The Y-Virus Ch. 06


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"Yes, doctor, right away."

"And please take this to the laundry room, would you?" Alexis handed the bag over to Dr. Gorzinski with the wet swimsuit in it.

"Of course, doctor. Right away."

Dr. Gorzinski continued on her way with the plastic case under one arm and the bag in the other. I think I heard her snigger a little just before turning the corner behind us.

We finished making our way to the cafeteria. Since all the men in the facility were successfully thawed from stasis, we weren't noticed much when we first walked in and sat down. There were plenty of other men sitting at other tables for the women to talk to and learn about. Tabitha "Tabby Cat" Dole approached me. She wanted to know what I'd have for breakfast and I told her oatmeal would be fine. Alexis ordered the same thing.

Tabby Cat looked at me with such kind eyes that I couldn't help but smile back at her. Her kindness and southern accent always seemed to make me smile and make my days brighter. It was a good thing, too, because after being cooped up in the same building for an inordinate amount of time, I was starting to get a bit of cabin fever. Every day that passed I hoped that Dr. Miller and Dr. Weller were making progress in creating a vaccine to the Y-Virus.

Little Hanna came up to me when she noticed me and asked if I would give her another chess lesson. I told her that I would be very busy later and I would only be able to teach her in the evening. She seemed a little disappointed, but she went away with a half-smile that looked to be somewhat forced. I began to suspect that her disappointment had little to do with chess. In the passing days I slowly began to see the truth: she wanted a father figure in her life. Her father and uncle were both taken in the plague when she was just five. She missed them both and wanted somebody to look up to, somebody to be a kind of surrogate father. Of course, I could only guess this at first. Later I would learn that this was true. I couldn't blame her. She was only eight years old, after all. I felt bad for her and the other girls of her age group that lost their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and so on.

Tabby Cat approached us shortly after Hanna left my table. She put our bowls of oatmeal on the table and made sure that I met her smile before leaving to take care of another group of people. I smiled and wished her a good day. She was a good person with a good heart. She nodded and went away to fetch the other peoples' meals.

Alexis and I ate our oatmeal. We had very little to talk about because we both understood the schedule I had to follow that day. Halfway through our meals, Akira and Nancy Weller came into the cafeteria and sat with Alexis and me. They both seemed to be in an upbeat mood, especially Akira. I figured that her medical checkup went well.

Akira did give me a look that I enjoyed, but she and Nancy seemed more preoccupied with something else. They were mostly looking at a green plastic binder that Nancy laid on the table and slid across to Dr. Miller. There was a simple white label placed on the cover with blue letters that read: VACCINE RESEARCH NOTES.

Nancy spoke to Alexis, saying, "I've stayed up nearly all night working on this. I think this will show some kind of improvement in the direction we're heading. I can't promise anything, as usual."

Dr. Miller took the binder and looked at the first couple pages of the material. There seemed to be well over a hundred pages within the binder, but I really had no way of knowing for sure how many there were. Also, it really didn't matter. What did matter was that it sounded to me like Dr. Weller was on the right track, and that was something good . . . very good.

I must have had a look of tremendous hope on my face because Dr. Weller turned to me and said, "Please try not to get your hopes up too much, Mr. Barber. We've had promising leads that have proved inconclusive at best. Some of our other attempts resulted in the formations of chemical compounds that would not have remained stable once introduced into the human body according to our computer readouts." She paused and thought about what she said. Perhaps she thought it sounded too pessimistic. She soon added, "But I don't want you to lose hope either. I think I'm getting closer and closer with each passing day. Keep your chin up." She offered a smile and patted my shoulder.

I finished my bowl of oatmeal and waited for Dr. Miller to finish hers so that I could get my medical exam done and over with. I assumed she would be the one to administer it, but Dr. Miller seemed absorbed in the technical work given to her. She stopped eating her oatmeal for what seemed like ten minutes before she finally looked up from the green binder at the three of us.

"I'll have to read this later in my quarters. It'll require the better part of today going over it all. You don't mind do you, Dr. Weller?"

"Not at all," she said casually. "I want a second opinion before we synthesize a prototype vaccine."

