After The Dust Had Settled


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Because neither Andie nor I had classes that morning, we'd remained in Dallas with Mom and Dad at the hotel. I rose early and got out of bed easily so as not awaken my beautiful Andie. I put on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and was going to make some coffee. The moment I opened my door, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hit my nostrils, telling me that someone was already awake.

I walked into the living area of the suite to find Mom sitting on the couch sipping the cup of coffee in her hand. She hadn't seen me yet and I took a moment to look at her. I had never looked at my mother as a woman until I heard the tale of her earlier exploits in her younger days. She had always just been my Mom, but now, in the morning light that was coming through the open drapes on the glass balcony doors; I saw a classic beauty before me. Mom's raven locks flowed gently down her shoulders, accented by a flawless olive complexion with high cheek bones, featuring a pair of beautiful brown doe eyes. I got my looks from Mom and I was proud that my mother was so beautiful despite the fact that God had only allowed her one child. I was broken out of my reverie when my Mom turned her head, and with a gentle smile, said, "Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

"I slept real well, Mom," I replied, returning her smile.

Come, sit down here on the couch with me while I get you some coffee," Mom cheerfully said.

"I can get it, Mom, keep your seat," I replied, as I walked into the small kitchen, poured myself a cup, and then went back to join her on the couch.

As I sat down, she giggled, and sliding right next to me on the couch, took my arm with one hand while holding her coffee cup with the other and said, "I haven't had the chance to snuggle with you like this since you were little."

I smiled at the warm childhood memories, and putting my arm around her, I pulled her closer and said, "I remember." When I was younger, Mom and I used to talk in the mornings before I went to school and she went to work. I was always honest with her and her with me. The same went for my father. I had the best parents that a guy could ever want and I was always thankful.

Mom smiled and said, "You're looking more and more like your grandfather as you get older." I never got to know my maternal grandfather because he was killed in a rodeo accident when Mom was a young teenager. Mom said he was a Bull Rider and he did quite well when he was in his prime.

"I wish I could've known him," I replied sadly.

Mom gave a long sigh and replied, "Me too, baby, but I do know that he would've loved you more than anything in the world. Grandma sure does, doesn't she?"

"Yes, she does, and I sure love her, too" I laughed, knowing that Grams gets mad when I don't let her spoil me.

I had been expecting Mom to ask me what she was getting ready to ask, but just not this soon, when she said, "So, tell me, Mark, what are you and Andie are planning to do?"

"About what?" I asked dumbly.

Mom leaned away from me, and giving me a look that let me know I would be in trouble if I didn't answer, and said, "Don't play dumb with me, son. You know what I mean."

I smiled and said, "I love her very much, Mom, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

"Don't get me wrong, honey. I love Andie, but that's a fairly bold statement, considering you guys have only known each other a short while," Mom replied sweetly, with not even a hint of acrimony.

After a moment's thought as to what I was going to say, I looked Mom in the eyes and said, "Do you remember how you felt the first time you saw Dad?"

Mom laughed and said, "Okay, smart ass, you've made your point, enough said," and she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and added, "She sure is a pretty thing, isn't she?"

"I think she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I love her with all my heart," I proudly replied.

"Well, that sure is a good thing to hear, because I love you with all my heart, too," suddenly came from behind me, as Andie slowly leaned down and snaked her arms around my neck. As she brought her face near, she kissed my lips and said, "Good morning, handsome."

"Well, hey," I replied, as she came around and sat next to me on the other side of the couch.

I brought my other arm around Andie and said, "I've got the two most beautiful women in the world under each arm. Damn, I'm good," and then began to laugh.

"You've got that shit right," said Dad, as he came from the master bedroom grinning, and then after leaning down and kissing Mom, he asked, "Is anybody hungry?"


Once we were all dressed, we took the elevator downstairs on our way to the restaurant. The moment we walked in, I saw Don sitting at a table that he'd apparently reserved ahead of time. We said our "Good Mornings" etc. and as soon as we'd made our food orders and the waitress was gone; Don wasted no time. Looking at me, he pointedly said, "Look Mark, You're the driving force behind Prodigy, and regardless of the fact that they're all older than you; the rest of the guys all look up to you!"

"I don't think I understand," I replied slightly confused.

"Okay, I'll get right to the point," replied Don smiling, "After I heard you guys play last night, I wanted to sign you right then, but I decided that I wanted to talk to you first. You have a gift, Mark. I'm telling you now that the other guys in the band, who are all great musicians, will follow you anywhere. All you have to do is lead them. I'm coming to hear you play tonight and I'll tell the rest of the guys after the gig. Can you keep a lid on things till then?"

I was so excited that all I could do was to nod my head up and down stupidly and say, "Uh Huh," eliciting laughter from all around the table.

After we'd all had our fill of breakfast, Mom stood up, and gently taking Andie by the hand, announced, "Andie and I are off to Neiman-Marcus' for most of the day. We will meet you at Nick's tonight around, seven or seven-thirty, I haven't decided which," and with that said, they were off.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Dad, something I'd not had the chance to do in quite a while. I was getting more excited as the day wore on; knowing what was going to transpire later that night. The coolest thing about it was, Don and Dad were life long friends so, I knew we, Prodigy, were going to get a great record deal. The excitement must've been written all over my face the whole day, because in his infinite wisdom; Dad patted me on the shoulder and knowingly said, "I know you're excited, Mark, but you're gonna have to keep it in check and not lose focus. You've still got a gig to play tonight, ya know."

