Wild Flower Ch. 16


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Lawrence was really mad. He still hated Miguel for getting Christian away from Carter. He was the reason why he was hurting terribly. He shouldn't have stolen his man. Just because he was rich didn't give him the right to get any man he wanted. He was really so annoying.

"Yes La don." Iris said with a smile.

"Okay, you may come to my office and tell me his answer."

"Thank you don." Iris smiled.

She continued dialing his number and he just wasn't picking up. Iris tried and tried but there was still no answer from him.

"La don really likes to treat us like his employees." Lawrence said harshly, looking towards the office door with a cold eye. "We are not his employees."

"I think we show some small consideration because we work in his company." Iris said simply. "Now come on, let's go and inform him that we can't get hold of Carter."

Meanwhile, Miguel was in his office, looking right out the window when Lawrence and Iris came inside. He faced them and looked at them. He could see that Lawrence was still giving him those eyes but he didn't care about the stupid guy.

"What did he say?" He asked, rubbing sexily on his hair.

"He isn't picking up my calls." Iris said softly, looking at Don's handsome face.

"It's your responsibility to find out him or else you cannot sell here anymore." He warned.

Lawrence and Iris just looked at each other and then nodded. They couldn't do anything else but heed to La don's advice because selling their stuff at the company was the best thing that had ever happened to them. They couldn't just let it go like that.

"We will do our best, don." Iris said with respect.

"You may leave."

The two left and Miguel went back to his desk and began doing his work that day. It wasn't long before Brandon arrived.

"Wow!" Miguel chuckled, folding his arms on his chest. "With the way you delayed coming I was actually thinking that you weren't gonna come at all."

"I am sorry, Miguel." Brandon thought Miguel's hotness was a different level that day. He looked really sexy dressed in black. How he wished he could have a piece of him in that office. He was just too sexy. "You know that I was doing something. Anyway, how was your meeting with..."

"I don't wanna talk about it." He said harshly, losing the smile on his face. He didn't wanna talk about his pain with Brandon.

"Okay." Brandon raised his hands as if he was surrendering. "I am really sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you are planning something new for him or it's still the same plans."

"Of course," An evil grin appeared on Miguel's face. "He agreed to the deal just like we had discussed. The man is a pig and he might have been different from the others but how could he reject my offer?" He chuckled manically, getting up from his chair. "We are going to set him up and I believe I discussed all the ways with you."

"Yes!" Brandon chuckled like the evil man that he was. "How could I forget something so important, Miguel?"

"Good!" Miguel grinned at him, chuckling softly. He was filled with so much evil and couldn't wait to end Hector's life and finally the last rapist. His mission was gonna be over because Gabriel and jack were just too easy. "You know everything. I have to destroy that idiot's career first and finish him off for good."

"I can't wait." Brandon rubbed on his chin. Everything about that man was just so evil. "I can't wait to see him begging for his life just like the others."

"You won't have to wait for long Brandon." He chuckled bitterly, sitting back on his chair. He then folded his legs and smirked. "Just do as we have planned and we will be finished with him real soon, okay?"

"With pleasure."

Miguel took a sigh of relief and looked at Brandon with a serious face. "Anyway, forget about this Hector issue for a minute. I called you here because I want to know how far you have gone with the other plan." He asked in the most serious tone. "Are your preparations ready? You know that it is important for me to get back what I had."

"You shouldn't worry, Miguel." He reassured. "I want to avenge you as much as you do because..." He paused when he saw the look Miguel gave him. Miguel knew what Brandon was gonna tell him and he didn't wanna hear it at all. "...anyway," He cleared his throat. "I know it's important and our plans are gonna be executed very soon without them realizing what's even going on. They won't find out and even if they do... by that time you will get everything from them."

"Good..." he chuckled sinisterly because his evil plans was gonna come into action. "...I trust you to handle this Brandon. Don't fail me."

"I can never fail you."

Getting assurance from Brandon was really great because Miguel knew Brandon did everything that he asked him to do. He smiled at him because they were more than partners and allies, they were also great friends although Miguel knew that Brandon could be annoying at times.

