Wild Flower Ch. 06


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"Look, I am tired of your speech alright." Gabriel breathed in deeply. "Tell me what you wanted to tell me so that..."

"You bastard." He said harshly as tears poured. "You are such a bastard, Gabriel. You are worse than a..."

"What?" He snapped. "Did you actually think I would endure all that hell living with you because I loved you? I only loved your money and talking about your father," He chuckled, folding his arms on his chest. "He really deserved everything that..."

Before Gabriel finished his sentence, Angelo was boiling so hard that he just clenched his fists and thrust them forward, punching Gabriel on his lip. Gabriel got that punch by surprise and he found himself on the ground before he could even realize what the hell was going on. He licked his lips and tasted his own blood.

"What the fuck?" Gabriel yelled, moving his finger to his lip. Yep! Angelo had definitely cut his bottom lip with that punch he had given him.

"You stupid bastard." Angelo yelled. He couldn't even recognize his own voice. "You deserve that for everything that you've done, for hurting me and killing my parents. You are gonna pay, Gabriel. You will pay."

Gabriel felt so much anger. He licked his lip harder, furiously rising from the floor. Then he quickly gripped Angelo's neck and brought him closer to him. Then he breathed harshly on his face, looking deep into his eyes.

"Let me go, you bastard." Angelo cried softly. "You are gonna pay for everything with your..."

"With my what?" Gabriel asked furiously. "What are you going to do, uh?"

"Get your hands off me." Angelo moved his face away from that evil man. "Leave me."

"Why are you moving your face away?" Gabriel laughed, licking his busted lip furiously. "Am I not your husband anymore? Don't you wanna get close to me anymore? Don't you want me to kiss you, uh? Don't you even want me to make love to you for the last time, uh?"

"Get off me."

"I won't." Gabriel gripped him even harder. He cupped both his cheeks and brought his face forward. "You have just messed with me and you are gonna pay the price but first..."

Gabriel brought Angelo closer then leaned and captured his lips. He started kissing him furiously on the lips, sucking them the best way he could. He could feel that Angelo was trying to pull away from that kiss but Gabriel grasped the back of his head and kissed him even more, enjoying the sweet lips for the last time before Angelo departs.

Angelo on the other hand had never felt as disgusted as he felt at that time. Feeling Gabriel's lips once again was actually painful. His entire body felt as if there were needles piercing him everywhere. More tears came down his face as the pain worsened and turned into something else. He was deeply hurt and the pain in his heart was really killing him. It was as if he was put ablaze and he was burning. Every part of his body hurt. The way Gabriel was kissing him was really painful.

Clenching his fists harder as his entire body trembled in fear, Angelo used his might and hit Gabriel so hard on the chest. Gabriel winced, letting go of Angelo. Then he looked at him as if he was a rapist or a thug. Angelo was really angry.

"Wow!" Gabriel licked his own lips sensually, grinning like an idiot. "You taste great baby. Kissing you was always a relief. I will surely miss those lips. I will miss your sexy body even more. Now that we've kissed..." He moaned, tracing his hand downwards. He reached his crotch and rubbed on it hard. "...how about I fuck you for the last..."

"Pig..." Angelo quickly raised his hands, smacking Gabriel across the face as hard as he could. "...you can go to hell, Gabriel. You can burn there for all I care."

Gabriel moved his hand to his cheek, rubbing on it softly. He gave Angelo a cold look, trying to slap him back but he refrained from doing so and just dropped his hands.

"You are gonna pay dearly for that." He promised.

"Do your worst because nothing that you've done to me can be better than anything, Gabriel." He said with a bitter chuckle. "You might kill me but even in death, I shall haunt you, Gabriel."

"Ha ha..." Gabriel gave a manic laugh. "Wow! You are really extra-ordinary. But you will do no such thing. I hate you so much and I don't regret doing any of what I have done. You deserve it all, you pig."

With a deep groan, Gabriel made a quick turn and stormed out of the room. Angelo started running behind him but before he did, the thug at the door gripped his waist and threw him back in the room. He swung his big finger in the air, telling Angelo not to think about it. Then he locked the door.

"God!" Angelo got on all fours and cried in pain. "Why is this happening to me?"

