WBDP - Going Nude for Homeless


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I walked to the alcove a few minutes before the unveiling. I wondered what Brianna had imagined for my little slave this time. When they pulled back the curtain, there was a collective indrawn breath by the crowd and it was immediately apparent why. Marcia was suspended by her hands, or rather, gold and red leather suspension cuffs. She had a gold breast plate molded to her chest, exactly proportioned to her fabulous figure with large pink cubic zirconium stones where her nipples would be. She was sporting a gold belly chain and another perfect gold molding around her hips and groin. The hip girdle didn't extend all the way around her back. It had a leather belt holding it up and a small golden cord extended back from the rear of the golden pussy between her ass cheeks to the belt in the back, so as she spun, her naked ass cheeks were clearly visible.

We had done the molding while she was sexually aroused, so the labia were parted and another pink cubic zirconium was placed where her clit was. She had arm cuffs around her upper arms with chains leading to a gold neck collar. She was wearing a gold mask that came over her head and covered her face from her forehead to just above her lips and below her cheekbones, leaving only her jawline, lips and throat uncovered with holes for her eyes and nostrils. She had double banded thigh bands on her thighs, with another gold band just above her calves and chains linking the two. Her legs were parted by a spreader bar. She had gold ankle chains on her ankles but her feet were otherwise bare except her toe nails were colored with gold nail polish. Her bodyguards stood on either side of her.

They had the ability to extend her outward, away from the alcove and into the crowd and they started doing so, rolling her out slowly, her bodyguards accompanying her. The female guard acknowledged me standing there.

"I wish I could show my girlfriend this," she said. "She'd be so turned on right now."

The male bodyguard said, "I wish she was my girlfriend, I'd fuck her senseless."

"Hey," I said, "that's my wife you're talking about."

"No offense, man. She's seriously incredible is all."

"She is, isn't she. No, no offense. Just tone down the talk and do your job is all."

"Why the hell would you put your wife on display like this? If you don't mind my asking?" He asked.

"It would take a long time to fully explain. Let's just say that she's a bit of an exhibitionist and the sex is fabulous afterward."

People came by and inspected my little slave and take a look at the little tags on her jewelry. The tags on her mask, breast and sex jewelry specifically made clear that they would not be bidding on those three particular items, but on similar items made specifically for the purchaser as these items were precisely made for the wearer. Because she hung amongst them, they could get close, but her bodyguards ensured that no one got too free with their hands. I asked them to keep turning her so that all of her was visible to anyone looking. Emily Ratajkowski again came by to closely inspect the jewelry and she whispered something to Marcia. Marcia whispered something back and there was a quick whispered conversation that no one else was privy to.

The time came for the auction and Marcia was hurried off for her next change. My need was not as great as after the first segment, so I stayed behind to observe the auction while Adele and Monique took charge of Marcia's transformation. Brianna stayed as well. She wanted to see how her jewelry did at the auction, having missed the first segment due to my priapic needs at the time. I made sure that her Vibe was turned on most of the time.

They started showing pictures of the various pieces and began the bidding. As the bidding went on, Brianna told me that they were getting prices 50-100 % higher than she'd anticipated. It seemed that providing my little slave to display her wares was substantially helping the homeless. When they got to her breastplate, the auctioneer informed the bidders that the breastplate was an example of that which would be created for the holder of the winning bid.

When he said that, Jack Nicholson stood up and said that if he was going to be bidding on the item, he'd like it just as it was.

"I'm sorry sir, but the piece was promised to the model," Brianna said. "It belongs to her. And it won't fit anyone else. It's made for her and her alone."

"Exactly. It's made specifically for her. What? I'd want one made of myself?" Several dozen people laughed. "I'm afraid that would be grotesque for me and anyone else who saw it. I mean, look at me," Jack said. "What would I do with something that looked like me? Nor do I have much to do with young ladies that look like the sweet young thing that modeled this. I want this very piece or I shall not be bidding."

"I would second that," said Gary Busey. "I've no need for the process of having one made. I'd gladly pay for that, and the other one, too."

Burt Reynolds also said that he'd like to bid on the things as they stood.

