Training Rebecca Ch. 02


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The time passed slowly and at 6:15 she packed up and left for the day. She was waiting at the door when Kyle pulled up in his Jag, and lifted the back of her skirt before sitting down. They drove for 10 minutes in silence before pulling up in front of a Chinese Restaurant. They ordered and she sat gingerly on her bare butt. The meal came and they began eating.

"Why do you have to embarrass me so?" asked Rebecca finally. "I was humiliated at the restaurant and on the way home last night. This morning was no picnic. Then you forced me to, to, you know this afternoon."

"Because I can, and because it is a way to get into your mind. I don't suppose anyone ever made you do anything you didn't want to do."

"No, my men have always respected me too much to do that."

"I respect you too much to let you go through life unfulfilled sexually. Besides I like to take charge in a relationship," he smiled. "Did you bring yourself off after the morning spanking?"

"No, of course not. I couldn't even think about that after the way you beat me."

He laughed. "You're probably soaking your chair right now. Shall we check?"

Rebecca shook her head. There was no need. She knew he was right. She hadn't been this turned on since--she tried to remember since when, but couldn't. John would play with her and she would usually get horny. They would have sex and that was that. She might even have to bring herself off if this went on any longer, she thought. Then realized ruefully that it would be a victory for Kyle if she did. She seemed to be in a position where she couldn't win. He, on the other hand, had had two blowjobs and she knew he wasn't suffering any.

When they had finished, he drove her to his house off in a suburban ancillary to the city. It was fairly new in a quiet, but upscale neighborhood that spoke of older money. It was well appointed with large trees that partially blocked the view and a brick exterior. They walked to the front door and Kyle let them in to a large foyer, which opened into the living room.

"Go to the center of the room and kneel," he said quietly.

She gave him a quick look and then did as requested.

"You entered this house fully clothed. That will never happen again without my express command. When you get to the front door, you will remove all your clothes except the stockings and garter belt, fold them and place them on the chair by the door. Then, and only then, will you ring the doorbell. Is that clear?"

"Yes, I think so, Sir."

"I don't want you to think, just do. When you are let in, you will kneel where you are now.

"Yes, Sir."

"But that isn't what you did tonight, is it?"

"No, Sir."

"Then do it, now."

Rebecca scrambled to her feet and retraced her steps to the front door. She opened it and stepped outside looking at the houses around his as she heard it close behind her. Anyone walking down the sidewalk would see her, and there were clear views from several windows in the neighboring houses. Why didn't he undress her like the other men she had had? She just hated the thought of undressing herself for him. Taking a deep breath, she removed her clothing a piece at a time, folded it and placed it on the chair. Finally she was down to skirt and bra. The bra won the toss and was removed first, followed quickly by the skirt. Then she rang the doorbell. And waited. And waited. She rang it again while looking around. It finally opened with Kyle looking grim.

"I don't remember asking you to ring the doorbell twice," he said blocking the way as she tried to enter. "Try it again."

"What?" she couldn't believe him. "Sir?" She added as an afterthought.

"Try it again. Undress, fold your clothes, place them on the chair, and ring the doorbell."

This was all too much. She just wanted to scream. He didn't seem to care about her embarrassment. He didn't seem to care if the neighbors saw her naked. For all she knew the police might have been called by outraged neighbors. He was such an ass hole she couldn't believe it. She redressed as quickly as possible as the door shut again. Then she undressed as before and rang the doorbell once.

The door opened and Kyle smilingly said, "Mrs. Dunbar, how nice to see you this evening. You do look stunning. Won't you please come in?"

Rebecca brushed past him and went to the designated spot in the middle of the living room floor. There she knelt. He looked at the well-formed figure in front of him with the garter and stockings setting off a near perfect body.

Kyle walked over to her. "The proper posture must be learned. Interlace your fingers and put them behind your neck. Elbows straight out at the side."

When it was done, he continued, "Knees shoulder width apart with toes touching in back." That was a bit awkward, she thought as she shifted and felt herself open up.

"Now you should be up straight with tits out and stomach in. Head up, eyes down. If I leave the room, you may relax onto your heels, but will come back to attention as soon as I reenter. Is all this clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"This is Position #1 and like all positions you learn will always be entered gracefully and completely nude except for hose, garter, and shoes. Remember, obeying me is your choice. Not obeying me is also your choice. Either one will have consequences."

He walked around her slowly. She thought she had never felt so naked in her life, like being put on display in a zoo. He walked behind her and she could hear a cabinet door being opened. She wanted to look but didn't dare. A heavy wooden ruler came into sight and he placed it under her left breast lifting it as if to test its weight. Then he lifted the right one and bounced it several times. She saw what this had done to her nipples as they bobbed up and down, but didn't need to see them to know how hard they were. She felt the strain in her legs from the position she was in and her arms were starting to feel heavy. Around back again and she felt the edge of the ruler as it lightly traced a line up her left thigh, through her buttocks and up her spine. She shivered at his touch.

SMACK. SMACK. The ruler hit her across each of her breasts right at the nipple. "I said chest out and stomach in."

She flinched at the pain but immediately thrust her breasts out and straightened again hoping that he was done hitting her there. "You did well not to move when I was correcting you."

