Uninvited Ch. 04: The Way Home


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I could not protest, did I want to? She must have seen the flush in my cheeks, felt the throbbing of my erection inside her and taken it for consent. As she began to move again, grinding into me with renewed fervor, I realized that I was even more excited than I had been before. I played my fingers over her abdominal muscles, shifting and flexing as she twisted her heavy hips, the water making them slick and cool to the touch. She took my wrists in her hands and pinned them against the ground, holding me in place as she dropped her weight on me, her soft underbelly slamming down on me with nearly enough force to drive the breath from my chest.

As my peripheral vision began to darken, a strange sense of giddiness came over me, colors and shapes beginning to meld and dance like some kind of hallucination. I was out of breath, apparently starting to drown, but just as the dizziness threatened to overcome me she locked lips with me again. This time the fresh air that she pushed into my mouth was followed by the probing of her long tongue, subjecting me to a passionate embrace, delicate and tender in contrast to her sadistic game. When she pulled away I was lucid again, the damned lack of oxygen messed with my brain, but it felt oddly good...

She was fucking me into the mud now, crushing me beneath her weight, her toned muscles milking my member in rolling contractions that slid up and down my shaft in waves. I felt as if she was getting close, her pumping becoming less rhythmic and more jerky as her own pleasure started to mount. God, it was like being wrung by a machine, she was relentless. I sensed her wracking spasms starting to come faster, on the cusp of her climax as the ceaseless movement in her loins threatened to drag me with her.

Once again I started to feel dazed, the lack of oxygen doing strange things to my brain, somehow enhancing the tingling and pulsing of my burgeoning orgasm. I almost wished that she wouldn't resupply me with air, not yet, let me choke a little longer so that I could enjoy this new sensation for just a few more precious seconds. I started to become delirious, the pleasure welling up from my loins in crippling waves, almost enough to make me forget where I was and take in a breath of water. I felt her lips lock with mine again, forcing another lungful of oxygen into my body, my awareness returning with it as if carried on her tongue. She lingered, sliding her wet organ around in my head, her grip on my wrists tightening as she bucked and ground against my shaft, her tongue filling my cheeks to capacity. I had to make a conscious effort not to breathe through my nose, resisting the powerful urge as her engrossing kiss dragged on, my eyes rolling back into my head as she bounced on top of me and drove sharp bolts of harsh pleasure into my groin.

She seized, rocking her hips into me and pulling away from her kiss sharply, overcome by a lightning strike of a climax that ripped through her body like she was a live wire. She clenched, the walls of her vagina rippling and squirming as the sensation made her muscles spasm. It was too much for me to take, and I felt my member throb and pulse, shooting a thick wad of my emission deep into her waiting passage. I arched my back, struggling against my bonds, unsure if I was coming, drowning or losing my mind. Whatever was happening it felt amazing, I was awash in a sea of roiling sensation, every inch of my skin alive with tingling ecstasy. Again and again I emptied into Vi, filling my lover with warm come, feeling it mingle with her viscous juices as we shook the calm surface of the pond with our quaking.

Vi lifted me under the arms and pulled me out of the water, I took a gasping breath as she dropped me onto the bank, the grass pricking the bare skin of my back as she thrusted on top of me. We were still locked together, still suffering the effects of our shared climax. Still she did not let up, her muscles milking every drop from my aching member, drawing out her pleasure for as long as it would last.

Finally spent, she collapsed beside me on the ground, shivering softly as a few stray pangs of sensation sparked through her. Her large breasts were squashed beneath her, her weight spreading them like deflated basketballs, breathing heavily as she enjoyed her euphoric afterglow. I was still inside her, my still rigid member marinating in the obscene mixture of our fluids that dripped slowly from her loins in thick globs. I slipped out of her gingerly, trying to get my bearings as I recovered, afterglow and lingering dizziness muddling my mind.

"Well that was...different," I croaked. Vi laughed, turning over to expose her pale underbelly to the sun, her breasts swaying as they settled. We basked for a time, recovering as our glow ebbed and eventually diminished. We returned to the pond and bathed for a while longer, washing off the mud and the sticky residue of our coupling, drying off the in the sun as we lay on the grass. When evening came we set off home, a pleasant walk as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, sparing us its glare as the warm summer air lingered.

The trucks rumbled down the dirt path towards the farm, kicking up a cloud of dust as they made their way around the bend and into the courtyard. The noise was impressive, it had been so long since I had seen a transport vehicle of human design. They came to a stop, and a man opened the door to the cab of the lead semi, dropping to the ground and walking out to meet me near the house. He was a portly man, clad in a denim jacket and wearing a baseball cap, I extended my hand in greeting and he took it.

"Your farm took some finding, you're way out in the boonies."

