You Can Ring My Bell


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With one orgasm on top of another, Rachel needed a few minutes to collect herself. Once she had, however, she was determined to, if not even the score, at least make it a close game.

She changed places with Audrey, putting herself now on top and her head tight between the brunette's legs. It took twice as long as before, but the no longer Sapphic virgin finally brought her new lover to a satisfactory climax.

"Proud of yourself?" Audrey asked as Rachel rolled out from between her legs and climbed up to the empty space next to her on the bed.

"Actually, I am," she said with a grin.

"Well, you should be," Audrey replied with an equally broad smile.

They laid there for a few minutes, bodies pressed close together as they shared each other's warmth. Rachel couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun in bed. She let her mind wander for a bit, only to find the strangest of thoughts filling it.

"A dollar for your thoughts," Audrey said, having noticed the perplexed look on Rachel's face.

"A dollar?" Rachel laughed.

"Well, inflation, you know," Audrey laughed back, "plus, I'm sure your thoughts are worth at least that."

"Somehow, I doubt what I was thinking would be worth even that," Rachel said.

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" Audrey suggested.

"Well, as silly as it sounds," Rachel remarked, "I was thinking that if that asshole Frankie hadn't taken the money, none of this ever would've happened. In fact, right now I'd probably be in bed with him instead of you."

"I guess it just goes to show you that no one is totally worthless," Audrey softly laughed.

Rachel smiled at the reply, glad that Audrey hadn't found it silly at all.

"Do you think you'd have enjoyed yourself more if you were there instead of here?" Audrey unexpectedly asked.

The question took Rachel by surprise, but not so much so that she didn't quickly come up with an answer.

"I've been told that it's better not to dwell on what might have beens," she smiled as she pulled close to Rachel and laid her head on top of her breast, "and that was by a very smart woman. So I think I'll just take her advice."

Audrey laughed, kissing the top of Rachel's head as she did.

"I had a really wonderful time," Rachel added, giving at least part of the answer to the question she'd just sidestepped. "So much so that I actually feel sad that we're done."

"Who said we were done?" Audrey asked.

Rachel looked a bit puzzled for a moment. They had done what women do with each other, hadn't they? With most satisfying results, she recalled, more than once in fact.

"There is something else we can try," Audrey said as she lifted herself up on her elbow into a higher position. "I didn't suggest it before, because I wasn't sure how you might react, but now I think it might be something you'd enjoy."

"What?" Rachel asked, filled with curiosity as she lifted herself up as well.

Audrey took another long moment to think before, without answering the question, at least not with words, she slid off the side of the bed. Rachel watched with curiosity as Audrey stepped over to her bed and picked up the small gym bag on the floor by it. She couldn't see what it was that Audrey took out of it, at least not until she turned all the way around.

"Well, what do you think?" Audrey asked as she held what she had taken out of the bag in her hand.

"Omigod!" Rachel called out as she saw what Audrey was holding. "Is that what I think it is?"

"If it's not, I can't imagine what else it might be," Audrey laughed.

There in her hand, eight thick inches long, was the most perfect copy of a man's cock Rachel had ever seen. It was attached to a leather harness, illustrating that, unlike the much smaller version she had once been given as a gag gift, this one was meant to be worn.

"So what do you think?" Audrey asked again.

"I think that evidently I was wrong," Rachel said. "It seems that I can eat pussy and still have a cock too. "

"So, I take it you want to give it a go then," Audrey grinned.

"Abso-fucking-lutely," Rachel enthusiastically replied.


Rachel watched in fascination as Audrey stepped into the black leather harness and then, after pulling it up around her pelvis, tightened the straps until it rested firmly against her body. With one arm resting on her hip, Audrey struck a pose, allowing the woman on the bed to get a really good look at her new appendage.

"It almost looks like the real thing," Rachel said as she looked it over, thinking that its dimensions were pretty close to the natural one she had enjoyed not more than forty-eight hours before.

"Almost," Audrey replied, "but it does have one distinct advantage."

The expression on Rachel's face seemed to ask what.

"You never have to worry about it going soft before the job is done," Audrey grinned.

Rachel laughed, agreeing that was indeed an important distinction.

Audrey climbed in bed, moving back to the spot next to Rachel that she had just vacated. She started to lean over but was stopped when Rachel put up her hand.

"Wait a second," she said, causing Audrey to pause, "something's just not right here."

Not sure what that could be, Audrey backed up a few inches and replied with a look that said, ask away.

"Not that I'm not glad that you brought your little, okay maybe not so little, toy along," Rachel said, "but I can't help wondering why you did. Do you always carry it everywhere you go?"