Other men she could understand and control. She had absolutely no idea what he was capable of doing. He trailed his fingers up the nape of her neck. It was his first physical touch except for pinching her nipples last night. Now up her neck in the front and across her face. He followed the contours of her face with a finger and she opened her mouth when he got there. He worked it slowly in and out and she swirled her tongue around it. Her legs were starting to shake now.

"Position #2. Turn so your ass if facing me, put your face on the carpet. Spread your knees as wide as they will go and pull your ass cheeks apart with your hands."

She swung around and moved into the position required, feeling the blood rush into her arms. She felt her face grind into the rug as she reached back and grasped her cheeks. "Keep your ass as high as it will go." Kyle examined the wax job from the lower perspective then worked the butt plug in and out as few times. It was loose, so he pulled it out. It gave a beep and he replaced it with another a bit bigger which also beeped as it was pushed home. She could feel her sphincter pop open as he pulled it out a few times and was surprised that as full as she felt, it didn't hurt.

"Have you ever had anal sex?" he inquired.

"I...I tried it once in college but it was too painful so we had to stop."

"Not with your husband?"

"No, he wanted to but I always refused," she admitted.

"You have always been in control—of yourself and of your partner. It is safer that way, I know, but it also inhibits your sexuality."

Kyle went over and sat on the couch. "Come over here," he said.

Rebecca started to get up.

"Position #1," he snapped. She knelt as he had taught her with her hands behind her head and touched her toes together behind her being careful not to ruin her nylons.

"Did I ask you to stand?" he said gruffly.

"No, Sir. But you asked me to come over to you."

"So do it."

She moved forward to balance on all fours and crawled over to him.

"Stand." It was like ordering a dog, she thought. "Spread your legs—feet shoulder width apart. Hands will go behind your back and rest on the curve of the buttocks. Elbows should be almost touching behind you to thrust your breasts out. No stray hairs that I can see. Did you give Betty and Tina a tip?"

"No, Sir," she said blushing as she remembered their laughter. "They said payment had already been provided."

He rubbed cream into her sensitive pussy and it took the sting away.

"Pull your cunt open as far as you can—and for God sakes stick out your tits for me."

Rebecca's lips were puffy and red as she opened herself up. Her clit was bigger than she could remember. This was worse, much worse, than the trip to the gynecologist's office.

Kyle slid two fingers into her cunt and hooking them around, pulled her to him until her shins bumped against the couch. "Let go and fuck my fingers," he said crudely.

Rebecca dipped tentatively and groaned as his fingers slid in easily. He pushed against the bumpy G-spot as she straightened up again.

"Deeper this time."

She dipped down until she felt his knuckles against her cunt before pulling up as he kept pressure on the front wall.

"Get into a rhythm," he said.

She began moving against him, fucking his fingers. He smiled as he watched her breasts sway with the motion. She watched his face and wondered if she was supposed to cum. She guessed the answer was no since he hadn't said anything about it one way or another.

Kyle reached under with his free hand and as she pushed herself onto his fingers he grasped the butt plug, pulling it out as she rose again. She felt her control slipping with both holes being filled at once. It was so wrong but she couldn't deny the feeling.

"Faster," he ordered. "I want to feel you hit hard when you 'bottom out'," smiling at the double entendre.

Rebecca increased the speed of her motion. She was breathing heavily from the exertion. Kyle could feel the plug through the thin wall separating it from his fingers. Now her cunt was tightening every few strokes. A red blush was visible on her chest and neck. She could feel her legs starting to shake and knew she couldn't take much more.

"Please, Sir."

"Please, what?" he answered.

"Please may I cum, Sir?"

"Fuck my fingers like you want to cum."

She could feel the control slipping. She was so close. She put every ounce of remaining strength into jerking down hard and fast onto his fingers and was rewarded when he said "Cum for me."

He pushed hard against her G-spot and she exploded, shrieking with her eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. Her legs felt like jelly but she willed them to continue the motion hitting his knuckles and the base of the plug hard as her cunt contracted. She reached out and put a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. She slowed the motion and collapsed on his legs, trying to catch her breath. His fingers were still imbedded in her and he held them there for a minute before slipping them out.

"You have probably never cum like that with your husband," he said quietly.

"God, no," was all she could manage as she continued to shake. She couldn't ever remember cumming without clitoral stimulation. This was another first with a man who seemed to know her better than she knew herself. The strength of her orgasm scared her more than a little. She knew it was partly from being with someone new, but she had had two affairs when John was gone for long periods of time and they were never like this. There was something about him that oozed a kind of raw sexuality she couldn't understand.

"Position #2," he said breaking the quiet.

Rebecca heard his voice from far away as through a tunnel. When it finally registered, she dragged herself off him and knelt and pulled her cheeks apart. Kyle pulled the butt plug out and lowered his pants.

"No," she said too late as he was sliding into her. He stopped when he hit bottom and she marveled that there could be no pain.

His right arm circled her waist and he palmed her left breast before kneading it

"You can let go now," he said and she released her grip on her cheeks. "Rub your clit for me."

