A Boiled Frog Pt. 07


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"Well, our periods sure can't sync," she joked, with a cough of laughter.

I laughed along with her. "I just hope your breasts don't ache this much," I continued.

"Define ache?"

"Well, ever since I got this last saline treatment they've been kind of tender, but last night it hurt to take a shower. Then when you were gone just now, I started to get a throbbing pain in my right breast. I haven't had anything like that before."


"Right here," I said, pointing through the t-shirt to just above my nipple.

"Can I touch it?" she asked.

My sister wanted to play with my breasts! Maybe I could work this to my favor.

"Can I touch yours? Just to compare, of course."

"Perv!" she responded, almost mechanically, before she reached over and tenderly rubbed my breast until her fingers passed over something that made me wince. She started kneading it between her thumb and index finger. "Hmm ..."


"I definitely have a lump," she said.

I reached down and felt what she was holding. It was a nickel-sized bundle of firm tissue.

"Could it be cancer?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know. I think guys can get breast cancer but I'm not sure."

An inspiration hit me, and I started fumbling around my left breast. Sure enough, I found another firmness that was starting to form. This one was a little smaller than the first, but was still there. It wasn't painful like the first one, but still felt tender and sore.

"I've one here too," I exclaimed in surprise.

Emily looked at where I was holding and stared at me.

"Chris, are you taking hormones?"

"Not that I know of."

"Maybe you should find out, then. Because I think, well it feels like you have actual breasts budding."

"Wait a minute ... I have been drinking those shakes we had for breakfast since Vegas. Lisa said they'd help me gain weight for my surgery."

"I think there might have been more to that story than she let on," Ems suggested.

I don't know why but I wasn't really pissed. This should have infuriated me beyond belief yet, instead, I was mildly upset at best. Maybe I was subconsciously expecting this, as I had felt the tightness in my panties as my ass had gained a little shape over the past month. I had chalked it up to all the walking in heels, same as I had attributed my skin getting softer to the moisturizing cream Lisa had given me. It wasn't until now, that I put the two together, that it was obvious I was being dosed with some kind of hormone therapy. My mind went over everything else Lisa had given me, and I balked at the realization that my entire skin care suite was from her. Still, I needed to find out what exactly they had done to me.

"I need to call Julie," I said, hopping out of the truck and going for a walk.

Since it was the middle of the day, I tried Julie's office first and Tiffany told me she was in court all day, so I hung up without announcing who I was. I punched in her cell to leave a voicemail, figuring it would be off. Instead, someone answered.

"Hey, baby," cooed Lisa in her most seductive tone. "What's shakin'?"

I froze, why did Lisa have Julie's phone? I looked around the picnic area to make sure no one was within earshot as my mind reeled. Had Lisa taken my wife into court today? Did that mean Lisa had been there at the bowling alley last night? Had she slept over yet again?

"Tina? You there, babe? You're scaring me..."

"My breasts are budding, and my tits are aching, Lisa, that's what shaking. What the hell did you do to me?"

"Oh, goodie," Lisa exclaimed. "I was starting to get worried that you weren't getting enough to make anything happen."

"What. Did. You. Do!?"

"Relax, Tina, this isn't anything to worry about."

"Too late."

"Okay, listen, you aren't on any anti-androgens -- testosterone blockers. All you're taking is a couple milligrams of estradiol. That little feminine boost won't affect performance at all. If anything, you should be -"

"But I'm growing actual breasts!" I snapped, cutting her off.

"Isn't it exciting!?! It's what you wanted, a little bit more bounce and curve."

"Yes, I wanted a little bounce and curve, not real, actual tits! Besides that," I continued, not letting her get a word in, "you didn't ask my permission to do any of this and that's what I'm really upset about. You keep doing this. Manipulating me with what you think is best without talking to me about it!"

"Honey, I'm a dominant. It's my nature to look out for my sub-"

"I'm NOT your submissive and neither is Julie, for that matter!" I heard Lisa scoff.

"Honey, Jules might be a tiger in the court room, but she is a pussycat in the bedroom. Surely, you know that."