"Thank you so much, Brandon. That's all for now. You may leave."

"Alright, Miguel, I will see you soon."

With an evil grin, Brandon got his ass up and left the office. As he was leaving, Miguel received another surprising visitor. It was Brian and he came in quickly, wearing a serious face. He stood near the table and gave Miguel a really serious face. To say Miguel was surprised would definitely be an understatement.

"Brian!" Miguel gasped, getting up from his chair. He quickly rushed to him and stood right in front of him. "What are you doing here? Is there anything wrong?"

"What had happened to Antonio?" He said in a demanding tone. "I wanna know now?"

"Seriously?" Miguel lost his cool. "You actually came all the way from home to ask me such a question?"

"Yes!" Brian was really scared. He didn't want Miguel to go into trouble because of the detective on the Antonio case that he had found out about on the internet. "I wanna know if you are involved in Antonio's disappearance, whether you killed him."

Miguel looked at Brian for a long time. Then he did something shocking by gasping in mock astonishment.

"Oh!" He shook his head, giving Brian a surprised face. "Are you really serious? I even had no idea that Antonio is missing and honestly I don't care."

Brian knew Miguel was lying to him. "Miguel, I..."

"Our relationship is based on trust, Brian." Miguel reminded him. "Therefore, you should trust me when I tell you that I had nothing to do with Antonio's disappearance."

"I know that." Brian gave a sigh of relief, patting on Miguel's shoulder. "I also hate those filthy men for raping you, killing your family and taking everything that you ever owned. But killing them is not a way to go about it. Let's report those men."

Hearing Brian's suggestion, Miguel burst into laughter. It wasn't funny but Miguel actually laughed. He couldn't believe Brian had suggested that, knowing very well that St Luis was a very corrupt country. If he dared reported them, he would be as good as dead because Hector was a really powerful man and he was no fool. There was no knowing just how powerful the last rapist was. He couldn't take that chance.

"You must be kidding me." He got serious again. "I can't believe you even suggested that to me. Do you have any idea what that would do to me." He gave a sigh of relief and got closer to the scared looking Brian. He wrapped his arm around his neck and rubbed on it sweetly. "I know you are very innocent, Brian and you wouldn't kill a fly." He knew it was his responsibility to make Brian feel better. "I don't really need to kill those men to destroy their lives. I have other ways."

"Miguel, I know you have something to do with this." Brian furiously moved away from him. "Why are you hiding it from me? We used to share everything that we did but now you can't even tell me anything. Do you know that this could be dangerous for you?"

Miguel took a sigh and went to Brian. He gave him a big reassuring smile. "I think you are just stressed, Brian." He patted on his back. "Why don't you go somewhere where you will just relax and forget about everything? We can have a party tonight if you want."

"A party?" Brian chuckled bitterly, looking at Miguel angrily. "I think those kinds of parties are just a way of you controlling everyone's lives."

Brian made a quick turn and left the office.

Okay! Miguel was definitely sure that Brian's reaction didn't have to do with Antonio's disappearance. There was something else bothering him because he had never seen him react like that before. It was so not like him but whether he was mad at Miguel or not. He wasn't gonna let him know the truth. He loved him too much for him to get into trouble all because of him.

"I am so sorry, Brian." He said softly, rubbing on his eyes. "But I love you too much and I don't wanna get you into trouble. It's better if you just get out of this."

Miguel took a sigh and got his phone. He made a quick call to Mark.

"Hello, boss." Mark answered on the other end of the line.

"Yes, Mark," He said with a serious face. "I want you to keep an eye on Jack and tell me what's going on later tonight. I think my plans are about to come into action."

"Okay, boss." Mark said in a deep manly voice. "You know I would do anything for you."


He cut the call and continued with what he was doing.


Carter arrived at the Powers Company and he found Miguel instructing his assistant on what he wanted to be done. It was already afternoon and he had just come from a date or rather just a talk with the police man that had been constantly asking him out. The police man had kissed him but he didn't feel anything from that kiss, not like the way he felt when he had kissed Christian back at the hospital. He had told the policeman he was in love with someone and was just trying to be sure if the kiss would mean anything to him.

