Woodbridge Academy Ch. 01


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I didn't have to wonder who was around for long, cause the slamming of the door behind me announced my arrival for me. "Hello?" A voice called out from over by the changing bench.

"Sorry, just coming back from the pool." I told whoever it was as I made my way to my locker. "I didn't realize anyone else was out this late." I came around the corner and was surprised to find Matt sitting on a bench pulling up some Woodbridge Academy sweatpants over a pair of boxers. "Oh. Hey."

He glanced up at me and did a double take before losing his balance and stumbling into the row of lockers. He cursed under his breath before straightening himself, an adorable blush spreading from his cheeks and down his neck

Wait. Adorable? Since when do I think guys are adorable? Especially Matt Humphrey.

"You okay?" I asked him as I opened my locker, making sure I avoided eye contact. I didn't know what the proper protocol was. Should I ask him if he is into me? Do I let it go? I have no clue what I'm supposed to do. I feel like I should have been better prepared for this situation.

"Yeah. My bad." He chuckled. "Just a little embarrassed."

"Don't be. It happens." I grinned at him, dropping my suit and grabbing my boxers. "Get in a late night work out?"

"Yeah, needed to clear my head a bit." He told me, totally nonchalant, but when I turned around, I couldn't miss the fact that he was blatantly checking me out I cleared my throat, and he snapped his eyes up to meet mine. There was an emotion I recognized all too well from my time with Sarah swimming around in his eyes.


I couldn't miss it if I tried.

"Anything you want to talk about?" I offered, trying to ease the tension in the room. I have no idea when we went from being complete strangers to offering support, but it felt right. There was something going on here, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in finding out what it was. Can't blame a guy for being curious.

He sighed and looked away, before standing and pulling a sweatshirt on before grabbing his bag. "Nothing you'd be interested in, I'm sure. Let's face it. You're not exactly my biggest fan."

"Now wait just a minute." I exclaimed, stepping to the side to block his escape route. He huffed a bit but stopped short anyway. Honestly, it was a little bit of a surprise to see Mr. Calm and Collected so frustrated. "I never said that. I asked you what's wrong, if you don't want to talk about it, then don't. But don't blame it on me because I never said anything to you that would make you think otherwise."

He straightened, his impressive size would probably intimidate most but I was too annoyed with the ridiculous transgressions of the night to even care at this point. "You have never spoken to me in all the time we've been in school together, why start caring now?" He challenged me. "You queer or something?"

My eyes widened in shock. So much for that theory. "You're kidding, right? You know how ridiculous that sounds. You're the one who sat down to talk to me earlier, and you're the one acting like a total dipshit. You're the one acting like someone pissed in your cheerios. So maybe you're the one who is queer and has a thing for me. That's what I think!" Matt seemed to shrink as I continued with my rampage and I instantly felt terrible. I didn't want to be an asshole. I'm not that guy. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just being a jerk."

His gaze fell to the floor, his entire alpha male facade entirely forgotten. "You're right though." He mumbled.


"I'm gay." He mumbled again, not bothering to look up at me. "And yes, I've had a thing for you for a while."

"Wait...what?!" I repeated. "You're kidding."

His eyes finally lifted from the tiles of locker room floor and met my gaze. He looked...haunted. I don't know why I cared so much, but all I know is that I DID care and I felt terrible about the events of this whole night. "I'm not kidding."

"You're gay?" I simply couldn't believe it. "But you're...you."

"Yup." He grimaced. "I'm me."

"I don't get it." I mumbled as I moved out of the doorway, I didn't want him to feel like he was being trapped anymore. I didn't want to be the bully.

"There's not much to it. I like guys." He chuckled, but there was a darkness behind that laugh. "Specifically, you." I couldn't find any words to answer him with, so I dumbly just stood there in my boxers.

"But you don't even know me."

He shrugged. "Maybe not. But what I do know, I like. Quite a bit, actually."

I sat down on the bench in front of my open locker, absolutely baffled by this turn of events. Matt was still standing there, obviously waiting for me to say something back. I just had no idea what to tell him. I'm not going to lie, part of me was really curious about this whole situation, but the other part was quite alarmed.

"Could you at least say something?" He finally huffed. "You're killing me here."