"Yeah we're pretty far off the grid," I glanced over his shoulder to appraise the row of three trucks parked beside the barn, their engines idling. Each cab was pulling an open-topped trailer, they must be able to cart several tons of grain away at once. Judging by what I had been told over the phone, it was badly needed in the cities. "The silo is just up there," I said, pointing beyond the barn. "You need any help? I can have my people give you a hand."

"If you can have someone operate the grain chute, that'll speed things along."

I called for Roomba, and the alien lumbered out of the barn to make his way over to us, his long arms swinging at his sides as he walked like a gorilla walking upright. The truck driver bristled at the sight of him, bracing himself as if he were about to bolt.

"Don't worry," I said, trying to sound reassuring. "He's quite tame, he's one of my employees."

"You employ aliens?" The trucker sounded both surprised and afraid, unwilling to take his eyes off the Muton as he came to stand beside us, lest he suddenly turn feral. The man inched away imperceptibly, obviously eager to return to the safety of his truck as soon as possible.

"Sure, I can't be the only one by now, surely?"

"This is the first one I've seen since we drove them out of the city," he replied, "never...been so close to one before. I knew they were big, but they look even bigger than I imagined close up."

I turned my attention to Roomba as he waited patiently for me to give him instructions.

"Roomba, go use the chute to load the grain into the trailers, you know how it works?"

He nodded, and sauntered off towards the silo, the trucker removing his baseball cap and wiping nervous sweat from his brow.

"I'm just gonna...I'll bring the trucks around."

I watched him hurry back to his vehicle, slamming the door and revving the powerful engine, the vibrations of the small convoy shaking the panes of glass in my windows. The trucks trundled up to the silo, the first of them positioning itself under the grain chute as Roomba manned the controls. One by one it filled the trailers, the harvest flowing like a liquid as it disgorged from the chute in a waterfall of golden grain and piled into the containers. There was enough to fill all three trucks, and I shielded my eyes against the sun to watch them struggle to turn back around, clearly weighed down by several tons of produce.

I noticed another vehicle driving towards us as the trucks filed onto the road, a smaller pickup, its flatbed covered with a lumpy tarp. It came to a stop a short distance from the house, and a man approached me carrying a clipboard in his hands. He kept his eyes on the documents, not raising his gaze to look at me as he came to a halt and held out a pen for me. I took it, and he turned the clipboard around to face me, pointing to the bottom of a printed document as if he expected a signature.

"What is it?"

"Sign here please, you requested to be paid in useful resources, and until we see a widespread adoption of the old currency we will continue to compensate you in this manner."

I signed my name on the document, not really knowing what he meant by 'useful resources'. I had requested to be paid in food and supplies, and they had not asked any further questions of me. Times were hard, perhaps they would simply be giving me whatever they could spare in the moment.

The man led me back over to his truck, he was dressed more like a clerk than a trucker or a farmer, he was wearing a white shirt with a tie, and a pair of brown khakis, some kind of official perhaps. He circled around to the back of the truck and began to untie the bungee cords that were holding the fabric down, eventually pulling the tarp free to reveal several drums of dried food and other assorted supplies. There were jerry cans full of what looked like fuel, bottled water, ration packs that they must have recovered from abandoned ADVENT stockpiles, and even some field medic kits.

"I trust this is sufficient?"

"Yes," I replied, somewhat taken aback by the variety of the assorted resources, "this will do just fine."

"In that case, if you'll unload the truck I'll be on my way."

I instructed him to back the flatbed up into the barn, and had the Mutons unload the cargo for storage, the clerk somewhat less visibly shaken than the truck driver had been at the sight of the aliens. Still he kept his distance, and seemed relieved to be on his way when the task was complete.

I joined the Mutons inside the barn and inspected the goods more closely, this was indeed more than I had hoped for, if we could get even half a dozen shipments like this before the city authority transitioned back to paper currency we would be all set for a good while.

The Mutons seemed pleased with the dried food, it was similar to what they had originally stolen from Kadavy's barn the first time we had encountered them. Unlike Vi they seemed perfectly happy to eat human food after some coaxing, though they had a strong preference for meat. Why wouldn't they, just looking at their bulging, tattooed muscles gave you a good impression of their protein and calorie requirements. We would harvest more of the crops tomorrow, the aliens had become quite efficient at operating the farming machinery, and Kadavy would surely have more work for them when we were done with that.

I walked back over to the farmhouse, leaving the Mutons to sort through the goods, and pushed open the door into the hall. Vi had really come into her own lately, in the absence of enemy combatants to melt into piles of fluorescent goo she had taken up decorating to pass the time, converting many areas of the house to better suit her unconventional physiology and repairing much of the damage that the house had incurred during my long absence. There was fresh wallpaper on the walls, paint in some rooms that clashed to my eyes, but I suspected she saw the world differently through alien hues and wavelengths. As long as she was happy, I was happy, I wasn't about to start criticizing the tastes of a Viper.

