Walker Brigade - Book of Incidents


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* * * Max Jones

I was sitting in a meadow contemplating a daisy I held in my hand. I could see Becky lying next to me out of the corner of my eye. The daisy was white with a yellow center, just an ordinary daisy. Putting it to my nose, I took a sniff. It smelled wonderful. As a matter of fact, it smelled just like Becky after she had showered. I looked over at my love as she reclined in the patch of daisies. She was dressed in a white wedding gown, the veil still over her face. Looking down at myself, I was in my dress whites, my sword lay next to me on my left side. Glancing at my shoulder, I saw a gold oak leaf cluster pinned to the board.

Leaning over Becky I started to lift the veil from her face when all the daisies sprouted out of the ground, wound around my arms, and pulled them away. I struggled with all my strength to no avail; I was exhausted and couldn't fight them anymore. Relaxing, I sat still looking down at Becky. The daisies relaxed their grip on my arms and withdrew back into the ground.

"You have to ask me first," Becky's voice came from under the veil.


"You have to ask me first," she repeated.

"Ask you what?"

"You have to ask me first."

I reached to touch the dress and the daisies shot out of the ground to stop me. I rolled to my left, grabbing hold of my sword as I sprang to my feet. Pulling the weapon from its scabbard, I chopped at the daisies as they tried to grab my arms. Even though I cut them to pieces, they just kept coming out of the ground. Becky lay there through it all not moving a muscle. When I was four meters from her the daisies pulled back. They shot out of the ground covering Becky from my sight. I raced forward only to be pushed back by a wall of daisies. I screamed without a sound as I hacked at the daisies with my sword.

From behind me, something hit my head. The last thing I remember as I spiraled down into darkness was Becky's voice telling me I had to ask first.

I woke with a start to darkness. Glancing around, I could make out shadows in the dim light of the wall clock. Michelle was sitting slumped over at my desk. Becky, her beautiful face relaxed in sleep, was slouched in the bedside chair, her feet on the nightstand.

So the daisies were a dream. I closed my eyes in relief, then opened them just as quickly. Looking at the clock again, I saw that it was zero-five-hundred hours. It was time to get up to start a new day. As quietly as I could I pulled the covers back and swung my legs over the edge of the bed putting my feet on the cool floor.

"And what do you think you're doing?" whispered Michelle from my desk.

"It's time to get up," I whispered back.

"So it is. Lay back down while I check you over first."

"I feel fine."

"Doctor's orders."

I lay back in my bed as she grabbed my wrist. She then listened to my heart with her stethoscope. With a penlight, she checked my eyes. She was so close when she did that her lips and mine almost touched, but didn't. She then lifted my t-shirt and checked my stomach, pressing lightly here then there all the while nodding to herself. She finished up with a quick thump on my chest. The sound it made satisfied her and she motioned for me to sit up. She took my hands in hers and stared into my eyes. I don't know what she was looking for as she gazed into the depths of my soul, but she nodded her head in satisfaction.

"You will take it much, much easier today. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Doctor." She smiled at me as she let go of my hands.

"Get dressed. Becky, he's awake dear."

"Waa..." Becky mumbled as she climbed out of the blackness of sleep.

"I'm awake and need something to eat. Now get your ass in gear Chief Latham." I shouted the last.

Becky's eyes popped open as she sprung out of the chair almost falling over as her feet were still on the nightstand. Michelle giggled as she bent to help Becky to her feet.

"Aye sir," Becky mumbled as she gained her feet.

Both Michelle and Becky sat to put their boots on as I was finishing up pulling my pants on. I shoved my feet into my boots, sitting on the bed to tie them. We all finished at the same time. Becky stood holding the door open for me. I nodded and marched out of my quarters followed by Michelle, then Becky. We walked in silence to the mess hall to have breakfast. I really needed my morning coffee.

* * * Becky Latham

It was a day off so there wasn't all that much we had to do. The squad was finished with their walker and weapons checks and they were now free for the day. Jolene and I were in the wardroom going over tomorrow's exercise we would have with the cadets. The Chi...I mean Major, was across the room with his three troopers going over their information and such. Michelle was sitting watching the TriV and keeping an eye on Max at the same time. Today should be easier on my Max and by tomorrow, he should be able at least to put in a half day.