I couldn't deny it, so I said nothing. I didn't like to think of it like that. We were not pets for Lisa to play with. I did everything Julie asked for me in the bedroom because I loved her. She did the same for me because she loved me. It wasn't about power games, it was about loving each other. Lisa was twisting our relationship into something else.

"Look, honey, I'm sorry," Lisa finally replied. "Really. Truly. I didn't think you'd mind..."

I made a noncommittal noise and told Lisa to have Julie call me this evening before I hung up. I got back to the truck in a foul mood, said I would drive, and we rode in relative silence for a little while before Emily spoke up. She turned to me, red-faced. "Chris, I have a confession to make."

"What's that?"

"Oh, this is so embarrassing," Emily stammered, face still flushed. "I hope that ... I hope I'm not the cause of all of this."

"I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean?"

"Well, let's just say this isn't the first time you've worn girl's clothes."

"Go on," I replied, very curious now.

"Well, I always wanted a little sister. I was so mad at Mom when she brought home a brother." She paused and didn't say anymore. I had to prod her to continue.


"Sorry, this is hard to admit. Mom caught me a couple times when I was eight and punished me, so I stopped doing it, but when I turned 11, you were 5 or 6 at the time, I was allowed to babysit you when Mom and Dad went out."

She paused again and didn't say anymore until I again cajoled her.

"So, what happened?"

"Sorry, I never told anyone, but ... I've been feeling guilty about this since you showed up at the airport. When Mom and Dad would leave I would dress you up like a girl. I got into Mom's makeup and everything and turned you into my sister. I even had a special box up in the attic that had all my old clothes and shoes that would fit you."

"I don't remember any of this."

"Well, you were young, and I made you promise not to tell, but we did it almost every time they went out. Mom caught me in her makeup one night and assumed I was putting it on myself and grounded me. I stopped after that."

"I doubt that had any bearing on what happened with Julie and me. Don't worry yourself about that." I reached over and squeezed her hand. "Besides, you got your sister now."

"Thanks, Chris ... I mean Tina."

With only pit stops for breast stops and a warm feeling of emotional support between us, the long stretches of drive quickly turned into moments of confession. As my turn at the wheel continued, I spilled to Emily about the things I liked best about being a girl and the things I liked the least. She laughed when I said the worst part was being hit upon by guys.

"Oh, Chri-Tina, you really are missing out then," she retorted. "That's one of the best parts! Knowing a guy wants me makes me feel so good. I get all warm and mushy inside. Those were the days that Frank would get laid."

"It just makes me nervous," I explained.

"Well, that I can understand. You do have something big to hide." Was that innuendo?

We continued retreading my journey and she was supportive for the most part. I didn't mention any guys other than Mick, glossing over much of my personal conflicts with the boys in Vegas, and I excluded any talk of Amanda as well. Ironic as it was, I didn't want to lessen my masculinity in any way to my sister while still emphasizing my femininity as much as possible.

"So, what's the current status of this boob job they want to get you?"

"Still pending, that's why Lisa has been doing this..." I said, cupping one of my saline mounds. "To stretch me out enough for the implants."

"Supposing you go through with it... how, well, big were you thinking about going? Is this your goal size?"

"Not really ... I just want enough to give me some shape, you know?"

That had been my answer before, but now I wasn't so sure. I had tried going for a run while we were in Iowa and these monstrous D-cups nearly knocked the wind out of me after the first bounce. That had reinforced my decision to not go this big and yet, it was hard to reconcile that with the images of me being as busty as my sister from the back of my mind. I truly didn't know what I wanted. This trip was supposed to help me clear my mind, and yet it kept getting more and more muddled. What was I to do?

After we swapped her back into the driver's seat, she was a bit freer with confessing her issues as well. I heard more than I wanted to ever know about Frank, including that he was the only guy my sister had been with and that they really only did stuff with him on top of her. It turns out that I was actually more experienced than her, which surprised me. I also learned I was a LOT bigger than he was. Ego stroke! As she rambled on, I mentally continued to wrestle with the conflicting question of what letter I wanted on my bras for the foreseeable future.

