Wild Flower Ch. 01


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"You were with her last night, the entire night. Oh!" He gasped. "Did I forget to mention that you kept her at home the entire day? Didn't you kiss her yesterday and do all those things you wanted?" He asked, crossing his arms on his chest. "Are you that horny that you had to follow her to work too? Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't come here? Clothes would be hanging everywhere in this office. Please, sir or whatever your name is... this is an office and we demand respect."

"What?" The man sounded angrily, moving his eyes to the scared woman. "Who is this man and..."

"Stop!" The woman actually sounded scared. "This is my boss. He is the owner of this company and..."

"Oh..." The man gasped, smiling at Angelo which he found irritating. "I am really sorry but I just came here to visit my wife and..."

"Sir... I want you to get out of here right now." He snapped. "You are the reason why your wife didn't come to the office yesterday. Don't make me any madder than I am right now. You are the reason why she's lazy. Get out of here."

"Sir, please..."

"I will not repeat myself once again." He said harshly, shouting at the two of them. "What type of no sense is this? You have a whole lot time to do anything that you want. I don't want to see you here again or you are gonna go with your wife. Now... get out!" He furiously pointed towards the door.

The man seemed mad but his wife told him to just leave. He looked at Angelo with anger and then stormed out of the office. Now it was just Angelo and the scared looking woman that was visibly trembling.

"I still can't believe you have the guts to bring your husband to my company after telling you about all the work that needs to be done." He yelled, putting fear into the woman's soul. "How dare you? Does this look like a brothel to you?"

"I am sorry, sir... I... he..."

"Well! This is the last time that I want anything like this to happen." He warned her, pointing angrily. "And warn your husband to stay clear of this company if all he wants to bring is his foolishness. I don't want to repeat myself or the both of you are gonna pay. There's lots of work and you chose to bring your foolish husband and flirt with him. If you think your husband is more important then quit." Angelo's voice was so high that he was sure everyone could hear him.

"What kind of idiots do I have working under me?"

"I am sorry."

"Sorry for yourself." He hissed, pointing at her. "Now stop your foolishness and start working. We still have a lot more to advertise and I want to have that work by tomorrow morning." He hit his hand hard on her desk.

"But sir, how can I finish all that..."

"I don't know and I absolutely don't care." He snapped at her. "What I want is to have that work on my desk. In fact, I want to find that work on my table before I come tomorrow morning. Do you understand me?"

"Yes!" The woman nodded, sadly sitting on her chair. "I will do as you say, sir."

"Good!" he smiled at her. "I am glad we understand each other. And warn your friends to never try this again or all of you will be out of this company at the snap of my finger." He yelled. "Now start your work immediately."

The woman nodded softly. Angelo grinned and then left the office only to discover that there were people outside, many of them. Seeing them, Angelo got even madder than before.

"And what the hell are all of you doing here?" He snapped. "Don't you have work to do?" they nodded. "Get the hell out of my sight and continue with your work. All you know how to do is gossip." They still stood there. "Get out!"

At his command, the people started running away from him, going into their posts. He couldn't believe that he had those idiots working under him. It was really annoying. All they knew how to do was just stand and listen to gossip. Fuck!

With a loud groan, Angelo started going on his way. He still needed to keep his mood right and check how everything was going. He was still going when...

"You are still the same old fearless businessman." A voice sounded with a chuckle, a really familiar voice.

Hearing that familiar voice, Angelo's face brightened up with a brilliant smile. All his anger melted away, replaced by immense joy that took control of his entire body. With a loud laugh, Angelo made a quick turn, looking at the man that called his name.

"Jack!" He exclaimed, acting as if god had visited him. "Oh my God."

Jack was Angelo's childhood friend. In fact, they were more than friends. Jack's mother and Angelo's mother were actually friends so he lived with Angelo and his parents most of the time because his father and his mother took really took good care of Jack's parents.

Jack was a 24 year old man. He had beautiful brown eyes... deep brown hair... sexy body, neither too thin nor too fat. Jack was wonderful, really wonderful. That day, he was wearing a beautiful blood red skinny jean, yellow designer's t-shirt and red snickers. He had glasses which he had in his hair. He was looking fabulous.