"Thank you." Dr. Miller said in the formal tone that was once the only tone I knew from her.

I thought of how she spoke to me before, and of how she bathed me only half an hour earlier. She was very different when she was in the presence of other people. But then again, that's most people in a nutshell. They all behave differently based on who they're with at the time. I wouldn't have spoken to my grandmother the same way I spoke to my high school buddies, and I don't think anyone else would've either.

Alexis finished her breakfast and stood up with the green binder under her arm. She turned to Dr. Weller, "I think perhaps it will be better for me to go over your work now. I was going to give Mr. Barber his required medical exam, but perhaps you'll be kind enough to handle that for me while I read this?" She tapped the green binder with her fingertip.

"Of course, Dr. Miller. It wouldn't be a problem at all."

"I've already taken the liberty of administering a testicular exam while I was on shower duty with him. I concluded that it would save time, and the warm water would make it easier to check his testicles for any signs of cancer. He's clear of any abnormal indicators. But I suppose a second opinion couldn't hurt. I'll have to ask you to check him again in case I missed something."

"Not a problem."

"And here is the magnetic key to his TestiTracker. You'll need it if you're going to check him manually for a hernia." Alexis handed the key over and Nancy nodded.

Dr. Weller now turned her attention to me. "Mr. Barber, would you follow me please?"

I felt just a little bit awkward that the two doctors talked about my balls as if I wasn't there, and the fact they we talking about it in a cafeteria with dozens of other people behind me. But the rest of the people didn't seem to hear, or perhaps they didn't care.

Alexis was on her way to the door of the cafeteria when I stood up to go with Nancy. I turned and looked at Akira. She looked back at me with a seductive expression that seemed to say, "Just you wait, boy. I'm gonna ride you until there's nothing left of you." But perhaps that's just what I wanted her to be thinking. The Asian beauty took my hand into hers as I passed her. I stopped suddenly and locked eyes with her for a few seconds. She squeezed my hand a little and I smiled.

Apparently some of the people in the CDC cafeteria shifted their attention to me when I stopped abruptly. Every adult knew that we were scheduled to "save humanity" in a couple of hours. There were a few people that made hooting and whistling sounds. This embarrassed me a little, but I didn't care too much. I let the feeling roll over me because it wasn't nearly as embarrassing as being anally raped by a machine in a room full of women.

I thought about how Akira and I were finally going to be able to have the kind of good time together we were waiting so patiently for, and now the day had finally come. I gave her hand the same gentle squeeze she had given mine before I let go. I turned and followed Dr. Weller out of the cafeteria. She was waiting by the threshold of the door and seemed to be indulging in a brief chuckle in response to the hoots and whistles of the others.

I could tell that Nancy felt genuinely happy for me and the overall prospect of repopulation.

There were still a few whistles coming from the cafeteria even after the door closed behind me (no doubt they were for Akira). I followed Nancy into one of the elevators and down a few corridors. When we entered the exam room I was a little shocked to discover that we were standing in the same room I was in when the XTC Internal Scanner practically fucked me in the ass with its chrome-snake appendage. I never really thought of this room as the kind of place where my exam was going to take place. I pictured a small room with white walls and a padded hover-gurney in the corner with some of that thin white paper pulled over it for sanitary purposes.

"Wait! What gives? Why are we in this room?" I asked.

"The reason is pretty simple, Ryan. Most of the equipment is in this room; also, you have an option as to the method of your exam."

"Option?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I can administer a portion of your exam with the XTC Internal Scanner, or I can use my own hands to check you manually if you'd prefer that instead."

"Why would that crazy machine even be used? For what purpose?"

"There are two parts to your exam that the XTC could be used for; one where it would be required. The XTC could be used for your prostate exam, and it can scan for hernias. But, if you'd prefer, I can use methods adopted closer to the time period in which you lived, but that would require the use of my own hands. The XTC is required for your pre-exam enema, which doesn't take very long. I leave the choice to you in terms of the prostate exam and hernia scan. Most of the men say they didn't like the XTC invading their rectum after being thawed out, yet they still seemed to enjoy its prostate exam function. The machine made each and every male moan without failure."

