There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 15


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"Oh no, what I talked to Aunt Rita about was very personal."

"And what I told you was not personal? Come on sis, fess up."

"If you tell anyone what I'm about to tell you I will kill you?"

"Pinky Swear; I will never say a word to anyone."

"I mean it Anna; this is very embarrassing for me to talk about."

"Okay, okay, I get it. Come on, give me the dirty details."


"Holy crap; mom and you talked about anal sex. She said, 'You've never lived until you had it up the ass!' Do you know what that means? Dad has been fucking mom up the ass and she enjoys it. What a bitch!"

"Don't say that about her. She had a very tough time growing up. Her mother ordered her to remain a virgin until she was married. When she became interested in sex, they killed her mother, and she had no one to talk to about it. Grandpa wasn't around, and she was on the run from the mob. She did not have much of a life back then."

"Since when are you sticking up for her?"

"We have been sitting next to each other for almost four years, while you have been gallivanting all over Virginia, having your body examined by different boyfriends. I'm not complaining, Anna, believe me. I am celibate, and this is my choice, not yours. I'm beginning to understand her much better than I did when we were young.

"Mom was the brightest bulb in the box, but any time a man approached her she froze them out. They used to call her 'The Ice Queen,' because she wouldn't let any man near her, and they all wanted her."

"How did you find out all this information?"

"Do you remember mom's friend Steve?"

"Yes, he was the funny one. He told us the story about mom giving him $1 million because she wanted him to be successful. She would never accept the money back, even though he was successful beyond his wildest dreams."

"He's the one. He called one day when mom was not at home. I asked him to tell me about her college days, because I was beginning to write her memoirs. The things he told me about her would curl your hair."

"You have to tell me everything when I get home."

"If you come home a virgin, I'll tell you everything."

"If I didn't know it was you, I would swear I was talking to my mother. You are turning into her. You no good...."

"Are you looking for the word 'WHORE!"

"No, but that will do. How would you know if I came home intact?"

"I'm going to put on a rubber glove and give you an internal. If it's not there, my hand is going to visit your cervix."

"Mom would get a real kick out of this conversation."

"She's listening to my side of this conversation now. She's sitting right next to me. Would you like to speak to her?"

"I'm going to strangle you."

"Do you really think I would do that to you? You're my sister for God sakes. She's in the front of the aircraft, and I'm sitting in the back. I would never break your trust Anna. I thought you knew me better than that."

"I was worried because of all the things you were telling me about her. I thought you had gone over to the dark side."

"I have not joined her, but I do understand her better than you or Robert. I will see you when you get home little sister; do you know when that will be?"

"Are you guys coming to my graduation?"

"We will come only if you tell us when it is."

"May 27th, it begins at two in the afternoon."

"I'm sorry I'm going to have cramps that morning."

"Laura, you are turning into mom; you are a real bitch."

"Watch who your cursing at little girl. I'm 1 minute and 35 seconds older than you are. I will take you over my knee, and spank you with dad's paddle."

"I am really worried about that Laura. You couldn't catch me if I gave you a car."

"We will see about that when I get you at home. Goodbye, I love you."

"I love you too, you pain in the ass.

"Let's not discuss asses right now; it will take too much time."

Laura hung up before Anna could reply. It did not keep Anna from yelling into her end of the phone. She knew her sister was no longer there, but she would get even with her, when she came to her graduation. (That bitch)


The blackout curtains worked like a charm. After each room was fitted with them, the desks were moved to the side of the room, and closer to the wall with the window, as Rosalynn suggested. A shooter from outside would have to know the exact position of the person inside, when he/she was in the room, and be very lucky to hit his target. Pulling the curtains away, and using lasers to verify the angle of attack, the shooter would probably hit a shoulder, if he were lucky, and an extremely good marksman.

As far as the scientists and technical equipment were concerned they were in the center of the building. Noone could get to them without a frontal assault on the building itself. With snipers on the roof, guards with automatic rifles on patrol outside the building, and doors with electronic locks; getting inside the building without the use of explosives was nearly impossible.