"No, not everywhere," Audrey laughed. "Only places where I think I might have occasion to use it."

"And you thought tonight might have been one of them," Rachel queried, suspicion in her voice, "despite everything you originally said about my just being a platonic guest?"

"Actually, my bags were all packed before I even went over to D'Martini's yesterday morning," Audrey said, sincerity in her own tone. "When I tossed it in my bad, I still thought I'd be attending the wedding with Jenna."

"Jenna, who you also said was just a friend," Rachel pointed out.

"Well, there are friends, and then there are friends," Audrey said, a much stronger emphasis in the way she said it a second time.

It took a few seconds for Rachel to realize it, but the unsaid phrase 'with benefits' could almost be heard in the way Audrey stressed the word a second time.

"But you said she wasn't your girlfriend," Rachel recalled.

"And she's not," Audrey replied. "We're, what's the best way to describe it, oh, I know, fuck buddies. Perhaps you've heard the term before."

'Yeah, I've heard it before,' Rachel thought, thinking of someone who had fitted that description more than once in the last few years.

In the space of seconds, Rachel's expression encompassed suspicion, embarrassment and finally apprehension. That her accusation might have just ruined what had up to now been a really interesting experience was a real concern.

"Okay, I can live with that," Rachel said with a smile, hoping that Audrey was willing just to ignore her momentary distrust.

"I'm glad," Audrey answered with her own smile, "because I was really looking forward to fucking you."

There was joy to Rachel's eyes, because from the moment she had seen the sex toy, she had been looking forward to that as well.


"Oh yes, oh yes, oh baby, fuck me, fuck me harder!" Rachel cried out, not caring if the guests in the rooms around them heard her.

She was on her back with Audrey lying on top of her, her legs wrapped tightly around the brunette's thighs. They had been fucking for almost twenty minutes now, long having passed even Frankie's best record.

When Audrey had first come close enough for Rachel to actually put her hands on the counterfeit cock, she'd remarked that it almost felt real. Audrey had laughed and said she'd have to take the younger woman's word for it, not having ever seen one for real, much less felt it.

They had started off leisurely enough, with Audrey insisting that, despite Rachel still being wet, they also use just a bit of lubricant. That done, Audrey has placed the tip of her cock against Rachel's pussy and ever so slowly filled her with its length and girth. Her initial thrusts were gentle enough, interlaced with soft kisses.

Then she began to quicken her pace, soon reaching a point where Rachel was glad they had taken the extra precaution. It allowed her to relax and enjoy the hardness deep inside of her.

Together they rocked back and forth, sharing kisses less frequent but more intense. Audrey slammed into Rachel with such force that the latter's body bounced against the mattress, even as her body quaked with the erotic vibrations that were radiating throughout her.

At one point, Audrey lifted herself up and pushed back Rachel's legs, not missing a single stroke as she did. She looked down at the younger woman's bouncing breasts, the smile on her face reflected in her own.

Holding tightly onto Audrey's legs, Rachel pushed her body forward to meet the former's thrusts, delighting in the sensation as she filled her repeatedly. Wetting her fingers, she reached down and massaged her clit, adding to her pleasures.

Audrey leaned forward just far enough to bring her breasts above Rachel's face. The redhead reached up with her free hand to steady one of them, then guided it to her eager mouth. Long minutes passed as each did their best to bring bliss to the other, until Audrey signaled that she was ready to shift that balance in Rachel's favor.

She did so by totally withdrawing from her, at least for the time it took to turn Rachel over and onto her knees. Then she leaned down and kissed her pussy, licking it a few times, just long enough to take pleasure in the thick ambrosia she found there. Finally, repositioning herself, Audrey took hold of her cock and guided it back into the younger woman.

"Oh yes," Rachel moaned into the pillow her head was resting against.

Her hands pressed tight against Rachel's hips, Audrey quickly resumed the pace she had set before, continuing the reverberating satisfactions that filled the redhead's quivering form. She varied flurries of quick thrusts with long slow entries, delighting Rachel who, looking back over her shoulder, encouraged her onward.

Audrey arched back, supporting herself on outstretched arms, allowing Rachel to lift herself upward and, putting her own arms out for support as well, ride Audrey's ever hard cock.

It wasn't long before they shifted positions, back to the previous one with Rachel down against her pillow and Audrey driving herself forward. That also lasted but a few minutes as the brunette bent her knees into a sitting position and then pulled Rachel up against her.

Rachel rode her as hard as she could, while Audrey brought one hand around to fondle the redhead's breasts and the other down to play with her clit. Their bodies became almost one, sharing the rising tide within until it suddenly became a tsunami, causing Rachel to cry out with pleasure-filled abandon.

