Walker Brigade - Book of Incidents


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"Please do."

"Chief, I have arranged for this pretty little nurse to be at your beck and call," Michelle said, stepping aside so Max could see the nurse standing behind her. "Don't you dare make any passes at her."

I laughed as I leaned down to kiss my Max good-bye. Michelle followed suit with a peck on his cheek. The nurse stepped forward and grabbed Max's wrist with a no-nonsense look on her face as she counted the beats of his heart.

"Can I at least get something to eat?" I heard him ask as Michelle and I walked out the door.

Walker Brigade: The Latham Incident


* * * Max Jones

Lacing up my boots, I smiled at Michelle. I was finally being released and getting out of this damned hospital. Michelle and I were in camo-fatigues ready for a day's work. Of course, I wouldn't be allowed to do a full day's work yet. That's why Michelle was with me, to monitor my health. I was tired, tired of being poked and prodded every time I rolled over. Standing straight, facing Michelle I looked her up and down, she cut a fine figure. I straightened her rank insignia, flattened her collar and adjusted her beret.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

"After you Chief," she responded.

I walked out of the room that had been my home for the last two weeks. I should have been released a week ago, but Michelle had convinced the hospital staff that I should stay another week. They never told me why. I figure it had something to do with my father and an assignment the squad was on for him, but today my squad was all waiting for me at the Academy. Today I would be with them to help train the cadets. I would be back in the saddle and kicking ass.

Transport was waiting for us at the main entrance to whisk us away to the Academy.

* * * Becky Latham

I was sitting in the wardroom of our squad bay going over some last minute details for our upcoming training exercises when four troopers with full kit knocked on the door jam.

"What can I do for you troopers?"

"Trooper First Class Wilson reporting as ordered, Chief." The first one to enter handed me his orders. What the hell was going on here? Wilson stepped aside.

"Troopers Hathcock, Stephens and Billings reporting as ordered Chief. Could you tell us where Major Jones is at?"

I took his orders and halted, probably with the most amazed look on my face. Major Jones? I glanced at the wall clock. I had to be in the Commandants conference room in five minutes.

"Drop your kits here and follow me," I told them rising and heading for the door. The three that were looking for Max were the biggest, burliest men I had ever seen. Not one of them was less than six and a half feet tall. As we passed the walker bay, I saw the techs were wheeling in three new walkers. I shook my head in wonder and continued to my meeting with the Commandant.

It took us two minutes to cross to the command building. I was at the conference table with the new men situated when the rest of the squad showed up, except for Michelle, who was with Max. The rest of the squad looked at the strangers with questioning glances my way. I just shrugged my shoulders. Max and Michelle came in and Max halted in his tracks, shook his head and continued to his seat next to me. Michelle took a seat giggling to herself.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Max whispered in my ear.

"I haven't the foggiest. We'll have to wait and see." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Attention!" I shouted when the door opened and Admiral David entered. The squad snapped to attention.

"At ease, at ease," the Admiral told us as he walked to his chair. Instead of sitting he stood, looking around and smiling at us. "Before we sit to discuss the coming training exercises I want to get some business that needs taking care of immediately. Chief Jones, front and center."

"Aye sir," the Chief said, snapping to attention and walking to the commandant's side.

"I rarely have a pleasure such as this. I am glad that I am able to do the following for such a deserving Trooper. Attention to orders," the Admiral shouted. We all snapped to attention again.

"Chief Warrant Officer Jones," Admiral David said, reaching into his jacket pocket, "I have here a set of rank insignia I wore at one time. I hope you will do me the honor of wearing them now. By order of the Federation Council, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Major."

"I don't know what to say Admiral, but I can not in my heart accept this promotion."

"Major Jones, you will accept it, that is an order. Besides, you are not leaving your beloved Echo Squad. You are being promoted to take over the position of Company Commander. Company 'E' as a matter of fact. As company commander, you can choose whatever squad to attach your command to. You will have four platoon leaders reporting to you, who you will most likely never get to meet, is that clear Major."

"Aye, sir."