At noon, I nodded to Michelle and she walked over to Max and told him it was time to break for lunch. Jolene and I joined them as they headed for the mess hall. Lunch was a nice experience, as we listened to Hathcock relate some tales of his exploits on other worlds. Billings and Stephens chimed in with stories of their own. Most of the stories were humorous but not all as Max asked about some of his past acquaintances and friends.

Lunch ended with us all laughing at a story that Hathcock just finished relating to us. I walked beside Max back to the squad bay, Michelle trailing close behind. Jolene was talking with Billings while Hathcock and Stephens brought up the rear. As we entered the squad bay, Max halted and turned waiting for the rest to show up.

"Hath, you and Billings, and Stephens are free for the rest of the day, go have some fun."

"Right, Major, thanks," Hathcock replied. "Billings, Stephens what shall we do with ourselves?"

"I'll be staying right here, thank you," Billings replied. "The last time I had fun with you I almost wound up in the brig."

"Suit yourself, Harv," Hathcock said as he turned and left with Stephens close behind him.

"Jolene, I think we were finished also," I said to Jo as she smiled at Harv.

"Sure thing Chief. See you later for dinner," she said turning to Harv, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward her quarters.

"I wonder what they have in mind..." mumbled Michelle. "Well I don't need to be here right now, so I'll see you all at dinner. I think the Nightengale is in orbit, maybe I'll give Phinn a call," she said as she left Max and me standing there in the hallway.

"Well, is there something wrong with our company?" Max asked with a smile on his face.

"I wonder," I said smiling just as broadly. Taking Max's hand, I pulled him toward my quarters. He followed without complaint. As the door closed, I was in his arms, our lips met in a passionate kiss, a kiss of two lovers who have been apart for so very long.

* * * Max Jones

"I missed you so much Max," she whispered.

"I missed you too."

We kissed again, our lips burning with our passion.

"I love you, Becky Latham," I whispered.

"I love you too, Max," she whispered back, collapsing against my chest. "I love you with all my heart."

* * * Becky Latham

I snuggling up beside Max thinking about how much I loved him

"Becky, are you all right?" Max's voice shook me out of my reverie.

"Yes, darling I'm fine. In fact, I'm more than fine."

I lay back down on top of him, kissing his lips gently. I ran my fingers gently through his hair. His arms gently encircled me as I lay atop of him. I placed my head on his shoulder with my lips next to his ear.

"I love you my darling," I whispered. His arms contracted and squeezed me to him.

"I love you my darling. Will you marry me?" I was so stunned I almost passed out. Thoughts raced through my mind so fast, so furious, I almost forgot where I was.

"What did you say?" I croaked my voice weak from shock.

"I love you my darling."

"No after that." Had I imagined it? Had I heard what I had been wishing for all these...no he had said those words, I know he had.

"Will you marry me?" His voice was now weak. I pushed up to look into his eyes. The smile on his face was what caught my eye.

"Excuse me?" I still couldn't believe my ears. It hadn't sunk in that my love had just popped the question.

"Becky Latham, will you be my wife?"

At his words, tears filled my eyes so I could no longer see. My voice had disappeared as I tried to answer my love. Max brushed the tears from my cheeks as I tried to calm down enough to answer him. Thoughts flashed through my mind again, thoughts from so long ago, thoughts of dreams I had so long ago coming true at this moment. I nodded my head and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes. I will marry you, Max Jones. I will." Then the tears were back.

* * * Max Jones

I had just asked my love to marry me and she had said yes, emphatically yes. She was kissing my face all over repeating her willingness to be my wife

"God, what took you so long to ask me?" Becky shouted as she pushed herself up to look into my eyes.

"I couldn't ask you until now, you know that."

"You could have asked, we just wouldn't have been able too," she said, her voice filled with misgivings.

"No, I had to wait to ask. I didn't want to ask and then not be able too. I want you to be my wife now, not my wife in waiting."

"Oh Max, I love you so very much."

"And I love you my darling. So much so, my heart ached that I couldn't ask until now. Now that I am a company commander and you a squad leader there are no regulations that would separate us."

The tears were rolling down her face a smile permanently affixed to her lips. Her eyes shone with joy as the tears welled up to fill them. Suddenly, her eyes grew big and her mouth opened as if to say 'Oh'.

