Under Life


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"Don't feel picked on Janey. Mark gets to help me make omelets."

I like the feeling, all of us working together. Doing something as domestic as cooking a meal. There's something so primal about preparing and eating a meal. It's just so basic, so normal. All over the world people are waking up preparing food to start their day.

Even though we're doing something so different; as in the three of us being together. All the basic, domestic things are still the same. Just as everyone else in the world is doing. We're just chatting with each other, 'where's the plates', 'which ones do you want to use'. 'What do you want in your omelet?'

I start telling them about my dream. I don't notice it right away, until I realized how quiet it has gotten. They're just staring at me.

"What's wrong guys?"

"You had a dream about a spot of light, Missy?"


"I did too. Mine was real short, just a few seconds of a dot of light bobbing, dancing in circles."

"It's not a spot or a dot of light, it's a firefly, Mark, Missy, it's a firefly!"

"We all had the same dream?"

"I don't think so Missy. Mine, I thought it was a butterfly first, and then I noticed it was night. And I've seen firefly's before. I seen it glowing and I knew it was a firefly. The dream wasn't very long, and it sounds like Mark's was just a few seconds. But they sound similar. Was yours at night too Mark?"

"Yeah, it was dark. Like I said it was just a few seconds, just as I was falling asleep. Just the dark and a spot of light dancing in circles."

"Mine was a whole lot more. A lot more...."

"Tell us about it Missy."

"This is kind of scary guys. All three of us, in the same bed, had similar dreams!"

"Well ladies, all I've ever heard are multiple people with the same type of dream at the same time. It's supposed to be prophetic. I don't see how a spot of light or a firefly could be prophetic."

"Mark it sounds like Missy's was more detailed, spill girl."

"OK...It was last night. All three of us were on the bed just like we were when we fell asleep. I guess my point of view was a little above. The light just appeared and started circling you two. More like coiling, I guess, even underneath you. It went between Mark and I, sometimes just around Mark. Sometimes just around Janey, then both of you. It went into and out of your hair, both of you. It kissed you, well touched your lips anyway. It 'landed' on Janey's stomach. It flew around my head a little, in my hair. Then it flew through my head, which was the only time it flew through something. Then it 'kissed' me, and I woke up."

"WOW...that was a lot more detailed, a lot more! Janey what do you think about it going through Missy's head. I don't like that, I don't like that one little bit!"

"I don't either. Not with Missy just getting out of the hospital..."

"COME ON YOU GUY'S I just fainted a little!"

"No Missy, Mark and I were scared shitless. The doctors were scared too, and it wasn't just a little. It was over three hours. Three fucking hours we were terrified! Missy this is no small thing, the doctors said it was not a faint! They didn't know what it was, but it was not a faint."

"Maybe...but it doesn't matter now. I'm fine, no headache, don't feel sick or tired. I'm fine, and it's just a dream. Not even a bad dream, hey we all got kissed, and it really seen to like you two. Hey firefly expert, what color are fireflies, what do they look like?"

"They're not really a fly, they're more like a beetle, a dark brown beetle. Mostly they are a yellow light; a few can be a pale green, and rarely a light red. Mine was yellow."


"Yellow. Wow, could be fireflies. But this isn't getting breakfast done and I'm hungry, so chop-chop."

"Bossy little bitch isn't she Mark?"

So I stuck my tongue out at them both.



Breakfast took a bit longer with all the talking about Missy's dream. I know it's just a dream, but I'm like Mark, I don't like this flying through Missy's head thing. I know we're gun shy, but just two days ago we thought we might lose her. And it was her head they were worried about. Mark and I talked in the hallway; we decided that I was going to research brain conditions, and diseases. And Mark was going to work on pinning down those doctors she had.

I know we're not going to go hungry. I like to cook, and can cook some amazing dishes. Missy's a good cook; she's just not into it. She's the kind of cook to feed the family, I enjoy cooking. Mark, growing up in his family's restaurant and the way his family is. He must be an amazing cook.

We figured on just hanging out today. Missy had a book she wanted to read. Mark had a game later he wanted to watch. I either had some work to do, or I haven't done any art type drawing for quite a while.

But hanging out, lasted until the game was ready to start. Then the phone rang, and Mark was told 'get his but down to the sports bar.' Rockies were playing the Braves, and Mark had some questions to answer. That was from Alex, the questions to answer part. So we talked about it, decided we had to go public sooner or later.