Admiral David nodded his head at me, handing one of the gold leaf clusters to me. I removed Max's CWO bar and replaced it with the Major cluster. The Admiral did the same to the other side of his collar. Standing back, I snapped to attention and saluted my new Company Commander. The Admiral did the same. Max tossed a perfect salute back to us.

"At ease," the Admiral said.

A cheer went up from the rest of the squad. Max looked a little bewildered but smiled at all the congratulations from his mates.

"All right settle down, settle down. I have some other business to conduct here. Trooper Wilson step forward please." Trooper Wilson stepped to the head of the table saluted the Admiral then stood at ease.

"Chief Latham, Trooper Wilson will fill the hole left in your ranks by Major Jones being promoted. Slot him where needed. He is an excellent walker troop with ten years of experience under his belt. Troopers Hathcock, Stephens and Billings step forward please." The three giants stepped up to the head of the table saluted the Admiral then stood at ease.

"Major Jones, I would like you to meet your command fire team. These Troopers were Major Blessings command fire team and served him well. You, of course, have the final say as to who is in your command fire team, but I thought that as Echo squad is the best, you would want only the best. These men are some of the best. They will protect you and follow you into hellfire."

Max who is no small man himself stepped forward and looked each man up and down. As he stepped in front of each they snapped to attention, then stood at ease as he moved on. Hathcock was the last trooper to receive Max's scrutiny. They both broke down laughing as Max stood there.

"You old dog, long time no see," Max said to Hathcock as they shook hands and then embraced. Max turned to the other three and shook their hand slapping each on the back and laughing.

* * * Max Jones

"How have you guys been? It's really good to see you," I said to my three oldest friends.

"Just fine, at least until Major Blessings decided to retire and become a citizen. But now our world is back to normal," Hathcock said with a smile.

"Great, that's just great." I looked around feeling a little bewildered.

"Major Jones, why don't you have a seat here to my left along with your team," said Admiral David.

I walked around the other side of the table and took a seat. Michelle was by my side with her med-scanner. Her actions frustrated me, but she was the doctor and could down check me any time she felt I couldn't hack the job. George took the seat next to me and Stephens and Billings took the next couple of seats.

Becky sat directly across from me. The grin on her face looked like it would crack it open it was so big. Although I did detect a little worry in her eyes until Michelle gave her the thumbs up sign. I was just a tiny bit tired after the shock of being made Company Commander. It was true I probably would never have to command the whole company at any one time. Although I'm quite sure, I would be able to, I did have the ability and the know-how, and with Becky to back me up, the fortitude.

Admiral David started the meeting and for the next two and a half hours, we went over the training schedule. Now that I was back in the saddle and we had four extra walkers we could execute complex training scenarios. For two hours, we went over the exercises. There were some we couldn't do for at least the next four weeks, as one of the teams would be on a weeks leave for the next month.

Becky had decided that her team would be the last to take leave so we could be together. By that time, I would be much better and probably ready for some time off.

By the time we were finished, I was ready for some time off now, but I didn't let it show.

* * * Michelle Santos-Tomas

As I was checking the Chie...Major Jones, I saw a look of frustration in his eyes, but I continued anyway. My Med-Scan showed he was just fine, although a little tired. Even with today's technology, there is no replacement for exercise. He would have to take it slow and easy for the next couple of weeks. When I was finished, I went and sat next to Becky.

"He's fine, no worries," I whispered in her ear. She nodded as she looked at Max.

The next couple of hours were intense and boring at the same time, all about training exercises and strategy and tactics, not my cup of tea. I did pay attention so I would know what my job was during the training. I was a good walker troop; it's just that not all the tactics and strategies interested me. I didn't really want to lead, I was happy to follow and do my job to the best of my ability. When the meeting was over we all headed to the chow hall, it was lunchtime. As we stood in line, I took a position right behind Max.

"Not that Major, put it back," I told him when he pulled a plate of beef liver off the shelf.

"What? I thought I was out of the hospital?"

"You are, but your diet will be controlled by me. Put that liver back and take the chicken."

"Chicken! I'm sick of chicken," he spat, but replaced the liver and took the chicken.

"Next time you can have the bison if you want."

"Ok. Can I have that for dinner?"


