Whoremaster (56)


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Bad Mummy (35)

Lezpussiplse (35)

Mumandson (35)

Baby4older (35)

Maybe Baby? She wasn't a kid of 18 or less, despite her name. Just enjoyed talking to a father figure, presumably.


Tim (59) Hello, how are you? I'm older. Too old?

Baby4older (35) No daddy

Tim (59) How are you baby?

Baby4older (35) I'm stared daddy. Tuddle me.

Tim (59) Of course, my darling. Daddy will look after you.

Baby4older (35) Get into bed, daddy, I'm fwightened.

Tim (59) You don't need to be scared, darling, daddy is here.

Baby4older (35) My tummy feels funny daddy.

Tim (59) I'll stroke it for you my angel. Is that nice?

Baby4older (35) MMmmm my pussy feels funny daddy, it tingerls

Tim (59) Shall I stroke it better angelgirl?

Baby4older (35) Otay daddy. I've been naughty.

Tim (59) What have you done sweetie?

Baby4older (35) Are you twoss, will you smack me?

Baby4older (35) Daddy I touched my titties. Are you twoss? And I want you to bite my nibbles.

Baby4older (35) And hold me down and put your willy in me.

Tim (59) You are a talkative young lady! And you've really grown since I last saw you!

Baby4older (35) Tim I am a grown woman with strong sexual urges. I want to be taken roughly. Fucked senseless!

Tim (59) Oh I see. Can I caress you first.

Baby4older (35) Do what you fucking well like, but fuck me soon. I am so horny.

Tim (59) Darling, I caress your inner thigh with gentle touches.

Baby4older (35) I grab your cock and pull you into my arse. You bugger me hard.

Baby4older (35) Don't worry, hun. I'm not a boy, I'm a real woman. You can fuck me straight in a minute, but I do like to be treated like a dirty slut first. Don't hold back, anything! Talk rough and dirty to me.

Tim (59) Shut your mouth you bitch. I am going to screw your pussy now until you scream for me to stop.

Baby4older (35) Oh God, yessssss!

Baby4older (35) Fuck me hard! Fuck my cunt!

Tim (59) I am fucking you so hard. Fucking your cunt. I pinch your nipples.

Baby4older (35) Yessssssssssss! Bite them!

Baby4older (35) Scratch and hurt me!

Tim (59) I bite your nipples and rake your belly with my nails.

Baby4older (35) And my inner thighs! But harder! Hurt me! Use the comb!

Tim (59) I take a comb from the bedside table and scratch your thighs leaving white marks.

Baby4older (35) Cut me harder, break my skin. Use the metal comb! Oh god I'm going to cum! Make me pregnant!

Tim (59) I slash you savagely you dirty whore. You slut! You are scratched and fucked. Cum now and I will cum deep in your belly and make you pregnant with my devil child!

Baby4older (35) Oh god, that was fantastic! I have so got juices running down my thighs. What a fucker you are!

Tim (59) Did you cum?

Baby4older (35) You bet! When can we play again?

Tim (59) I need to recover from your overwhelming sexuality first my angel.

Baby4older (35) Are you a whore master? You should be. Can I be one of your whores and suck you while they sit on your face?

Tim (59) Yes of course, darling. You are sooo hot!

Baby4older (35) Got to go, bye. I'll come again for you soon. My darling whoremaster! Thank you SO much XXX

He was shattered. What a woman! He had never known anything like it, certainly not with his wife. He lay down on the sofa with his head spinning. Whore master! God, was he a whore master? He felt so hot and powerful remembering what she had said. And he blushed at what he had said. He went back to the PC and re-read the conversation. "Are you a whore master? You should be!" Had he been too violent? It was not in his nature to hurt a woman, but it was only pretend fun after all. If she enjoyed it he was quite happy to pretend that he did too.

He went out and walked for a couple of hours. His head was still in a whirl and bits of chat came and went. He had entered a new world and couldn't quite believe that real live women had said so many sexy things to him. He felt strong and proud and rejuvenated. Baby4older had been amazing! She had called him a whore master, "My darling whoremaster".

He ended up in a pub and had sandwiches and too many drinks. He was very aware of the young women around him and realised now that they were all full of sex and possibly there for the taking. He dared to relax his face and then caught a young woman's eye and she smiled faintly at him and lowered her gaze. He actually smiled back! He had felt so old and almost asexual lately, but he didn't feel like an old man any more. He had started a new life with a new identity.

He was a whoremaster! And a whoremaster could do anything!

Chapter Two: Day 2, Sunday

Psychosue (21) Hi.


Masterme (42) I am at your service, master.

Whoremaster (56) Hello, my dear. How are you? And what brings you to the master?

Masterme (42) I want to serve, master.

Whoremaster (56) Do you have what it takes? The master takes only the finest whores. You have to pass the audition before you are allowed to serve.