In short, Jack really helped Angelo when his parents died long ago. He was the reason why Angelo was still confident. In fact, Jack was like a brother to him. He was one of the people he trusted so much and loved like crazy. His friend was also gay and currently single. Jack was perfect... he was caring unlike Angelo... he was more than a brother.


Angelo rushed to him and gripped him into a tight hug that made him feel warmer too. When they both hugged, they giggled like little girls.

"What a surprise." He pulled away from him, holding his hands carefully in his. "What are you doing here at this time?"

"Well... I..."

"Never mind," Angelo said, shrugging. Everyone in that building was surprised to have actually heard a happy voice from him. It was really surprising. "Let's go to my office and then we'll just talk okay?"


The two guys entered the elevator and held each other's hands, talking the rest of the way to the office. Reaching the office, they headed for the living and Angelo served his friend some coffee and cookies. He was just so happy, really happy.

"So why did you choose to visit me today after all these days?" He said, leaning to the couch. "This is a great surprise and... I am just so happy. You've completely turned my mood around." Who would have known that same bitter Angelo was the one who actually sounded so sweet? It was a surprise to everyone who heard him.

"What do you mean?" Jack laughed, rubbing on his mustache and the beards on his chin which were wonderfully cut. "I haven't even forgotten about you. I would never do that. It's just that... I really had a lot to do with the company and besides, didn't you just return to the country a week ago."

"Yeah," He chuckled softly. "I have really missed you and I would really like for you to be visiting me more often."

"Yeah," he sighed. "I have done a lot of things and I think I will be visiting you more often."

"That's great. By the way, how's your company?" Jack owned a small company which produced at least, a million dollars per year.

"It's fine. But enough of that," He smiled, rubbing on his friend's hand. "I just wanna spend some time with you. BTW, how's your husband? I haven't seen him for quite some time."

"Oh... he's perfect." He blushed, dropping his eyes to the floor. "I called him a little earlier and he was missing me. He wanted me to go back home to him. You know... my husband is probably the best in the world. He really loves and..." He held both his friend's hands. "You two are the people that I love so much and trust with my life."

"Oh..." He rubbed on Angelo's sweet cheeks. "Thank you so much. I know you have trust issues but you trust me so much and I will never break that trust." He promised, grinning at the sweet boy beside him. "Speaking about work, what's with you and your employees? Why were you shouting at them like that?"

Angelo chuckled softly. "Don't mind those stupid fools." He raised his eyebrow, still smiling at his friend. "Can you imagine what they did?"

"What did they do?" Jack crossed his arms.

"They didn't come to work yesterday and they had the nerves to tell me about their foolish outings. I had an important meeting that they needed to attend." Jack raised his eyebrow. "And they still had the guts to stand and do foolish things just delaying all the works. Can you imagine?" He chuckled bitterly. "They think money grows on trees."

"Angel." Jack shook his head, chuckling softly. "These are your employees. How long will you continue to treat them like this?" He asked softly. "They do all the work and besides, yesterday was a Sunday and they needed to be home."

"Not in my company, they didn't." He nodded. "I don't like delays. I pay them to work for me." He knew Jack was gonna tell him that because he always told him to change. "I don't trust any of them. That's what you have to do to survive in a business. Don't tolerate any foolishness or stupidity from them."

"Okay." Jack sighed, acting as if he was surrendering, raising his hands high in the air. "But you must treat them better than you do right now. They are humans and need to rest."

"Please. I am in a very good mood. Let's drop this topic and talk about something that is... sensible, like us."

"Okay." Jack sighed. "We need to catch up on our lost time."

"Yeah. I think we really do. Let's..."

"No!" Jack shook his head. "Let's get out of here and then we will have dinner together at a classy five star hotel."

"My hotel?" Angelo shrugged. "I was about to head home but... sure. I will just grab my phone and my keys."

