We're a Wonderful Wife Ch. 13


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"Em yêu," said Lanh softly as she stroked his cheek with her tiny hand, "we can't avoid sadness. Into each life some rain must fall."

"True, but I want to minimize its impact."

Don kissed Kim-ly's cheek and asked, "What do you want darling?"

Kim-ly's head spun when Don said that no one has ever called her sweetheart or darling, ever. She's always been a "fuck buddy" at best, and the man she secretly loved just called her darling in the most romantic place she's ever seen, and the woman she finally learned to love dearly was right here holding her. Kim-ly's heart swelled with joy as they bathed in the silvery light of the full moon. "I want you to call me that forever."

As Don was about to reply, Lanh put her finger on his lips and whispered, "Let's not waste this evening talking. Let's love each other and talk about it when we get back to Minnesota." And with that, she and Kim-ly pulled off their sarongs and ran hand-in-hand into the surf. Don smiled, stripped off his swimming trunks and followed them into the warm ocean.

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Don was awakened by Danh crawling next to him on the bed. The little guy sat next to his daddy and started patting him on the nose. "Wake up your daddy!" Lanh encouraged the toddler.

"He's got nothing left," chuckled Kim-ly, and she should know. She and Lanh have been fucking Don practically nonstop since that warm beautiful night on Nisi Arcadia.

Don surprised the girls by opening an eye and smiling at the tot. "Happy Birthday!" he called. It's been a full year since he held his son for the very first time. A year filled with horror and sorrow and finally capped off with bliss and love. "What do you want for your birthday? Would you like some cake?"

Danh broke into a huge grin and brought his tiny hands down on his daddy. He got ebony hair and beautiful almond shaped coal black eyes from his mother, but Grandpa Ralph said he got his smile and his laugh from his daddy. "Attack me in my own bed will ya! Take that!" and Don started tickling the one-year-old who giggled, squealed, and tried to roll out of the way.

"If you keep that up, you're going to have to change him!" warned Kim-ly.

"He's already wet," said Don. "Come here you, let me get those wet pants off of you." But Danh squealed with delight and slid off the bed, landed feet first on the floor then sped off in a high-speed crawl out of the bedroom. "When did you learn that ya little varmint!" Lanh soon returned with Danh and Kim-ly threw a dry pair of pants on the bed with Don.

"Geez, even Jake is quicker than that, and he can't see. What's your excuse?"

Don looked up and there was Tam, an arm around each of her younger sisters. Don wisely chose not to make a disparaging remark about his blind brother-in-law, not with his lovely wife glaring down on him from the lofty realms that those with a black belt inhabit. "I suspect his aunt helped him with his reflexes and speed."

"You keep believing that" said Tam with a grin, "now hurry up and get the birthday boy dressed, his date is on her way." Don made a mistake and took his eyes off an impatient one year old and Danh pushed back Don's covers showing the Nguyen sisters that he was naked. "You may want to dress that other little guy too," said Tam as she turned and headed away, happy to have crushed Don's ego.

Don and Danh emerged from Lanh's Apartment as the guests arrived for the birthday party celebrating Danh Campbell's successful completion of one entire year. His grandpa Ralph was moved to tears to see all the young cousins gathering around the little guy, running through the big old farmhouse, playing, roughhousing the way it was when he was young but hasn't been since. A side table was covered with presents for the little guy, and for Krissy, her first birthday was missed because of the accident that almost claimed her mother's life. The two also were deprived of their first Christmas, but they're going to have to wait for December when they will get a do-over.

There was also a small pile of presents growing off to the side that Ralph didn't pay attention to. But as soon as everyone was ready, Karole and Kim-ly handed Danh and Krissy a present and said, "Take that to Grandpa Ralph!" Still not that accustomed to walking, the two made their way to Ralph and handed Papa his presents then went back to mommy. They ended up making the trip three times, laughing, and giggling the whole time and Ralph ended up with six gifts, and it didn't take x-ray vision to tell that they all were T-shirts. "Open them!" Lanh encouraged and Ralph finally opened a package, it was a t-shirt that said, "My Favorite People Call Me Grandpa!"