"My god, now I have to introduce you to my parents," she exclaimed.

"What's wrong about that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," she said quietly. She shuddered as she closed her eyes. "Nothing you won't be able to handle."

"What do you mean 'Handle'?"

"You'll see. I'll set it up for this Friday evening."

"So quick?"

"Yes, it's best to get it out of the way. Then we can start planning the wedding." She smiled down at me with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

* * * Becky Latham

He had finally done it, asked me to marry him. I, of course, had said yes with all my heart. As I lay there, I shuddered with thoughts of our life to come. I was so happy he had popped the question.

"Max I love you so much," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too sweetheart."

I propped myself up on my hands and stared down into my lover's eyes. Max smiled up at me. I was so happy, happy that I was here with Max, happy that I was a Walker Troop, happy that I was finally going to be Mrs. Max Jones.


* * * Max Jones

I was sitting, uncomfortably, in the back of a cab in my dress greens. Becky was by my side, also in her dress greens. We were on our way to meet her parents at their house in Pacifica, an hour's ride from the base and it was going to cost me a fortune. Becky clung to my arm as the scenery flowed by. I had never been in this part of the city before. The houses started to get bigger and bigger, the plots of land they stood on grew larger and larger.

"Where the hell do your parents live?" I asked as we rolled past great mansions set on hills.

"They live on the outskirts of town. Not much further now."

I sat back watching the great mansions roll past getting more and more elaborate. I wondered who Becky's parents were and what they did for the Federation. We finally rolled up to a set of gates. A man stepped from the gatehouse as Becky rolled down her window.

"Sven, it's me," she said waving her hand.

"Ah, Miss Becky, they told me you were coming tonight," Sven said as he reached back into the gatehouse and pressed a button opening the gate. "Go right on up to the house." Sven waved the cab in.

It looked like I was about to meet the parents of my future bride. I gulped in air as my chest contracted. I finally found something that scared the bejeesus out of me.

* * * Becky Latham

The cab stopped at the steps that led up to the ornately decorated front door. A door I had stepped through so many times. A door I had come to hate. The door to my past, a past I wanted to forget, except for one day long ago. That day would burn in my mind forever. I hoped by stepping through it with Max it would finally be over. As we reached the door, I turned to Max and brushed nonexistent lint off his shoulders. He, in turn, straightened my beret, that I knew didn't need straightening.

"Well, here we go," I said as I pushed on the handle. "Yelp."

The door opened without effort as it was pulled from my hand. I almost fell into the house, but Max saved me from utter embarrassment.

"Jeffery!" I exclaimed as Max steadied me.

"I am sorry Missy," Jeffery apologized. He stepped aside to allow us to enter.

Grabbing Max's hand, I pulled him in with me. His eyes grew wide as he took in the elaborate decor and furnishings. The grand staircase covered in red velvet carpeting. The railings gilt and topped with ornate finials. The flag of the Federation stood to the right of the staircase, the flag of Pacifica to the left.

"Who are you, Becky?" Max asked, wonder in his voice as he looked around. I hoped when he found out that he wouldn't back out.

"Just a girl, I have nothing to do with any of this. Believe me."

"If you say so," he whispered.

"If you will follow me, Missy, your parents will be along shortly. They would like to meet you in the library for drinks before dinner."

"I know the way, Jeffery."

"Very well Missy." Jeffery turned and left, leaving us to our own devices.

"Come, Max," I said, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the entryway.

We walked in silence. I took the long way to the library, not wanting Max to see the portraits in the hall leading directly to the library. I didn't want him realizing...that would come later. We entered the library, a grand room lined with shelf after shelf of bound books. I loved this room. As a child, I spent every free minute I had here reading. It was so sensual to hold a book, leather bound, real paper, in one's hand and read the printed words on the page. It gave me such a wonderful rush.

Between the two enormous windows, stood my father's pride and joy, his antique weapons collection, when Max saw this he stopped dead in his tracks. He shook his head as if to clear it of all thought. Two steps and he was standing in front of the case, staring at the weapons inside. The weapons on display went back centuries if not millennia. The centerpiece of the collection was labeled 'M24 Marine Sniper Rifle', Max just stared. Stepping up beside him, I looked down at the rifle, which I had seen so many times before.

