The Witch and the Dragon Ch. 19


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It was the queen who'd spoken. She cast a venomous glare at Zak.

"We've got to go, Zak," the other reaper called from above. "You'll anger the mermaids."

Zak's eyes widened and he looked around, before cupping Alluna's face in his big palms. "I'll be back once everything is safe in the kingdom, Luna. I promise."

"Take your hands off the princess, warrior," the queen hissed.

Alluna looked back at the queen, flanked by her daughters. Her majesty's eyes were cold chips of ice. Zak backed away apologizing.

"Be off, before you endanger all of us," the queen spat shooing him with her boney hands.

Alluna fought the urge to reach out to him when he took to the sky again. He gazed at her a few moments before the other reaper touched his hand.

She had to put her hand to her forehead to watch as he flew away, back toward the lump of land with the two dragons and reaper.


She turned to look at the queen. "We should go below to our quarters until we are fetched. No harm will come to us here."

She looked down into the water and could see faint glimpses of movement beneath the dark sea.

"Come, child. We mustn't taunt the merfolk."

Alluna turned and followed the queen and the princesses through a wide door and down a flight of steps. The floor beneath her feet rolled and pitched gently.

Queen Lucresh turned and gestured to double doors at the end of the passageway.

"You girls stay together. Do not come out unless I come for you personally."

"Yes, mother," the twins drawled in unison.

Alluna walked into the small room with the other girls and stood unsure as one of them closed the door on the queen's unsmiling face.

Uuvy and Ivy turned slowly to regard her...the way a snake regards a bird it's about to eat.

Alluna gulped nervously.


Zak followed the dragons back to the opening in the cliff face. The warriors were still there waiting. Brock had his sword out and commander Braze was seething.

They all back away to allow the dragons to enter the cave. Zak and Eriel landed just behind them.

"Zak, what happened? Where's Luna?" Remi asked with wide panicked eyes.

"Oh, shit. Eriel?" Seth's eyes narrowed on th4 reaper.

Zak was busy watching the dragon's transform. Their scales glowed with fire before shrinking down into humanoid form.

Both males turned, wide-eyed and strode toward him. Zak backed away a few steps. Remi stopped talking and looked back. He also took a few steps back.

"Son? Is that you?" the red-haired male said walking faster.

They stopped in front of them. Zak looked at the tall blond male staring at him. The man sniffed at him a bit and began to grin. "Aye. You're my boy. You smell half Edenian. Must've been from that batch of seed I donated to the fertility institute." But then he frowned, looking at the wings folded behind Zak's back. "But what's with the black wings?"

Zak clenched his fist and fought the urge to slam it into the man's face. This was his real father?

Remien's father was hugging Rem so hard his face was turning blue. Shit—they looked almost alike.

"Don't I get a hug too, boy?"

Zak lunged, but Seth held him back. "Easy, Goliath."

"Goliath? Good name."

"It's my nickname," Zak snapped.

His father frowned. "Ya don't look too happy to see yer da, boy." He folded his arms over his chest.

Zak clenched his fists, but kept still. "How can I be happy knowing I... knowing that you just...I was a donated batch of fucking seed," he finally spat.

"Aye, aren't we all," Remi's father laughed out loud until Zak gave him a murderous glare.

The red weredragon snorted with distaste. "Zakreel, I told you not to sell your seed, man. Look how bitter he is."

"I didn't know what the hell they were going to do with it."

"Where's the princess?" Brock snapped coming up next to them.

Zak whirled around, but Eriel was already answering. "We delivered her to the Royal vessel, safe and sound."

Brock sneered and Zak felt his skin tingle with the onset of a shift.

Braze stepped up to them. "What the hell is going on here? What's the problem?"

"Uh, nothing," Seth and Remi blurted.

Commander Braze scowled. "Well then get your shit together and let's get moving back to the surface. There's a battle to be waged and every able body is needed to defend the kingdom."

"Yes, sir," they all responded.

Zak turned on his heel, so many emotions swirling within him. His father. His real father.

Where had he been all these years while he'd grown up shunned and hated. Oh, his mother had adored him, but... all his life he'd felt rejected by the man he thought was his true father. And then when he'd shifted that first time. It had been a nightmare to discover he was a monster. A fucking golden dragon.

Seth caught up to him, but remained walking next to him without saying a word.

Behind them, he could hear Remi conversing with his own father. Rem's father had apparently been that giant red dragon they'd seen on Vildminoria when they'd gone in to discover why vampires were disappearing.

Fuck it all to hell. Zak was pissed. His mind began remembering the crystal-vid Devon had shown them of their fathers... with Davariel. He shook his head. No. He wanted no part of this man. If Remien didn't care that his father had impregnated his mother and then abandoned her, that was his problem. But Zak wanted no part of a male who'd sell his seed and just walk away without caring what could happen the potential children that might have come out of that thoughtless donation. He'd jerked himself off for a few credits. That's all Zak was. Sperm in a cup.


