Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 10: Hangover


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The other two husbands nodded their heads.

"Good. Then we can go on. If one or two of you leaves, all three wives are staying for the man or men who remain. I don't ever want to do anything like this again, and I have a feeling my two friends feel the same, but that's up to them.

"Your option to leave stops as soon as we begin. Once we start, we're not stopping. At that point, you will have only one option, to do exactly what we say, even if you don't want to. I can assure you that you will be following our orders. We've prepared for any reluctance. Tell them the rest, Inger."

Inger took a deep breath and began speaking slowly.

"We're taking all this trouble to make sure you understand your options, because if you stay, what we're going to do to you is beyond disgusting and humiliating. And it will also hurt. It will probably get so bad that all of you will have second thoughts about your decision. That's why we want you to decide with a clear mind now.

"I don't think it will be as bad as the worst you can imagine, but I promise you it will be worse than the best you can imagine. So if you aren't willing to take the consequences, you can leave now."

Tera began speaking again.

"Okay. Enough preliminaries. Let's get started. Right now, I need all of you to take off whatever you're wearing except your pants or Cory's swimsuit."

Cory took off his shirt.

"Cory's ready," Tera said. "Gabe and Hal, this is it. If you don't do what I say now, you may as well leave, because it's over for you. About a minute after you strip, you won't be able to back out anymore. So what's it going to be?

"Good. Yes! We're clapping because Inger, Mia and I are all happy with your decision, boys. Yes, that's a good idea, Mia. Let's give them a wonderful warm kiss to thank them. Don't mind my tears."

As the women broke off embracing their husbands, Mia spoke to the men.

"Okay, guys. The girls are all sitting on the couch. I want each guy to get down on his hands and knees on the mat in front of his wife. As you can see, we have three talented videographers, and we have other cameras placed throughout the room to capture everything that happens. We're going to make a video of today for each wife.

"Now turn around and crawl about three steps away from the couch and stay on all fours like that. Each wife is going to kneel down behind her husband and pull his pants and shorts down to his knees. Now they will reach under him and take hold of his package and put the string on. Is everybody finished? That was fast."

Mia stopped talking and Tera began.

"Now the men can sit down on the couch next to their wives while I tell them what happens next. If everyone will look at his wife, he will see that she is holding a piece of string that runs over to them and disappears between their legs.

"Inger, stand up. I'm taking your place next to Gabe. Hand me your string. Mia, sit next to Cory, take my string and give your string to Inger as she sits next to Hal.

"We're doing this so that no wife is holding the string of her husband. Look down between your legs, men. We're going to pull the strings very gently. What do you see? It's your testicles being pulled out in front of you. They are all in great shape for now, and we want them to stay that way.

"When you were on your knees, we attached a loop around your balls. It's a slip knot like on a Yo-Yo. The strings we used are thin but strong. This is not part of your punishment. The strings are supposed to stay loose so you barely feel them. As soon as we can, we'll take them off."

Inger took up the explanation.

"Until we take off the string, its only purpose is to avoid trouble. If we tell you to do something and you forget that you have no choice anymore, the person holding your string will give a little tug like this. See, you felt that, and it wasn't very painful. It's just a reminder to obey.

"If you ignore the reminder, we'll remind you again a couple of times. If that doesn't work, this will happen. We're pulling the strings very slowly. Do you see your balls are coming away from your body? The elastic sacks around them can really stretch a lot.

"You're probably feeling a little discomfort as the sack is stretching? Okay, ladies, let's stop there and hold it. The pain you're feeling now is bearable, but if we keep pulling, it will get stronger. Eventually, it will be strong enough to persuade you that disobedience isn't worth it, and as soon as you comply, we'll let the string go slack again.

"I hope none of you has a strong tolerance for pain, because if we keep pulling, eventually the sack will run out of elasticity, and your balls will be ripped right from your body. If that happens, this session will end because we will call nine-one-one and try to find where the balls landed. Unfortunately, they don't last long when they're separated from the body.