What would greet them inside would not be pleasant. Squad assault guns (SAG) capable of shooting 1000 rounds per minute were covering the entrance door, the path to the elevators, and both stairwells. They were covered with thick panels of Kevlar, and reinforced by steel plates. The magic was they were not controlled by men standing behind them. They were controlled in the computer room in the basement. The Armory was on the third floor where most of the agents rested during the day, while their charges were at work. If anyone lived past the first floor, they would be greeted from above and below by heavily armed men who would finish them off without remorse.

Everything would be over before the first police car arrived. It was expensive, but money was not an issue as far is this project was concerned.

Every time there was an attack, security was stepped up, especially at the NEST.

Both Stephano, and Dan Morgan, the head of security operations, and Marine Corp General believed these attacks were made to take their attention away from the area where they were building the spacecraft, known as 'THE NEST.'

Dan wanted a second level of protection for the spacecraft behind the hanger doors. He wanted the spacecraft invisible to the outside world, and since the hanger was so huge and it could be moved on its Caterpillar treads after each day's work, any threat from the outside could be mitigated before the opponent knew where it was. He came up with an ingenious idea and put it into action.

Rod was sent to Akron Ohio to make a second request. He informed the company they needed this order completed yesterday, if not sooner. The entire project was being threatened by an outside force, and if the product was not completed within two weeks, and delivered within three days afterwards, their name would not show up anywhere.

They agreed to do it, and one plant was put on a 24-hour shift to make the deadline. The cargo was so heavy it could not be flown to Tempe. It took 18 railroad cars to carry it all, and two weeks to hang it on both sides of the craft the complete length of the hanger.

The steel trusses supporting the roof groaned under the extra weight of the rubberized material. Engineers added support columns to give the trusses added strength. Extra lighting was added, because the material blocked out the sun. However, with both sides of the hangers blocked by sandbags 15 feet high, making entrance impossible, the opposing force would have to come in through the hanger doors. If they were looking for a quick kill of the spacecraft and a quick escape, they were in for a rude awakening, and a quick departure from life.


Colonel Lucius Canyon and Sergeant Paul Zachary jumped off of the Army transport carrier in front of Horace Bordeaux's home carrying an extra set of Army green BDUs. The agents assigned to protect the Congressman asked what business they had with him.

The Colonel presented his orders and the agent said to follow him. They entered the residence to find Bordeaux having breakfast with his family. Colonel Canyon saluted sharply.

"At ease Colonel, what can I do for you?"

"Sir, I have outside the new model of the armies T113T Armored Fighting Troop Carrier, from Fort Polk. My orders are to take you to the swamp. To show you how the new firepower and traction control systems work in muddy conditions, even with a novice at its controls."

"You mean I'm going to get to drive the beast?"

"It is a line item on this year's military budget. I believe the powers that be would like your vote on it sir. I think this is their way of trying to get it. I have a uniform for you, boots include."

"They thought of everything didn't they?"

"Sir that question is above my pay grade."

"How long do I have to get ready?"

"Sir we are at your disposal. However I would suggest we do it while it is light outside."

"I agree. I'll be ready in half an hour."

"Very good sir."

The Colonel and his aide walked outside, and had his men come out of the T113T and rest. As soon as the Congressman's door opened Sergeant Zachary yelled, "Troop Attention!"

Straight as a pin, uniforms pressed, with hair military style or closer, and faces shaved to the bare skin, the eight men and two women braced themselves for inspection.

The Congressman looked at each of them and said to the Colonel, "These are fine example of our army. You should be proud of them."

"I am sir; this is my second team. My first team is on maneuvers. I apologize for not bringing them."

"Colonel if this is your second team, I would follow you anywhere."

"It would be my honor to take you along sir."

Colonel Canyon whispered into the Congressman's ear, "I was told to bring you a present for this trip. She is in the vehicle. You may want to get in first, and leave your people here."

"Do you have a name?"

"Genevieve Duchesne."