'I' decided to have some fun.



Well I knew it was going to happen. I got the call to present myself to the group. It was stated 'get my butt down there or they would come and get me.' Neither one of the girls objected, in fact Janey had an evil grin on her face. It seems to be a kind of fate. As the bar they wanted to go to was the one on Brentwood, the bar where we first met.

When we all got ready, I was kind of amazed, Missy dressed nice like I thought she would. Janey had on one of my old Hoodie sweat jackets, an old pair of jeans with ripped knees. She did have on her heels though. It almost looked like she wanted to hide. I know both Missy and I gave her strange looks. She just smiled and shrugged. Furthermore, she was the first one into my car. Quickly, she moved into the corner of the back seat. With the hood of the jacket up, she shrank down to little kid size.

When we got to the bar, I spotted the guys and it was me in the lead, Missy, and Janey bringing up the rear. I swear I was half way to the guy's table when I first heard it, the click, click of those heels. Then Missy's giggle started. All of the guy's at the table sat up and took notice. Then from Gray.

"Oh...fuck, not again!"

As I spun to look, Janey has dropped my sweat jacket back to hang from her hands. Baring her torso, she has on one of my strap type under shirts, that you can just see through. It's way too big for her. The arm holes are so big; the bottom of the opening hangs below her ribs. And the neck line shows more cleavage than I thought Janey had. Those jeans are the ones she wore that first night, and again they're open to the last button. Flapped open to a vee, and a red navel stud completes the picture. No panties, no bra, oh...yes our wild child is here to strut. And I can't help but laugh too. Alex just shaking her head and laughing, the guys all sit with their mouths hanging open. Janey steps up to take my right arm, Missy to my left, and we finish walking up to the table. From Mick;

"You got to be kidding me, both of them. Jesus H. Christ, not both!"

"Sure in the fuck looks like it." Gray's just shaking his head.

Janey lifts her arms above her head, tightening that thin white shirt, to eye popping levels. Reaching behind her head, she splits that golden waterfall that's her hair. Flipping half over each shoulder, she's all covered. Shades of Lady Godiva. Mike gets a long pout on his face;

"Oh...that's just not fair!"

"Not fair?"

So Janey flips her hands and shoulders. The hood of the sweat jacket flies up to sit on her head. And...ZIP...all the way up to the neck. Hiding in the hood she demurely lowers her head and eyes, except for that shy little smile.

"You just had to say something, didn't you?"

Missy starts it, but it only takes Alex about two claps to join in, a slow clap of applause.

After we're all seated, at the table. It takes me a while to realize what Janey's doing. She must be, in some part, a true exhibitionist. The sweat jacket stayed on for a while, long enough to let the guys start to relax. Then off it came, with the hair covering everything. The whole table sat up straight, and the infield double by the Braves went unnoticed. Her arm went around mine, and she sat still long enough for them to relax again. She grinned at Missy, leaned forward to say something to Gray. Hair swung forward, opening, parting, almost enough to expose...Only to have her tuck it behind her ear, just before it did.

You could hear the air deflate from the two guys on that side. With a small, head down demure smile, she twines her arm in mine again. A small wait, then a quick lean in to talk to Missy. Hair swinging forward, only to reveal an elbow covering the arm hole, and what would otherwise have been a bare breast. More popped balloons hiss. How she's keeping track of all the 'line of sight' spaces. Just how far to move, and when to shift her hair. Always giving the illusion that 'this' time, things will move too far and give that peek at what's hidden.

Missy and Alex are almost enjoying the show; Janey's putting on, more than the guy's. Missy's giggling behind her hand continually. Alex is just watching in amazement, laughing at the guys. And Tom is the only one to see her laughing at them. Because of this I'm further amazed, Tom is not in the possible show. Somehow everything Janey's doing is not available to Tom's sight, and Alex knows that.

I'm astounded at the...yes I'll say it...level of skill that Janey's showing. Or actually not showing. I'm watching a master at work! The timing of playing one guy, letting the others see that he almost got a peek. As that window of opportunity slides to someone else. So close, yet not... quite. Next time, for sure next time. I think Ken's the only other man who's aware of her game. I know he's caught up in it too, but he sees what's going on.