Angelo quickly grabbed his stuff and he and Jack left the company premises but that was before instructing his assistant to monitor everyone and make sure that they leave at the time he had told them. Now he was ready to have fun with his best friend and brother from another mother.


Angelo was back home after spending a few hours with his best friend. He was lying on his husband's chest. His husband had him carefully held. They were both on the couch, watching a really special romantic program that had them both hooked. Angelo was sitting between his husband's legs with his head on his chest. It was beautiful.

Angelo had spent a few hours with his friend and it was fun. He had come back home, welcomed romantically by his husband and then took a great shower with his husband. He didn't have dinner when his husband was having dinner and now they were together on the couch after kissing until their lips were swollen.

They had a variety of cut fruits with them and Gabriel was carefully giving them to Angelo. They were a romantic couple just like the movie they were watching on the TV. The way they held each other was amazing and heartwarming.

"I really missed you a lot today. I even thought of coming by the office just to see your pretty face." Gabriel said softly, kissing Angelo on the head.

"Why didn't you come?" He chuckled, his eyes still glued on the TV. "I think it would have been great to have you around. You don't really like to come to work more often but... you can always drop by to... see your husband." Gabriel didn't really like working most of the time. He had a master's degree in business administration. The guy had a lot in his brain and he always helped Angelo with stuff at the companies.

"Of course," He chuckled, holding Angelo tightly. "I will drop by and then I will kiss your brains out. I think we might even make love in that wonderful bedroom in your office."


"Would you like that?"

"I think I might." Angelo smiled brightly. "After all, Angelo Rodriguez is the boss and can do anything."

"Yeah," Gabriel sighed, getting a little comfortable. He planted a kiss on Angelo's cheeks. "Baby, can I talk to you about something important?"

"Of course," Angelo nodded. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

"Promise me you'll agree with me on this one. Please."

Angelo moved and stared into the serious face of his husband. "I don't know what you want but I promise to give it. Shoot!"

"Okay." Gabriel took a really deep breath. "Will you please legally change your surname to mine?"

Hearing Gabriel's request, Angelo's smile faded completely, replaced by a frown. His heart gave a sharp pound and he knew exactly why. His breaths came out as harsh and his entire body vibrated into which he had no idea of. He looked at his husband and he had no idea what to say to him.

Angelo slowly moved his head from his husband and sat up, still staring at him. "I thought we talked about this and..."

"Yes!" Gabriel nodded, cupping Angelo's cheeks. He planted a kiss on his lips. "I know we did but... I can't just ignore this anymore. I want you to change..."

"No!" he said harshly. "I am not going to change my name. I told you this before we got married. Besides, what's..."

"I am your husband." Gabriel pointed out. "I want you to carry my name. Please, my love. I want you to change your surname. My name is Gabriel Harrington and I am your loving husband. I want you to change your name from Angelo Rodriguez to... Harrington."

"No!" Angelo was trying to keep his cool. "I will never..."

"You promised me you would grant anything I ask of you."

"Yes!" Angelo nodded. "But anything but that. Ask anything and I will grant it to you."

"No!" Gabriel nodded. "We are married and everyone knows that we are married. It's been eight months since we got married and every couple goes through this. Everyone takes their husband's name and it is normal. What will people say? Please..."

"No!" Angelo furiously got up. He actually yelled, breathing violently. "What is it that you don't understand, uh?" He snapped at his husband. "I will never change my name and..."

"Baby..." Gabriel quickly got up. He spoke softly. "Please. Don't be angry."

"Well! Stop forcing me to do what I don't want to do. Why is it..."

"It's just a simple name changing." Gabriel chuckled softly. "Baby, I love you so much. There is no big deal with changing to my name."

"Well! It is not big of a deal to you." He snapped, looking at his husband. He couldn't believe he was actually that angry... at his husband. "But this means everything to me." He pointed at himself. "This is what reminds of my parents and everything that bonds me to them." He yelled, scaring his husband a little. "This is the name that is my identity. All my companies..."

"You can change them..."

"I won't do such a thing. I will never change my name or my company's name. My name is not married to you." He snapped, pointing at his shocked husband. That was actually the first time he got mad at his husband. "I am the one married to you so don't make..."