Audrey held Rachel tight against her, not relaxing her grip until the last of the tremors left her body. As they did, Rachel tilted her head back and kissed Audrey, thinking as she did so that it was poor payment for the wonders that had been unlocked within her. But, for now, it would have to suffice, because that was all she had the energy to give.

Then she leaned all the way forward, followed by Audrey, who was still inside of her. Almost as soon as her head dropped against the pillow, Rachel let a lovely fatigue take over and she fell almost instantly asleep. Audrey followed just a short time later.


They slept late into the morning, and as much as the temptation to repeat what they had shared the night before called to them, they both knew it was time to head home. As they retraced their journey of the day before, they talked about almost anything but what had happened during the night. Though neither of then said it, both seemed to agree that perhaps they needed a bit of time to sort it out.

"Well," Audrey said as pulled over to the curb a block away from Rachel's house and shut off the ignition.

"Yeah," Rachel replied, taking a moment to glance out the window to see if there were any Sunday morning walkers about that might see her exit the car. None could be seen, but still she was reluctant to get out just yet.

Seeing Rachel's hesitation, Audrey decided that perhaps she should say something after all.

"We could just decide that last night didn't really happen," Audrey suggested. "That it was, at best, a dream. A very pleasant one, but in the end just a bit of phantasm."

"I suppose we could do that," Rachel replied, pausing for a second as if she was considering it, "but I'm not sure that's what I want."

"Indeed?" Audrey replied, a look of interest on her face.

"I mean, I really don't see myself ever giving up cock," Rachel pointed out, "at least totally."

"And I don't see myself settling down with a girlfriend any time soon," Audrey added, pausing a bit as well before asking, "So where does that leave us?"

"Friends?" Rachel asked.

"Just friends?" Audrey asked in turn.

"Well, like you said, there are friends, and then there are friends," Rachel smiled, holding her breath as she waited for Audrey's response.

A response that took what seemed like a very long time to come.

"I could live with that," Audrey grinned.

Then, without double-checking to see if anyone had come onto the street since she had last looked, Rachel leaned over and kissed Audrey. It was a kiss that expressed all of the gratitude that she hadn't been able to summon last night. After which, she quickly opened the car door and began to walk down the street in the direction of her house.

As she watched her walk toward the corner, Audrey smiled when she heard the tune that Rachel had begun to sing. It was one that would now have an even more special meaning than it had before.

"You can ring my bell, ring my bell," she sang as she walked. "You can ring my bell, ring my bell."


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Curiously, do straight women exist or are all women repressed lesbians? To the person who thinks all women should have a lesbian experience, by the same logic, shouldn't all women experience a man? Try saying it out loud. It sounds as ridiculous as you fear. Why are lesbians so obsessed with straight women?

Let's conduct an experiment. If a man propositions a woman and she rebuffs him, stating that she's a lesbian, wouldn't you expect the man to back off out of respect? Of course you would. If he didn't, he'd be a jerk. Then why don't lesbians seemingly afford straight women the same respect? Yet, every lesbian story on this site shows lesbians seducing straight women without fail? Are all those stories wish fulfillment or propaganda? Thankfully for the continued existence of the human race, you're wrong.

XactoXacto5 months ago

Your stories are always a pleasure, Ann! Thank you. ❤️

UncertainTUncertainTabout 1 year ago

Absolute Christmas cracker of a story; hat, bang, and a gift shared.

DessertmanDessertmanalmost 2 years ago

As an 82yo man who has loved several women and am currently with a very sensual 59 yo Chinese woman I loved your story of discovery for the younger woman. I love the sensuality of women's sexuality when allowed full uninhibited expression.

kaleonanikaleonanialmost 2 years ago

Audrey is the type of babe that makes lesbianism worth everything when two women engaging in intimate and sensual lovemaking beautiful. All women should at least have an experience in making love to a woman.

kathy2012kathy2012over 2 years ago

Well you have outdone yourself once again! Very well done, engaging, carefully crafted! Hot scenes full of passion! Well developed characters! My lover and I have so much fun making love while reading the story to each other!

All the best,


AyaaChannAyaaChannabout 3 years ago

What a great story! I loved it!

ShelbyDawn57ShelbyDawn57about 3 years ago

Beautifully told, so romantic and just as erotic. Thank you for a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great storytelling! And great portrayal of sensitive lesbian relationships and lovemaking!

guzman86guzman86almost 4 years ago

I am still hoping for a part 2. This was an amazing story.

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