A Favor Returned...


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Three hours later Laurel woke up to find herself still naked and still leaning against the arm of the loveseat in her basement. She was freezing, frustrated, her neck was stiff and she felt utterly exhausted. She closed her laptop and threw her t-shirt on over her head as she sleepily staggered her way back upstairs. At least the spare bedroom had soft pillows and a warm blanket.


By Saturday afternoon Amy's husband was feeling the worst of this super-cold and both of her kids had started to come down with the same symptoms. This meant both women ended up having to spend the remainder of their weekends playing nursemaid to their respective families. They managed to trade a few texts back and forth on Sunday, but neither of them really had the time to talk. Nothing else was mentioned about movie night or their late night video chat session.

Before either of them was ready for it, Monday morning reared its ugly head. Laurel had sent Amy a quick text Sunday night to report that her clan was finally starting to feel just a little bit better. That being the case, Amy had sort of half-hoped that Laurel might make another appearance at the gym this morning, but no such luck. Amy tried not to be disappointed as she continued onward and upward. As part of her efforts to improve her level of fitness, she had started making it a point of taking the three flights of stairs to her floor rather than the elevator at least twice a week.

Amy increased her pace for the last five steps as the landing of her floor in the finance building was finally in sight. The sway and bounce of her large breasts increased with each step up and wasn't exactly uncomfortable, just a constant reminder that she didn't have the extra support of her sports bras. As she reached the top and came to a stop and her boobs did as well a split second later, a small grin passed across her face. She wondered what embarrassing, smart-ass comment Laurel would have made if she had been there to witness that little spectacle.

She continued to stand on the stairwell landing for a few more moments to catch her breath since she was just a little winded. Amy pushed it a little harder than usual this morning, thinking that maybe the additional aerobic activity would help her forget about her growing sexual frustration. Ever since she'd returned from the work conference, her sex life had improved dramatically. She'd grown accustomed to having several orgasms a week, but with her husband and kids sick, she hadn't had time to even think about seeing to her own needs.

The erotic dreams were only making that need worse and all of that flirting with Laurel had...Flirting? She wasn't even sure how to classify it. Incidents? Close calls? Whatever they were, they just added fuel to this particular fire. It didn't help that she still hadn't been able to let go of the mental debate that had been plaguing her. Should she pursue it or not? If anything, her current situation was making it even harder and Amy knew better than to try to make such an important decision when she was so outright horny.

After a few calming breaths Amy collected herself and opened the stairwell door to her department. She greeted her co-workers and nodded good morning to her supervisor on the way to her cubicle. She went through her usual morning routine of putting her things away and booting up her computer. She checked her outlook calendar to make sure she didn't have anything planned for today other than her usual workload and then took the time to check Laurel's schedule. Maybe her friend would be able to slip out and eat lunch with her.

Ugh. Laurel's whole day was blocked out with her project and some meeting. That sucked. Amy couldn't wait until things settled down and they could just go back to their normal routine. She grabbed the stack of invoices from her inbox tray on the corner of her desk and clicked on her little desktop icon to open up the billing software application. Other than a quick restroom break, Amy focused on entering the previous day's billing and before she knew it her whole morning had slipped by. She was just about to save the last of her data when the little icon popped up on her toolbar indicating she had an email.

The sender was Laurel.

She could feel her cheeks tighten with a smile as she saved her spreadsheet and quickly toggled screens to her email. She opened the message and saw that it was a formal meeting invitation.


She was hoping it was going to be a quick note with a lunch invitation. It wasn't. There wasn't even any witty comment or funny meme or anything like that. The email was nothing but a standard, formal meeting invitation. Amy looked at the details. The meeting was for that afternoon at 1pm in the conference room that Amy was pretty sure was actually located on the first floor of this building. She thought back and wasn't sure if she had ever even been in that conference room in the past 12 years. Maybe during her new hire orientation? She vaguely remembered getting stuck in there for a day filling out paperwork and watching videos.

