Three Sisters of Delta Gamma Ch. 03


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The children enjoyed the ice cream and cupcakes. Amy's had candles to blow out as everyone sang. The parents returned one by one and picked up their child, stopping long enough to admire the dollhouse and meet Layla. The children were very well mannered and each stopped to thank Eric and his parents for being invited to the party. Layla was very impressed.

The cleanup was quickly done, and Eric invited Layla and Amy to take a walk along the river while it was still daylight. The trees were in their full fall colors of red, orange, and yellow, and the fresh breeze required only lightweight jackets. The river was calm with millions of floating leaves slowly making their way to the Atlanta Ocean.

Amy insisted on holding her daddy's hand as they walked down the path until they came to a large rock where the two often sat and watched the river. When the three climbed onto the rock, Amy crawled into Layla's lap and snuggled into her arms. Eric and Layla glanced at each other and smiled. Then the big question came.

"Layla, I like you?"

"I like you too."

"Would you be my new mommy?"

Tears came to Layla's eyes. Amy's question was so pure and so innocent and from the heart of a little girl who needed a mom.

"Amy, nothing would please me more than to be the mommy of a little girl just like you. Your daddy and I need time to make that decision."


Eric and Layla were surprised by that response. After a moment, Layla thought that just maybe anything other than 'no' was acceptable at this point.

"Amy, maybe you can come spend some time with me while your dad is in class or working. Would you like that?"

"Can I bring Miss Annie?"

Eric added, "Miss Annie is her favorite doll."

"Of course you can bring Miss Annie. I'm sure she'd like to hang out with us."


Layla and Eric smiled. She had answered the question and Amy seemed satisfied for now. They walked back to the house just as the sun set. Steve was on the patio grilling steaks for the adults and a hot dog for Amy. The charcoal fire and seared beef smelled wonderful in the fresh air. Eric stayed to visit with his dad while Amy took Layla to see her room.

Amy introduced her to Miss Annie, Mr. Joe and his dog Tick Tock. Layla was impressed by her toy collection. They sat on the floor and played, almost forgetting the time. Kathy interrupted them to say that dinner was ready and Amy went running down the stairs. When she was out of earshot, Kathy asked Layla, "Did she ask you to be her mommy?"

Layla smiled and replied, "She did. I told her I'd love to be the mommy of a little girl just like her but that her daddy and I needed time to decide that."

"Great answer. Steve and I are praying every night that Eric will find the right person. Both of them need the love of a special woman."

They walked together to dinner. Steve asked the blessing and the talk turned to Amy's party and how much fun it was. The steaks were perfect and both Eric and Layla stuffed themselves.

Amy's bedtime came quickly. Steve, as usual, stood to take her up and read one of her favorite stories when Amy asked, "Granddaddy, could Layla read to me?"

He smiled and looked at Layla who nodded. "Of course, sweetheart," he replied.

All eyes were focused on Layla as she stood and took Amy's hand. They walked up the stairs. Kathy smiled at Eric who said, "She's the one."

Kathy replied, "I think so too. Her personality and way of interacting with the children and their parents said volumes."

Steve added, "You're not going to find a prettier girl. I really like her."

Amy changed to her pajamas and brushed her teeth. Rather than crawl under the covers, she insisted on sitting in Layla's lap in a large armchair normally reserved for granddaddy. She had selected a book named "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein. Layla remembered this book from her childhood but was surprised that a four year old could comprehend and enjoy it.

These cute poems elicited many giggles and laughs for more than twenty minutes, often with Amy reciting the lines as Layla read. It was obvious that she had memorized them.

For the first time in her life, Layla could feel a real emotional attachment to a young child. She fit perfectly in Layla's lap, snuggled into her arms and chest. As she read, Amy seemed to doze off a time or two before actually falling asleep. Layla stood and carried her to the bed and tucked her in. She couldn't help but lean over and kiss this precious child on the cheek as she slept.

She turned to leave and saw Eric standing in the doorway. She whispered, "How long have you been watching?"

"Long enough."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and they hugged. It had been a perfect day but it was time to drive home. They walked downstairs and collected the camcorder and their jackets. Kathy and Steve gave them big hugs and genuine smiles as they said their farewells. Layla asked Kathy, "Would you mind if I occasionally call Amy and just chat a while?"

"She would love it."


The next few weeks went quickly. All three sisters were fully booked with classes, sorority events and boys. Julia and Cliff spent two weekends together, one of them visiting his family in Sussex County, and had many dinner dates. Julia appeared to be very happy with their relationship and she often talked about Cliff when the sisters were alone.

Susanna entertained David and a few handsome guys at the house. She had no interest in finding a mate at this point in her life. There would be plenty of time for that once she graduated and returned to the South.

Eric and Layla's relationship bloomed. He often came for breakfast following his night shifts and they had a few "afternoon delight" sessions when schedules allowed. They were quickly falling in love. Layla had never been happier.

Eric brought Amy to visit one Saturday when he was working a day shift. Layla and Amy went clothes shopping that morning and Amy helped pick out a new outfit for Layla. She had never been allowed to go clothes shopping with her grandma so her trip to the young girl's section at Macy's was exciting. Layla told Amy to choose two new outfits, and Layla helped her try them on in the dressing room like big girls do.

