Tia's Bucket List Ch. 02


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"OK! Let me get this straight! You don't wanna be a bimbo, but you walk 'round like a glitter hoe?" The shitbird said, pointing at my outfit. "Guess you gotta be blonde to understand that logic."

"C'mon, man! A bombshell needs a bomb-ass fit n my dress is drip! Should be obvi! Even to the biggest loser." I responded highly defiant.

And with good reason! I wasn't going to let this stuck-up snob get the better of me. Not so fast! I knew what I looked like and what effect I had on men. If anything, I was the one who could afford to be arrogant! And so, I made sure to sound as bitchy as possible. And I clearly succeeded.

"Drip my ass! Looks more like tacky trash to me!" The gelled pal called me out in response. "Fuck! You must be the epitome of attention whores!"

"So do what you do best, bling bitch! Show yourself!" He gave me another order.

Holy shit! I had expected a different reaction. But this was such a nice request... not! And yet, I knew I was dressed to impress. My crop top revealed more than it hid, and my skinny jeans traced every curve, highlighting my cute apple bottom. My confidence was at an all-time high! And so, I stepped into the hallway and did a pirouette. Returning to my position, I leaned against the door frame extra casual and raised my eyebrows provocatively.

"Boy! You don't let me in, you'll miss the chance of a lifetime. You think you'll ever find a hotter piece of ass waiting on your doorstep?" My tone became challenging. "Yeah! Don't think so!"

Oh man! I knew I sounded bitchier than ever, but the phony fella had earned it.

"So... that's a no then." Mr. Polo remained dead serious and reached for the door.

Hold on a sec! I wouldn't let him slam the door in my face! That would be too much of a blow to my ego. I took great pride in the fact that I could wrap any guy around my finger. Men of different stature had begged to go out with me, so I was determined to crack this stuck-up snob

"Oh, you're right! I'm so forgetful!" I replied hectically. "Thank you for inviting me, daddy! I'll totally make it worth your while. Promise!"

Gawd! That's what you get for answering faster than you think. I didn't realize what I was saying until it was too late. I guess I was too distraught by the wait. No matter what, saying the word 'daddy' made my skin crawl. Even worse, I started giggling mid-sentence because it was so absurd. Damnit! That wasn't the only change in behavior. I was no longer leaning against the doorframe cool and sexy. I had stepped in front of the entrance. Clasping my arms behind my back, I pressed my knees together and looked at the floor. What a girly position!

"Can I please come in, daddy?" I asked extra meekly, gazing up with a sweet look in my eyes.

Apparently, it was the right answer, because the gelled pal grabbed my hand and pulled me into the apartment. Finally, I was in! The show was about to begin!

---Ditzy is deactivated---

The top bro led me straight into the living room and gave me a shove that made me stumble forward. Flailing my arms, I panicked until I came to a stop right in front of the TV, which was the biggest flatscreen I had ever seen.

"Hey, you make a better door than a window!" I heard a familiar voice shout at me.

Look at that! It was Matt! Hello to you, too! So, my mean manager hadn't fallen off the face of the earth after all! Good to know! Instead, he had been sitting on the couch, letting me deal with his overbearing fratpal. Of course, he hadn't come to my rescue. Why should a superior help his subordinate, right? Ironie off!

"Dunno, man! This basic bitch looks like a street hoe, I bet she got holes like a cheap hoe! You know, the size of a big-ass window! Hehehe!" Mr. Polo replied with a nasty jab.

And with that, all three guys laughed their asses off while I shook like a leaf. That joke hit different! It basically set the tone for the rest of the evening. I slowly began to realize what I had gotten myself into. On their own, each of these guys was a nasty piece of work. But together, they were like a pack of wolves. And I was the prey! A realization that made me feel real small and defenseless.

"Hehehe! Sweet, dude! But hey, we got a game going on!" A new guy waved a controller in front of his fratpal.

And with that, I realized that there were three men present. Even though the guy was about the same age, he looked a bit different than his buddies. The dude seemed more chill and less snobby. With his Vans, chinos, and 'just-rolled-out-of-bed' hairstyle, he looked more like a skaterboy. Then again, the pink polo shirt marked him as another fratbro. So, he was a bit of a styles clash, like an alternadude. Since his pink polo was his most striking attire, though, I was basically forced to call him Mr. Pink, right?

"Yeah, dude! Take your rubber doll n stow it away till we got time for some distraction." Matt told his top bro. "We got more important things to do than worry 'bout some fucking joytoy!"