Brianna turned to me and whispered, "Sam, I'll leave it up to you. I know this isn't what I've promised you. I can tell you we still have the molds and could make others for Marcia. The main thing is that someone is going to own some very explicit copies of your naked wife, and it will likely be displayed so that others will see it as well. Would it be tolerable, Sam?"

I'd just displayed my wife, naked, to several thousand people. The memory of her might be burned in their memories until death and certainly for a long time. Now, her breasts, her sex, might be in somebody's home. Might be out there eternally, passed on to next of kin or given to a museum. Was I willing to let her forever exist in someone else's home? To let somebody fantasize about her and whack off to her form? Okay, that was weird. Think of it, Burt Reynolds or some other person masturbating to my little slave.

"I need to talk to Marcia about this. Can they continue auctioning the other stuff while I talk to her?"

"I don't see why not. I'll talk to the auctioneer. Use my phone. Monique is the first one of my favorites."

I stepped away and let them start auctioning off the rest of the stuff while I called Monique.

"Put Marcia on the phone for a second," I said when she answered. "I need to talk to her quick."

"What's up, Sam?" Marcia asked when she picked up the phone.

"Jack Nicholson, Burt Reynolds, and Gary Busey, all wanted to bid on your gold tits and pussy. They don't see any benefit to having their own body forms made; nor even their current girlfriends. They wanted yours. The thing is, that means your body is going to be on display someplace in Los Angeles, or wherever in perpetuity. Some old perv may be masturbating to you until they die."

"So, what do you think? It's kind of crazy, right? Would you care?"

"I don't think so. Hell, most of these people are going to have a hard time forgetting you anyway. If 25% of them didn't masturbate to thoughts of you tonight, I'd be surprised. Fuck! Why not?"

"I don't have a problem with it either. Let's do it," she said. "I'll see you in a few. You're going to love the next look."

I told Brianna to go ahead and sell the stuff and if the top bidder wanted Marcia's body parts, we didn't have a problem with it. Brianna informed the auctioneer during a break in the bidding.

So, when they brought up the breast piece again, the auctioneer informed the bidders that the winning bid could have the piece as modeled or that a piece could be created specifically for the bidder.

Jack Nicholson opened the bidding at $5000. Lot's of other people entered the bidding, and I'm sure that some of them were hoping to get molds done of their own person, but I already knew that three of them were bidding essentially for Marcia's body. The bidding rapidly climbed to $10,000, although it slowed from there as more and more people dropped out. Jack finally won the bid at $16,500. The same thing happened when they auctioned off her lower half. Bidding started high, climbed rapidly, slowed, then finally topped out at $19,000, Jack Nicholson again making the winning bid. The head piece didn't start as high and only climbed to $4500 before topping out. I think that person was buying the mask to be made for herself, although I wouldn't know until later. Segment two of the auction finally ended and I drifted over the curtain for the next unveiling.

When the curtain opened, Marcia was suspended from a spreader bar, upside down. Everything was in black and silver, even her make-up, finger and toe nail polish, and her hair. Her dark hair was braided, coiled, and pinned to her head with a silver webbing net placed over it. She wore coiled silver and black serpents on her upper arms and thighs with the ones on her thighs having the serpents head reared back, looking as though it was about to strike her sex. She had a silver mask, just covering the eyes, and silver lip gloss. Her skin was still oiled and shiny, but her skin appeared to have been dusted with silver powder so that it sparkled. She wore rings on each of her fingers with tiny chains leading to silver and black wrist bracelets. Her breasts were covered with coiled wires, attached only at her nipples which had straight bars with chains at either end that were connected to her labial hoop. Her arms dangled below her head. I thought her entire appearance was enhanced by her upside down suspension. She was lowered enough so that her hands were about four feet from the floor and the hand jewelry could be seen without stooping too much. She looked terrific and I turned on Brianna's Vibe so she knew how much I appreciated it.

When I got closer to Marcia, I could smell her arousal and I could see a drop of her fluid beginning to run down her stomach. I took the cloth I'd brought for the purpose and wiped it up, careful to dab so I didn't disturb the silver shimmer she had. I handed the cloth to the female guard and asked her to keep an eye out for any more leakage and to wipe it if it became obvious.