Hell I'm the guy in whose arms, she slept naked last night. And I'm hoping for a shift in the breeze to move that hair too much, too. I mean here are four grown men all making high six figure, seven figure salaries. And she's playing them like a child's xylophone. All waiting for that next note. Here we are deep in the sixth inning, and I bet none of them could tell you the score!

Janey rises up to rim my ear with her tongue, kiss me on the cheek, twines her arm in mine and settles down to watch the game, giving me a big wink. When her tongue came out, I could feel six eyes. Stare right through me. It must have been at least several minutes. That they waited like puppies at the dinner table, before they realized that the show was over.

Everyone settled down to finish watching the game. And it was a pretty good game. But you could feel the lack of tension in the guys. It's just a baseball game. Alex called the end, time to go home. But it wasn't over!

Janey stood up, slid both hands under her hair. Both hands flipped hair over her head! Pushing her chest out, shirt stretched tight, hands over her head. The whole table gasped. Almost too quick, shoulders hunched, waist bent, hands dropped to cover her breasts. In that quarter instant, everyone is wondering if they really saw anything or not!

"Sorry guys, I guess I better not do that anymore."

In this tiny child's voice from Missy.

"Janey, Janey, Janey. You're a bad, bad girl."

"Oh...you're not mad at me, are you Mark?"

Arm in arm we turn to make our way back across that dance floor. Janey's hips are in this extravagant swing, making all that golden hair, flip back and forth like a cat's tail.



I decided that Janey needs to be in the middle tonight. We've got all our blood tests back, they're all OK, and that's scared me some. Now there's no excuse, not to have sex. So now the elephant is back in the room. We've had two platonic nights to get used to sleeping together. We've got naked both nights so we're a little comfortable with nudity. Last night Janey seemed a little hesitant to get in bed. With the freak out she was a little unsure of her place. As if we'd kick her out for being a nut case as she calls it. But I didn't want to push her. She crawled into Mark's arms on her own anyway.

This might work out for the best anyway, with Janey in the middle. Now if I can only get Mark to help me. Help me make love to Janey, I won't be so afraid. I'm such a big chicken. Oh boy, everyone's naked and Mark's crawling in on one side. So I push Janey up on the bed. Oh, I think that made her nervous, she's watching me and looks to Mark. Maybe she thinks we got plans.

As I slide in to Janey I reach across to Mark and pull him into a kiss. We're over the top of Janey's breasts, so I let my one hand go and lay it on Janey's soft belly by her navel. Mark's got his hand, on my neck, in my hair, while he's kissing me. I giggle, thinking he really likes playing in my hair. I'm slowly running my finger tips in a circle around Janey's navel. It settles me some because I can feel Janey trembling. So I know she's nervous too. As Mark pulls back from our kiss, I catch his bottom lip in my teeth, I giggle and he moans. I let go of his lip smiling at him, I look down to Janey.

She's got her arms tight to her sides. It's like she doesn't want to risk touching either of us. I give her a little smile and slowly bend down to softly kiss her. Pull back looking at her beautiful green eyes, then go and kiss her more deeply. As we're kissing, her hand touches my shoulder and slides down my arm to the hand that's drawing circles on her soft belly. She twines her fingers in mine, so only my finger tips can touch her body. Then she's helping me draw circles. I look up to Mark and he's lying on his side just watching me. So I lean in to kiss him again, as I pull back from the kiss.

I move to his ear and whisper 'help me'; I kiss down his neck to his chest and lick his nipple. Laugh when he twitches, drop to take a very quick lick of Janey's too. She gasps and twitches too. I go back to kissing Janey, still drawing circles. I move my circles higher up Janey, look to Mark give him an eye roll toward where my circles were. So he starts drawing circles on Janey. She sucks in her breath and belly, at his touch. I move up higher on the bed and lay down with my cheek on top of Janey's head. This pulls our hands up to her chest and I start drawing large circles around her breasts in a figure eight. Getting smaller each time around.

I can still feel her body trembling, so I kiss her hair, then her forehead, her eye, nose then lips. I deepen the kiss; slide the tip of my tongue along her bottom lip. I lift up to Mark and do the same to him, forehead, eye, nose, and lips then tongue. I can feel Janey watching me as I kiss Mark. I kiss his neck below the ear, by the collar bone, middle of his chest, then lick and suck his nipple.