Angelo had never been hurt like the way he was hurt that day. He couldn't believe that he had stupidly lost everything. He wondered how he could have been so blind as not to see all that was happening in his life. He had now realized that the marriage, the love, the promises and the wonderful times were all nothing but lies. They actually didn't happen.

Angelo was now left with nothing. He had no company left and his entire properties. He had been cheated out of them by none other than... his husband, sweet loving Gabriel of all people. Why was that even happening to him? He couldn't understand any of it. He had been kidnapped and he was gonna be killed like his parents.

With everything that was happening in his life, Angelo went to the painful past and how he had felt when his parents had died. It was like he was relieving every painful incident that had happened in his painful past. He had thought his parents were killed and it was now true. Jack, Gabriel and Josh were all to be blamed for it. But it was too late now. His uncle had died mysteriously by a heart attack and it was all because of Gabriel's father and Gabriel was to be blamed for it.

With everything that Angelo had come to realize, he felt so much rage and anger deep inside of him. His entire body was overflowing.

"Father..." He cried softly. "Mother..."

Angelo missed his parents so much. They could have been with him if not for them. His uncle had told him a story like that when he was drunk one day. He had thought it was just the way his uncle talked when he was drunk but it was not that at all. It was what had happened between his father and the man that wanted to destroy his life and his businesses. Was he going to let it go like that?

"What can I do?" He cried. "I am helpless."

"You are gonna die." He remembered Josh's words. He didn't know what to do or how to escape from that place.




Angelo was just fourteen and he was sitting with his uncle. His uncle was not that drunk but he had a beer with him. Angelo could see that his uncle was just as affected about his father's death as he was.

"My son..." His uncle said with a soft chuckle. "This world is really cruel, especially the business world. So many men have always wanted to bring your father down but he kept on rising. The world of business is really a dangerous world. To survive, you must be smart... you must be intelligent... you must not be too friendly because you may not know who your enemies are."


"Listen to me my son," He said, getting closer to Angelo. "Being a bitter, cunning and serious businessman is better than being a friendly, kind and lovely businessman. You may not know who your enemies are and they may try to take advantage of your kindness. You saw what had happened to your father. Who knows, it might not have been a robbery as we thought it to be. You must be really careful. Good people don't usually last in the business world."



Angelo cried hard as he came back to reality. Remembering his uncle's words was really painful. He wouldn't have been alone had it not been for those people. He was mad and given a chance, he would make them pay dearly for it. After what had happened to his parents and the pains he passed through, Angelo became bitter and cunning. Now he was in that situation.

Angelo slowly moved towards the corner and sat there with his trembling body. The tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing. They had a mind of their own and they were painful, red hot and made the pain even worse. He cried even more when he realized that he was soon gonna be joining them without even avenging them.

"I am sorry, mom and dad." He cried. "I am really sorry."

Angelo didn't think Gabriel would have the nerves to kill him but after all those secrets, he knew they were capable of killing him. What if he wasn't gonna survive it? He was really scared but the anger that burned him was strong and powerful too. He hated all of them for what they had done.

"Gabriel..." He cried, clenching his fists.


Alicia was outside, leaning to a pillar while tears rolled down her cheeks. She was in so much pain that she couldn't even eat anything or do anything either. The others might have been worried but they were working. Alicia didn't feel like it at all. She was really worried and so many things were in her mind. She was trembling and she was really sad. The inspector had just called to ask if he had turned up. They were still looking for him and were gonna continue looking for him...

"We are gonna search forests, rivers and abandoned buildings." The inspector had said.

"Are you trying to tell me that my Angelo is..."

"Don't get words out of my mouth ma'am." The inspector had apologized. "We will just be checking them because anything is possible in this situation.

Those words had been more painful than Alicia had thought them to be. All she really wanted was Angelo to be back. She loved him so much that she was ready to give her life just for him to come back to the house.

As she was standing there, Alicia felt a hand on her shoulder. She sighed, looking past her shoulder. It was her son Joe and he didn't look good when he saw the way she was. Seeing her son, Alicia gave a painful smile.

"You really do love him, don't you?"