Ralph choked up and he turned to Sandy and said, "I thought I never would have seen this happen." Sandy almost said, "I've given you lots of t-shirts," but she realized how much this moment meant to him. First Ralph's wife came down with cancer after having one child, then they discovered that Lanh was infertile, then Don and Lanh lost their chance to adopt, the chance to have a grandchild evaporated for Ralph. But out of the blue, out of Kim-ly's love for Don and Lanh, and even Ralph, a little angel, was born and he became as real as any grandchild could be, and Ralph was tearful with gratitude.

With a kiss Sandy encouraged him to open the rest of the packages that the babies brought him, each one was a humorous t-shirt that celebrated being a grandpa and each brought laughter.

Next came the cake, Krissy and Danh were placed in highchairs side by side and after a spirited but off-key recitation of "Happy Birthday to You" both were given oversized devils food cupcakes with whipped cream frosting. It took a long time of tentative poking and inspecting, but eventually each child stuck a finger in the frosting and tasted it. The realization of how delicious the food was coming as a revelation that spread over their faces and soon both were painted with whipped cream and cake crumbs. Krissy began digging out pieces of cake and eating them with her hands, every bite causing her older cousins to break out in laughter. Him-Chan turned to his dad Huy and said, "I was never messy like that!" His parents, Huy and Ahnjong, had a difficult time trying to stifle their laughter, Him-chan and his twin sister Anh had cake strewn over a large portion of their kitchen and many of the guests.

Danh tasted the chocolate cake and decided that picking up the cake and eating was taking too long. He chose to cut out the middleman and bent over and stuck his face in the cake and took a big bite causing riotous laughter among his cousins.

Kim-ly watched on, her heart swelling with love as she watched her little boy feed himself for the very first time, and he made a beautiful mess of it. She joined in the laughter and she and Lanh stood leaning back on Don who held them tight, a three-way hug that said it all about their union, and the three proud parents watched their baby grow up. Screw what anyone else might say, this is their family.

"Chi (older sister)," whispered Lanh to Kim-ly, "look beyond Rosa and Bao, what do you see?"

Look beyond Rosa and Bao? Their brother and his wife were behind the crush of cousins that were laughing at Krissy and Danh, practically leaning against the wall behind them, was Lanh talking about a crack in the old plastered wall? Kim-ly almost demanded that Lanh explain herself when she saw a faint body, no two faint bodies, tall and sexy, it's like she was looking at a double exposure of two Karoles, but Karole is sitting in a chair next to Krissy.

Kim-ly looked and studied these visions, they were so faint, but one had her hair cut in a she-mullet and the tips were dyed purple, the other had her hair cut and permed, what is that? They were watching the kids, beaming with pride, then one saw Lanh and Kim-ly staring at them and they faded from sight. "Did you see?" whispered Lanh, "did you see my angels?"

Kim-ly was almost in shock, she did see something, and all this time she thought Lanh was either having an emotional meltdown or she was pulling everyone's leg.

Several times throughout the party Don's cell phone rang but he ignored the calls, today was their day, except for when he disappeared to set up Lanh's present Don centered this day on Danh, his son that was conceived through the love that Lanh and Kim-ly had for him. He loves Danh with all his heart, but he feels a little left out, his only part of that love was a handjob. As Don battled to hold back that feeling that always brings on a bout of depression, Kim-ly came to him and handed Don her phone. "It's Stuart Haugen, he's been calling for you."

"We're busy, tell him to call back tomorrow, I can talk all day tomorrow."

"He says it's important, he has to speak to you now."

"Ok, bring it here," groaned Don. This wasn't a way to get on his good side. Kim-ly handed him her phone and he held it to his ear. "Doctor Campbell," he said sternly, "how can I help you?"