"What do you want me to say?" I snapped. "In case you weren't sure, that was one hell of a bombshell you just dropped on me!"

"Oh, pardon me for inconveniencing you." He snapped right back. "You must have something you want to say. Yell at me. Make fun of me. I don't care. Just do something!"

"I'm not going to make fun of you." I told him as I realized how awkward it was that I was standing there in just boxers for all this time. "I don't care if you're gay. My best friend is gay for crying out loud. Give me a little credit here."

He sighed and seemed to settle in a little bit, but was still acting like a skittish bird ready to fly away at any second. "Right. I forgot about Josh."

"Yeah. Exactly." I snapped as I shoved my feet into my sneakers and pulled my sweatshirt on. "Look. I see this going two ways. First, you drop this bomb on me and then walk away, making us both look like assholes, or second, we discuss this like rational adults."

He looked up at me then, and the signature Humphrey smirk was back: "Like rational adults? Okay, dad."

I grinned back. "Well, it's true. You didn't exactly leave me any room to work through it. You just kind of ninja kicked me in the stomach with this news and instantly got all defensive without even giving me a chance. I'm not an asshole, you know. I don't just jump all over people because they're different."

"So I am different from you." Disappointment crossed his face for a brief second, but it was quickly replaced with the stoic look I was used to see across campus. The one that didn't even bother to speak to me in all this time.

I just rolled my eyes. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I don't judge people over stupid stuff."

He stared at me for another moment, the gears in his head were pretty much visible as he held my gaze. An unfamiliar feeling nuzzled itself into my stomach, confusing me more than the bizarre events of the evening. I actually had butterflies in my stomach. Fucking butterflies. From Matt Humphrey!

"Let's just try and talk it out." I suggested. "I mean, there's no harm in having a conversation about all of this. I have to admit I'm a little overwhelmed by this sudden confession."

Matt just gave me a curt nod. "Understandably so. I didn't mean to say anything. It just kind of...came out? I don't know. I had every intention of just letting it go and continuing as we were, but I don't know. Tonight just seemed like a good time to come clean."

"It was pretty spontaneous, but I have a feeling it's not really as fresh as it seems."

"Not really." He blushed. "But if you're willing to talk, I would absolutely love it if we could have a conversation. Preferably not while you're wearing the smallest bathing suit on earth or just boxers. It makes it a little hard to focus."

"You're the one who blabbed in the middle of the locker room." I laughed. "Come on. We can go back to my place. Josh owes me after sexiling me tonight."

I made my way out of the locker room, letting him trail behind me. He didn't say a word as we walked back to the senior dorms. The senior dorm was by far the best on campus, but set the furthest back from the rest of the main buildings, like the academic buildings, cafeteria, and sports complex. It was worth it though. Some wealthy alumni donated the dorm a few years back, and it is pretty damn slick. Josh and I had a perfect unobstructed view of the small lake on campus, and beyond that some rolling hills. Nothing that made you think you were on a high school campus. It felt more like a retreat or a hotel. The only thing that stood in the way was a ridiculous amount of homework.

As we approached the front stairs, Matt actually stopped me. "We could just go to my room." He suggested. "I don't have a roommate, and that way you won't have to involve Josh in anything."

I shrugged. "Makes sense. I just assumed you had a roommate. I figured Josh is the most laid back guy around, so he would be the best choice of a person to bother at 11 at night."

"Student body president, remember?" He smirked. "I have a suite on the first floor without a roommate."

"And here I was thinking you weren't a snob." I joked. Luckily, Matt also thought it was funny and gave me a little shove towards the door.

The hallway was empty as we entered the building, so we made our way down the hall of the first floor to the end. There weren't that many rooms on the first floor because it's where the dorm assistant has their suite, and there are a few lounge areas. We could hear some music coming from the few rooms we walked by, but no actual people disrupted our walk. I did my best to control my nerves, but I was a little anxious about what was going on. Did I like Matt Humphrey now? Was I gay too? Why wasn't I more freaked out? Should I be freaked out? The list of questions went on and on.

