
Stories by Thompson99

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Wife's friend forgets her suit and ponders skinny dipping.

4.12 60.6k 28 6 52

Fun conversation leads to too much information.

by Thompson99
Fetish 02/18/2014
15.3k 5 7 9

A Short Story About a Memorable Blow Job.

4.1 23.9k 4 5

A spa weekend turns out to be very revealing.

4.23 79k 16 38

They're married, but not to each other.

4.29 34.1k 9 1 14

Wife finds herself with a younger man.

3.91 128.3k 64 64 91

Wife's friend joins a couple for the weekend.

4.31 66.3k 24 4 35

High school reunion leads to surprise news.

3.26 80.2k 26 27 43

Husband attends wife's reunion and gets a surprise.

3.23 155.4k 38 59 63

Two couples have some unexpected exposure.

4.34 77.5k 25 2 38

Couple takes advantage of the kids being out of the house.

4.19 56.7k 17 13 25

Modest wife loosens up during her first visit to a strip club.

4.41 229.8k 79 9 131

Man gets wife an anniversary massage.

4.33 173.9k 60 20 86