"Please. Don't be angry, my love. I never meant to hurt you or make you angry. It's just a name and..."

"It's just a name?" Angelo chuckled bitterly. "It might just be a name to you but it means everything to me, my own life. This name is my parents' name and I will never ever let go of it."


"I am still talking." He snapped, pointing his shaky finger at his husband. "This name is here to stay and whether I am married to you or not... I will never ever change it. You can do whatever you want but never will I change my name to yours. That will never happen."

To say Gabriel was surprised would definitely be an understatement. Angelo had never been mad at him, never and not even on such petty issues as a name. He somehow got scared. He had seen Angelo snap at his workers and maids but never at him so... it just caught him by surprise.


"Why is it so difficult to understand?" He bellowed as a tear made its way down his cheeks. "Stop forcing me to change my name. You can dream about it but never ever ask me to do this. I will never, ever change my name and whenever you think about asking me about it..." He chuckled bitterly, getting closer to his more than surprised husband. "...always remember these words, 'I will never, ever change my name to yours.' I hope you understand and never tell me about this again."

With a loud groan, Angelo made a quick turn to leave but he felt Gabriel's hand gripping his arm.

"Baby... I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. I am really, really sorry. Please, forgive me for this. It just hurts me to see you like this."

The level of anger Angelo felt was too intense. "Just get your hands off me and let me go."

"Baby... I..."

But before he even finished the sentence, Angelo furiously released his hand and gave him a cold look that scared him. Without even saying anything, Angelo stormed out of the living room, ignoring his husband's calls.

"Fuck!" Gabriel sat on the couch, hitting his head. "What have I done?"

Angelo on the other hand climbed the stairs as quickly as he could and stormed in his room, shutting the door with such force that he swore the floor shook. Reaching the room, he leaned to a wall and panted, trying to calm himself down. More tears poured down his cheeks as he remembered what he had done downstairs.

To Angelo, the name 'Rodriguez' wasn't just a name. It was different and unique to him. It was the only thing he had left to remind him of his parents and his family. It was special to him. Of course, he knew yelling at the man he loved was probably wrong and he was gonna have to sincerely apologize for it but... he didn't appreciate him asking to change his name.

Angelo was taken back to his painful past, sad memories slipped through his mind. But he knew he had to take control. Taking a deep breath of confidence, Angelo furiously rubbed the tears from his eyes, wiping his face clean.

He raised his face and looked at the wall, trying to put himself together. But it was difficult. He wasn't gonna change his parents' name and that's for sure. He didn't care about his love for his husband. He wasn't gonna do it.

"I will never change name. Never!" That was a promise.

After what felt like hours of trying to gather himself, Angelo furiously wiped the remaining tears on his face and started walking slowly to the bed, still thinking about what had just happened. He loved his husband but this thing wasn't gonna work, never!

What follows next?


Thank you for coming to the end of the first chapter. What do you guys think about this first chapter? What do you think about the character, 'Angelo?' Drop your comments about your thoughts and don't forget to rate. Chapter two is on its way. I love you guys so much.

Stay tuned...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I feel that you may have a good story but honestly I could not get past the first 5 paragraphs. I am not one that usually notices punctuation and spelling errors(as I suck at this myself) but your reputation of descriptive words is impossible to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Drinking game

Take a shot every time you see the word "beautiful" and "wonderful " in the story

Harder level : add "huge"

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You over describe and I got over reading the word beautiful. By the time I got to 'beautiful blue eyes that were just as beautiful'. You repeated yourself right there alone, without all the 'beautifuls' before that. No score.

aclassyladyaclassyladyover 6 years ago
Such a good writer.....

All of the stories I have read from Van have had me eagerly waiting for the next chapter to come out. This story is just the same. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. The story is new and inviting and makes you want for more. I have read many stories on this site, but I have only come across just a few that I have wanted to follow them no matter the subject matter. It says the writer is very good if not a great story teller. (wish I could do it that good)

Of all the writers I have in my favs, I have only 2 or 3 that I have read every story they have written on this site. Van is one of those writers that lets my imagination run wild when I read the stories. I get lost in the story and can't wait for more.