As we moved down the line, I made sure he took plenty of vegetables and leafy greens. I took exactly what I made him take, which made him feel a little better, as he wasn't the only one eating healthy. As we sat at a table, Becky sat on the other side of him. I did take note that she too had taken exactly what I made Max take.

* * * Max Jones

When I first saw George, Pete, and Harvey, I was confused and wondering where Major Blessings was. Then with the Admirals announcement of my promotion to Major, it was crystal clear. They sat across from me as I gagged down my chicken. I really was sick of chicken. That's all they gave me to eat the last two weeks I was in the hospital. The veggies and greens were a change from the mushy stuff that had accompanied the chicken in the hospital.

"Max you sure do have the prettiest troopers in the Stellar Army," Hathcock said smiling at Michelle.

"George, unless you want to be thumped a good one, I would suggest you treat these ladies with respect."

"Aye, sir, but they are pleasant to look at. No harm in looking is there?"

"No, no harm in looking. Leering is another thing. You leer at me Trooper and you will be giving me twenty each and every time. Is that clear?" Becky snapped.

"Crystal, Chief."

"George, don't be a problem for me, okay?" I shook my head wearily.

"I won't, Max. I promise."

"Fine, now let me introduce you to Chief Becky Latham and Trooper First Class Doctor Michelle Santos-Tomas."

"Doctor? Why isn't she an officer?" George asked.

"It's really none of your business George. Let's just say that she is the best doctor in the Stellar Army and we have her on staff. She saved my life and took care of me while I was laid up in the hospital plus performed her duties as a walker trooper."

"Okay, I didn't mean anything by it. If she's good enough for you, she's good in my book, Max."

"Good," I said suddenly feeling weary. "Becky, will you take them around to the rest of the squad and introduce them?"

"Aye, sir." They all got up and went to the other table where Becky conducted the introductions.

"What's the matter, Max?" Michelle asked.

"Just a little tired." All of a sudden, I was feeling dizzy. I put my head down on my arms on the table. Michelle was taking my pulse as she pulled out a com-unit of the type medic's use.

"One-Alpha-David, Kilo-Foxtrot-Echo, I needed an ambulance at the Academy chow hall ASAP."

"No, I just need to rest a little bit, Michelle. Just get me back to my quarters so I can lie down. You can watch over me if you want but I'm not going to the hospital."

"Kilo-Foxtrot-Echo, cancel, I'll handle it myself." She put the device away and signaled Becky.

"What's the matter?" Becky came running over with Hath and the others following.

"He says he's just tired. Let's get him back to his quarters."

Hathcock and Billings picked me up and with Stevens clearing the way, carried me back to our squad bay. The rest of the squad followed with questions to Michelle asking if I was going to be okay. Hathcock and Billings gently placed me in my bunk and then left. Michelle and Becky were at my side as I relaxed. I felt the blackness of sleep taking over my thoughts.

* * * Michelle Santos-Tomas

I sat watching Max sleep. He had overdone it a little and had exhausted what little energy he had stored. He would sleep now until tomorrow morning. I had given him a sleep agent after he had passed out to ensure that he did. As the training didn't require Max to be there just yet, Becky had detailed me to watch over him and designated Hathcock to take my place in the squad. She had also placed the other two in the squad as reserve walkers.

Standing I took Max's pulse and watched his respiration. He was sleeping normally and peacefully. I sat back down turning to the comp-term and started to punch the keys. It would be a while before Becky was back to check on Max so I decided to pass the time by catching up on my reading. Medical Journals, new procedures, new diseases, new cures, medicine was actually my life. I needed to know about the latest and the greatest in the medical field. I also needed to know about the latest and the greatest with walkers too.

I must have dozed off as I was reading as I was rudely awakened by a knock at the door. A soft tapping really, but it sounded like they were pounding on it with a hammer. I got up and opened the door to find a cadet with a tray of food.

"Why thank you, Cadet, this is an unexpected pleasure, come in, come in."

"Thank you, ma'am," he answered, stepping into the room and placing the tray down on the desk I had been sitting at. When he saw Max he ducked, turned looking at me as if he had done something wrong.

"Don't worry, he can't hear us, you won't wake him."