"Your higher ups are too kind."

"I have no idea what you're talking about sir. This is a military mission."

"You're damn right it is; I'm on maneuvers."

"Sir would you like to go in first?"

"Yes I would."

His agents started to follow him when he said, "Why do I need you two, when I have 10 Army Rangers to protect me?"

"When do you expect to be back congressman?"

The Colonel answered, "I believe between 6 and 7 PM, if that's okay with you sir?"

"Yes, that will give me plenty of time to handle things."

"Mount up, we are on the move."

"The congressman moved into the back and saw the smiling face of his mistresses."

"You look very handsome, general."

Bordeaux had not looked at his epaulet, but now he realized they had made him a two star general. He became impressed with himself.

Colonel Canyon was sitting next to Genevieve when he asked the Congressman if he would like to switch seats with him. He agreed.

Bordeaux never knew what hit him.

15 minutes later he woke up dressed in a suit and tie. He had a colostomy bag attached to his stomach with 6 ounces of C4 inside it. The detonators were made of a new plastic material. It had so little copper it would pass through metal detectors without setting them off. If they did, the Congressman could blame it on the colostomy bag. They should pass through security with no problem when he showed his Congressional ID card.

All the military traveling with him were his security escort, because they were traveling to Bogotá Columbia. Miss Duchesne had her own passport. She was told the Congressman was taking her on a trip. She wouldn't need any clothes, because he would buy her everything she needed when they arrived. She was thrilled.

"Congressman would you like your life back as it was this morning at breakfast?"

"Yes I would. What do I have to do to get it back?"

"Follow some very simple rules and you will be back in your house Monday morning at 7 AM. Nothing will happen to you or Miss Duchesne.

1.     You will refer to me as Colonel or Sir, anything else and you will be punished severely.

2.     Never lie to me, because we will know it immediately and the punishment will become more severe, because we know about your contacts with the mob in New Orleans, and MicMillian Industries.

3.     We are going on a trip. We are using your aircraft to do it. You will file a flight plan to Bogotá Columbia. We know how to file flight plans, and if you make one error you will lose a hand. If you make two errors you will lose the arm up to the elbow.

4.     You will make a statement upon returning to the United States that you nearly had a nervous breakdown, because of everything you saw going on in the NSA, CIA, DIA, and all the other intelligence agencies in the country as head of the House Intelligence Committee. All of them are so corrupt and invasive to the lives of ordinary American citizens that you had to get yourself back together before you could make this statement to the press and members of the House of Representatives. You have the proof you need to bring these agencies to ground. If your brethren will call a special session of Congress, you will gladly testify in front of them and present this evidence to them in open session.

You don't expect to live much longer once you testify, but you had to do it for the sake of our country's freedoms as dictated by the Constitution of this great nation.

"We know you have not only hidden the truth, but have been a part of this ongoing conspiracy, for your own profit? You better start by telling the truth now, or the pain will begin."

"You are right about one thing Colonel; I'm going to be dead if I open my mouth."

"What if I can guarantee that you will not die? We know who the heads of the crime families in New Orleans are, and who own your life. We know about your accounts offshore and they will not be touched. We know about the heads of MicMillian industries, and that they are part in this conspiracy. What we don't know is who the tip of the spear is. Initially we thought it was you, but after further investigation we found out you are not smart enough to run this operation. Do you remember I said Team 1 was on maneuvers? Team 1 is about to get rid of the three Don's in New Orleans tonight.

That will cause panic within the ranks, and there is only one known successor in each group. The successors will be taken care of at the Don's funerals along with a great many other members of their families. It will look like a takeover attempt from the people in Kansas City and Chicago. There's been bad blood between them for generations.

As far as the three at MicMillian, it will look like an industrial accident. It will put them 2, to 3 years further back on their delivery date of the super rocket.

That leaves you Congressman, and the tip of the spear. One man is between you being a national hero or being dead.

"You're not taking me to Columbia are you?"

"You're not as dumb as you look congressman. You're going to Brazil."