I searched around for her, and found her in her perch, reading something on her tablet. It appeared that she liked to be off the ground when she was relaxing, and so she had erected a sort of bunk bed in the living room, raised off the carpet and lined with a low rim so that she could fill it with straw. It was long enough that she could stretch out, and she popped her head over the edge of the box-like bed to greet me with an affectionate purr. She had painted the living room in shades of deep blue and green, some sections wallpapered with daffodil designs and some left bare, it was an eyesore but she seemed to like it so I hadn't complained. I took a seat on the couch and kicked my boots off, we had to replace this damned thing soon. It was scarred and beaten, stained with the residue of our numerous impromptu encounters, the wooden frame buckling in places.

"What are you up, Vi?"

She tapped on her tablet, then hung her long neck over the rim of her perch, looking at me with her head upside down.


"What are you reading?"


"Oh, you're going to make a bath that you can fit in?"


"Well I look forward to that. We got paid today, in food and medicine, fuel and other supplies too. I don't think you're going to have to subsist on pork for much longer."


"You know what would go well with those Chryssalid legs? Some chive, ever had chive?" She shook her head, her hood flapping. "I wonder if I can trade for some, that would be great, we could have the Kadavys over again." I was still surprised how well Kadavy's wife had gotten along with Vi, the two had chatted at length, as much as the tablet would allow for long conversations. I felt a swelling in my chest, proud of Vi for actually starting to build a social life out of this mess we had been handed. The house was coming together, we had been fixing up as much of the damage from the fight against the Chryssalids and the disrepair due to the lengthy vacancy as best we could, there wasn't one room in the property that hadn't felt Vi's often odd and jarring brush strokes. Now that they had access to more materials the Mutons were doing much the same in the barn, converting it from a storage area into a home that they could live in comfortably, building around the vehicles that still needed to be kept there.

Perhaps we could even have more structures erected for them on the property once society started to get rolling again, I doubted planning permission or zoning laws were going to be a problem in the foreseeable future. As much as ADVENT's invasion and subsequent defeat had perturbed the day to day lives of humans, there were certainly some aspects of life before the invasion that I didn't miss, paperwork and bureaucracy being one of them.

The farming was going well too, according to Kadavy the yields were excellent and the Mutons were working diligently. They fully understood the operation of the farm now, along with the machinery required to perform their tasks, and required little instruction as Roomba directed his pack. Topeka would keep us supplied with fuel and fertilizer, seeds when we needed them, spare parts on occasion. They had contacted other farms in the area, some still inhabited, others not, but it sounded as if we could produce enough food to keep at least the people in that city fed. As communications were restored and more people came out of the woodwork, I was sure that the supply problems and food shortages would dry up.

The world was healing, slowly but surely, the scars ADVENT had left were stitching as people returned to their old ways. I didn't doubt that soon cargo ships would sail the seas and planes would draw lines across the sky, cars would once again clog the highways and the planet's economy would kick into gear.

What remained to be seen was how all of the technology that the armies of the Elders had left when they had withdrawn would be put to use. We had medical technology hundreds of years more advanced than anything seen on Earth prior to their invasion, along with advanced propulsion technology and even captured spaceships. Perhaps it was time for humanity to have its own defensive fleet, to ward off any attacks from hostile denizens of the Milky Way galaxy that might threaten us in the future. Who would emerge on top? Every nation on the planet had been dissolved and reduced to a vassal of the ADVENT authority, their armies and economies shuffled and repurposed. Would a new global government arise, or would each regional power that emerged use the captured technology for their own benefit?

Even though the aliens had been ousted, the world would never be as it was before, things were going to change in new and exciting ways.

Vi flopped down from her perch and fell heavily to the floor, winding her way over to where I was sat and coiling beside me, piling as much of her long body onto the couch as it would allow. She leaned down and nuzzled, rubbing her large head on my cheek, and I raised my hands to scratch the soft inner lining of her fleshy hood.

"What's up, you hungry?"

She nodded, the battered couch creaking under her weight. We should get one with a steel frame next time, human furniture just wasn't cut out for this. Vi surprised me by leaning down and pressing her oversized lips against mine, cradling my cheek in her hand and slipping her warm tongue into my mouth. I braced for one of her obscene kisses, but this one was gentle, comely. My brain fizzed as she held me for a moment, locked in her placid embrace, until finally she pulled back with a smirk on her face. She seemed pleased, contented, her mood was infectious and I couldn't help but succumb to it.

"Let's go find the Mutons in the barn and see what Topeka sent us," I suggested, and she nodded as I hopped off the couch.