Then I bend down to Janey and kiss her, sliding my tongue on her bottom lip, neck below her ear, by her collar bone, between her breasts. Then I lift up. I'm a little hesitant; I've never touched another woman's breast before. Other than that one tiny little lick earlier. So this will be a big line to cross. I slowly lick my whole tongue flat across Janey's nipple. Then I suck the whole of it, aureole, nipple and all. Into my mouth, suck hard and slightly lift up, stretching her breast.

"OH...God, Missy!"

Comes out in a long moan, eyes drift closed, head goes back, and her breast rises with my mouth. Her free hand slides up to my neck and pulls me tight to her. So I flick her nipple with my tongue. I lift up and move our hands to her other breast and pinch then pull the nipple. I lean to kiss Mark, kiss him as hard as I can and suck his tongue into my mouth. I pull back from his lips a little; stretch his tongue with my suction. Push back to his lips kissing him, suck hard and pull back again. Push in and kiss, suck hard and pull. Like I'm sucking his cock, this time I pull off his tongue with a wet pop.

"She's got another tit Mark. She already told us she'd share."

I said this loud enough so Janey would hear, and her body responses with a shutter. I'm watching Mark's eyes as he brings a hand up to cup Janey's breast. 'Ah...'from Janey. As his hands around her tit, I lean down suck hard on the nipple and pull off with a pop. This draws a loud cry from Janey, when her head relaxes back on the bed. I lean in to kiss her again. I think I like kissing Janey, her lips are softer, the kisses are passionate without heavy pressure, and movements are more liquid and slower.

I gasp as Janey's hand has slid up my ribs and is gently cradling my breast; her thumb is stroking my nipple. A heaviness starts deep in my belly, I deepen the kiss and touch her tongue with mine, softly playing together. I find my hand is caressing Janey's breast and nipple. I slide my hand over to play with her other breast and bump into Marks face. He's already there. I laugh into Janey's mouth. Lift up to kiss Mark playing tongue tag, as Janey's rubbing my nipple and cupping it.

Kissing Mark, I start drawing circles on Janey's navel again. Up to circles on her breast and nipple, down to her navel, up to her nipple, down, up to her breast, this time down I drag my fingers across her mound. My reward is a small cry and a lift of the hips as I pass on her bare mound. I pull down from Mark's kiss, looking down Janey's body. Her one arm is still pressed to her side; she's scared to touch Mark! I lean in to press up to Janey's face cheek to cheek, whisper.

"Janey your being a bad girl; you're leaving our Mark out of the play."

I'm reaching for her hand, twine our fingers together, lifting them toward Mark.

"Janey remember big feet, big hands?"

As I slide our twined hands around Mark's cock, pull up then down. And draw a deep shuttering breath from Janey.

"OH...Fuck!!" Mark's whole body shivers.

"Little tight big guy?"


I pull my fingers away from Janey's and leave her hand on his cock. She can't get her fingers all the way around either. Her hand's slowly jacking that big cock. I kiss Janey's neck and lick her ear whisper.

"Good girl!"

I go back to playing my game of round and round. Drawing my fingers around her navel. Then around her breast, back to her navel, then around the nipple. This time down I drag finger across her bare mound again, her hips jerk, but she can't cry out because I'm sucking on her tongue. Up around her breast, down across her mound, jerk and she grunts into my mouth. Up this time I find Mark's face on her breast.

So moving down to her mound, I just stop, with my hand resting on her mound. I'm looking into my Janey's beautiful green eyes; I feel her breath on my face. But mine is stopped, Mark has felt me stop and he looks to me, I can see him out of the corner of my eye. Every thing's motionless, waiting. Mark looks down to my hand, I watch my Janey's beautiful green eyes as I slide my hand down her slit, finger between the lips, down over her button and up into my Janey.


Hips jump up, I watch her eyes roll back in her head. Her back bows as tight as a bow string. Her body is shaking violently.

"My...God!" Mark's just staring at Janey's jerking body.


Mark's had to pull Janey's hand off his cock, she must have clamped on too tight. I keep slowly sliding my finger up and down, in Janey's slit and into her. I know lightly touching prolongs my orgasm, so I try it with Janey's.

Her body finally sinks down to the bed clenching in aftershocks. She's jerking every time my finger slides over her button. As aftershocks start to lessen, Janey grabs my face, pulls me down for a long soft kiss, her body still spasms each time I touch her clit.