"I'll make you a deal. You get rid of the Don's, their successors, and the top three men at MicMillian, and I will give you the man at the top of the ladder on a silver platter."

"Congressman, you will be home Monday morning at 7 AM."

"Peter how did the recording come out?"

"5 x 5 Colonel."

"Is the bus here?"

"Yes sir, it's waiting for us."

"Congressman, a word of warning, if you run, the C4 attached to your stomach will be detonated. There will not be enough left of you to identify."

"Miss Duchesne has the same amount in her handbag. If she drops it, or attempts to run, it will be detonated with the same results. You're going for a quick relaxing vacation to clear your mind. You will be back in New Orleans 7 AM Monday morning."

"How will we know they're dead?"

"We're going to watch CNN. It should be big news in the states."


As they were climbing the stairs to board the aircraft Colonel Canyon said, "Congressman Stop. Put a gloomy face on and turn your head to the right. We're going to take pictures of you and circulate them after you return."

He did as he was told. The only problem was Miss Duchesne was standing in the doorway of the jet. She could easily be edited out or left in the photo as the situation required. The jet headed south for three hours making all the appropriate air traffic control reports. Then it missed one, and air traffic control called them.

The pilot replied, "We are popping circuit breakers all over the place in our communications module. All flight controls are normal, and we are not declaring an emergency. Arrival time remains the same, but we may lose communications if this thing continues to act up."

The communications was acknowledged, and 20 minutes later they turned off the module completely. It rendered their IFF/SIF feature and communications useless. At this distance radar could not pick up the raw radar return of the aircraft. They turned the aircraft 50° East, descended to 20,000 feet, and headed to Belen, Brazil, a city close to the Amazon River. With everyone resting comfortably in the aircraft Colonel Canyon made a call.

"Good afternoon Jemma, is William changing Patrick's diaper again? Are his hands up to his elbows in pooh?

"This can only be the funniest person I have ever met. How are you Lucius?"

"I am just fine gorgeous, how are you?"

"I am getting old telling him how to change diapers. I think he's doing this on purpose so I will do it for him. It will not happen, he's going to do it, or I'm going to throw him out the window."

"Don't they have schools to teach men how to change diapers?"

"Do you really think he would go? I can barely get him to do his own son. Do you think he would change someone else's?"

"It was just a thought. If he's busy I'll call back later."

"No that bum of mine is reading the financial papers again."

"Tell him he has a choice, speak to me, or change Patrick's diaper. Guess which one he'll choose."

"He would knock me down to get to the phone."

"That's my friend Jemma, he will never change."

"I will get him for you Lucius; it's been a pleasure talking to you again."

"Here too Jemma, I hope to see you again shortly. Dinner was delicious."

"William, if you don't get off your ass and answer the phone, I'm going to hang up on Lucius. He talks to me more often than you do. Besides that, he called me gorgeous, which you no longer do."

"I call you beautiful every day."

"That's one step below gorgeous."

"Lucius you're getting me in trouble with my wife."

"If you're not calling that beautiful lady gorgeous you deserve to be in trouble with her. The Eagle has taken off and we have an agreement. They will be home by Monday at 7 AM."

"Excellent news Lucius, excellent news. Have a good trip I'll wait to hear from you on your return."

Congressman Bordeaux was sitting behind the Colonel. He said, "You have a master also."

"Don't we all? I am given great latitude on how I do things, but if I do not get the results he needs, I am in a great deal of trouble. I am not the first leader of this group, I am the fourth. The first three leaders failed him. I watched him as he fed my predecessor piece by piece to alligators, while he was alive. I swore that would never happen to me."

"Why didn't they run away when they failed?"

"It's a matter of personal honor. When I graduated from the Academy I took an oath to protect this country. When you go to work for this man you take an oath to serve him. You know what the rewards are, and you know what the punishment is if you fail. You show up at the execution area and wait for him to arrive. It could be a day, it could be a week, but you will be there when he arrives. As I said, 'It is a matter of personal honor."

"I would run for the hills."