She followed me outside and we crossed the courtyard to the barn, entering through the open doors. The Mutons had improved the hayloft to make it a more comfortable sleeping area, the floor now conspicuously lined with planks after the incursion by the Chryssalids. They had piled the buckets of dried food against one wall, Roomba supervising his pack as they examined them. He waved in greeting when he saw us enter, a human mannerism he had picked up from me, and I walked over to where the buckets were piled and crouched to get a closer look at them.

They were mostly unmarked, that must mean that whatever they had sent us was not pre-packaged and must have been assembled from whatever they had on hand. I stood up and cracked one of the lids open with some difficulty, leaning over to see inside the large drum. My eyes lit up, as well as the canned food and dried goods I had expected, there were condiments and seasonings, canned drinks, fruits and vegetables in sealed packages, one of the drums was entirely full of rice and beans. It looked as if someone had walked along the length of a supermarket shelf and just pushed armfuls of random food into their cart. I picked out a box of cereal, laughing as the aliens watched with confused expressions.

I opened the box, breaking the seal and gesturing for Roomba to approach, then poured the colorful breakfast cereal into his massive palm. He brought it to his lips and chewed thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding his approval. I turned to Vi with a grin on my face, and she cocked her head at me.

"I think it's time for a feast, I'm going to call Kadavy over, you guys pull out the tables and chairs from the garage. I'm going to show you how we do a three course meal here on Earth."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One thing I love about your stories is the inclusivity. You write great stuff

Richard1940Richard1940almost 2 years ago

Loved it. Thank you Snekguy

DreamDiverDreamDiverabout 4 years ago

You cant imagine the glee I felt when I saw this was 19 pages. I didn't want it to end! I think you've done an incredible job with your take on Xcom's world and you did indeed develop it very accurately compared with Chimera Squad, so many years prior. I love Vi, but she seemed like such a jerk towards the end. The drowning stuff was just too strange and scary to me, as well. I wish they got to talk more like he mentioned early on. I think this is a great work and you can really see how you've honed your writing compared to your most recent Rask Rebellion. I really hope your next story is about something smooth or scaly; furry just aint my bag.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Oddly prophetic

I am amused by the similarities between what you came up with and what is gearing up to be the official canon in XCOM: Chimera Squad. Especially in light of that ad for what seems to be a Viper strip club.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I agree with M0R5EUS. It could be possible her alien genes were modified by the Elders to where it is feasible. Maybe in a follow up? Maybe check in on them a couple years down the road or something? Just a thought, although this series really doesn't need anymore. I'd almost be afraid more would detract from what you have. 5 stars all around.

M0R5EUSM0R5EUSalmost 5 years ago
Excellent work

It was an excellent read, though I wish Vi and our hero could have kids together. I know it's a wishful thinking.

Black_MusingsBlack_Musingsalmost 6 years ago

I wish I had a viper.

RpierzRpierzalmost 7 years ago
I second Oddball88

I must've missed this chapter courtesy of the recent site update. A bit sad that the story ended as I'd grown to like the characters overall. Good way to end it though.

OddBall68OddBall68about 7 years ago

I have enjoyed this story for a while now. I missed that it had been updated. As other have said, it would be interesting to see how things are working in other areas. Have humans and mutons been able to peacefully coexist? Are chryssalids a problem elsewhere? How about any other vipers? Vi, Rumba and himself are the foremost experts now on interspecies harmony.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Fantastic Story!

This whole series deserves so much more attention than it's getting.

Your level of detail, plot, and the sheer inventiveness of the sex scenes are all among the best I've ever seen on this site. The fact that you added a female dominant that doesn't immediately transform into an annoyingly bitchy latex-clad goose stepping Nazi is the cherry on top... well she couldn't really do the goose stepping anyway, but you get the point.

I will be checking your profile more frequently than is probably healthy hoping to see more!

TheLordWinterTheLordWinterabout 7 years ago
Excellent work

I agree with the previous comments. You did a great job of presenting the aliens. And for the commenter that mentioned children, I'll say this... unless I missed my mark, that straw-filled bed was most likely a nest box, and she was all gentle and cuddly at the end because she was getting broody. I think she might be getting ready to give him offspring of their own.

clay1fclay1fabout 7 years ago

Snekguy, you did it again, and again, and again! I love your stories and the more I read it the better it gets! This was an amazing story and it was honestly on the best ones I read. 5/5 stars and keep writing those amazing stories! This obviously deserves more views! Thank you for the amazing stories!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
The only thing missing...

This was a great story, from start to finish. You wrote the aliens in a way that simultaneously made them unknowable and familiar, and Vi is one of my new favorite characters. (She'd look awesome in a turtleneck sweater, I imagine.)

The only thing I would have wanted was an epilogue of sorts, showing the world a generation or two after. Would the protagonist and Vi adopt human kids, or baby Vipers? Are there male Vipers, aside from the one in the DLC (who XCOM removes rather permanently)? I imagine there would be future Vipers and Mutons who would tell stories about the one human who gave their kind a chance.

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