"Doctor Campbell, it's Stu Haugen, I hope you remember our conversation a year ago?" He sounded anxious to Don.

"Yes, exactly fifty weeks ago," said Don.

"We really, really need you, our current president of the school board is retiring and the only other people that will stand for election want twice what we can pay. The deadline to register for the election is coming up fast and our only candidate wants a quarter million a year.""

"Are you sure you want me?" Don asked, "I'll work a lot cheaper but everything I stand for is based on the three Rs above all."

"That is something that Grant Valley parents want to see stressed in today's school."

"Hang on a second," Don had to pause to help Arlo with a piñata. When he returned to the call he said, "Excuse me, pressing family business. Tell you what, I'll run ONLY if you give Dr. Trung Nguyen fair consideration and an interview for the open position in the athletics department at the high school."

"And if he doesn't get the job?"

"If you were open and fair about it, then it's no skin off my nose. Let's think of this as a test. Put my hat in the ring, but if something doesn't pass the smell test with Dr. Nguyen, whether he gets the job or not, I'm out, and I don't care if it's election night, or a month after."

"I don't know if we can pay a doctor to fill this position," said Stuart.

"See? You haven't even interviewed him to find out what he wants for a salary."

"Ok," said Stuart, "I'll be by on Friday to go over the election process."

When Don was finished with the call, Trung came up and asked, "What was that all about? I heard my name come up a few times."

"Brush up your resume," said Don. "Prioritize your athletics." With that he turned back to the party, "Where's that birthday boy?"

As the party wound down and their friends and family went home, Danh soon came down from his sugar rush and collapsed in a long overdue nap. "Where did you go during the party?" Lanh demanded. "You're not going to disappear like that at Sue Lin's party!"

"I was wrapping presents for my wives."

"All is forgiven," said Kim-ly when she heard the word presents. As they returned to their apartment a cheery blaze crackled in the little fireplace and two large presents sat wrapped at the far end of the room. A large gift for Kim-ly sat on the coffee table, the gift for Lanh was on a stand over by the bookshelf. Kim-ly opened her gift first and it turned out to be a new laptop, one with all the features and functions that she could only dream about. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" cried Kim-ly as she kissed Don. "What brought this on?"

"Well, you are our accountant and it's your job to keep us out of prison. I figure you are going to need the very best tools to do your job."

"Can I open mine?" called Lanh from over by her present.

"Of course," said Don as he stood behind her. She peeled the paper from the gift without moving it because it was too heavy. As the wrapping paper came off Lanh stood face to face with a new 5-gallon aquarium and looking back at her was a black and white goldfish. It looked like a swimming snowball, but it had black fins and black protruding eyes.

"A panda moor goldfish! She's so cute!" Lanh looked in amazement at the goldfish she had wanted since the day she heard about them. "Can I call her Marissa?"

"That's perfect, it's been a long time since we had a Marissa around here, don't you think?"

"She's beautiful! And she won't walk on your truck," said Lanh as she kissed Don. Her goat named Marissa loved to climb on things and she scarred the hood and roof of Don's GMC pickup with her tiny hooves.

"I think with motherhood and me and Kim-ly here constantly, you may need a Marissa."

Lanh watched her little fish swim around in the tank and said, "She looks lonely, it's an awful big tank for a little fish."

"I thought the same thing," said Don and he produced a plastic bag containing two more panda moor goldfishes.

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Time both dragged incredibly slowly but at the same time it raced ahead as the official kick-off of Operation Sue Lin drew near. It was tough for Kim-ly because she needed to be off of birth control and Don hates condoms. She was loving the fact that she could have a sex life only to have restrictions slammed down on it. She loves the way that Don goes down on her and the way that Lanh fucks her with Stanley Jr. but there's something to be said about having a hard, throbbing cock in your vagina, and she wasn't getting any of that. Not until Operation Sue Lin enters phase 2, when the embryo is successfully implanted in Lanh and growing will Kim-ly get any dick. Her last decent fuck was on Honeymoon Beach, since then it's been lots and lots of tongue.