Masterme (42) Anything you say master.

Whoremaster (56) First you need to strip and show me your attributes. Slowly and sexily. My clients are very demanding!

Masterme (42) I slowly unbutton my dress then let it slide to the floor. I am wearing black lace bra and panties. I am 5ft7, brown eyed, size 10, 36C, tanned and have long black hair. OK master?

Whoremaster (56) So far, so good. Can you talk?

Masterme (42) I think you will agree that I talk well, master! And I want to be a good whore.

Whoremaster (56) Good?

Masterme (42) I mean bad, master. The filthiest whore in your stable. I slowly remove my bra, and you see my tits are golden and perfect. Then I replace it, tucking my tits into the cups carefully.

Whoremaster (56) Hmmm. Not bad. I like your confidence!

Masterme (42) Yes, I am very sexually confident. I'm sure you will be impressed at my performance.

Whoremaster (56) Mmmmmm. Sounds promising!

Masterme (42) I kneel at your feet and undo your trousers and drop them. Your cock is already hard, so I know I am pleasing master.

Masterme (42) I brush it with my cheek and a drop of pre-cum falls onto my tongue.

Masterme (42) I swallow it and look up at you. May I be allowed to serve master?

Whoremaster (56) Mmmmmm, I think probably yes. Now stand up and take off your bra again. Offer me your breasts.

Masterme (42) You sit down on the edge of the bed and I stand before you. I reach to unclip my bra, but hold the cups to cover my nipples. You snatch it away from me, and I hold out my left tit to you for a quick lick. Then my right tit. I tease my nipples and pinch and pull them to firm them up and turn you on.

Masterme (42) I press my breasts together to accentuate my delicious cleavage, so full of promise! I swing and jiggle them. They are firm but mobile!

Masterme (42) I then slowly slide my panties down, wiggling my hips. My breasts again jiggle and swing as I bend.

Masterme (42) I am shaved and smooth as a split peach.

Masterme (42) Would master like me to masturbate to orgasm while master watches?

Whoremaster (56) Yes please my dear. Some of my clients like that sort of thing.

Masterme (42) And you master, do you like that sort of thing?

Whoremaster (56) Yes, I do.

Masterme (42) I thought so! I stretch and squirm my hips on the bed, opening my legs wide.

Masterme (42) I start to caress my stomach and then my tits. Tease and toy with the hard brown nipples.

Masterme (42) I run my hands down to my pussy, and slide my fingers up and down the soft skin on each side of my intimate hole. Nice Master?

Whoremaster (56) Yesssss. Carry on!

Masterme (42) My pussy starts to purr and lick its lips. I pull myself wide open and press the flat of my hand over myself. I rub and circle my wet palm until I feel very aroused.

Masterme (42) Do you want to lick me master?

Whoremaster (56) Not yet. I want to see you come on your own first.

Masterme (42) I wouldn't have let you anyway! Not on a first date! Lol! I slide two fingers into my pussy, and start to rub and tickle my clit. I am so hot for you master

Masterme (42) Later you will lick and suck and fuck me and the thought makes me so hot I want to cum.

Whoremaster (56) Mmmmmmm. Yesssssss.

Masterme (42) I fingerfuck myself faster and pinch my nipples and clit. Oh God, it is starting. Oh yesss, yesss.

Masterme (42) I am going to cum, I can't stop.

Masterme (42) Can I cum, master?

Whoremaster (56) Not yet, my dear. I am enjoying watching you pleasuring yourself for me.

Masterme (42) Please, master. I want so badly to cum for you. I am finger-fucking just for you and my juices are sooooo wet!

Whoremaster (56) You'll have to wait until I say you can! Wank hard and long, and then beg!

Masterme (42) Oh yesssss. You are cruel to me and I love it!

Whoremaster (56) Well beg then and I might be kind.

Masterme (42) Yessss master. I beg you please let me cum now!!!!!

Whoremaster (56) Go for it my angel!

Masterme (42) Oh Ggggggoooooooodddd! Oh, Oh, Oh, I squirt and thrust my pelvis up and down. I am cummingggg!!!!

Masterme (42) Oh master. That was fantastic. Can we play again?

Whoremaster (56) Yes my dear. You have pleased master very well.

Masterme (42) Did you wank?

Whoremaster (56) I am afraid I did.

Masterme (42) Good, I love to turn a man on and make him cum with my dirty little games.

Masterme (42) I have a game where I am the mistress.

Whoremaster (56) Oh really? That sounds interesting.

Masterme (42) Perhaps next time. I'll look out for you. Bye XXX

He was lying on the bed naked with his laptop beside him. His hands were trembling with the effort of typing and stroking himself and he had difficulty extracting a tissue from the box to mop up his mess. He wondered how on earth she had managed to type and do what she said she was doing at the same time. Obviously she hadn't been touching herself, or at least perhaps just with one hand, as he had done. He felt drained, but elated at the sheer joy of having been pleasured by such a beautiful creature. But was she really beautiful? She could have been old and ugly. Did it really matter? Suddenly and unexpectedly the blue male symbol popped up on his screen.


