a good mother figure in their life."

She rolled over on top of Alan and replied, "you are a smart man. You were right, I would have. And it did make me think that you were going awful gentle on me except for those slut and whore remarks."

Alan replied, "I said everything for a reason to make you think logically and not emotionally."

"Did you really put a contract out on me?" asked Kate.

"Nope I did not. Only on the asshole and his people," replied Alan. And if he fucks with us I will enforce it in heartbeat. I hear from my friends he is going crazy trying to figure how to get you back."

"He has asked for help from his company, and his so called friends in high places and they are scared to death to fuck with me." I want him to suffer I like I did."

Kate laughed, "he is not half the man or even a quarter of the man you are now."

Kate looking right into Alan's eyes, "I want you to know I never had a threesome with Aaron, he brought it up once and a while and I put it down in a hurry. He was starting to irritate me about it. When I read that letter and heard what Lucas said, I lost my mind. I have only slept with two men." Tearing up, then she finished with "God I hate him."

Alan kissed the top of her head in a low whisper, "I know."

Do me a favor Alan she ask, "next time you see Akio tell him his pimp said hello."

Alan looked surprised and started laughing, "you knew about that?"

"Just about the whole time," she laughed. "It turns out I am gullible, but I am not stupid."


One small problem arose after that night. It turned out that they had a timeline placed on them to remarry. They both forgot she hadn't been on the pill in years, and she was now pregnant with their oldest daughter. Yep she did it again 3 years later. She decided to just stay home and be a mom for her kids.

Alan swears he had nothing to do with Aaron's disappearance. Alan figured it had something to do with using company assets for his own personal use. Kind of like using a company computer for porn but with more serious consequences.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

RAAC - Nope.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

while im not beyond raac, it has to be under certain circumstances. Brief 'mistake' affairs where alcohol/drugs might have been involved, or blackmail where the spouse comes forward with it almost immediately, etc. However, she never gave him a chance to explain himself, went off and cheated, then she married the guy, and took the man's kids away from him. Sure, I get it, love is blind, and sometimes we'll overlook a lot of stuff to get back to where we once were, BUT this is just ridiculously unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Meh this was not ad good as "Faked" by same author. But like that story the 10 years for chopping off Aaron's penis (her husband at the time) given that it is first and only offense, mother of two young children, the wretched deceit and manipulation to blow up her first marriage, Aaron's cheating, etc, if she actually gets a decent lawyer and doesn't plead guilty, she probably gets a short to medium stint in a psych ward (Lorena Bobbit anyone? She did zero jail time). Even if found guilty, no way the sentence is that steep. Judge would reduce ad he/she wants to get re-elected. While DA charged it under spousal abuse, her defense is a counter with his emotional cruelty and destruction of her marriage through fraud and rape of her first husband.

As far as reconciliation goes, seems like too much water under the bridge compared to "Faked". That wife waited until divorce was over, thohgh she took eberything in the divorce as hubby thiugh he was guilty, and only dated Randall (not married( and then went after Randall when she knew the truth. This was much longer she married Aaron despite him being a parasite and started f$cking him as soon as she saw the video with her husband drugged. Mrs Chow should be made to pay restitution for her establishment drugging him and raping him. The Yakuza coukd enforce that restitution. Also the wife was so clueless of not only the deceit and hoax but all the nefarious crao that Aaron and Lucas kept doing. She had zero empathy for her husband.

In Faked, Katrina started having misgivings and realized what a coward Randall was and was going to end it anyways after a few months, as she no longer derived any benefit from hurting her ex husband. Her the wife didn't care and was a true Old Testamnet wife, well except she is screwing Aaron as soon as the video is shown to her. They were bot dumb to not talk about Toronto. But for many guys too much water under the bridge with her remarrying and Aaron getting parental rights for both kids and marrying her as soon as divorce was over. Seems a bridge too far.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A woman who cheats like this will never be trustworthy. She will without a doubt do it again. If it was a one time mistake and she begged for forgiveness and actively trying to make amends maybe. But not after weeks or months later. Better to find a new woman who you can trust. So this ending leaves a bad taste and could have been better.

OPrimeOPrime9 months ago

The MC's wife is the weak link. I would have a hard time returning her to my life.

Busman19639Busman1963911 months ago

A nice story but he should have burned her and left her.

kamdev99008kamdev99008about 1 year ago

just an unrealistic & unbelievable action thriller with wimpy cuckold's emotional RAAC

rated 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She g9t a sentence of 10yrs fir chopping his dick.....what fucking bullshit legal system is this.

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdabout 1 year ago

Are you stupid?

Or did you hit your head as a child?

Because otherwise I can't imagine a sane person to say or write these type of shit.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 1 year ago

CRAP!! Another Matt M. Why can't we get some decent writers on Seems all the good ones are gone. FUCK!

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