"For real, bro! Remember the text! The bitch said she can be a human vac, like stand still in the corner n look pretty." The slick prick remembered my message. "Let's see if the dumb hoe can walk the talk."

Oh wow! What a nice reception! I didn't expect a red carpet, but a bit more enthusiasm would have been nice. But no! Instead of a warm welcome, Mr. Polo grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from the TV. Hard to imagine, but he actually parked me in the corner next to the floor lamp. And without another word, the gelled pal let me stand in the corner and walked over to the couch. Grabbing the controller, he slumped into an armchair to the left.

And with that, the attention was gone! The boys focused on the TV and resumed playing their video game. I couldn't believe it! This felt like a bad dream! I stood there glowed up but forgotten. I had spent so much time and effort on my outfit, but no one cared. Sure enough, I didn't just look like a joytoy, I also felt like one. Thinking about it, I noticed that my mean manager had pretty much called me a blow-up doll while his phony fella had called me a discarded vacuum cleaner. I couldn't even tell which one was worse. Either way, the objectification was real!

And yet, I couldn't complain. After all, it was my suggestion! The guys simply took the ball and ran with it. Damnit! I had to be more careful in the future! I couldn't act so thoughtless again. No matter if it was my fault or not, the fratboys had no right to ignore me like that. This was disrespectful as hell! I wasn't looking for a deep or meaningful conversation. I wasn't looking for a flirty chat. But the least they could do was to show some appreciation for my hard work. They could discount my words, but they should stare at my titties! Even better, they should grab me by the boobs and test their squishiness.

But they didn't! The fratpals acted as if nothing unusual had happened. Instead, they played their stupid Mario Kart game and completely ignored my presence. What was I supposed to do? I wanted to pipe up, but I knew better! So, I watched the guys and finally learned their names. Mr. Polo was Ben while Mr. Pink was Ryan, and they were Matt's best buddies. Just like him, they were too old to be students, so they were Yamos alumni working regular jobs. That made sense, but it didn't explain the expensive condo! Even though they shared the apartment, they needed rich parents to pay for it. So, they were some real nepo babies, aka the opposite of me.

Whatever! The guys finished a race and Matt won. So, the time had come! He'd make me his grid girl and play with my bomb-ass bouncers as reward. But he didn't! Instead, he drank a beer with his boys. For fuck's sake! This was outrageous! I didn't have Holly's hot temper, but I was close to throwing a tantrum. The boys didn't even cast a glance at their joytoy before they started the second race. This time, Ben won, and to the victor goes the spoils, right? But the stuck-up snob wasn't interested in the fresh meat on hand. The fratsters preferred to celebrate with beer instead of boobs. This was infuriating, but all wasn't lost... yet.

Since there was no clear winner, a third race had to decide the championship. As if it mattered! After all, the joytoy was free to use for all three fratboys. Good point, but I decided not to bring it up because it could easily backfire on me. So, I watched how Ben won and was crowned the official Mario Kart champion. And then the guys totally baffled me. Obviously, they took the whole thing extra seriously because Mr. Polo jumped onto the coffee table like it was a podium. An incredulous scoff escaped my lips as I saw Matt fetch a fake-ass championship belt. I could no longer contain myself when he took it upon himself to hand the burberry-patterned belt to the new champion. After all, they had a pretty podium girl in the corner just waiting to present the slick prick with the victor's laurels.

"Hello?!?" It finally burst out of me. "There's a trophy in the room already! What you boys waiting for?"

Clearly, the guys weren't waiting for me because they didn't show any reaction. Instead, they kept talking about the history of the championship, no matter how absurd it sounded. The fratsters didn't even ask me to serve them a new round of beer. Granted, it would have been totally humiliating to be reduced to the beer bitch, but anything was better than standing in the corner uninvolved and unnoticed!

"Boys!" I tried again. "I know I look like I jumped right outta your favorite porn. Too hot to be true! No cap! But I'm real!"

"C'mon, boys! You're welcome to test the merchandise." I invited them.

I bet my exasperation was audible, and for good reason. All this stalling was tugging at my nerves. In my desperation, I almost pulled out my glorious grabbags, walked over to the couch, and shoved them right in their faces. Surely, that would get their attention! I must admit that I actually raised my hands to my boobs but held back before pulling down my top. I didn't dare go that far because I didn't want to risk being sent home.