Dr. Carla Schaeffer, the genius that made Danh's birth possible, set April third as the official kick-off date and everybody was excited. When the big day arrived the three nervously arrived at Dr. Schaeffer's practice and there Lanh and Kim-ly were subject to an interminable barrage of tests and examinations, then after an agonizing wait the three of them were escorted to Dr. Schaeffer's office.

She came in and smiled and shook their hands, "How's my favorite menage á troi doing?"

"It's been a difficult winter," said Lanh.

"But we got to lay in the sun and play on a private island in the tropics," sighed Kim-ly.

"I'm sure daddy liked that," said Carla as she poured over the test results on her computer. Don never remarked on that statement and Carla never noticed, she became deeply concerned with what she saw in the test results. "Excuse me," she said, and she stepped out of the office.

"What the fuck?" said a shocked Kim-ly.

Lanh turned to Don, there was terror in her eyes. "Something is wrong," she said in a tiny, shaking voice. Don put an arm around her and held her hand with his free hand and gave her a kiss on her temple. He was searching for something to say that would soothe her nerves, but he had a hollow feeling in his gut that she was right.

Carla soon returned to the office with several sheets of paper. "Sorry, I had to step out to the printer," she said to no one in particular. She sat down at her desk, took a highlighter and on each page, she highlighted something in neon yellow, then she handed them each a page, giving two pages to Don. "I'm sorry, but we can't proceed with our plans."


Regular readers of this saga know that I don't end a chapter on a cliff hanger, but I had to do it, just once, just to see how it feels. Chapter 14 is planned to be the Final Chapter in the We're a Wonderful Wife saga, but the series is ongoing, there are several side stories similar to Valentine's Dance and Serendipitous Liaison in the works and to be honest, plans do change... I truly fell in love with these characters, and I intend to continue on with them. All I will say about chapter 14 is that all dangling threads will be addressed.

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LokiiismeLokiiisme4 months ago

Confused about the AFSC. In the last chapter he was E&E and now he is avionics?

Campus77Campus775 months ago

Loved this chapter! So much love and happiness sprinkled with a few tears. Hard to believe that the story is almost complete.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I was looking forward to reading how they caught an enormous wahoo which was not given a name but instead ended up on the boat’s grill. Oh well, can’t have everything

DuleighDuleigh9 months agoAuthor

What school district are you basing your opinion on? Because these rules match my local rural school district

ruddygoreruddygore9 months ago

Minor detail. School board members do not negotiate salaries. They are set and known before the election. Now the school superintendent, who is hired by the board, gets to negotiate a salary. Generally the board is supposed to set policy and the superintendent is responsible for the day to day operation.

DuleighDuleigh11 months agoAuthor

@JohnnyRebBB - You're just going to have to read the next chapter, and check out Stormwatch - The Love Boat

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBB11 months ago

So, isLanh pregnant?

If touching black pearls is so unlucky, does that mean that Don, the unluckiest man alive, is due for even more misfortune?

DuleighDuleighabout 1 year agoAuthor

@Spar1995 - Thank you for your comment, I was wondering if anyone would bring that up. That question will be addressed but in another series, tentatively titled Stormwatch - Summer Honeymoon, hopefully part of the Summer Fun contest

Spar1995Spar1995about 1 year ago

So I've read this entire series over the last week, and I have enjoyed it all. One remark about this chapter though is that there was zero follow up on Yi and Kenny's black pearls. To me, black pearls from a dragon that apparently allow two people to communicate through a form of telepathy was a touch above the spiritual stuff we have seen so far. Just seemed like a waste to not bring it up again if you went through the trouble to write it in the first place. Just my thoughts and again, I wanna reiterate that I've enjoyed this so much. Can't wait to continue with the final chapter of their wonderful story.

wwaldripwwaldripabout 1 year ago

Loving the series

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