Fancynancy (21) Hello master? Did you enjoy that? Was I your first little boy?

Whoremaster (56) Who the fuck are you?

Fancynancy (21) I'm your little slut now. You were very good, but next time you will fuck my ass.

Whoremaster (56) Sod off, you bloody pervert!

Fancynancy (21) Oh don't be cross master. You will enjoy me again. I have many names. The next little whore you pull might well be me. I shall look out for you specially.

He slammed his finger down on the Block button! What a bastard! What a mug he had been! He'd better watch out for bastards like that in future, but how can you tell when you are online? Best to chat neutrally for a bit to try and get a feel for the other chatter. But she (he) had been very convinging.

He jumped out of bed and had a shower and forced himself to turn off the laptop and grab something to eat. He went for a walk to clear his head. That bastard! He felt cheap and cheated.

At 2 he turned on his PC and logged into the chatroom again. He couldn't help himself feeling excited. He was the whoremaster after all, and the whoremaster was up for anything!


Whoremaster (56) Hi, Sally, How are you?

Saucy Sally (26) Hi. I'm fine. And you?

Whoremaster (56) OK but missing my girls. They're in France and I am here in London on business.

Saucy Sally (26) Aaaaaw! By girls do you mean your whores? Why in France?

Whoremaster (56) I'm French, but Marseilles got too hot for me and so I came to London for a while. I'm now semi-retired, but keep a few girls in my main place in central France.

Whoremaster (56) Whores, yes, but I don't work them too hard. Keep them active but with enough energy left over for me! Lol.

Saucy Sally (26) You speak good English!

Whoremaster (56) Yes I do. And I'm always on the lookout for new talent; need to replace some from time to time. And some leave me for their clients. Bitches!

Saucy Sally (26) Poor thing!

Whoremaster (56) At my age I take everything philosophically.

Saucy Sally (26) I suppose you have to at your age. Lol.

Whoremaster (56) Don't be cheeky!

Saucy Sally (26) Sorry, but I am one of the cheeky girls!

Saucy Sally (26) And what do you look for in a new whore?

Whoremaster (56) Sex appeal. But not just looks. Personality, ability to talk, natural inclination for sex, giving and receiving pleasure. Respect for the master! You got what it takes?

Saucy Sally (26) I think so.

Whoremaster (56) Well show me then.

Saucy Sally (26) How?

Whoremaster (56) If you have to ask, then perhaps you're the wrong type.

Saucy Sally (26) No honestly, it's just that I am not experienced at being a whore. I am sure I can be a good one.

Whoremaster (56) I want bad ones! Lol!!

Saucy Sally (26) I have been very bad! Had loads of bfs.

Whoremaster (56) bfs?

Saucy Sally (26) Boyfriends! Your English isn't that good, then! Lol!

Whoremaster (56) No. well, sometimes there are a few terms I am not familiar with. Did you please your bfs?

Saucy Sally (26) Yes I did. I fucked them well.

Whoremaster (56) Is that all?

Saucy Sally (26) And sucked.

Whoremaster (56) A bit more detail my little apprentice!

Saucy Sally (26) I like to kneel before a man and suck him slowly. Caress his balls.

Whoremaster (56) Hmmmm not bad. And are you an exhibitionist?

Saucy Sally (26)?

Whoremaster (56) Do you enjoy displaying yourself as a bitch on heat?

Saucy Sally (26) Mmmmmm, yes.

Whoremaster (56) Get your clothes off and kneel on all fours. And call me master!

Saucy Sally (26) Yes master. I am on all fours and naked.

Whoremaster (56) Are you petite?

Saucy Sally (26) Yes! 5ft1 and slim, blonde pixie, 34B, green eyes.

Whoremaster (56) Hmmm. I have a valued client who must remain anonymous; a pianist, he loves to play music on beautiful girls' bodies.

Saucy Sally (26) Mmmmm!

Whoremaster (56) I'll show you how. Can you lie down naked on your back across my knees, with your head hanging down one side and your legs on the other. Are you comfortable like that?

Saucy Sally (26) Mmmmmm. Yessss!

Whoremaster (56) Your belly is stretched taut and your breasts almost flat, with little button nipples standing up. Your legs are slightly parted.

Saucy Sally (26) Mmmmm!

Whoremaster (56) My fingers touch your belly and flutter up and down like a piano keyboard.

Saucy Sally (26) Oh god yesss!

Whoremaster (56) My left hand tickles your nipples and my right hand strokes your thighs.

Whoremaster (56) I lean to inhale your beautiful aroma, honey and cinnamon and lemons.