Matt opened a door at the end of the hallway, and I was instantly filled with jealousy. This suite was amazing. We were in a living area with a mini fridge, couch, and giant TV. The carpet was soft and plush. There was the same industrial furniture we had in our room, but it was put together a little bit nicer. There was a bedroom off the living room with what looked like a double bed, and a bathroom off the other side. He had his own bathroom! I shared with 15 other guys! Do you have any idea how gross 18 year old boys are?!

"Wow." I said with a whistle. "You've got some nice digs."

He just shrugged as he dropped his keys on the end table by the couch. "It's the payment I get for all the other shit I have to deal with."

"I guess so. Not too shabby."

"Honestly, it gets kind of boring. I had a ton of fun living with a roommate. Now it's always so quiet, sometimes I can't even hear anyone, unless music is really loud. I just feel like a spoiled prince sitting alone in his mansion while everyone else slums it."

"Yeah, but you're not spoiled. You earned your role on your own. If you want company, just have people come over. It's not like you don't have friends."

He scoffed as he sat down on the couch. "You know most people are just friends with me because of who my father is, right?"

"That can't be true."

"Come on. Everything I have is because I'm a Humphrey. It's okay. I've accepted it. I mean really, it's the only reason I even passed European history."

I laughed but sat down on the couch as well. "Please. That class was a joke."

"It was, but I still had a D average."

"How is that possible?" I asked him, not believing what he was saying. That was the easiest class I had ever taken. We had a quiz every week on what we learned during that class, and no exams or papers. Everyone got an A.

He took a deep breath. "That was how I figured out I was gay."

Without meaning to, I let out a laugh. "Which King Henry was it?" I joked. "I mean, they were all pretty good looking." I said with a wink.

I jumped as he chucked a cushion at me. "Shut up, you dick. It was you. I sat behind you in that class and stared at you constantly. I couldn't focus on anything else. I had always wondered why I was never really into girls like everyone else, but as soon as I saw you, I knew it was because I was attracted to guys."

I was still for a moment, but as the rising anxiety began to simply radiate off of Matt, I began to fee bad. I needed to say something. "I don't know what to say." I finally admitted. "I've never thought about another guy like that."

"If it helps, I haven't either. Like, I'm not attracted to Josh even though he would be someone I could actually be with. I have simply only ever wanted you. Even though you never gave me the time of day." He gave me a shy smile. "Well, until today, that is."

I adjusted myself, slightly uncomfortable with the situation. "Josh said something about it tonight too."

He frowned. "About what?"

"Um. He said you watch me like a hawk."

Matt turned bright red. "I thought I was more subtle than that, but yes, Josh knows all about it. We've talked about it more than once."

My eyebrows must have shot to my hairline. "He knew?"

"Yeah, but I begged him not to tell you." He blushed. "I mean, I've never had the courage to talk to you. I didn't want you to think I was some weirdo crushing from afar."

You could have talked to me, you know." I sighed. "Maybe then this wouldn't feel so scripted."

He chuckled. "How so?"

"I mean, it sounds like the intro to a bad porno." I chuckled. "You know what I mean? It seems awkward and unlikely. You've never spoken to me in three and half years, but now come out that you've always had a thing for me? It's a little hard to handle."

He looked disappointed, and I felt bad. Again. I was not equipped to handle this kind of stuff. "I get it." He mumbled: "Just please don't say anything. I don't want my father to find out through some media outlet that I can't control."

"I would never." I exclaimed. "This is what I mean! You don't know me. You wouldn't know that I would never tell a soul about your personal business. I'm not some blabby teenage girl."

"You just don't know what it's like to be under this kind of pressure." He fought back. "I have to maintain a certain image or my fathers position will suffer for it."

"I do get it, actually. You think I want people to know that I'm only here because my fathers boss paid for me to be here? Of course not. I know what it's like to want to fly under the radar. I would never do anything to sabotage someone else's personal life for my own pleasure. That's just not me."

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"I don't know what you're getting so defensive about either." I huffed. "I never rejected you. I just said it was a bit much to take in."

Matt's head perked up and the dullness in his eyes seemed to fade as a smile spread across his face. "You didn't?" I just shook my head. "Sorry, I just didn't know what you were trying to say and instantly felt like I should defend myself. I'm a creature of habit, what can I say."

