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Jenny held me close to her as she said, "Ellie isn't very pleased with you right now."

"I can't tell if she's really mad or nervous."

"But Ben, she's going to be almost naked in front of everybody here, but even more importantly, she'll be like that in front of your brother."

Dee took Ellie's place on the other side of me and said, "Well mastermind, you really pulled one this time."

I looked at her and timidly put my arm around her as I asked her, "Are you mad at me?"

"I can't decide. The odds of those two being chosen are so slim, but it's happening just the same."

"Just for the record, I'm not all that eager for this to happen either. Sorry, I know you don't want Ted seeing other naked women."

"Oh I don't care about that Ben, he's seen other naked women and even up close, but Ellie is your girlfriend and it's going to be so awkward for them, both now and again later."

"I know."

Ted was reaching for Ellie's top as Jenny moved in front of me and leaned back into me as her hands rested on my thighs and Dee added, "Plus, Ellie will see Ted at his finest. His buccaneer costume isn't hiding the fact that he's hard as your bar top even now."

My left hand was resting on Jenny's shoulder and I was watching Ted and Ellie as I told Dee, "I shouldn't have put that in the deck no matter who would have been involved. It's too far out."

"It's a little late for that thought."

I pulled her a little closer to me and said, "I know, and I'm sorry Dee. Of course that could be you and me up there."

She looked up at me and said, "My god, that never occurred to me," and she smiled. "I still don't know what to think, but now I have to think about what you just said in addition to what is happening."

The three of us watched Ted remove Ellie's top, and my left hand left Jenny's shoulder and went around her waist coming to rest on her soft warm belly. She covered my hand with her left hand and Dee turned toward me slightly and nestled into my side and we held onto each other for support.

Ted stared at Ellie's breasts for a moment and Jenny pushed my hand against her belly a little. Dee's right hand went to my belly and we held on as she said, "This is pretty sexy."

"This is totally sexy." I tipped my head down a little and asked Jenny, "What do you think?"

She tipped her head back and then said, "I can't believe what I'm seeing," and I felt her hand go behind her and land on the bulge in my tights. It wasn't an accident because she didn't move it away, but rather let it rest there with minimal movement.

I had to get my mind off of what Jenny was doing to me, and at the same time, Ellie's long split skirt dropped to the floor, so the woman I loved was standing there in just her bra and panties, and my younger brother was studying every inch of her. I forced myself to look at Dee and then whispered, "Are you okay?"

"I think so, but it must be tougher on you and Ellie."

"Mostly on Ellie. I just hope she doesn't have a melt down after all of this is over."

"I do too." She put her hand between my legs and not only felt my erection, she found Jenny's hand there as well. Dee smiled and moved her hand away just slightly as she whispered, "You poor thing. Care to tell me anything?"

"Like what?"

"You and I need to talk soon."

"Yes we do, and very soon. Like Monday night. You will be back to work right?"

"I will be and I'll be at the condo by six."

Dee ignored Jenny's hand for a second and touched my hardness and smiled as she focused on what Ted and Ellie were doing.

I felt like my whole body was one erogenous zone as Jenny moved her hand a little to remind me where her hand was. It was to get even I told myself as I moved my hand lower on her belly and her hand went along with mine and Dee said, "Damn them, my thoughts are going places where they shouldn't be and I can't stop them."

"I really know what you mean."

"Of course you also have Jenny driving you crazy. Is that a new development?"

"Totally and you're right, she's getting to me."

"What a mess. Ellie and Ted will end up wanting each other, you want Jenny and I want you right now."

"Oh Dee honey, I want you too baby."

"This is not good Ben."

"I know, but I have to be honest with you."

"But why not before tonight?"

"I guess we have just never experienced temptation like this before."

"I'm surprised the others aren't making love on the floor."

"I don't know what they're doing because I can't stop watching Ted and Ellie together."

"I'm jealous, but I still can't stop."

"Same here, but then with Jenny's and your hand on my cock, jealousy just can't be allowed."

"That's a good point," and she found my waistband and slid her hand inside of my tights and headed straight south and found my manhood. She leaned forward and told Jenny, "Sorry, but I need to borrow our man for a minute," and she wrapped her hand around my hardness.

"Oh damn Dee this is torture."