She looked at the meeting request again. It just struck her as really odd. It listed Laurel as the host of the meeting. Why would Laurel schedule a meeting? Who schedules a meeting for right after lunch? Most people were busy trying to get back to their offices. It meant cutting her lunch short by at least five minutes...and why in that conference room of all places? If she remembered correctly, it was kind of a dark place with no windows and was stuck way back at the end of a hallway, almost as an afterthought. She couldn't even remember anyone ever using that conference room for an actual meeting...wait. Wasn't there that one time like four or five years ago when she heard a rumor that HR had used it to fire her old boss?

Amy's stomach dropped and felt like it did whenever she was forced to ride a roller coaster. She hated roller coasters. She was fairly confident that she might literally throw up if HR showed up to this meeting. Was she in trouble? But why would she be in trouble? She hadn't done anything wrong. She never did anything wrong. Unless...what if someone from the conference had called in a complaint about how they had acted? Sitting in the back of the room, giggling and texting...and then that afternoon on the second day they had both gone braless.

Amy closed her eyes. They had sort of flashed each other. Had someone seen them? Was that what this was about? No, that didn't make sense - if they were in that kind of trouble, HR would have taken action way before now. They wouldn't have waited over a month...would they? And why would she be in trouble if Laurel had scheduled the meeting? There had to be some reason why her friend was keeping the meeting formal...but what? If she had something to tell her, wouldn't Laurel have just texted her?

Amy was trying really hard not to be worried which was so much easier said than done. None of this was making sense. She pulled out her phone and sent Laurel a quick text and noticed the time on her phone. Lunch was fifteen minutes away. Maybe Laurel would be able to at least get away to the cafeteria and have the chance to explain what the heck this meeting was about.

Amy stared at her phone.

No reply...nothing.

She sat and tapped her fingers nervously on her thigh as she continued to stare at her phone...still no reply. She put her headset on and then reached over and punched in Laurel's extension. Pick up, she whispered to herself. She got Laurel's voicemail and left a message asking for Laurel to give her a quick call. Five minutes later she tried Laurel's extension one more time and continued to wait until it was one minute past noon.

Still nothing...no return text and no return call. What to do?

Stop being silly, that's what, she admonished her inner voice. I'm not going to sit her and worry myself to death over something I can't control. She knew Laurel would never do anything to get her in trouble or hurt her. So...enough. She came to the mental decision that she was not going to stress out over this. She'd just have to put on her big girl panties and wait until the meeting to find out what was up. With a small sigh Amy reached into her bag, pulled out a Tupperware container and decided she might as well just eat her salad at her desk.

She finished her lunch earlier than she had wanted to - not that it was a big salad anyway - and tried to use up the rest of her time by concentrating on the Lee Child paperback she'd picked up at the airport, but never finished. The story was very interesting and Amy had a huge literary crush on the Jack Reacher character, but she wasn't having much luck keeping her mind occupied. She managed to actually read a few pages here and there while keeping one eye on the clock. Finally it was 12:50. She clicked the out-of-office feature on both her email and extension, decided to leave her purse locked up in her desk, but grabbed her phone and headed downstairs. She definitely didn't want to be late, but she also hoped that if she showed up a few minutes early maybe she would have the opportunity to talk to Laurel in private and find out what the heck was going on.

Amy took the elevator instead of the stairs this time. Exiting the elevator on the ground floor, she went around the corner to the far hallway. Her low heels clicked and clacked as she walked to the very end of the long corridor and finally came to the door of the conference room. She tried the handle, but it was locked. She looked up and down the hallway and finally took a seat on the one and only cheap, plastic chair that was against the wall and waited. She crossed her legs and smoothed her skirt as she watched the far end of the hallway for Laurel.

As hard as she tried not to be, she still felt apprehensive and her body betrayed her when she saw that she was wiggling her foot nervously without even realizing it. She uncrossed her legs and took a deep, settling breath. It was 12:58pm and Laurel still hadn't shown up yet. Amy continued to focus on catching that first glimpse of the silhouette of her friend to appear at the far end of the corridor rather than let her imagination get the best of her. She glanced down at her phone and saw that it was exactly one minute until the meeting was scheduled to start.