"Who knew Matt Humphrey was so insecure?" I joked, laughing harder at the blush that spread over his face. "I just don't really know what I'm supposed to think. Or do, for that matter."

He nodded. "I know. I'm sorry I sprung this all on you. Honestly, I was planning on just harboring this crush on you until we graduated and went our separate ways, hoping it would fade away or whatever. But I kind of failed at that whole thing."

"Little bit." I laughed. "But no worries. Maybe we can just kind of get to know each other and see what happens."

"Sure." He nodded and gave me a grin.

We hung out on that couch and talked for a bit longer, trying to get to know each other a little better, and it turned out we actually had a lot in common. Similar interests, similar habits, similar hobbies. Had we ever actually spoken, we probably could have been friends. Maybe we had missed out on each other the last few years. Only now, we seemed to have missed the friendship window and I got a feeling that Matt wanted much, much more from me than just another bro to hang out with. I have a feeling he's looking for an actual thing. An item. A boyfriend?

While he was talking about something regarding lacrosse or whatever, I don't really know, I let my mind wander towards what I was actually agreeing to. Did I actually make a conscious decision to get to know him? Really cast aside all pressure from society and try to be with a guy? I was flattered that the most popular guy at school had this secret crush on me and all, but it wasn't something I had ever considered, so was I being a pushover by letting it happen?

My eyes drifted down to his mouth. I had never thought about kissing a man before. I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like, what it would taste like. Matt had very pink lips, his bottom one slightly more full than the top. I wasn't sure how to tell whether they would be soft or not. I gave my own a lick, trying to assess what they would be like to give me a better idea of a guy.

"You okay?" Matts voice interrupted by silent pondering. He was staring at me intently, an innocent look absorbing his features. He actually looked quite nice. I decided then and there that I was getting inside my own head. There was no need to be insecure of anything that was going on.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, concern etched on his face. "You look kind of apprehensive."

"No." I shook my head. "I was just wondering about something."

"Oh?" It came out as more of a question than an acceptance of fact. This was it. I needed to suck it up and see what it would be like to kiss him. If it was awful, maybe we could walk away from this awkward night as friends. If it wasn't, well, maybe he could get what he wanted. I was open to anything.

Without further hesitation, I leaned forward and gently pressed my mouth against his. Matt jumped a bit from surprise, despite my slow ascent, but quickly adapted and adjusted himself so his lips were molded gently to mine. There was no rush, just a tender pressure that actually felt quite nice. His lips were soft and full, and fit perfectly against mine. A gentle warmth flooded through my body, and I realized I was definitely not opposed to kissing Matt Humphrey.

After a few seconds, I pulled away. Matt had his eyes closed and was breathing slightly more rapidly than before. He slowly opened his eyes and gave me a shy smile, before wrapping one hand around my neck and pulling my head closer to his again. This time, there was no denying the Matt Humphrey I had gone to school with for so long. He was going to dominate every aspect of this situation. His hands had wrapped around me as he pulled me closer to him, his soft mouth moving continuously against mine as he held me close to him. I could feels is heart beating through both of our sweatshirts against my own chest, and grinned against his mouth when I realized how rapidly it was beating. He wasn't lying or trying to trick me. He obviously really did want me.

Matt began to get a little more adventurous as we continued to kiss on his couch in the middle of his giant suite. Gently, he snaked his tongue out to lick along the seam of my lips before he gently nipped my bottom lip with his teeth. Having never been on the receiving end of such moves, I gasped slightly at the turn of events in my life, and Matt took advantage of the newly created opening, diving

his tongue into my mouth.

It was a new sensation to me, but definitely not a bad one. Matt's tongue was strong and smooth as it explored all corners of my mouth, entangling with my own tongue as we continued to make out on his couch. I lifted my own hand without even realizing it, wrapping my arm around his shoulder to pull him even closer to me before I had processed what I was doing.

Our bodies were now pressed together, just a layer of sweatshirts between us. I could feel Matt's erection pressed against my hip, but appreciated that he was not being overly aggressive about anything. He was actually being quite gentle, showing me more affection than i had received in over a year with Sarah. It was obvious he wasn't just some horny douche trying to get his rocks off. Maybe he did really want me as much as he said he did.