After getting gas and grabbing drive-through dinner, we talked about her kids and how much she loved them and already missed them. When that topic exhausted itself, we set out our plans for the next couple of days. Priority one was finding an apartment close to the base. Then, she surprisingly wanted to have a day out as sisters to celebrate. Tentatively, Emily asked me for permission to dye her hair the same color as mine. She told me mine was sexy as hell and asked if I would be upset if she copied the color.

It was after midnight when we pulled over for gas again somewhere in Wyoming. Emily ran for the bathroom to pump her milk as I pumped the gas. My cell phone started beeping as it found service. There was a voicemail from Julie telling me to drive safe, but no mention of my conversation with Lisa. I also had a text message from Dee, which included a video of their bowling from the night before. I pulled up the video and there was Dee's face.

"Julie is going for a turkey", she said. "Let's see if she gets it."

The video then swung around to Julie. She picked up her ball and stood very still and focused before throwing it down the lane. It took out 8 pins in an instant, but the pin action continued and the last two fell. Julie turned around with a big smile on her face, triumphant. There was a streak of blonde in her hair which set off her brown locks stunningly.

Then she started to dance her way back down the lane. It was adorable, and I watched it with my breath caught in my chest while totally mesmerized by her having a good time. She seemed extra sexy and different, but I couldn't place what it was beyond the streak of color. Then she turned to the side and I gasped when I saw her profile. Julie's chest was much, much larger than it had been when I had left only days ago. She couldn't have had a boob-job in that time, so that wasn't it. Further, the jiggle looked familiar. In fact, the way her bust moved beneath her chest was just like MY chest. It dawned on me that Lisa must have pumped her breasts up like she had mine.

I felt betrayed -- more betrayed even than finding out Lisa has been altering me without my awareness or consent. Neither Julie nor Lisa had even mentioned this as a possibility they wanted to explore, and neither one had discussed it with me before it happened. It was as if I didn't matter at all to them.

To further salt the wound, when Dee turned the camera back, I saw Lisa standing behind her. She even waved and blew a kiss my way before the video ended. Suddenly, I desperately wanted to be more woman than Lisa was. A storm of emotions, I stomped from the truck to get a drink. I surprised myself by grabbing a milk. Still in a fugue, I returned to the truck and dug out the shake powder. Dumping a scoop in, I shook it up and then stewed in self-doubt and pity while sipping it, waiting for Emily to return.

On her return, she must have sensed my emotional state as she wrapped me in her arms and held me tight. She didn't ask for any demands of what happened, she just held me. She pulled me to the middle seat. With only five hours left in the drive, we drove on, with our hands intertwined on the seat and me resting my head on her shoulder.

The dawn was coming on as we pulled into Salt Lake City. I found a hotel and we both sleepwalked into our room, stripped out of our stale clothes and crashed into bed together without words.

Chapter 3

I woke up to a gentle shaking of the bed. Without being too obvious, I cracked my eye to see what Emily was up to. She was on her back with the covers thrown off, leaving her chest exposed. Her hand closest to me was squeezing her fat nipple as milk gushed out and I guessed her other hand was buried in her panties from the way she was moving her hips. I kept my eyes closed to slits so I could watch her, not too worried of being caught since her eyes seemed focused on the bulge in my panties. I felt the urge to tease her.

When I rolled over, as if asleep, and as my bulge disappeared, I swear I heard a sigh of regret. I lay there for a second before rolling over again, this time as close to her as I could, smacking my silken-wrapped length down on her thigh. She froze in response and I kept my eyes solidly closed until she started rocking again. Then I squinted again and watched her continue to masturbate as her leg rubbed against me.

As the sounds of her fingers moving grew louder and wetter, I could feel myself dribbling through the strained cloth. I had to be dripping on her by now and yet, she just kept getting more enthusiastic. She shuddered and withdrew her hand, only to move the other one back down. The heel of her palm pushed down on me and I couldn't help but gasp.

If she noticed, she didn't care as she worked herself up again. Getting some unintended action, after only jerking it this trip, I was vibrating with need and almost couldn't wait for her to finish so I could "wake" up and excuse myself to take care of myself.

I was a leaky faucet by the time she finally climaxed, her hand slick with my fluids and her moans audible through her clenched jaw. After she relaxed, she slipped out of bed and into the bathroom. I used that window to get up and, out of habit, made myself a shake.