Alluna watched the girls circle around her warily.

"So," Aivy, who had a beauty mark by her left eye began. "You're King Lumar's true daughter."

It wasn't a question, but Alluna felt compelled to answer. "That's what I've been told."

"And where have you been all this time?" Uuvy asked now.

Alluna thought and remembered the tower...and mama. "I...I grew up in a tower room."

Aivy plopped herself down on one of the three beds in the room. "Sounds boring. What did you do for fun?" Her eyes alighted on Alluna's belly and she suddenly grinned. "Did you sneak boys into your bedroom?"

Uuvy plopped down next to her sister, her eyes wide with excitement. "Yes. Tell us all about it."

Alluna blushed. "No. No one ever came to my..." She saw herself opening the shutters to her room, turning and seeing a golden-haired angel kneeling in the middle of her room—eyes like blue fire. Blue?

Alluna clasped her hand over her thudding heart, trying to remember his face, instead she remembered being tied down to her bed, her legs spread wide as he...

She sat before she fainted. The man who'd made love to her had blue eyes and golden hair... no wings. The reaper had grey eyes and black wings. He couldn't be the one.

"Are you okay?"

Alluna looked up at the blond princesses. They looked at her with blank faces.

"Um. Yes. I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy spell."

"Aren't you going to tell us how you got pregnant?" Aivy asked.

"Was he a good fuck?" Uuvy seconded.

Alluna's cheeks burned. "I... I don't know. I can't remember."

The girls snorted in disdain.

Aivy huffed and walked to the door. She tried to turn the latch, but it seemed to be locked.

"I'm going to go stir crazy here," Aivy said stomping one foot as she crossed her arms over her chest with a pout.

"Why don't you get the key like I did the last time," Uuvy drawled.

Aivy snorted. "No way. Mother said next time we'd get our favorite jewels taken away from us and given to the poor."

Uuvy shuddered, but then stared at Alluna.

Her sudden smile had Alluna squirming uncomfortably. "Alluna doesn't have any jewels yet. Perhaps she can sneak into mother's room and find the key."

Aivy grinned at her too.

"I don't want to get into trouble," Alluna said in a small voice.

Uuvy grinned. "Nonsense. Mother would never punish you."

"That's right," Aivy chimed in, grinning just as wide. "She wouldn't want to be viewed as the evil stepmother."

"Getting the key is easy," Uuvy giggled.

Aivy clapped her hands with a laugh. "Very easy."

Moments later, Alluna found herself crawling through a narrow vent that started out in the twins wardrobe and stretched above the ceiling into the queen's chambers.

She struggled on her belly, hoping she wasn't hurting her babies until she reached the queens closet. After climbing down box-filled shelves, she squinted in the dark for a the long golden robe the queen had worn before retiring to her rooms. The twins had told her that the key was in an interior pocket. Alluna tiptoed through the dark closet and searched through the myriad of cloaks and dresses. She could hear the queen humming, not far from the doors and grew nervous. What if the queen discovered her hiding in the closet?

A chill draft made bumps rise on Alluna's skin. Power emanated from the adjoining room. Just as Alluna closed her fist over the cool key in the golden cloaks pocket she heard the queen's voice.

"Mirror-mirror on the wall... who is the fairest of them all?"

Deep masculine laughter echoed around the chamber.

Creeping up to the narrow crack between the wardrobe doors, Alluna peeked out.

The queen's chamber was awash in golden candle light. She stood naked in the center of the room before a large black glass. The surface rippled and out stepped a man with skin the color of deepest mahogany. He was dressed in dark blue and stood tall before the queen.

She fell to her knees before him, clutching at his hips. He only laughed. "Why, you, my dear queen. You are the fairest of them all."

Alluna's eyes widened and her cheeks grew warm when she saw the queen wrestle with the closure to his pants until she'd freed his sex from is pants. She gripped it with tow hands and wrapped her mouth around him. The man groaned and tossed his head back.

Alluna could not watch anymore. Carefully, she climbed the shelves again and crawled back through the vent to the twins wardrobe.

Aivy and Uuvy waited eagerly on the other side.

"Well?" Uuvy prodded.

Aivy grabbed her arm. "Did you get it?"

Alluna bit her lip and unfurled her fist, showing them the key.

Aivy grabbed the key before she could utter a word. Alluna wondered if the girls knew of their mother's affair with the dark man from the mirror. Somehow, she sensed they didn't. These girls had dark secrets of their own, she was sure.

Aivy unlocked the door and looked out. Uuvy stood behind her.

"Coast is clear."

Aivy tiptoed out as Uuvy turned t Alluna. "Well, just don't stand there. Come-on."