Oh jeez! Where did that come from? The disrespect was already next level! And yet, I was thinking of new ways to increase my objectification! So freaky! But also new and exciting! After all, it was the opposite of what I was familiar with. Men usually cherished me and fulfilled my every wish. In fact, I was used to toying with guys but today I was the toy. Gulp!

"Hey, I hear some noises. You hear that too? It's fucking annoying, ain't it?" Ryan suddenly asked into the room. "Did you forget to switch off your roombae, dude?"

Of course, the fratboys laughed their asses off at the name, while my face turned a deep red. The touslehead took my text way too seriously, didn't he? Then again, I had asked for it, hadn't I? After all, I had called myself a human vacuum first. Damnit!

"Yeah, man! That dummy's a fucking prototype. Still got a buncha quirks. One more malfunction n I gotta send it back." Matt responded. "But hey, that's what happens when you order a barbie on wish. You get a dimestore doll."

Umph! That was one of the nastiest jibes I had ever heard. Dimestore doll? Seriously? You've got to be kidding me! It left me shaking with indignation. And yet, the jerkface hit the nail on the head. Not only was he consistent about calling me a dummy, but he also made me feel like a brand-new sexdoll, still gift-wrapped and unused. Either way, the jab didn't miss its mark. There was no way I was going to be sent away. So, I stayed still while another race was on. But that was harder than imagined because I was getting more and more nervous. I'd never get through an entire series without freaking out! My neediness was too high and my patience too exhausted. Period!

"If it can't stay still, can it at least provide some entertainment?" Ben asked after the next race. "Like a BPA, you know a bimbofied personal assistant? Or bimbot as I like to call it! Hehehe!"

And with that, the guys rolled on the floor laughing while I shook in my boots and clenched my fists. My anger was boundless! I wanted to clap right back and make the shitbird pay for using the b-word. But I knew better!

"OK! Let's give it a try n take Ditzy-the-Dummy for a test ride." My mean manager finally relented when the boys' laughter had died down. "But one more malfunction n it's over."

"Dimestore doll or not, it's gotta know that it's only allowed to talk when we say 'hey, ditzy!'." He determined. "That's the basic rule!"

Holy shit! If I was angry before, my fury reached a whole new level now. In addition to clenching my fists, I also grit my teeth. But at least, something was happening! Once the ball got rolling, the rest would be a piece of cake! I could guarantee the guys wouldn't be able to hold back for long. Any second, they would activate 'Ditzy-the-Dummy' and I'd eat them for lunch. Just wait and see... wait for it... wait some more... it didn't happen! Damnit! Another race passed while I was grinding my teeth so hard you could almost hear it over the music. And still, the fratsters remained fully focused on the stupid videogame. Rotten bastards!

"Hey, bling bitch!" Ben suddenly said into the room.

And relief flushed over me! I was so happy that I almost responded. But stop! I held back at the last second. Not so easy, pals! I wouldn't fall for such a cheap trick. Mr. Polo hadn't addressed me correctly. So, I escaped disaster by a hair's breadth. And yet, I still had to live with the consequences. Since I didn't respond, the guys continued their game. Jesus Christ!

"Hey, glitter hoe!" Ryan took another chance mid-race.

Seriously? This time, I was prepared and didn't flinch. But I was still getting annoyed. The bastards were toying with me, and it was driving me wild. My horniness began to rival my neediness, while both were at all-time highs.

"Hey, ditzy!" Matt finally activated the dimestore doll. "What does 'female' mean? Is it an acronym?"

Oh yeah! The time had come! At long last, we were getting started! I felt like jumping and clapping for joy. I could hardly contain myself. But then the question sank in. What a sneaky thing to ask! Everyone knows those funny siri responses, right? So, the guys wanted a hilarious answer, too. Fun for them and humiliating for me, of course! That went without saying! But it still gave me pause. There was no way I could bungle this! I was finally in on the action, and I was more than ready to go. But every answer I could think of made me shudder. They were all nasty and demeaning. I could never say these things out loud! But whatever! No risk, no reward, right? So, my desire won out! In the end, my horniness made me do it... again!

"Oh, it's the best acronym ever! A hundo p! It goes like this: fuck entertainment for males, aka females!" I responded surprisingly cheerful.

Oh my god! My mind rejected it, but my pussy loved it. I can't even tell you how much my twat throbbed when I said the dreadful acronym. That powerful pulse turned into an electric buzz when I saw the guys' reaction. They roared so hard that they almost fell off the couch. No kidding!