"We've all sworn to each other that we accept the chance of turning you into an emasculated eunuch. We won't divorce you if you can't get it up anymore. We were afraid that if we were pulling the strings on our own husbands, we might lose our nerve. That's why each of us has the string of another husband. None of us is going to hesitate. But what am I talking about? You guys are all smart, so I know we won't be going there."

Inger turned to Tera, who began speaking again.

"Now that there's no going back, it's time to bring in the audience. I see that a few have already arrived. You can come in girls. There are a few seats, but everyone else will have to find a place at the edge of the mats to stand for the show. Wow! Thanks for following our instructions on what to wear.

"This was Inger's idea, boys, and what an amazing one! We're doing two things, today, boys. We wanted the punishment to be as degrading and humiliating to you as what you did to us, and we want the punishment to connect to the crime. You had an audience at the bachelor party, and you're going to have an even bigger audience today.

"We thought about who would like to watch you, and we immediately realized that, of course, many women would love to see this. Inger said it would look amazing on the video to have an audience of beautiful voluptuous women wearing skimpy outfits, so whenever the cameras catch some of the background, there would be these amazing hot women watching the show.

"That's why these beautiful girls parading in front of you are wearing next to nothing. Ladies, you are just here to enjoy the show and react the way you feel. If you get so aroused that you feel the need to give yourself some relief, or some of you decide to help each other out, we don't mind at all.

"For the last few weeks, Inger, Mia and I have been talent scouts. Whenever we saw a really hot young woman, we approached her and told her what we were doing. Most of them didn't believe us at first, but nearly everyone agreed to come, and they began calling us and telling us that they had some equally sexy girlfriends who wanted to come, too. They all agreed to wear skimpy outfits.

"Only one girl turned us down. She was a beauty contest winner and very suspicious that we were trying to scam her because of her experiences after she won her title. It's too bad, because her face was the face of an angel, but her figure was outrageous -- huge boobs and an amazing ass, even better than the girl who's walking in right now.

"I take that back. That's her. She came after all. Welcome. Would you mind sitting in that chair? It's the place of honor, and we'll see a lot of you on the video. Thank you so much! Your outfit is outrageous. I can barely see the material holding you inside it."

The three wives clapped in delight and thanked the woman again. Then Mia spoke.

"We promised all the girls that the videos were only for the three wives, and nobody here would ever see themselves on the Internet. Some of you pleaded with us to be allowed to see the finished video, so we have a guestbook over there. If you want to see the video, write your email address in the guestbook. We'll have a few private showings, depending on how many of you sign up.

"You should know that there will be tight security at the showings, even tighter than today. You'll all get your phones back later. At the video showings, we might even do body cavity searches. Because nobody is going to make a copy of these videos. If you don't want to see the videos under those conditions, don't leave your address. My goodness! Look at that long line to sign up.

"There are nearly fifty beautiful women attending, boys. You probably won't remember most of their faces, and that's part of Inger's idea. From now on, whenever you see a beautiful woman in a restaurant, a bar or an office, you'll be wondering. Maybe she'll tell you she was in our audience, or maybe she will give you a look that tells you she was. Maybe she won't say anything because she doesn't want you to know.

"But you'll always wonder, and the more gorgeous she looks, the more you'll wonder. Thanks so much for your idea, Inger. Now Tera will give you some instructions.

"Please get back in the positions you were in before," Tera said. "I'll hold Inger's string attached to Gabe while she wheels those three hospital stands over here. Now don't be startled by our fingers, guys. We're just pushing some lube into you, so the tubes from the stands go in without hurting you. Okay, ladies, open the spigots! Good. Everything's flowing smoothly.

"When you're full, hold it in as long as possible, and then run to a bathroom. The first two who can't hold it in will have to run upstairs to the bathrooms there, and the one who can hold out the longest gets to stay downstairs.

"I see Cory looking desperate. Run upstairs, Cory. You're the first one, so you're the loser."

When all of the men returned to the room, they were lined up, and the tubes were inserted again.