Keep writing for this is one hella story!!!!!


Chancem77Chancem77over 6 years ago
A diamond in the rough

People like anon, who feel the need to leave berating comments, are only acting out their anger at their own short-comings. Yes, your stories could use a bit of polishing, but they are in no way shape or form "Trash". When I read your work I see a lot of potential, and a great talent for story telling. Your imagination is inspiring, and your stories are heart felt. You can really feel the emotion in everything that you write. Your characters are relatable and well developed, and you keep the reader interested and wanting more. Those are the key elements in masterful story-telling. I love your writing, and I am never disappointed. Keep up the great work, can't wait to read more. :)

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Dont mess with Angria,and above all..NEVER MESS WITH VANAHOLICS

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Mendesias,that is it dear

thanks for having agreat heart,those words were so sweet.. u kno people who are stupid lyk anon exist so let him die in hell

Thanks for understanding our writer...Thanks for being avanaholic

oh one word for anon..Plz forgive us,our love and spirit for van have abused u,Plz atleast be clever and die in hell

mendesiasmendesiasover 6 years ago

Well! anon... you are right about trash. I totally agree with you. There is trash but the trash here is not this story. the only trash I see here Is you.

"swish swish all the haters are upset, silly trashy bitch just getting jealous."

Foolish anon wanna be writer, why are you here trying to ruin my mood? this story is good and I don't see any trash here. stop this no sense and hating simply because we don't know you. stop hating on our writer. Make yourself known and drop your stupid story here so that we can see.

stop bring people down with your foolishness and jealous.

so sorry vanalas. Please, forgive the bitch. so sorry. just continue posting so that these anons can die of jealous. stupid bitches.

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

because u're also trash anon,trash can read trash Remember

oh..FUCK U

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

What a load of rubbish I can not remember ever reading such trash I wanted to vomit.

mendesiasmendesiasover 6 years ago
Great start.... can't wait for more.

Wow! Vanalas, this story has fluttered my heart. I really like the main character 'Angelo' and his bitterness too.

I also agree with josranvictor this series is really interesting and wonderful to read. The description is necessary and it was wonderful from the start.

Please, Van post the second one sooner.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Nice start

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

I've always been waiting for this kind of story.Seeing the Top guy being poor.Hahaha vanalas u look so vulnerable when u're......Hmmm

haha,,Angel will teach them alesson,no playing

the theme song is live your life by rihanna and T.I

iron Rose,it's okay van this will also work.I know u always bring for us quality...Dont u see wild flower????,am always appreciating,.Mwaaah i love u K.H.S

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Why did he insist on changing the name???..Is he athief??,the way he got mad when they didnt make love!!...That guy isnt right am sure he is hiding some thing

am sure he's not the right guy...Am sure

otherwise Angelo is too rude and i lyk it,hehe

poor workers they have to face Angel's wrath,hahaha

YEAH the intro got me thirsty for more..Yeah please van more but am scared,...It's panicky

it shows me how experienced u're..Am waitin van

its the W.F reign,hehehe,BRING IT ON

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

wonderful van..The genesis is mwaah

am in love with the main character 'Angelo',hahaha i can see Aidan in him..Oh this time round the younger is the arrogant and rich??!!!,yah this is different..Oh the way mary and jonathan died made me cry..And ubruptly uncle???sure Angel suffered.But i wana kno more about him

haa...I doubt Gabriel's character..sure he seems to be good but i find it difficult to agree that he's innocent..For sure even the kiss didnt make me happy as always.I doubt him plus .........jack,i dont know why..

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

blue..Blah blah,how about when i told u that this is the genesis??U hav to get enough description..Besides it has not ended has it??Oh dont spoil my W.F mood..andd,learn how to advise okay???

blue5766blue5766over 6 years ago

I have tried to read this but there are too many wonderful,beautiful etc words. How about just describing the tv as large and forget the other adjectives.

In the end I just became very irritated which is a shame as the story had promise.

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