As previously arranged, they met Susanna and Julia for lunch at an Italian eatery. Amy was into spaghetti, which she insisted on cutting herself. Layla showed her how to twirl it onto a fork using a spoon to guide it. While Amy showed great promise, she didn't quite master it that day. Susanna and Julia were fascinated by Amy's ability to participate in conversations with a vocabulary they believed was far beyond a normal child of her age.

Amy and Layla watched National Geographic nature movies during the afternoon and Layla taught her how to pop popcorn the old fashioned way... in a covered pot. When Eric's shift ended, the three went to dinner at a restaurant on the C&D canal that connected the Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware River. Amy was thrilled to see several large ships come by their table during dinner. The restaurant manager announced the name of each ship, the name of the master, the country of registry and its destination. When they returned to the house, Amy helped look up the destinations on Google Maps so she could see where the ships were going.

Layla's big surprise for Amy was the birthday video. As everyone gathered in front of the big TV, the music began and the title slides scrolled across the screen. Amy climbed into Layla's lap with Miss Annie and laughed, screamed and pointed as each of her friends were shown, the games played, the presents opened and the candles blown out. Eric was surprised by the perfect quality of the video and the editing. Amy was delighted and hugged and kissed Layla several times. Susanna and Julia hugged Amy and congratulated her on becoming such a big girl.

Eric and Amy spent the night at the house. Amy insisted on sleeping with Layla; Eric was assigned an air mattress on the floor. During the night, she could feel Amy snuggling against her back, trying to get as close as she could. Layla turned and pulled her into a hug. Amy whispered, "I love you, mommy."

Layla's heart skipped as she responded, "I love you too, Amy. Let's go to sleep now." Tears flowed from Layla's eyes.

Breakfast for Amy was a pancake shaped like Mickey's head with chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth. Eric pretended he was jealous and upset that his were only round and plain brown. When it was time for them to leave, Layla picked up Amy and Miss Annie and hugged them. Amy wrapped her arms and legs around Layla, and both had tears welling.

"Don't cry mommy. I'll be back." They kissed.

"I can't wait. You and Miss Annie be very good for grandma and granddaddy, all right?"

"We will."

"I'll call you soon."


Layla and Eric kissed, as you should in front of a child. "I'll call you tonight," he said. He opened the car door and Amy crawled into her seat. After he buckled her in and closed the door, he turned for one more kiss.

"Oh, by the way. I'd like for you and Amy to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Radnor. I know it's still a couple of weeks away but are you off that day?"

"Yes. They don't let us part-timers work overtime on holidays. According to the preliminary schedule, I do have to work on the black Friday late shift, however."

"That's great. I want you to meet everyone and see what you're getting into to." Both laughed. "I'll keep Amy on Friday while you work."

"Do you think they'll like me?" he asked.

Layla joked, "Probably not, but they will love Amy." Both grinned.

"So Amy is my admission ticket?"

"You got it." They laughed and kissed again.

Layla stood outside and watched his car drive away. She and Amy waved at each other until they were out of sight. Layla went straight to her bedroom and closed the door. She wanted to have a good happy cry and not be disturbed. In just a couple of months, her entire outlook on life had changed. The valley of darkness following the rape had become a mountaintop where she could see all that was good in the world.

End of Chapter 3. Please leave comments and vote.

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memorable_eventmemorable_eventalmost 10 years agoAuthor

I'm actually a Tennessee Vols fan but our sports programs have fallen on hard times recently so I cheer for the Southeastern Conference. We have seven teams in the pre-season top 25 and I can't wait for the action to begin.

rharri69rharri69almost 10 years ago
A great read

It's good to see you back at it. Now you have to do another and bring it back south. BTW are you a GT or UGA fan? or possibly wise enough to be a Clemson follower?

kittyspakkittyspakalmost 10 years ago
Warm and gentle....

I must say i love the pace at which the stoty is unfolding. Please keep it coming. Cant get enough of you.

memorable_eventmemorable_eventalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Thanks Big John

I knew from great comments you made on my other stories that you would get into this one. Amy becomes a central figure in this saga over the next seven chapters. I predict that she will steal your heart.

On another topic, I saw this morning that the Literotica web site folks have now teed up my next four chapters in their schedule so a new chapter should now come out each day. I don't like to keep my readers waiting. The final three chapters are now submitted.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my fiction.

BigJohn601BigJohn601almost 10 years ago
You are right......I am really enjoying the story now.

Sometimes I just read too fast and I had to remind myself to slow down and smell the roses. The introduction of Amy and her interactions with Layla and her dad are heartwarming. I worry about Layla's association with custom erotica and if this might hurt her new relationships. I am sure you will work it out to our satisfaction. Thanks for your great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Loved the give and take dialogue throughout this chapter. This is first class storytelling.

Sid0604Sid0604almost 10 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyable...

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter and look forward to reading many more. Thankyou for sharing such a great story.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago

Such a touching story...your descriptive language catching all the nuances of their falling in love!

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