Alluna really didn't want to go out with them. The queen had told them to remain there until she came for them...

But the queen was busy, wasn't she?

"Alluna," Uuvy hissed from the door, waving her hand for her to follow them out.

All was dark and quiet, as the girls climbed the stairs back up to the deck. There were a few females standing above, watching and keeping guard. They watched the skies.

"What are they looking for," Alluna whispered.

"The dragons," Aivy answered. "When it's safe to go back, the dragons come to fetch the ships."

"Ships?" Alluna asked in confusion.

Uuvy pointed out toward the water.

Alluna looked out toward the dark rolling water and spotted other ships floating nearby. It was growing dark and the lights from the other ships twinkled on the gently rolling sea.

The wind blew across her face in a warm caress and she heard the faint notes of music. No. Not music...but voices, beautiful voices singing in harmony, like a chorus of angels.

"How pretty. Who is singing?"

The girls giggled. "Why the mermaids, silly. Haven't you ever heard them sing?"

Alluna stared at them wide-eyed. "No. I don't think I ever have, actually."

"Have you ever seen them? "

"I don't think I have."

Uuvy grinned, her molars glinting in the dark. "Would you like to see one?"

Alluna felt unsure. There were only women and children aboard the ships. Surely the warriors and the king wouldn't leave them in a dangerous place... would they?

"Why aren't any of the other warriors present on the ships?"

Aivy laughed as Uuvy snorted. "Mermaids hate males. That's why they sing, to lure them in, seduce them and then drown them."

Alluna gasped. "W-why would they do that?"

"Many siglons ago, the ancient king of Arboria lured the sea queen out of her watery realm. He seduced her and promised her he'd let her reign by his side as his queen, but he wanted her to bear him sons, princes as heirs to his throne.

The queen, who came from a realm where males abounded more than females agreed. Her father, the king of the sea had warned her to stay away from the surface males. They were evil and treacherous, but she didn't listen to him and fell in love with the handsome surface king."

"Sh-she disobeyed her father?"

"Yes," Aivy continued now. "And every time she got pregnant, she bore the king a daughter. The king would become enraged and toss the baby out to sea."

Alluna gasped in horror.

"After she'd born him twenty daughters, she finally bore him a son. The king, finally satisfied with his perfectly beautiful son, strangled her and tossed her body out to sea."

"B-but he didn't love her?"

"No. He only wanted an heir to his throne. Their were barely any females back then because the men only wanted sons and kept tossing their daughters out to sea when they were born."

"How awful."

"Yes. Where the sea people had too many boys, the surface people had too many daughters. But since the new females were mixed with mer blood, they did not drown. Unfortunately they also remembered the kings hatred and vowed revenge. Especially after he killed their mother. There were no women left on the surface only beneath the sea. So when the young princess grew into a man he set out to capture himself a wife from the mermaids.

His sisters waited for him and the king to sail out and they began to sing, luring them farther and farther out to sea.

By the time they realized they had been tricked it was too late. The mermaids attacked the boat and dragged them down to the bottom of the sea.

"They drowned their father and their brother?"

"Yesss," Uuvy hissed.

Alluna shivered, her hands automatically going over her belly in a protective gesture.

Aivy smiled at her, "But we don't need to be afraid of them. They don't hurt females."

"One of them gave me this comb," Uuvy said patting her hair.

Alluna saw the glittering star fish comb she had holding up one side of her silver tresses.

"That's very pretty," Alluna admitted truthfully.

"They like pregnant women. I bet they give you something really pretty for your baby."

"We can lower you in the lifeboat so you can talk to them. Having a mermaid as a friend can come in handy sometime. You never know."

Alluna cringed, looking out to the darkened sea. "Oh, I don't know. It looks awfully dark down there."

"Don't tell me you're afraid. The king doesn't like for us to fear anything," Aivy said in a mocking tone.

Uuvy stared at her with cold eyes. "Don't you trust us?"

Alluna didn't want her new stepsisters to dislike her. "Of course I trust you. I just don't want to get in trouble."

The girls giggled. "You won't get in trouble. Mother wouldn't dare punish you. That would make the king angry. And the king is so desperate to make up for lost time he wouldn't scold you either. Besides, the mermaids are perfectly safe for us females. It's the males they hate."

They led her to a small boat to the side of the ship. No one said anything to them as they helped her in. They boat was suspended by ropes on a pulley system. The girls untied the rope and began to lower her to the rolling sea.

Alluna clung to the little seat in the small boat until she felt the soft rise and fall of the waves. The sound of the roped splashing in the water made her frown. Why did they let the ropes drop?

She looked up and barely made out the dark silhouettes of Aivy and Uuvy's heads against the backdrop of the night sky. The sound of their giggles floated down to Alluna just before they disappeared all together.