I got close to her and bent down to whisper in her ear, "You're very aroused again, aren't you Marcia?"

"Yes," she whispered back.

"Have you cum since you were suspended here?"


"My exhibitionist slut," I said, caressing her cheek.

"Yes, your slut," she whispered.

Her sex was high enough that people could not see her arousal, although those whose sense of smell hadn't been totally obliterated by whatever people in Hollywood put up their noses these days could probably smell her arousal just as I had. I'm sure her two bodyguards could as I would occasionally see their nostrils flare.

Just before 10:00, they drew her back into the alcove and closed the curtains so she could be lowered and allowed to clean up and dress. Additionally, the jewelry had to be cleaned up and sterilized for delivery to the purchasers. I stayed back for the auction again because I wanted to bid on Master Don's donation of a sailing cruise. Monique promised to deliver Marcia back to the auction as soon as she was dressed.

The jewelry went first, just as they had during the other segments, big pictures of her body part displaying an item of jewelry. Brianna confirmed again that her jewelry was doing exceptionally well compared to previous years. When the cruise came up for bid, I jumped in on the bidding and I was willing to pay up to $15,000 for the right to sail around the Caribbean with my little slave, but I was fortunate to get it for $11,750. I believe that Brianna was climaxing at the time, as she grabbed my arm and bent forward slightly like she was trying to reestablish her equilibrium. When she regained her composure, Brianna congratulated me on the bid and said she was looking forward to the trip. Marcia came out and joined me, tucking herself under my arm and resting her head against my chest. All she had on was a t-shirt and shorts, not bringing any other outfit other than what she wore to enter the building.

After the bidding concluded, people came to the front to collect their new things. I was given a certificate with a phone number to call to arrange for my cruise. Jack Nicholson came up to collect his new purchases and he introduced himself to us.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Nicholson. I've greatly admired your film work," I said.

"Call me Jack. I greatly admire your lady friend," he said. "I've paid more for pieces of art, but I've never gotten anything more beautiful."

Marcia said, "Thank you, Jack. You're very kind to say so."

"I've easily paid three or four times what I intended to spend tonight, but it was worth every penny. May I ask your names?" Jack said.

"My name's Marcia. This is my husband, Sam. I have to admit that it's going to be somewhat strange, to have something so personal and intimate in your home, Jack. What were you planning on doing with it?"

"I was going to treat it like a piece of sculpture. Commission a mannequin or statue or something be made to hang it on. I could send a photograph once it's finished; let you know what it looks like. Leave a phone or address with my assistant. He'll take care of it." He nodded to an earnest young man who was holding the package. "Do you live around here?"

"No, we're from Florida," I answered.

"If you're ever in Los Angeles during basketball season, I can get you some tickets to the Lakers game. I've got an in with the owner."

"Thank you, Jack. We appreciate the offer."

He shook my hand and kissed Marcia's. He gave her the famous Nicholson smile, said "Thank you," and left.

The assistant stayed behind long enough for me to give him my phone number, then he hurried after his employer.

"Can we go?" I asked Brianna. "I'm ready to get out of here."

"Yes. We're done here. I'm so horny, I'm dripping."

We all left and as soon as we were in the limo, everyone but Monique stripped off their clothes. I pointed to my healthy erection and asked that Marcia and Brianna help take care of it. They both demonstrated their cock sucking skills, Brianna establishing that she'd clearly learned from her lessons with Marcia. As I got close to release, Brianna climbed on board until I climaxed and left another deposit in her tight cunt. Marcia helped her clean up afterward. I may have fallen asleep before they were done.


Chapter 6 - Another Surprise

When I awoke the next morning, my little slaves were still sound asleep. I woke up Brianna and asked if there was anything we had to do today.

" I had no plans beyond the auction and getting pregnant. I think that we can do anything we want to do today as long as it includes lots of sex," Brianna replied.

I got up and headed to the shower, Brianna and Marcia trailing after. Marcia's phone rang and she glanced at the display and said, "I have to take this. Go ahead. I'll join you in a few minutes."