"Hahaha! Man, that's a good one!" Mr. Pink could barely speak, he was laughing so hard.

"Yeah, but it's gotta be a fluke!" Mr. Polo dampened my joy. "The bimbot's not programmed to give glib replies on the reg. It might overheat on the next question. Hehehe!"

"Hey ditzy! What's the acronym for woman then?" He asked, all too eager to prove himself right.

Jesus! What a mess I had gotten myself into! I had overdone it with the self-deprecating answer! The fratboys liked it too much, so they wanted more. But that wasn't so easy because they clearly wanted more... more fun... more humiliation... more sexism. They wouldn't let me off the hook any other way.

"Oh, um... oh daddy, I love that one! A hundo p!" I at least remembered how to address the slick prick.

"It's 'willfully obeying men' aka women!" I finally blurted out, unable to suppress a silly giggle at the end.

I had done it again! My neediness had made me carry this thing to excess. As a result, my mind hated me while my pussy loved me. At the same time, I was afraid a wet spot would form between my legs and show in my white skinny jeans. But at least, the awful Q&A session seemed to be over because the group moved into gear. Ben got up from the couch while Matt and Ryan pulled out their phones. They obviously preferred playing with their mobiles to their joytoy. What a disappointment!

Luckily, there was still Mr. Polo. Oh wow! It bordered on a miracle that I was saying that, but it was what it was. Anyway, the gelled pal came right up to me. If that's no silver lining! As soon as he stood in front of me, he grabbed my left tit totally unsolicited. Without pulling down my top, he pinched my titty flesh like a savage. As if he wanted to test its squishiness... oh wait! That's exactly what I had asked for, right? Whatever! He definitely checked if my fluffy fleshpillow was filled to the brim. But sorry to disappoint, pal, my boobs are no balloons or airbags, they're as real and smushy as it gets! And yet, his titty squeeze was totally unexpected so I couldn't help but yelp out loud. Dam, this was rude!

And then it was over! After leaving his fingerprints on my milky-white titty flesh, the stuck-up snob walked right past me. Can you believe it? He just strolled to the bathroom and took a piss. I stared after him in complete shock. That was all? He had briefly tested my titties to see if they're natural and left it at that? A simple squeeze in passing? He couldn't be serious! The shitbird hadn't even paused to praise my fabulous funbags! What a bastard!

OK! No need to panic! The gelled pal had rationed the fun. He'd do it on his return, right? With growing excitement, I listened to the sounds in the bathroom. When I heard the toilet flush, my heart leapt. Finally, Mr. Polo came out of the bathroom. With quick steps, he headed back into the living room. He obviously couldn't wait to get back to me and my boobs! No wonder! But then he walked right past me! No further look! No boob grab! No titty squeeze! Nothing! I was shocked! In fact, I was shaking with rage when I realized that my awesome assets weren't enough to hold the guys' attention. What an epic fail! But nothing was lost... yet.

I got another chance when Ryan stood up. Come on, boy! Go get it! Snatch that hot chick! Staring at the skaterbro, I watched his every move. He came closer and closer. In a moment, he'd grab my bomb-ass boobs! And then my body shook! But not because the alternadude had squeezed my titty flesh. Sadly not! Instead, he had spit directly in my face! For fuck's sake! A volley of spit landed right on my cheek, making me shriek. This was gross! The disrespect was real! No one had ever treated me like that, not even Matt! And yet, I didn't move. I stood still and endured the humiliation. In truth, my mind was disgusted while my body cheered. Without realizing it, I clasped my hands behind my back all obediently. I also pushed my chest out to appear as docile as possible. I'm not proud of it, but I'm submissive like that! Period!

In any case, I was ready for the next step! But there was no more! With a chuckle, Ryan turned and walked into the kitchen. My face burned with shame as I stood there waiting. The drool ran down my cheek as goosebumps covered my body. Nothing else happened! The other guys didn't even seem to notice my change in appearance. Instead, they were engrossed in a conversation about the next 'booze-n-bitches' party. The disrespect was palpable!

When Mr. Pink returned, he had a new round of beer in his hand. Apparently, beer was still more interesting than boobs because he passed the bottles around without giving me a glance. Damnit! I was so needy for their attention. I was so desperate for action! The urge to impress these douchebags and convince them of my qualities was greater than ever. Accordingly, I could feel my pussy dripping. By now, the wet stain in my skinny white jeans was real.