I didn't say anything because I couldn't deny the truth of what she said at the end. I also enjoyed the intense pleasure I felt when the machine checked my prostate. I even shuddered a little when I recalled what it felt like as the egg-shaped tip vibrated and rubbed itself against my sensitive organ. Even the Orgasmanatrix 8000 had a similar function, although the Orgasmanatrix was strictly for pleasure and semen collecting, not for medical purposes.

When Dr. Weller made the point of how all the men liked the prostate exam function of the XTC, the choice suddenly wasn't so easy for me to make. I really did enjoy the pleasure I felt when it scanned my prostate. It was nothing short of amazing. But, on the other hand, I vividly remembered the chrome tentacle forcing its way further up my ass in order to check for any other medical problems. There was also the embarrassment factor; although, I would only look ridiculous in front of one woman instead of five or six.

My thoughts soon turned to what it would be like to have Dr. Weller examining me with her own hands. Even though she was fifty-four and of average appearance, she still had traces of her youthful beauty. To this day I can still almost see the woman of thirty she once was. I wouldn't mind her hands touching me—or entering me. She wasn't unattractive, and she definitely had years of experience in handling a man's goods. She was married for some time before the apocalypse and no doubt knew how to make her husband feel good.

I weighed my options for a minute or two. Nancy didn't make a sound. She didn't seem to want to rush me in any way.

Finally I made a decision, "I'd rather have you check me than that machine. It did a number on me before."

"Very well, in that case would you please disrobe so we can begin?"

I didn't say anything. There was no need to. I began taking my clothes off when Nancy activated the same hovering metal platform I was laid onto when I was first inspected by the machine. She then turned to the XTC and turned it on. I still felt a little uneasy at the thought that it was still going to be used to give me an enema. I handed my clothes over to Nancy and she placed them inside a drawer in the corner of the room.

The first portion of my medical exam was quite standard: she used a futuristic stethoscope to listen to my heartbeat, checked the movement of my joints, my reflexes, my eyes, my ears, and so on.

When she seemed satisfied with all these things, she turned away, went across the room to a cabinet, and took out some sort of chrome stick that reminded me of the one Dr. "Bones" McCoy had used in the Star Trek program of the twentieth century. When she came back to me with the metal stick I was going to ask her what it was, but I figured I'd know soon enough. There were a few buttons above the handle and a knob that turned at the base of the handle. She pushed one of the buttons and a blue light came on near the tip. She waved the stick a few inches over my skin, all over my body. She stopped near my balls, which were still trapped in the TestiTracker, and she carefully placed the tip of the stick against each testicle while adjusting the knob of the device.

She was pleased when the light on the end of the metal stick remained blue. "Wonderful! You don't seem to have any trace of cancer or sexual disease in your entire body."

"I'll take that bit of good news any day."

Nancy smiled a little. "Well, since you wanted me to check you manually instead of using the XTC, I'll have to ask you to go to the cuffs mounted on the wall over there." She made a gesture to a pair of metal cuffs hanging on the side of the wall. They were similar to the ones in the shower stalls.

I understood the protocol and didn't complain. I locked myself into the cuffs and Nancy then removed the TestiTracker from my balls. She checked for a hernia in the traditional way: she held my testicles and asked me to turn my head and cough. She had me do it a couple times just to be sure. She was pleased and said that everything was as it should be. She locked the TestiTracker back around my scrotum before releasing me from the cuffs on the wall.

"This brings us to the next part of your exam: the enema. Would you mount the hover table please?"

I made my way to it and mounted it. I was in the same position as when I was first examined—raped—by the XTC: a doggy-style position with my ass up in the air. I figured that the sooner the machine was used, the sooner we would finish the exam, and the sooner I would get to meet up with Akira.

I heard the sharp snap of a latex glove. It was soon followed by another snap. Nancy then moved over to the control panel and guided the XTC directly behind my raised ass.

Here we go again, I thought.

When she had the machine where she wanted it, she left the control panel and walked behind me. She pulled down a portion of a thin black hose from the machine and brought it to my side so I could see it. It had an adjustable and replaceable nozzle on the end of it that was shaped like a small butt plug.