I nodded and continued to the shower, Brianna holding my hand.

"What's the phone call about?" She asked.

"I don't know. It's not a work number, or any of the people that I know, who all have pretty distinctive ring tones. She'll tell me later, I imagine."

It was about five minutes later that Marcia joined us in the shower. Brianna had already soaped me down and rinsed me off and I was doing the same for her when Marcia slid in, soaped up and began rubbing her sudsy body all over Brianna. I saw Marcia whisper something in Brianna's ear and Brianna looked at her questioningly for a moment. Marcia shrugged and whispered again. Obviously, Marcia had something in mind to which only Brianna was going to be privy until they were ready to share it with me. So far, I had enjoyed my trip immensely and wasn't worried that it was going to be anything that I wouldn't want to be a part of, so Marcia and Brianna could have their little secrets. We dried off and Marcia asked for permission to speak with Brianna privately while I went down to breakfast. I smiled and shrugged, giving her permission.

I went down to a delicious breakfast of crepes and fruit, chorizo sausage and spicy bacon. It was at least fifteen minutes or perhaps longer before they joined me, kneeling at my side like the good little slaves they were so that I could feed them. Afterward, we all returned to the pool to soak up more sun. Brianna and Marcia grabbed two of the floats. I grabbed one of the lounges and applied some lotion before reclining. They continued their whispered conversation in the pool and I was really starting to wonder what all the fuss was about even as I dozed in the sun. I dreamt of naked females surrounding me and stroking my body. I woke up with a raging hard-on when Monique came out and had a whispered conversation with her mistress. Whatever all this mystery was, it was apparently expanding past the two lead conspirators.

After Monique went back to the house, I asked them both to come and pay attention to my steely shaft.

"I can't believe that I still have anything to give," I said, "but the luscious company has certainly worked it's magic once more and I need to sink my cock in some hot pussy again."

"Master, please allow a slave to suggest that you may want to wait a little while before relieving your desire, Marcia said. "I believe that you will find a small delay well worth the wait. At this time, Brianna and I have to leave for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then we will come and get you and you may put your cock to good use."

I gave them permission and they disappeared into the house, their arms around each other and giggling together like loons, Marcia and Brianna turning to glance at me once before they disappeared in the house, and laughing again, Marcia kissing Brianna like she'd done it all of her life. I didn't know what the big secret was yet, but the anticipation was killing me.

I stared down at my rigid prick. "If their promises have any validity, you'll soon be seeing some action, big boy. Just hold out a little longer." I lay back down in the lounge to wait.

True to their word, they came out in twenty minutes, Brianna carrying something in her hand. When she got closer, I could see that it was a scarf.

"We think that you'll enjoy this more if there's a big reveal, Master, so if you don't mind, I'd like to tie this over your eyes so that we can remove it at the appropriate time."

I bent down and she tied it around my head, making sure that I couldn't see through or around it. They each took a hand and led me into the house. We turned in the direction of the punishment room and I really began to wonder what they'd cooked up together and why there had to be so much secrecy. I could hear the other slaves laughing and tittering around me and so what lie ahead was something they were all aware of. Evidently, I was the only one in the household who had no idea what was about to happen.

We came to a stop in the middle of the room and Marcia said, "Bend down a little, Master, and I'll remove your blindfold."

I did as instructed and she loosened the knot, then had me stand again before lifting the scarf. For just a moment, the light in the room blinded me a little and all I could see were two bodies fastened in front of me in an X position. When my eyes adjusted, I could see that the one on the left was Emily Ratajkowski, one of the women on my free pass list. I stared openly at her naked body spread so enticingly before me and my mouth must have been hanging open because Marcia tapped me on the bottom of my chin and I felt myself shutting it.

"Hello," she said, "my name is Emily, and I brought a friend of mine with me...."

"Bella, Bella Hadid!" I interrupted, having finally taken my eyes off of Emily and placing them on the person beside her. "I'm familiar with your friend," I said to Emily, "although I never expected to see her tied and spread-eagled beside you in my friends punishment room."