The lifeboat began to drift away from the ship. Alluna panicked and wondered if she should call out to the twins. Where had they gone?

Soft splashing drew her attention, making her turn to look behind her.

Three heads were peering up over the edge of the boat. Alluna screamed in surprise and scooted over to the far side of the boat. It tipped, making her panic and dart to the middle again. More heads appeared around the edge of the boat. She couldn't see their faces because it was so dark, but the scent of the salty sea emanated from them.

"Who are you," she whispered, her voice breaking on a terrified sob.

"We are your sisters of the sea, little one," a soft little voice answered. It sounded like a little girl, sweet and innocent.

"Have you been raped and tossed out to sea?" another asked. This one's voice sounded a bit older, but not by much.

"Raped? N-no. I...I really don't remember, but... I don't think I was forced."

They began to hiss making Alluna cringe.

"So, then, you willing opened your legs to a man and let him fuck you?"

More hissing ensued. The boat began to rock roughly, and Alluna was afraid it was not the ocean that rocked it. The mermaids were going to tip her boat over. They wanted to drown Alluna for having let a man between her legs willingly.

Alluna opened her mouth and screamed, "Zaaaaak-help me!"

Thunder rolled in the sky just before the boat tipped and the cold sea swallowed her into its dark embrace.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Im in love with this story

I am so awaiting the next chapter. I love the mermaids and all the folklore. Personally I love the master theme and I have voted a 5 on every chapter. :). Keep up the goodwork.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllalmost 12 years agoAuthor
chapter 20

...was just uploaded, Sunday, 8/19/12, a little after 8 pm. I have dutifully ignored my boyfriend stomping aorund the house because I've had my nose stuck in the laptop all day. I finally finished the chapter and will take a break before starting chapter 21. I'm trying to write longer chapters, but this story is definitely coming to its conclusion. Here's to hoping everyine likes this next chapter, which I guess should be up maybe Wedensday or Thursday. For those of you that haven't read the other books that come before this one, FALLEN ANGEL is first, followed by DARK PRINCE, and then ANGEL OF RETRIBUTION. The next book after WITCH AND DRAGON is DARK ANGEL which will be Ashriel's and Annie's story.

Thanks to all those who voted and commented. :)


SweetRapunzelSweetRapunzelalmost 12 years ago
= = btw

To Anon : Seth is not gay!! Just because he doesn't act like a male slut but chose who he will fuck he should not be call uptight or just wish he was gay. HE IS JUST PICKY! and just kinda serious/conservative. Not to mention he have a crush on Amarant and just want her.

To my luvey : As for the other 2 I think I know who it is but pls give me a warning at the 1 ch when you write a gay or lesbien story so I know what to expect. I will read it since it's your story (u write great stories lines and plots etc) , I just gonna jump over the sex scences.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago
Of course

Wicked step-sisters!

SweetRapunzelSweetRapunzelalmost 12 years ago
(still hanging by the nails)

pls update soon will be waiting same place same time LOL

KyriaeKyriaealmost 12 years ago

its nice to see u back again and writing. chtp 20 please hurry and post

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllalmost 12 years agoAuthor

Lolz! Hmmm. He's too straight-laced and uptight to be gay (I think). But two stories from this one somebody's gonna give us a big surprise. Some people might already know who.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
seth's story

Seth should be gay

AhzureDragonAhzureDragonalmost 12 years ago

As always you leave the story with the best cliffhangers. I can not wait till Luna remembers Zak :) This is a wonderful story and I await the next chapter as always.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
This just keeps getting better and better!!!!

I recently found your story and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it :) Can't wait to see the twists and turns and love the mermaids.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
The suspense!

I recently began reading your stories, I read The Witch and the Dragon up to chapter 18, then I read AoR, which I enjoyed aswell. When is chapter 20 going to be released? The suspense is killing me!

HimalayandewHimalayandewalmost 12 years ago
sobs !!!!

My heart is twisting in a wrenching pain ,Oh dear alluna how much she have to suffer and more , and now she becomes victim of the evilness of her step sisters ,really i,m also praying that zak comes and get her before she gets harmed in any way ,and take her back to alpha 7 ,let everybody else just got to hell if they can,t see them happy together in love . Now i think thats enough of melodrama ,lets get to the point ............,hmm......... this chapter was as good as your every chapter of this story coz they all represent the important events of this story ,i was so happy to see that alluna is remembering zak slowly and the artistic way you described the scenes and wow the mermaids though i too feel fear from those mythical creatures LOL , my only complain is about the shortness of this chapter and you cliff hanging climaxes , though every chapter you write so fascinatingly makes us so desperate for the next one, make for the time you take to post them but its not good to make somebody wait for so long ;) .please try to post next chapter as soon as possible :) love you <3 ,

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