"As you can see, Ryan, it's not going to go nearly as deep as the scanner did. It'll be over very quick. Just relax and take steady, deep breaths." She gave me a reassuring look before returning behind me.

I took her advice and breathed steady. I heard the sound of a bottle opening, then the squishing sound of lube being applied to her latex-clad fingers and the nozzle. Even though I anticipated the next part, I still gasped when I felt her gloved fingers smearing the cold lube all over my asshole. She didn't seem to take any notice and continued by penetrating me with one of her fingers. She only inserted the finger about an inch—at least it felt like an inch to me—before withdrawing it. I remembered how Mary McFlarghan giggled under her breath when she lubed up my asshole and shoved her finger inside me as far as she could just before the XTC penetrated me.

Unlike Mary, Nancy didn't make a sound. She was much more professional in the way she did things than Dr. McFlarghan was. But then again, it didn't surprise me because Mary was still in her late twenties.

Four or five seconds after Nancy withdrew her finger from my rear, I felt the plastic tip of the nozzle being pressed gently against my asshole. Thanks to the lube, it slipped right in without pain or difficulty. I don't know what Nancy did after it went inside me, but the base of the nozzle that was inside my rectum expanded a little so that it wouldn't come out again until it was all over.

I trusted Dr. Weller more than any other medical professional in the CDC, even Akira. Please don't misunderstand me. I trust Akira immensely when it comes to medical matters. But Nancy Weller was the most experienced and most gentle when it came down to things like this. And the only other person who was as mature in handling patients was Dr. Miller.

I heard a couple buttons being pressed on the machine and before I knew it my rectum was being filled with warm water. I made some sort of indeterminate noise at this, yet Nancy kept silent. My anus was filled with water rather quickly before it was being forced back out through the hose again. The machine made two separate sounds, both indescribable: one when it was filling me up; another when it was emptying me out. The machine filled and emptied my rectum with water at least a half dozen times before I heard the XTC make a "bing" sound.

It stopped abruptly. Nancy said, "There. That didn't take long, did it?"

I admit that it didn't, though I didn't say anything out loud. I also admit that it didn't feel half bad; perhaps a little weird at first, but not too bad.

Nancy slowly removed the nozzle from my ass and removed it from the black hose. She deposited the nozzle into a small plastic bin that read: SANITATION REQUIRED. She closed the lid and stood before me.

"Well, this brings us to the final part of your exam: the prostate exam. Just relax and take deep breaths like you did before and everything will be fine."

I nodded slowly and put my head down in the headrest of the hover table.

I heard the same pair of snapping sounds as Dr. Weller put on a new pair of latex gloves and discarded the old ones. She lubricated her fingers again. Soon I felt the same coolness of the lube as she moved her fingers over my asshole in small circles. When I was well lubricated she slipped a finger into my ass and I gave a low moan.

She was very slow at first, and gentle. She moved her finger deeper and deeper in my anus until she located my prostate gland.

I fought the urge to moan louder, but my breathing became a little heavier. She circled the gland with her fingertip before moving it back and forth a few times. She would alternate between the circular motion and the thrusting motion a few times. She was an expert at this sort of thing and I began to suspect that she was taking her time on purpose (much like how Dr. Miller seemed to take her time in scrubbing my cock and balls in the shower, or giving me my "testicular exam"). She kept sliding her finger in and out of my ass for what seemed like three whole minutes with the occasional circling of the prostate. It wasn't until she hooked her finger slightly downward onto my prostate, while, at the same time, moving deeper into me, that I moaned loudest from the intense pleasure she gave me. For a moment I thought I sounded like a cow mooing.

Nancy slowly withdrew her finger from my asshole and said, "Well, you seem to be as fit as a fiddle. I daresay you are in perfect health for sexual intercourse and reproduction. Ms. Minoko is a lucky girl, if I may say so myself."

Nancy may have been a bit out of my age group, but she had tremendous experience with the male G-spot. There wasn't a shadow of doubt in my mind that she practiced her technique on her husband back when they were dating in medical school. He must've been a very lucky man until the Y-Virus came along and fucked everything up.