"This time it's not enema prep liquid," Inger said. "It's lubricant. We're putting a lot of it into you for your protection."

When the women stopped, the men were so full of liquid lube that their bellies were protruding.

"Get as comfortable as you can on the mats," Tera said. "You can't sit on the furniture in case of leakage. Inger, we're ready for the music and the strippers. Don't make the disco music too loud, because I want the boys to be able to hear me. Here comes the first stripper."

The stripper was a man in a lumberjack uniform, and he was a great dancer. The three men watched him with curiosity, and they heard the cheers of the audience as he stripped down to nothing but a large bag that bulged from his crotch. During his routine, he danced over to the men a couple of times and aimed his bumps and grinds at them.

"We went to the top gay strip club in town to select our performers," Tera said. "They're all careful and tested weekly, and they'll be using condoms anyway. They are great dancers, and -- wheee! There goes his bag! All of them have big junk like him. Besides stripping, they all do private humiliation wrestling shows. That's where two tops fight until one makes the other his bottom and ravages his ass.

"This will be like your bachelor party. You'll get to have sex with strippers again, but this time the roles will be reversed. Since you were the loser before, Cory, you'll be going first with this beautiful specimen. Here's how the rules work.

"Once the music stops, Mia will drop her string, and then you can do whatever you want for the next twenty minutes. If you can keep the stripper from sticking his huge cock into you, you're home free.

"The stripper is gets paid extra for each of the twenty minutes he's inside you, so his motivation will be to plug you as fast as he can.

"All of the strippers assured us that they have lots of experience with virgins," Inger said, "so if they can spear you, they'll go slowly at first to break you in so you don't tear anything when they start pounding you.

"If they can, they will use you in all kinds of humiliating positions, especially those where they open you wide and show us some really huge gapes.

"As soon as a stripper comes, he has to let you go, so if you want to limit the pain, try to make him come as soon as you can. If you want, you can even blow them first, like the strippers at the party did to you. It would make them come faster once they start fucking and there would be less pain, but I have a feeling none of you is going to suck dick.

"They told us some other things that would make them come faster. Moving your bodies to meet theirs is one. Another is playing with their balls while they're doing you.

"Dirty talk excites them, too. Tell them how much you like what they are doing in a high breathy girly voice. Even if all you can do is say "Yes! Yes! Yes!" over and over in a high voice, that will make them come faster."

"Unfortunately, this is a lot to absorb," Tera said, "and in a second Cory's string is going to drop and he will probably take off. But Gabe and Hal will be able to watch what happens to him and learn some lessons for their turns. Okay, the music just stopped."

Tera told Cory later that she'd never seen him move so fast. He dodged the stripper for a while and ran around him, trying to keep from getting trapped in a corner.

What doomed him was the greasy liquid inside him that bloated his belly and slowed him down. When he made fast moves and twisted his body, some of it squeezed out of him onto the mat. That made slip and fall.

He tried to use the lube to slide away from the stripper. His maneuvers were successful until he accidentally slid too far and right into a corner. He was trapped, and the stripper slid up between his legs and lifted them up.

His eyes were frantic as the stripper made him slide down flat on the mat. He kept pushing Cory's legs back until they were above his head and his ass was raised into the air. Cory felt the poking between his butt cheeks and screamed as the stripper entered him.

The audience cheered and broke into applause.


After each of the men had been energetically tossed around and ripped apart by the strippers, they lay exhausted in the greasy lube on the mats.

They were curled up and breathing heavily with an occasional moan or yelp because if they moved their legs just slightly, the motion sent stabs of pain into their asses.

The beautiful women had laughed cheered throughout the show, especially at some of the more creative and exotic positions the strippers had put the three men into. None of the men was able to escape his partner for more than a few minutes.

Cory couldn't get the hang of making love to his stripper, so he got the full twenty minutes. By the time he was done, he was babbling like an imbecile.

The others were a little more successful. They managed to make their strippers finish a minute or two early. The women laughed and cheered at their high-pitched love talk and attempts at stimulating the strippers to come faster.