"Well those two owe us at least this much."

"I wish I could return the favor."

"Hold that thought. We're still young and healthy." She removed her hand and told Jenny, "Thanks," and then added, "He'd rather have our hand inside though." Jenny couldn't very well do that, so instead she moved my hand down to her mound. Anybody within ten feet of us would know what the three of us were doing as I curled my fingers to follow the curve of her vulva and again she pressed her hand against mine, only more firmly that before.

When Ellie knelt in front of Ted, Dee held on to me and said, "Oh god Ben."

She was inside of my tights in a second and she held me in a firm grip as she moved her hand on my shaft and my left hand did its best to tuck into Jenny's pouty lips as her hand encouraged me. Something caught my attention, and to my far left, in my peripheral vision, I saw Sally and Hank exploring each other through their costumes. I had to keep my eyes on Ellie and Ted, but curiosity of what the others were doing was eating at me. That was until Ellie and Ted fell into a hard embrace as they whispered back and forth, and Ellie's left hand stayed with his briefs covered ass. She helped him dress and then as everybody applauded loudly, they came over to us. I had moved my left hand up to Jenny's belly, and Dee and I were just holding each other. Ted and Ellie went straight to the bar and mixed drinks for them and then for Jenny, Dee and me.

Chapter Twenty Six

My woman had just been nearly naked in front of our friends and acquaintances. I was rock hard the whole time, but still I couldn't decide what to think about that. How the hell had I ever thought putting that card in the deck was a good idea for anybody? On top of that, I now had very strong lustful thoughts about my secretary and my brother's wife. I'd never had thoughts of screwing Dee before. Well not serious ones anyway.

The five of us were working to settle down as we tossed back about half of our strong drinks in a minute or two in the hopes that the alcohol would help numb our carnal urges. My sexual batteries were charged more than I could ever remember, and I was sure it was the same with the other three.

Several of the guests were gathered around the bar seemingly in need of alcoholic reinforcement after Ellie and Ted's sex show. I had to be honest with myself. That's exactly what it was. I also had to accept the fact that I enjoyed it more than I would have ever believed I would.

Roger, one of Ellie's friends moved close enough to put his arm around her and whispered to her and she smiled and nodded, and then she whispered something to him. I took that moment to whisper to Jenny, "Are you doing okay now?"

Her eyes were wet as she stared into me and said, "I'm not okay. Damn it Ben, I want you so much I could just cry. My god, you are still my boss and we have to work together and be close and still behave, but I want you Ben."

"I want you too Jenny. The electricity between us was almost overwhelming."

"Oh god, I know, but Ben, we don't love each other so we're talking pure lust. Pure carnal urges."

"I know and I'm enjoying your company, but I want to undress you and..."

"Stop Ben, please. We just need to cool down and get control of ourselves."

Roger and Ellie were still talking, and Ted put his hand on my back and tried to smile at Jenny as he said, "Sorry bro. I didn't want to say no and spoil the party, but at the same time, we all know that's exactly what should have happened."

"Ellie had the same option and she didn't say no either, so don't be quick about beating yourself up okay? I better confess to something though Ted. Watching you two together really got to Jenny, Dee and me and...well damn it, had it been up to me I would have taken Dee to bed, and Jenny was affected the same way."

"Both of them wanted to jump your bones?"

"Right then they certainly did. How they feel now or will later I can't say, but I'm still trying to get a grip on reality again. You two were steaming up this whole loft, but I was too busy to see what the others were doing."

"Holy shit Ben."

"Yeah I know, but be honest, you would have made love to Ellie right?"

"Oh hell yes, of course. Damn it man, I'm still vibrating. She...you did see us share one hell of a long and deep kiss?"

"I did, and I think that's when Dee slid her hand inside of my tights."

"No way, really?"

"Very really. We have to be open about this shit or we could end up in a real mess later."

Ellie came over to me and we shared a kiss before she asked me, "Am I in big trouble?"

No, but..."

"We'll be talking about it tonight, I know. Let's just leave it there until we settle down okay?"

"That might be a good idea." Ten moved over to Dee and while Jenny was where she couldn't hear us I said, "We have a major problem though."

"I know, but what in particular?"

"We invited Jenny to stay with us, but Ted and Dee will be in the guest room."