Amy literally jumped when the doorknob latch made a loud clicking sound and the door unexpectedly swung open. Laurel was standing there with her hand on the doorknob and a grin on her face looking at Amy.

"Hey, you."

"Oh," Amy quickly regained her composure. "Wait, you were in there the whole time? What's going - "

Laurel put her finger to her lips and motioned with her head that Amy should come in. Amy's eyebrows narrowed into a questioning look as she soundlessly mouthed the words "are you okay?" Laurel had a sly grin on her face and motioned with her head again. Amy slowly stood up and walked into the conference room. She noticed the lighting seemed muted as she heard the door shut behind her. She quickly turned around to face Laurel. No one else was in the room...so far anyways. It was just the two of them.

Amy clasped her hands nervously in front of her. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Laurel shook her head with a smile and held out her arms indicating she wanted a hug. Amy just stood there looking at her with a confused look on her face. Tire of waiting, Laurel took two steps forward and pulled Amy into an embrace. "Sorry for all the theatrics,"

Amy was caught off guard for a moment and then finally wrapped her arms around her friend and returned the hug. "So this was...you just needed a break?"

"Exactly," Laurel said quietly into her ear, "I really miss our lunches and our emails and...I guess I just needed an Amy fix."

"Well," Amy laughed with a shaky voice, "you scared the crap out of me."

"That definitely wasn't my intention," Laurel soothed as she finally relented and let go of the hug. "My boss is driving me nuts over this project. I just had to get out of there for a little while."

"But...why the meeting invitation?" She followed Laurel's lead and took a seat in of one of the surprisingly comfortable, large leather chairs that surrounded the long conference table. Amy sat in the chair at the head of the table by the door and Laurel grabbed the chair immediately to her left.

"I had to make this seem like an official meeting with a time and a place and all that or my boss would have had a cow," Laurel explained as she leaned back in her chair.

"Okay, but why this conference room?" Amy asked as she looked around the dimly lit room. "I mean we could have gone to lunch or something."

"That would have been too obvious," Laurel shrugged. "He never would have signed off on a lunch meeting, so I booked this room, sent you the invite and informed my boss this was a meeting I couldn't miss."

"Wow," Amy shook her head in amazement at Laurel's boldness. "I have to admit - you got skills, sister."

"Oh, you know I do," Laurel grinned and reached out to hold Amy's hand. "Besides, we wouldn't have had any privacy."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," Amy agreed although it didn't make sense. Whatever, Amy was getting to spend time with one of her favorite people, so she didn't really care.

"I really had fun Friday night," Laurel smiled and her thumb stroked the back of Amy's hand affectionately. "We should do it again. Make it a regular thing."

"Sounds good to me," Amy smiled back and felt her cheeks grow warm.

"Me too," Laurel winked and let go of Amy's hand and stood up. She smoothed out her skirt before reaching up and unbuttoning the top button of her blouse.

"Ummmm...are you hot or something?"

"You know, I kind of am."

"It is a little warm in here."

"You got that right," Laurel replied, that smoky voice of hers sounding a little deeper than it had a moment ago and another button came undone. "But probably not in the way you meant it."

Laurel took a few casual steps towards the door as if to check something and then walked back to the table and unbuttoned another button of her blouse. Amy caught a flash of the royal blue satin material of Laurel's bra.

"Uh, why are you unbuttoning your shirt?"

"Getting more comfortable," Laurel replied simply. She undid one more button so that top part of the cups of her bra and the swell of her lightly freckled cleavage were clearly visible.

"And why are you getting more comfortable, exactly?" Amy understood that she probably should have been concerned, but found it hard to concentrate when faced with glimpses of Laurel's bra covered breasts.

"Because," Laurel said simply as she leaned back in her chair and pulled the hem of her skirt up a little. She let her fingers dance across her throat and then down her neck. She adjusted her shirt by pulling it further open to fully display her cleavage. Her eyes had been looking into Amy's the entire time. "I think we have some unfinished business."

"Laurel," Amy was feeling nervous all over again, but for a very different reason. "What are you doing?"