Now coming to the company had probably been a bad idea because once he saw Miguel, he got really jealous. He could remember Christian telling him he only loved him like his brother and it hurt like hell. Miguel was really lucky but Carter still wished it could have been him. He was still hoping they were gonna break up so that he could take the chance and be with Christian once and for all. He stood still and watched Miguel giving his instructions.

Meanwhile, when Miguel finished giving instructions, he got the surprise when he saw Carter standing there. He went to him and told him to follow him in his office. Carter followed Miguel and they both sat comfortably. He was dressed in a deep blue skinny jean and brown t-shirt that made him look really handsome.

"I called you here because I wanted to know why you stopped coming for work." Miguel asked, putting his hands on his table. "Is there anything wrong with you?"

Carter had a big explanation and it was because he couldn't bear to see Christian and Miguel together. It hurt him so much, especially knowing that he worked for Miguel who had the man he wanted in his life.

"I...I just wasn't comfortable." He lied, trying his best to smile.

"Okay." Not that Miguel understood what carter had just said to him but he was gonna go straight to the point. "I don't normally go out of my way for people like you, carter."

"What?" carter chuckled, trying to understand what Miguel meant by that. "Are you referring to peasants?"

Hearing Carter's question, Miguel just grinned at the man. "If that's what you want to call yourself." He shrugged, raising his eyebrow. "I always thought you were driven and wanted more out of life. Anyway," he played with his fingers. "I want to offer you a job. I want you as my personal assistant."

To say carter was surprised would definitely be an understatement. He was really... he didn't even how to react or what to say to Miguel's proposal. On one hand was him trying to stay away from Miguel for the sake of his heart and on the other was this job from, La don himself.

Carter's heart was racing... his body was trembling and he didn't know how to react or what to say.

"What?" He exclaimed, shaking his head. "But I never even went to college."

"It doesn't matter." Miguel said with an assuring smile. "Loyalty in this case matters more than degrees."


"Why are you still thinking about it?" He asked. "Isn't a job better for you right now? I don't think there is anything for you to think about. It is a better paying job than selling sandwiches, Carter. Besides, I am offering it to you on a silver platter. I think you should accept it."

Carter had always wanted a job and getting it from La don was probably his best option but in that case he just couldn't do anything or think properly. He was dumbstruck. He didn't know what to do. What was he going to do... accept the offer and suffer from an impossible love or reject the offer and still suffer from an impossible love. Either way, suffering was inevitable.

"I don't know, La don." Carter said.

"Come on, Carter." Miguel had no idea why he was begging Carter to accept the offer. Maybe it was because he wanted to help him out. "It's a really good opportunity for you and don't reject it without due consideration. You told me that you would need a good job to provide for your mother. I will pay you well."

Carter was too confused. "I don't know." He sighed, rubbing on his hair. "I think I might need two or three days to think about your offer."

"What's the need to think?" Miguel couldn't believe Carter was being difficult because he would have been jumping at that offer. "But anyway, it's your decision but you must know that I am not a very patient man and you must make the decision real soon."

"Thanks, don." Carter smiled, getting up. "I definitely won't take long on this one."

"Okay." Miguel smiled back. "I will be waiting for you answer."

Carter smiled brightly and left. He might have been smiling but he knew he had a really big decision to make and talking to Lawrence didn't assure him of anything because the guy was clearly gonna tell him to reject the offer knowing how he had grown to hate La don so Carter didn't know what to do at all.


"Well, I am glad, Alejandro that you came here this afternoon because I have been waiting the entire morning for you."

Alejandro didn't think he would have faced Miguel the way he had been earlier in the morning. He still had a lot of work to do and he still had an important meeting. But now he was absolutely perfect and he was confident as well. Plus Hector's visit the previous day didn't even affect him anymore.

"I wanna know exactly what you had found out about Brandon's political career." He chuckled, rubbing on his temple seductively. "Did they agree to do it?"

Alejandro took a deep breath and smiled brightly. "I think that what I am going to tell you might not be what you had expected."

Miguel frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It would be impossible to fix Brandon now. You know how he is but we can make him work closely with Felix's successor and the pressure party to choose him in the next election. I think that would be better otherwise it would be impossible now."