It was the first time she had felt the silky smoothness the waxing had left. There was no hair to get in the way as she made circles around her clit. When he could tell she was lost in the feeling he pulled out slowly, held it there, and then pushed back in. She was warm and tight but there were no spasms as he pushed past her sphincter. It wouldn't be long now, he knew, and he had no reason to make himself wait. He squeezed the breast in his hand, and then pinched it before going to the right one and repeating the process. His left hand stroked her red bespeckled ass cheek and then he scraped his fingernails over the still sensitive flesh making her shiver.

Rebecca, the one orgasm woman, was lost in the sensation—all thoughts of self-control abandoned. She felt him move and listened to his breathing. She knew she would wait for him. She felt him squeezing each nipple in turn and rubbed faster.

Kyle's other hand slid off her ass to cup the other breast. Now he had more leverage and pulled her back onto him by her tits as he lunged forward. The rhythm was fixed and he pushed into her over and over again.

"You will cum for me in 5 seconds," he said

"5," he said thrusting into her hard.

"4." She rubbed faster still.

"3." He could feel her start to spasm.

"2." He squeezed her breasts hard as he pulled her back against him.

"1." She felt his cock expand in her.

"CUM," he shouted shooting into her backside and feeling her ass contract around him in turn. She dug the nails of her left hand into her palm while fingering circles around her clit furiously with the right.

"O God, O God," she moaned over and over again. She was jarred forward every time he crashed into her from behind. The pain in her breasts became pleasure just before her orgasm hit but the pain returned as she came down the other side. When it was over, she felt his weight on her back and they fell over on their sides. Still quivering in orgasm, she started to cry.

When he could move, Kyle slid out of her and sat back on the couch. He watched her all curled up on her side in a ball. Her breathing was returning to normal and she had stopped crying. He leaned forward and replaced the butt plug, which emitted a beep. "You will have 30 minutes in the morning that you may be without the butt plug. It must remain in you the rest of the day." He sat back down on the couch.

"Clean me off," he said.

"Uh?" she responded turning to him and raising bleary eyes.

"Clean me off."

"You can't mean...?"

"Do it now."

The executive crawled over to him and pulled some hairs back. Then not believing this was really happening to her, she took his cock into her mouth. The taste was rancid, but not as bad as she thought it would be. After tonguing it for a minute she let it slip from her mouth and let her head drop on his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair for a few minutes and noted how soft the features were in her face when she was totally relaxed. This gesture of affection bothered her more than anything else he had done. It was easier to hate him when he was forcing her to obey his commands.

He helped her to her feet and said, "Sit for a minute," pointing to the chair opposite him. "Have you read The Story of O?" She shook her head. "Your legs must never be closed. You will always wear a skirt or dress when you go out and must show that you are open and available sexually at all times by keeping your legs parted." When she complied he continued, "Whenever I call, whether at work or at home you must give instructions that my calls at to be put through at once. I don't care what you are doing or who you are with."

"I understand, Sir."

"Let's go home," he said pulling on pants and shirt. They went to the door and he watched as she dressed on the veranda. He dropped her next to her car in the company parking lot and she drove home to an exhausted sleep.


Thanks to all you who took the time to e-mail me with words of encouragement or ideas for future episodes. I try and answer all e-mails with a return address. Comments and suggestions on Rebecca's past or future training are always welcome. I may be reached at the address in my profile.

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BCarloBCarloover 13 years ago

A well written and engaging story, I am quite liking it so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Women as Property...

How cliche' and uninteresting...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Ignore the first comment

Very good story!

Keep it up!

People who want to post negative just dont follow up the sequence of the story! Lots of alternatives to choose from.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Vivid Beauty

I was so impressed. As a Domme I am shocked I liked it so much but it was so moving and beautiful.

Thank you from Kristin

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Well written

That was a great part to your storys... I agree with all the others except the first... It was very real, well written and realistic. Well done. I look forward to your next part to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good

Really enjoyed this thankyou and take the negative comments in your stride, not quite sure why the first commenter is reading stories in this section and with an obvious title stating the content if thats the way they feel, but the positive feedback seems to far outweigh that one negative...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

very nice, detailed and realistic. Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very erotic

I'm a girl and I loved it. The person who said it was terrible has absolutely no clue, and probably no sex life. Keep up the good work!

MINKXMINKXalmost 19 years ago
Clueless critic's...

Have to agree that your first critic has absolutely no clue about D/s, ignorant and ignorable. I thought it was a good story, her confusion and all her mixed feelings, was very real. I'll keep more soon, if you could.

Piece o' WomanPiece o' Womanalmost 19 years ago
Ignore the ignorants

What a pathetic comment - obviously made by a narrowminded person who knows nothing about the psychology of domination and submission. I think this is going to be a beautiful story about a womans journey into herself - helped by a man with insight and character. Certainly not about a poor little thing being beaten up!

Another thing - why on earth read a story like this if it disgusts you?? Like the main character, you as a reader and a free person have a choice!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

any man who enjoys humilating or hurting a woman is not a man. ue is sick and can only feel like a man by hurting and humilating a woman. one thing yo exchange sex for's another to force them to allow one to beat and to be humilated.

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