"We were supposed to get off together, remember?" Laurel's dark auburn locks had fallen forward a little so that her eyes were in shadow. "I think you owe me one."

"So, you decided...to what?"

Laurel didn't say a word as she looked at Amy with her eyebrows raised. She ran the tips of her fingers back and forth along the tops of her breasts.

"Here? Right now?"

"Yes...right here," Laurel flashed a wicked grin. "Right now."


"Uh, damn right seriously," Laurel countered as the seductive expression subtly changed into a sincere almost pleading look. "I haven't had one moment of 'me-time' in over a week. After Friday night...well let's just say I'm beyond horny. I desperately need some relief, Ames."

"But..." Amy still wasn't quite getting the why. "We're at work...and...it's the middle of the day."

"Exactly," Laurel giggled and winked at her again.

"Laurel, we shouldn't," Amy reasoned. "What if someone comes in -"

"The door is locked," Laurel's voice dropped to a seductive whisper.

"Fine, but what if someone hears us?"

"Like who? Why do you think I picked this conference room?"

"What about..." Amy's voice trailed off. She knew she was right to try and be reasonable about why they just simply could not do what Laurel was suggesting... but then again she also couldn't deny that the butterflies in her stomach had shifted into full acrobat mode.

"What about what?"

"What," Amy started and then hesitated. "What if I'm not ready?"

"For what?"

Amy didn't respond right away. She just looked down and shrugged before finally whispering, "To give you...you know. Your turn."

"Oh...oooohhhh," the realization hit and Laurel's sultry voice became reassuring. "Relax, Ames, we're not going there or anything like that."

"We're not?"

"No, silly girl. We're just going to play a little. Have some fun."

"We are?"

"Of course...and you know I'm not stupid. That's why we're leaving our clothes on."

"Okay..." Amy began and then stopped. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before opening them again and looking straight at Laurel. "What..."

"Ames," Laurel sat up at what she perceived as her friend's continued hesitation and leaned towards her. "I just...I guess I just need this right now, okay?"


"Seriously, I think-" Laurel started but then caught herself. "Wait - did you just say okay?"

Amy nodded.

"Like, okay in agreement okay?"

"I did," Amy looked up. "And what I started to say was...what do you want me to do?"

Laurel paused with a little half-smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as her eyes searched Amy's face. "Yeah?"

Amy nodded with more confidence than she really felt. "Yeah."

"Oh, hell yeah!" Laurel giggled as she sat back in her chair triumphantly. "That's my girl."

Amy bit her lip and beamed.

"Why don't you stand up?"

"Wait, why do I have to stand up?" Amy teased.

"Because I said so," Laurel scolded playfully and pulled the hem of her skirt up further so that the crotch of her matching royal blue panties were showing. "Do you still trust me?"

"Of course I do," Amy replied immediately with a grin.

"Then stand up for me," Laurel commanded.

"Fine, you win," Amy sighed dramatically but couldn't help but giggle with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. She stood up with a flourish and put her hands on her hips. "What now, mistress?"

"Ooo, I kinda like that," Laurel teased back. She wiggled her shapely butt to get more comfortable and leaned her chair back a little further. "Why don't you take off your sweater?"

Amy slipped off her cardigan and neatly folded it. She stepped forward and placed it on the conference table. She turned back to face Laurel who had a hungry look in her eyes as she stared. Amy nervously straightened her blouse. It was a light blue, a simple button-down with three quarter sleeves.

"Have I told you how sexy you are lately?" Laurel commented.

"Thanks," Amy smiled. She surprised Laurel by reaching up and unbuttoning the top button of her blouse. She paused and cocked an eyebrow at Laurel. "Was this what you had in mind?"

"Yes, please," Laurel nodded as her hands continued to roam. "Keep going."

Amy turned her back to her best friend and quickly unbuttoned the next three buttons so that her shirt gaped open to reveal her white bra. It was new and although it had all of the typical underwire, full-figured support that a large busted woman required it was also very girly and sexy with the top half of the cups a see through lace.

Amy pulled her shirt open even wider and then slowly turned back around to give Laurel a full view.