"What is it darling?" I asked. I was beginning to think he was getting an inkling.

"I have seen this weapon before, a long time ago, in a different case, in a different house."

He turned to me, searching my eyes. His hand rose to caress my cheek. His eyes twinkled as he gazed at me.

"What is it my darling?" I asked knowing he had realized my secret.

"Rebecca Manning." With that name, the doors to the library opened and my parents strode into the room.

"She didn't tell you Max?" my father asked.

Max spun at the familiar voice behind him. His eyes grew big with surprise. His jaw dropped, his mouth gaped as he put the pieces together.

"Max I have loved you for a very, very long time. Ever since that first time when you noticed, I was a girl and not a buddy, ever since that stolen kiss in the tree house. I love you Max Jones and I will be your wife for the rest of our lives."

"I don't...but it can't be...you were just a girl...not ten years old...not old enough..." He sputtered to a stop.

"I am just five years younger than you darling. When I was old enough I joined the Stellar Army despite my parent's objections. Daddy pulled some strings for me when he realized I was serious and got me assigned to the Walker Brigade. Eventually, I was assigned to your squad, being assigned to you I did on my own by being the best that I could.

"I hope this doesn't change your mind about being my husband?" I shut up, waiting expectantly.

"Max, come sit by me dear," my mother said as she sat on the couch. Max jerked his head toward my mother and smiled. He walked to her and knelt taking her hands in his.

"Silvia, Missus Manning. It is so good to see you, it's been a long time. Too long."

Mother reached out caressing Max's head, then pulled him to her bosom. My dad, Senator Manning, Federation Senate majority leader to the rest of the universe, came to me and wrapped me in his strong arms.

"It's good to have you home, Becca."

"It's kind of good to be home dad."

As I turned to mother, Max was sitting beside her, smiling as he stared at the floor. I went to mother and gave her a hug.

"I have missed you, my dear."

"I have missed you too, mother. It would appear Max has missed you also," I quipped, giggling at the look on Max's face.

"We will have to talk. A lot. When we return to base." The look on my Max's face was stern. I hope I hadn't screwed things up? I so did want to be his wife, his lover, his everything.

Jeffery appeared with drinks for everyone. Max gulped his down shaking his head.

"I always had a crush on you."

"You did?" I asked.

"Not you, your mother." I laughed as he admitted that. Every boy in the neighborhood had a crush on mother. No, every boy and man in the universe had a crush on mother.

"Max, I know you did. All the boys did."

"God, I'm so embarrassed just admitting that to you."

"Don't be. I'm flattered, I was flattered, back so long ago."

"You are still a beautiful woman." My darling's eyes twinkled as he told her that. He might have added more to that statement if daddy and I weren't in the room.

Jeffery entered the room and announced that dinner was ready. The rest of the evening was fabulous. Mother and daddy were gracious hosts. When Max asked for my hand in marriage, it appeared he had decided to be my husband, after all, they whole-heartedly agreed and welcomed him to the family. We left about oh-one-hundred. We were driven back to the barracks in daddy's car. It only took fifteen minutes, as we weren't restricted to surface roads. Max and I were in bed by oh-one-thirty. I was asleep by oh-one-thirty-one.


* * * Max Jones

I was sitting across from Becky, in a quiet club along the strip outside the main gate. It was time for a little talk that I had put off until now. To say that I was shocked when I found out who she was and who her parents were was an understatement. She had been the girl next door when I was fifteen. She was ten and an absolute beauty back then. Yet so different from the way she looked now that I hadn't seen the resemblance until it hit me in the face. Stunned, I had asked her father for her hand in marriage. He had graciously consented.

Becky had cried when her father consented. Her mother wept also. Her mother, Silvia Manning a stunning woman even in this stage of her life, had been a childhood crush of mine. Her beauty had graced the pages of magazines and monitors of the TriV for decades. Every boy in the universe had a crush on her, only she was known as Silvia Gold back then. I had lain awake many a night fantasizing about her lovely body and gentle face. She was, is a magnificent woman. I had to admit to myself at least, that I would still jump into bed with her if the chance presented itself. Not that it would, I'm sure.

"Max, a ducat for your thoughts?"