"Oh no, how could we have done that?"

"Too bad we don't have furniture in the third bedroom"

"What will we do? I hate to tell Jenny that she loses, but..."

"We have a king sized bed."

She looked at me and said, "No. well I mean, she'd never consent to that arrangement."

"She might look forward to it now."


"It goes to what we'll be talking about later, but until then, let's just say that watching you and Ted together lit our fires like you can't imagine."

"You and...what did you two do?"

"We stayed right where you left us, but...let's go through that later okay?"

"You two groped."

"Yes we did."

"Damn it." She took a deep breath then said, "Okay...okay, I'm settling down. God Ben, my nerves are about shot."

"I know exactly what you mean honey."

"Well at least you still call me honey."

"Ellie, I love you. That hasn't changed and I don't ever see that changing."

"I guess we'll get past this then."

"I think so, but we have about half of this evening still ahead of us. Jean has teased and touched me until I was drooling. Lou was all over you, and just now Roger was cozying up to you. Jenny and I really got to each other and Dee and I wanted to rape each other."

"Dee too?"

"Very much so. Honey, what you and Ted shared got to us far more than any of us could have ever imagined. Of course, like I said, that was on top of the other things that have been happening. You and I both know that you wanted Ted in your bed."

"Yes, of course I did. How could anybody think straight in that situation?"

"Exactly right, and it was no different for the rest of us. Things have happened and not all of those genies will ever go back into their bottles."

"That scares me."

"I totally understand. Now about Jenny."

"Oh hell, I don't care if you and Jenny sleep next to each other. It sounds like you two have already shared a lot. If you're so sure she'll go along with that, then fine, but you and I need some quality time alone first."

"Of course."

Jean appeared, and unaware of what Ellie and I were talking about, slipped her arms around both of us saying, "You two throw a party like nobody I've ever known. This is fantastic. Ellie, you and your brother-in-law smoked up the room.

I thought Anita and Reed would mate right in front of me, but then she and Hank played together for a few minutes. I mean it was like that all over the room, but more subtle. A touch or a kiss here or there, but more often than not none of that was between mates."

"And you," I asked as I smiled at her.

"What I wanted Ellie would never let me have," and she and Ellie exchanged looks. Then Jean casually reached between my legs and told Ellie, "I do like your guy's goodies."

Ellie didn't smile, but she sounded relaxed as she said, "He likes yours too, but I intend to keep him busy tonight."

"I'm sure."

Chapter Twenty Seven

It took us awhile, but we did settle down and for the most part, we did it without resorting to heavy doses of booze. I would have been very content to stay close to Jenny and Dee, but since Ellie and I were hosting the event, we needed to mingle. I'd hardy spoken to Anita and Barney since they had arrived, so I made my way over to them and stepped between them. My arm went around Anita's waist and my other hand was on Barney's shoulder as I asked them, "Enjoying yourselves?"

Anita smiled and said, "Not nearly as much as you have been."

"It's been a wild evening. Are either of you going to draw a card?"

"That's been a topic of discussion and no decision has been made, but after the last one, we may have to pass."

"That one was pretty extreme, but as near as I can remember, that was the most daring one."

"Well about the only thing left would be to have a couple mate on the bar."

"True. I should have left that card out. It was pretty emotionally trying for all of us."

"Well no kidding." She put her hand on my arm and said, "Well I don't feel you vibrating at least."

"I'm getting that under control. Barney, you need to mingle with the other women a little."

"Is that right."

"It is," and I smiled at Anita and winked as I said, "Let me introduce you to a very interesting woman. Oh, and Anita she is married. Then Anita honey, I'll be back to flirt with you while Barney is away." As Barney and I left Anita, I said, "Just play along for a minute as I introduce you to her." We went just a few more feet and then I stopped and said, "Oh Jean, have you met Barney?"

"No, Hi Barney. I've seen you with a good looking woman, but it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Jean. Ben and I go back quite a few years."

"Then you must have some interesting stories about him that you'd share."

"I just might have at that."

"Well I'm not going to stand here and listen to lies, so I'll leave you two and go see what I can get into," and I slipped away and went back to Anita. "So, where were we?"

"You were going to come back and flirt with me."