Alicia sighed, looking at her son. She nodded. "I love Angelo just like I love you. Most of you may not understand him. You may see him as a bitter young man but he is really different and he is good man. He has passed through a lot that made him the way he is. Now he is missing and we have no idea where he is. For two days now," She sniveled. "...Angelo has been missing without any news from him. I am just..."

Before Alicia even finished her sentence, she heard the voice ringing in her hands. She was so sensitive the past two days that she answered the phone without any second passing.


"Alicia." Gabriel sighed on the other end of the line.

"Gabriel have you..."

"Has he perhaps returned home?"

"I was about to ask the same." She covered her mouth as her heart pounded. "This means that you have not found him yet, right?"

"No!" Gabriel sniveled on the other end. "I am really hurting Alicia. I don't know what to do anymore."

"Don't worry," Alicia said as tears poured down her face. "You can come and... and the police..."

"No!" Gabriel said in a voice of pain. "I won't stop looking for Angelo until I find him. I need him back in my life. I can't live without him. Jack and I will do everything just to bring him home."

"Okay. Take care of yourself."

"You too." Gabriel sniveled. "I will inform you of any developments."

Alicia cut the call and tried to rub her tears but they were betraying. She looked at her son and tried to smile but it failed terribly.

"Mother, you shouldn't hide your pain. I know what you are passing through."

"I am sorry. I am really..."

"I understand." Joe said, opening his arms. "Come here."

With a loud cry, Alicia went to her son and hugged him tightly as she cried. She just wanted him to come home to her. She didn't care about his attitude because she could handle him perfectly and was ready to be treated the way she was always treated even worse.


Angelo was seated with his face between his palms. He had stopped crying. He was feeling a little weak and his entire body felt really vulnerable. It was as if he was carrying the weight of the entire world on his head. His pain was worse and his head was hurting terribly. He didn't even know what to do anymore. The betrayal and all the lies were just too much for him to bear. On top of that, he had nothing on him anymore. The only companion was rage and pain.

He heard the door to the room opening and he didn't need to guess who had come into the dirty room where he was.

"Hey baby," He heard Gabriel's teasing voice. "I am back, my love and with the surprise like I told you. I am sure you are gonna love it a lot."

Hearing Gabriel's voice felt like a million arrows had just pierced him. His headache became intense and his body hurt even more. His heart was already broken and it was dead. It was beating but the only thing it was inflicting on him was nothing but pain and the painful secrets that he had found out.

With a sob, Angelo slowly raised his face and got the shock of his life. His heart missed a beat and his body felt cold and dead. His head pulsed and his entire system felt as if lightning had just passed through it.

Angelo's eyes widened and his mouth gaped. He was struggling to breath and he felt really scared and weak. As soon as he raised his face, he just met with the teasing eyes of Lambert and that irritating grin on his face. He wasn't supposed to be scared but he couldn't lie. He was really scared a lot.

"What... what are you doing here?" Angelo quavered, trying to move behind. But he had already reached the wall and couldn't go further. He was visibly trembling and he had no idea what Lambert was doing there.

"Hey baby," Lambert said, giving Angelo lecherous eyes. "We meet again and I must say, I am really happy to see you here."

"Get out of here." Angelo said in a scared voice. "Leave this place, Lambert." He moved his eyes to Gabriel. "Get him out of here."

"Why?" Jack made a grand entrance with Josh and they were both with evil grins. "Are you not a businessman? He is here for business with you and..."

"No!" Angelo shook his head furiously. "Get him out of here and..."

"I told you we would soon meet, Angelo." Lambert laughed, slowly walking towards him. "I knew it was gonna be soon and we are both here."

"Please." Angelo shook his head as a tear fell to his cheeks. "Get him out of here."

"Hmm, I don't think that's going to happen." Gabriel smiled, moving his eyes towards Lambert. "Thank you very much, sir for your great help. We couldn't have done this without you, sir. We are very thankful to you."

"What are you talking about?" Angelo quavered.

"Oh! Did I forget to mention that little detail?" Gabriel grinned, winking at Angelo. "Sorry, you see..."

"I will tell him." Jack said with a cute but rather irritating smile. "When we couldn't find any way to bring you down and get your properties, we got an opportunity when you humiliated the great Lambert. We approached him and talked to him about this entire humiliation. At first, he got surprised when he found out about our relationship with you."