"Aye, ma'am. Can I get you anything else? The Admiral has assigned me to you for the rest of the day. If you need anything I will be right outside the door."

"Nothing now, thanks. And you don't have to stand outside the door. If you want, you can go watch the Tri-V in the wardroom and if anyone gives you any trouble about being there, you tell them to take it up with me, Doctor Santos-Tomas. Is that clear?"

"Aye, ma'am," he answered and stepped out the door closing it behind him.

I sat down to eat I was suddenly famished. Thank you, Admiral David.

* * * Becky Latham

The squad was in high spirits and we had done well today on the training field. We had been up against Cadet Du Page and his company in an exercise without walkers. Ground maneuvering one-oh-one, our squad against his company, only three troopers had been eliminated from my squad while the Cadets had suffered a forty percent casualty rate. They had eventually captured us as they outnumbered us, but we had given them a run for their money. It had actually been fun; the new guy really knew what he was doing as did the other troopers, Billings, Hathcock, and Stevens.

As we entered the squad bay, I headed for Max's room and quietly opened the door. Michelle's head was down on the desk and Max was still sleeping. I quietly backed out, closing the door gently and headed for the wardroom. Not two steps did I take when there was some kind of commotion coming from that very place. I rushed there only to find Hathcock and Billing berating a young cadet.

"Would you two lummoxes keep it down, Max is trying to sleep."

"Sorry Chief, but we found this cadet just as pretty as you please lounging around in our wardroom."

"Cadet, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"You should just throw his ass out of here..."

"Shut up Billings."

"Aye, Chief." I waited, looking at the scared cadet.

"Uh...," he cleared his throat, "I...Ma'am...I was assigned here by Admiral David. Doctor Tomas said I could hang out here in the wardroom. I really didn't mean to cause any kind of problem." I raised my hand to stop him before he went on.

"Billings, Hathcock, I think you owe this cadet an apology, don't you?"

"Sorry cadet," Billings said sheepishly.

"Me too," Hathcock told him, clapping the cadet on the back almost knocking him down.

"Now you two will get out of here and take a shower," I told them waving my hand in front of my face as if they were stinking up the place.

"Sure thing Chief," they both said laughing as they turned and left.

"Now for you," I said turning back to the cadet. "You are done for the day here, return to your unit, we can handle it from here. And thanks for looking after Chelle, Doctor Tomas."

"No worries Ma'am it was a pleasure. What time do you want me back here tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is our off day, so I don't think we will need you, but if we do I will let Admiral David know. Thanks again."

"Thank you, Ma'am," he said, turned and then left the squad bay.

I then headed for the showers myself, as I was feeling a bit ripe.

* * * Michelle Santo-Tomas

I woke with a start, not quite remembering where I was. I looked around the room in the glow of the comp-term screen and realized I was in Max's room. Someone had turned the lights out. I reached for the switch on the desk lamp and turned it on. A groan from across the room startled me.

"Max?" I queried.

"No, it's Becky. What time is it?"

"It's only eight in the evening. Did you and the squad have a hard day?"

"Not really. Should we be talking, won't we wake Max?"

"No, I gave him a sleep agent timed for eighteen hours. He should sleep through the night."


I rose and went to Max's side and took his wrist in my hand to get his pulse. I placed my other hand on his chest to get his respiration.

"How's he doing?"

"Fine, just fine. Are you going to be here awhile? If you are I need a shower and a meal."

"You go ahead; I'll be here when you get back, no doubt about it."

"Thank you, Becky."

I left Max's room, grabbed a towel, my toilet articles from my locker and took a long hot shower. I put on fresh utilities and headed for the chow hall. The place was fairly empty as I sat down to my meal. I ate in silence and when I finished I headed back to our quarters. I silently let myself back into Max's room, the glow from the terminal the only light. I went to his bedside and checked his vitals again. Becky woke at my movement in the room. She looked at me with her dark eyes.

"How is he," she asked softly.

"He's fine," I replied. She rose and came to my side.

"I never was able to thank you properly." Her statement surprised me. The hug she gave me surprised me even more. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I put my head on my arm as I sat at Max's desk and the darkness of sleep overtook my mind.