As I started to drink it, I wondered what it was doing to me, but I found myself unwilling to stop drinking it. Thinking back to last night and the one I had drank in a rage, I questioned what outcome I really wanted. Did I really think I could out woman Lisa? Further, did I really even want to commit to that? Between my cock and wanting to put Lisa in her place, my mind was utterly conflicted over what I was letting happen to my body.

I was still mostly erect ten minutes later when Emily came out of the bathroom, so I took my chance to find some release. I turned on the shower and noticed it had a detachable head. I heard the breast bump and started to harden. I stepped into the shower and was just about to stroke myself when I heard the door open.

"Just doing my hair while I pump," Emily said, slipping back into the bathroom. The sound of the little motor filled the room, but I didn't want to take chances of her hearing me, so I tried to shower normally even though I ached for relief.

"I'm not sure if you know this already, but a detachable shower head is a girl's best friend," Emily said over her shoulder. "The water's flow can really help break up tension."

I didn't respond but when she was still pumping ten minutes later, my need and curiosity both got the best of me and I lifted the head out of its clip. Passing the stream over my cock made me shudder and thrust. Lowering it to the hit the underside as I lightly stroked with my other hand, sent a tingle through my body as the stream hit my balls. The longer I held it there, the more pleasure blossomed through my body. I even snuck it lower and felt it tickle my anus. I began to rock my hand gripping the showerhead back and forth to make the stream caress more and more of my sensitive parts. It didn't take long before I started to twitch as my climax built with almost no jerking off at all. When I came moments later, it was much more spunk than I expected.

The only downside was that I was still hard when I pulled the curtain back and Emily repaid me the shock I had given her yesterday. While her eyes were on my crotch, from the heat in my face and the way she was blushing, we were turning red at the same time. I quickly moved to cover up. Apparently, we were each equally embarrassed about the morning's turn of events.

"I'm going to... um, leave you to that," she said stepping out of the room and pulling the door behind her. I was back to being chub after that and yet, was pretty satisfied. Then I realized she left the pump on the counter and was disappointed when I realized she had already dumped it out and cleaned it.

Despite the awkward start to the day, we spent the rest of Tuesday having a great time together. We picked up some apartment guides, did a little recon of the area, and got food in our bellies -- joking around the whole time. It seemed that talking out our confessions had developed a closeness that we had never had before. I was already going to miss her when I left for home.

That night, she took off her bra and pumped in front of me without any trace or shame of hesitation. I didn't stare and focused on the TV as if I was watching the most engrossing show on earth. We chatted about the show and, once or twice, I let myself glance over to look directly at her face. Between those moments, I would sneak a peek and hope she didn't catch me. It was so erotic that I was bursting at the seams. I was working up the courage to ask for the milk when my phone rang. It was Julie. I got up and went into the bathroom with the phone before picking up.

"Hey baby," I cooed. "We're here in Utah."

"Good, I figured that was why I couldn't get you last night. Get hit on by any hot Mormon chicks yet?"

"No, silly. We got in late, late this morning and basically slept the day away. We're going to try and find an apartment tomorrow. I miss you."

"I miss you too, honey. I had a long day in court and wish you were here to give me a back rub. My back hurts so much..."

I bet, I thought. My back usually hurts too after one of Lisa's injections. I wondered if she would tell me what she'd done.

"So, you are at the house?" I asked.

"Yes, baby, we're here."


"Lisa came over to spend the night. She didn't want me getting lonely considering how tough today was. You want to say hi to her?"

The hair on the back of my neck was standing up. Alarm bells were sounding in my head. These two seemed to be getting closer and closer, leaving me in the dust. I felt jealous. Julie was my girl. Not Lisa's! Further, it didn't seem like Julie had any intention of bringing up her augmentation.

"No, that's okay," I said, yawning to cover the irritation in my voice. "I'm still beat. You sleep good and I will call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, but I'll be back in court first thing in the morning. You'll have to text me until after work, though I don't know how late I 'll be."

We signed off with "I love you" and I came back into the room with Emily done breastfeeding but still sitting there watching TV topless.