"That's right. Now first of all, I have to ask you, have you contributed to our collection," and I pointed up to the hanging undergarments.

"I had an idea that you might ask me about that, and no I haven't."

"I really need your panties hon."

"Well that's a little different. Don't guys usually try to get into panties rather than hang them from the rafters?"

"That's my ploy. I don't have etchings or anything that sophisticated."

"I see, and where did you put Barney?"

"I hooked him up with Jean. He's in very good hands."

"By now he just might be. He's almost as bad as you are."

We were both smiling as I told her, "I know, while you think about donating your panties and bra..."

"Wait, a second ago it was my panties."

"Well after losing your panties, the bra would be easy to part with."

"So you think hon."

"I know, why don't you and I go draw a card?"

She almost laughed as she said, "You must be crazy. I can't just stand there while you undress me."

"But I'd love to do that honey, we go way back and..."


"Oh okay, but like I said, none of the other cards are that daring. Remember, I'm the one that made them so I should know."

"You should have known to leave that other one out too."

"Ooh, touché. Let's draw a card and see what kind of trouble we can get into."

"Ben, if I end up naked..."

"If you end up naked I'll strip too in support of you."

She looked at my costume and said, "Well you wouldn't show a lot more if you were naked."

"I wouldn't have this problem if you women didn't look so damn desirable and tempting, and especially you."

"Listen to you. It took you all this time to just come looking for us."

"I had to play host. Besides, you two needed time to relax and have a couple of drinks and mingle yourselves."

"You're not convincing me. Okay, we'll draw a card, but you have to explain it to Barney if things get out of control"

I kissed her lightly and then told her, "But that's exactly what I'm hoping for."

"You aren't so love starved that you have to chase me."

"Oh I'm not love starved, but I am starved for you."

She laughed and said, "You are totally unbelievable and not to be trusted."

"I'm crushed. Come my sweet. We'll stop and tell Ellie what we're going to do and then we'll have our own fun."

"I wasn't this afraid the time that I was getting ready to ride that huge super fast rollercoaster at Cedar Point in Ohio."

Ellie was talking to Roger again, but his wife Fran was there too. We stopped and Ellie smiled until I said, "Anita and I are going to draw a card honey."

"My god Ben, haven't you had enough of the card thing?"

"I'm pretty sure there are no more cards that would require Anita and me to be naked in front of everybody."

"You're pretty sure? You made them right?"

"I did, but I made forty of them and that was a couple of weeks ago."

"Anita, have you thought this through?"

"No, but I'm going to take a chance. Maybe I'll get Barney fired up and I'll reap those rewards later."

"Well good luck to both of you, and we'll be watching."

As we walked away I said, "Roger has the hots for Ellie."

"Especially after he got to see her in her bra and panties I'm sure."

"I still can't believe any of that happened."

"Ask Barney. He didn't blink through the whole thing."

Chapter Twenty Eight

Before Anita and I could get to the cards, Jack rang the bell hard and took the top card from the spicy deck. "Well now, this looks interesting. I get to direct the action rather than be a part of it."

He looked around the loft and then selected Stan, the oldest of the guests. He was fifty two unless I was mistaken, and then Jack paused before he said, "Okay, and my own sweet Vicky." Stan's wife Dolly was totally surprised that her distinguished looking husband in regular street clothes, was chosen. Stan always wore slacks or shorts but never jeans. Stan walked over to Jack and wearing a smile, Vicky joined them.

Anita and I stood off to the side not more than a few feet from Stan and Vicky in her short toga. Ted knew Stan and Dolly almost as well as I did, so I wasn't surprised when I looked for Dolly and found Ted standing next to her with his arm around her and they were talking back and forth.

I stood behind Anita with my arms around her and just under her breasts as Jack said, "Okay Stan, kneel on the floor facing the center of the loft. Now Vicky honey, you face him and then stand over him, and Stan, straighten up until your head is under her toga." Jack was doing this all for his Vicky as he said, "Yes, just like that. Now enjoy. Is she wearing panties Stan? I'm not sure, but I don't think she is. I leave it up to you what to do for the next three minutes but you have to keep your head under her toga until we call time," and he more or less looked at his watch.

Anita turned her shoulders and looked up at me as she whispered, "I know what you or Barney would be doing with Vicky."