Miguel knew that there was something sensible in what Alejandro was telling him. "Guess you are right."


The two continued with their plans on how they were gonna continue with controlling some of the politicians. As they were still talking, Brandon came in and he was definitely really late.

Brandon was wearing a deep brown designer's suit and black shoes. He had just come from meeting Hector to put his plan into action. He had gone to talk some important things about the deal with Hector and Miguel knew about it. He was supposed to be a part of that meeting but his meeting with Hector had taken longer than he had imagined.

"I am really sorry." Brandon apologized, sitting back on the couch. "I had something important to do and it took longer than expected."

Miguel looked at Brandon and the both of them grinned at each other. They were both happy because their plan was going just like they had planned. Now what was remaining was just to set him up and finally end his career. It was gonna be epic.

Alex on the other hand remembered what Hector had told him when he had visited him the previous day. It was clear that the two of them knew about the deal.

"Where did you go?" Alex asked, looking at Brandon.

"I thought I said I had important things to do." Brandon said harshly. "Why? Do you have any problem with it?"

"No!" Alex said, looking at the two of them suspiciously. Then he took a sigh of relief. "I wanna all kinds of deals you guys are involved in."

"What?" Miguel couldn't believe Alejandro had just said that. He looked at him, wondering why the hell he had said that. "What do you mean by..."

"I simply want you to tell me all your dealings." He said confidently, looking at the two of them. Had they told him he was gonna be dealing with Hector, Alex wouldn't have allowed them to do so because he wanted to protect Miguel from him.

"Are you serious?"

Miguel burst into laughter, shaking his head. He couldn't believe that Alex had just asked them. Why the hell did he even ask? It was not like Miguel would just tell him everything. It was impossible and he wasn't gonna do it but he knew how to handle men like Alejandro.

He stopped laughing and got his serious face on. "You want us to tell you everything?"

"Yes!" Alex smiled, nodding his head. "I wanna know everything."

Miguel smirked, getting closer to the man. "If you want us to open up to you about everything then..." He paused and folded his arms on his chest. "...you also need to be completely honest with us."

Miguel gave Alex fisheyes as if he knew something about him. The look Miguel gave Alex got him really nervous that he didn't know what to do. What if Miguel suspected him or something? He couldn't just say that Hector had come to his office and told him about their deal. It was gonna raise questions that were gonna get him into trouble.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what you heard." Miguel grinned. "Tell us everything and we will tell you everything."

"But you know that I just can't tell you everything that I do."

"Exactly." Miguel teased, looking at him with a serious face. "Then I guess you get your answer as well. Besides, how do you know if we are having any dealings right now?"

"Fuck!" He was definitely screwed if Miguel suspected anything.

"No! I was just thinking that maybe you are..."

"Then it's none of your business." Miguel said simply, rudely. Brandon laughed because the poor bastard deserved it a whole lot. "If you want us to open to you then I suggest you start first okay."

"Well, I was just..."

"I really don't like how nosy you are becoming, Alejandro." He snarled, pointing at him. "I suggest you keep whatever you feel to yourself."

Miguel got up and looked at the two men. "This meeting is over, gentlemen. I suggest you all go home and tend to you wives."

The two men, Brandon who was looking at Alex with a teasing smile and Alex who was really angry got up and left the office. Miguel went back to his desk, parked up his stuff and quickly left. He really had a long day and he just wanted to go home and rest.


Christian arrived at Miguel's house and he was nervous as hell. His heart was pounding and his breaths were getting out of control. He was dressed in a simple blue shirt which was folded at the sleeves, a blue trouser and black shoes. In fact, he was looking sexy as hell and he loved it.

For the last four days since he had left Miguel's house, he hadn't been himself. He had always been thinking about Miguel, holding and kissing him. But he had been really busy, trying to look into the case of Antonio's disappearance. He had even found himself at a foundation for abused men and women but it looked like there was no survivor of Antonio there either. But he had helped out the foundation and had met with the owner of that foundation. He had also met with Darren who had been mad at him at first and accused him of being involved in the case.