Saucy Sally (26) Yessss

Whoremaster (56) Your fingers flutter to your pussy and you part yourself a little, you are moist.

Saucy Sally (26) so wet for you master.

Whoremaster (56) the juice trickles down and tickles your bum teasingly and my fingers tickle your pussy lips.

Whoremaster (56) My left hand pinches your nipple and tugs a little, and twiddles you.

Whoremaster (56) Your legs open wider and I slide a finger into you a little way, feeling you clasp me with your pussy muscles. You are so wet.

Saucy Sally (26) Mmmmmm, you bring your fingers to my lips so that I can taste myself.

Whoremaster (56) You lick and suck my wet fingers.

Whoremaster (56) I pick you up and stand up with you upended, you wrap your legs around my neck and press your pussy to my mouth.

Saucy Sally (26) I grab your cock and take it into my mouth.

Whoremaster (56) Are you scared?

Saucy Sally (26) Yes but I love it! Walk around and lick my pussy while I suck my master's cock.

Whoremaster (56) You are so hot! You are making me weak at the knees.

Saucy Sally (26) I suck you till your knees tremble and you cum in my mouth and you suck my clit and make me cum. Oh god I am cumming now.

Saucy Sally (26) Cumming for you master.

Whoremaster (56) I cum in your hot mouth and you drink my cum greedily.

Whoremaster (56) Sally are you there?

Whoremaster (56) Did you cum, darling?

Whoremaster (56) Sally I think you have left me. I hope you came and fell asleep.

Whoremaster (56) I lay you down on the bed and tiptoe off. I would have liked to say goodbye, but young girls can be selfish sometimes.

Saucy Sally (26) Master you did made me cum, I squirted all over my thighs and the bed! I love you. I have to go now. Can we play again?

Whoremaster (56) Tomorrow maybe angel. I'll look out for you. Angel did you touch yourself while I was talking to you?

Saucy Sally (26) Daddy, I wasn't selfish, I was so overcome you made me cum so hard! I want you to play me again tomorrow! Yes I did touch!

Whoremaster (56) I'm your master, not your daddy!

Saucy Sally (26) Sorry master! XXX

Saucy Sally (26) I have to go, bye XXX


Game for Gentleman (29) Hi

Whoremaster (56) Hi Game. How are you? And what brings you to an old master like me?

Game for Gentleman (29) Horny master. And I like a masterful man.

Whoremaster (56) Are you a game (as in fun) for a gentleman, or game (as in big game) for a gentleman, or are you game (as in up for it) for a gentleman? And why would you think I am a gentleman?

Game for Gentleman (29) All three, and I don't care whether you are a gentleman or not! Lol!

Whoremaster (56) Are you a boy?

Game for Gentleman (29) Not last time I looked! Lol!

Whoremaster (56) Are you lying to me?

Game for Gentleman (29) No! Don't be horrid!

Whoremaster (56) Are you posh?

Game for Gentleman (29) Very! Are you?

Whoremaster (56) Not at all. I am from Marseilles, but life there got too hot for me and I thought it prudent to move to London, which is so much quieter and safer!

Game for Gentleman (29) Oh I love a bit of rough. Can we meet?

Whoremaster (56) Fraid not, I am now in France in my small retirement chateau in an unremarkable village in Limousin. Just me and a few of my girls. I still whore them out from time to time for a bit of spending money, but I am virtually retired. I intend to live to a ripe old age.

Game for Gentleman (29) You already have! Lol.

Whoremaster (56) Don't be impudent! I am the master after all. My tentacles spread wide and I can punish impudence with impunity!

Game for Gentleman (29) I'm sorry master. You speak very good English. Are you really French?

Whoremaster (56) Of course. My grandmother was English and she taught me.

Game for Gentleman (29) Do you still take on new whores?

Whoremaster (56) Only the very best. Some of you girls are too good to be pimped out, and I keep you for myself.

Game for Gentleman (29) Would you keep me for yourself?

Whoremaster (56) That depends on how good you are.

Game for Gentleman (29) Oh, I am very good, master I have worked with politicians.

Whoremaster (56) Really? You are a whore already?

Game for Gentleman (29) I don't call it that, but yes.

Whoremaster (56) Really? Are you being honest?

Game for Gentleman (29) I'm always honest master, except sometimes I pretend to come when I haven't.

Whoremaster (56) I hope you won't do that with me!

Game for Gentleman (29) I don't think I would need to! You are very exciting!

Whoremaster (56) But you don't know me.

Game for Gentleman (29) Well from what you've told me, you are hot! I love Frenchmen. Do you have a French accent?

Whoremaster (56) Yes, and I find English women's accents very sexy!

Game for Gentleman (29) What do you look like?

Whoremaster (56) 5ft10, short greying hair, small scar on left cheek, muscled but no fat, hairy body and grey eyes.