After the strippers had been paid and sent on their way, Tera came over to where the men were lying.

"There's one more part before we're done, boys," she said. "We were thinking of making you eat the come out of each other's asses, similar to what the strippers did at the bachelor party."

She had to stop because of a huge cheer that went up from the audience.

"And we were thinking of making you suck each other until you came in each other's mouth."

There was another huge cheer.

"Sorry, ladies, those things aren't going to happen, because Mia pointed out that even though that kind of humiliation would fit what they did, the men would never be able to look each other in the eye, and it would end any chance of the three couples ever getting together.

"But we saw women doing this to their husbands on the Internet, so we thought it would be a great finish to the show. Of course, the husbands on the Internet were all eager and cooperative, so this will be a little different.

"I know you're tired. Cory, but it's easier on you if you get up on your hands and knees. Okay, you don't want to move, or you can't. Well I've seen them do it like this, too. First I roll you on your back, and then I spread your legs wide and get between them so you can't close them and keep me from putting my finger in you like this. You're so loose, I don't even think you felt that.

She moved her finger in and out, then added a second, a third and a fourth.

"You definitely reacted to the fourth finger. I'm tucking the thumb behind the other fingers now. I know it's hard for the audience to see what I'm doing, but you can watch how Cory's face and body react. The video ladies are all getting close-ups, so you'll be able to see everything clearly at our video party.

"I'm pushing over the second knuckle and really stretching Cory. Look at the grimaces on his face. He's really feeling it. I think we're ready for the big push. And there it goes. My hand is in you up to the wrist, Cory. It looks amazing. I'm moving it around and turning it, and each movement is getting a big reaction from Cory.

"Try to relax, Cory. I understand coming out is much harder than going in because you'll feel like I'm pulling your intestines out of you. I'm going as slow as I can and stopping to let you take some deep breaths. I'm almost out.

"I feel a little give there, and I hear you screaming. There it is. Look at that hole where my hand just popped free. It's slowly starting to close up. Isn't it amazing that in just a few minutes it will be back to a little pucker and that all the pain you are experiencing now will disappear in a few weeks."

"Okay, Mia, I think you and Hal are next."

When the women were finished with their husbands, they called the three videographers over to help them hold up the men, and then all six of them made three large bows together to the cheers and whistles of the audience.

"You may leave now, ladies," said Tera. "We'll be in touch with the ladies who wrote down their email addresses. I see more of you are lining up to add your addresses. Thank you all for coming and making this special."


The men didn't move until the women started rolling up the mats to take them away. Then they got up slowly. Cory went upstairs and stood under the shower for nearly fifteen minutes. The other men put on their shorts and shirts and followed their wives to their cars.

Tera avoided Cory the rest of the day. She left without telling him and tried to do some shopping, but she was too excited to concentrate on anything. Images from earlier in the day kept going through her mind, and she was so aroused that she knew that if she could reach into her panties, it would just take one touch to set her off. But she forced herself to resist the impulse -- then and later at home. It made it hard for her to fall asleep. When she went to bed, Cory was already there sound asleep.

Sunday, Tera and Cory exchanged few words, and she supplied him with whatever he wanted to eat while he camped in front of football games all day and night. She saw that he avoided her gaze.

He insisted on going to work on Monday even though he could barely walk to the car. She debated, but then decided to make his favorite dinner, even though she had a feeling he wasn't going to eat it to prove a point.

After he had pushed the food away and told her, "Sorry. This isn't going to change anything," she knew she was on the right track and made plans for similar gestures each day. She wanted to give him ample opportunity to reject her and release his anger, because she was afraid of what he would do if he held it inside.

He gave up after a week. When he arrived home from work, she greeted him wearing a sexy negligee with nothing underneath it. He looked at her and burst into a bitter laugh.

"You're pathetic," he said. "You repulse me, but you still get a rise out of me as you can see. Too bad that we can't have sex because whenever I move my legs a certain way, it's so painful that I'm sure I'll lose my erection."