Angelo's eyes widened.

"So..." Jack continued, giving Angelo an evil grin. "...we told him everything. But he was willing to help destroy you. We told him our plan and with his influence, power and money he threatened the doctors so that they could tell you that you were perfectly fine while we gave you that dangerous drug. With his help, everything went smoothly and we executed our plan perfectly. All this is thankful to him and other people that supported him through this."

Angelo opened his mouth to speak but he realized that no word came out of his mouth. He was absolutely speechless and scared. He didn't know what to do. He was trembling and he felt really vulnerable and weak.

"Guess you have so many enemies, boy." Josh laughed.

With a soft chuckle, Gabriel moved his eyes to face Lambert. "Thank you so very much, sir. This has been all because of you."

"You are welcome." Lambert said.

"Now as promised," Gabriel said manically, eyeing the scared Angelo. "Here is Angelo and you can do anything you want with him."

"Hmm," Lambert moved his face to Angelo and grinned. Angelo's breaths seized. He literally died. "Wow! I can't believe you are finally here. I can now..."

"What are you going to do with me?"

"What do you think?" Gabriel said with a mocking chuckle.

"No!" Angelo shook his head when he came to realize what Gabriel was talking about. "Don't touch me. No!"

Lambert rubbed his hands softly. He was only putting on a beautiful black designer's trouser and red shirt which he had tucked in. Angelo had never been as scared as he was at that very time.

"You can have him, sir." Gabriel said, pointing to Angelo. "We are fulfilling our promises just like you have. It was nice doing business with you and it will be my pleasure to do real business with you."

"Thank you."

Just then, there came three men who looked muscular and huge. They were all beautifully and smartly dressed in their wonderful attires. From their walks, elegant colognes and the way they looked like, they were probably powerful men. But one thing scared Angelo more. Those men had masks on them. The masks were kinda ugly and Angelo had no idea why he got really scared. The only thing he saw was their eyes and nose. Nothing else.

"Welcome, gentlemen." Lambert said happily and got surprised when he saw them. "What's with the masks?"

"Well! Unlike you, we have an image to protect." One of the men said in a really deep voice. "We don't want anyone to recognize us here."


"We don't want anyone to know who we are. We want to keep it a secret." Another said in a deep voice. "I hope you understand."

"It's fine." Lambert chuckled. "I don't want any damn mask." He moved his eyes to the other three men. "Can you please leave us all alone with him and close the door while you are at it."

"It's okay, sir." Gabriel said. "We will be outside."

With evil grins, the three men left the room and closed the door. Now Angelo was left at the mercy of Lambert and the three men who Angelo couldn't recognize. He was so fucking scared than he had ever been in his life before.

"Well!" Lambert rubbed his hands softly, kneeling in front of Angelo. "I don't have to explain to you what I have come to do here, do I?"

"No!" Angelo cried softly. "Leave me alone, you bastard. Don't touch me."

"Oh! I can't believe the great Angelo Rodriguez is actually scared." Lambert laughed. "I never knew such a fearless boy would be this scared. What happened to the boy that was a hard nut a few months ago? You don't know how long I have been waiting for this day." He laughed, breathing sensually and licking his lips. Angelo's eyes kept on widening. "This could have been all easy. I would have had a piece of you and it wouldn't have come to this." He slowly moved his hand towards Angelo's cheek.

Angelo furiously slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me."

"Ha ha..." Lambert laughed sinisterly, sniffing the air. "I am going to enjoy this. This will be my revenge for all the humiliation you have given me and for all the pain and drama in my life. You are gonna regret crossing my path. Come here." Lambert quickly gripped Angelo's hair, getting him up with him.

Angelo's headache went to another level. Lambert had gripped him so hard that he couldn't help but wince. He felt as if Lambert was pulling his hair out.

"Get your hand off of me." He cried. "You stupid irritating man."

But Lambert just gripped his hair harder, bringing him closer. Then he did something that made Angelo felt disgusted. He brought Angelo's face closer and licked it sensually. Angelo almost vomited.

With a deep groan, Angelo clenched his fists and started hitting Lambert as hard as he could. But the four men in the room just laughed.