"Áw Dad, I can play that gig with my eyes closed," I said, pausing for effect, and then I added, "But I'd much rather keep them open!"

Dad simply laughed and said, "Smart ass kid!"


That night at Nick's, we had just finished setting up when Nick came over to greet us. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Hey Mark, how are ya, son?"

"Oh, hey, Nick, I'm fine, thanks," I replied cheerily.

About that time Bryan walked up to me smiling and said, "Tonight is make it or break it night, L.B."

"What're you talking about?" I asked, desperately trying to keep a straight face.

"Are you kidding me, the president of Chrysalis Records is here to hear us play. If we do well enough, he might just give us a deal," said Bryan, excitedly.

"We'll just have to see what happens then, won't we?" I asked wistfully, and then pensively added, "Even if he doesn't, we still got each other and we can rock the house with the best of em!"

"That's for damn sure," replied Bryan grinning.


It was nearing time for us to take the stage and Mom and Andie still hadn't arrived. But, as they say, the show must go on, and so we did. We opened up with a song called, Roundabout, by the group, Yes, and the second we began to play together; we knew that we were truly blessed, each and every one of us. The music flowed from us like water from a fountain. Bryan's voice rang as clear as a crystal bell with every note he sang. Danny's provocative guitar licks left the audience hanging on an incendiary haze, with Tommy and Phil keeping rhythm as they were the solid heartbeat that fed us all. When my turn came to step up, I wanted to show my friends how much I loved and appreciated them so; I gave it everything I had and poured my heart out onto the keys. Although this was just the first song of the first set, the applause was deafening. I looked down to see Dad and Don clapping and smiling widely, with Don giving me a conspiratorially subtle wink.

We were about to go into another song when, all at once, wolf whistles and cat-calls started emanating from the back near the door, growing closer by the second. I wondered what was going on until I saw something that almost, well, actually it did, take my breath away. Andie came strolling to the table looking like she just stepped off the runway. Her raven locks hung down her back in a full mass of dark curls that encircled her beautiful face in the front. Her make up was flawless and her lips were painted bright red. She wore a pair of tight beige gabardine pants with a powder-blue long sleeved blouse, and she wore two inch heels, making her look like a statuesque beauty. As our eyes met, all I could say was, "Wow!"

All of a sudden I heard Bryan say "Holy shit!" As I looked back down, Mom came strutting in with feline grace and every male eye in the house was upon her. Her hair was much like Andie's, except it wasn't quite as long. She wore a form fitting skirt the came to about three or four inches above her knee. She wore a white blouse that was opened at the front to reveal a red tube top underneath. All of this was accented by black knee high boots, with two inch heels also. She walked over and kissed my smiling father and then looked up at the stage and blew me a kiss. I saw Mom began to laugh hysterically, and then she looked at me, and loud enough for me to hear, said, "Close your mouth, Mark. You're gonna catch flies!" I could hear the laughter of my band mates closely behind me.

The rest of the set went flawlessly, and as we all played together, a karmic bond was formed, cementing the five of us together. The last song of the set was All That You Dream, by a group named Little Feat, and it was new at that time so, everyone in the club began to cheer us on. Applause to a musician is like heroin to a junkie. He can never get enough of it, and we were certainly no exception. As we came off of the stage, Don met us in the alcove with a grin on his face, and to all of us said, "How would you guys like to be on Chrysalis Records' roster?"


"My God, you look fantastic," I said, as I hugged Andie when we came off the stage.

She smiled and then kissed me, and with her warm and loving spirit, which was always normal for her, Andie cooed, "I wanted to look beautiful for you tonight!"

Taking her in my arms, I pulled her closely, then smiled and replied, "You'll always be beautiful to me," followed by a tender kiss on the lips.

The next thing I knew, I felt someone tapping my shoulder, and the sound of Bryan's voice saying, "Come on, lover boy, you can kiss that pretty girl anytime. Right now we've got business to discuss!"

I turned around, and smiling at him, replied, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be right there," Then I turned back to Andie and said, "I'll be back in a little bit, sweetie!"

"Go!" she replied smiling as she shooed my away, and after giving her another kiss, I was gone.


Nick had allowed us to use his office for the business at hand with the stipulation the he get to listen in on the conversation. Dad was there as well to look out for not only my interests, but the rest of the guys in the band's interests as well. Once he had everyone's attention, Don smiled and said, "Alright guys, here it is. I'll guarantee the release of five albums and in return, I want half of the album sales and all of the publishing. You will get the other half of your album sales, all of your concert receipts, and all of the writer's royalties."

After a brief moment of silence, Dad stepped in and told us, "Look fellas, I minored in music law when I was in college, and let me assure you; you're not gonna get any sweeter of a deal than this one!"

Bryan was the first one to step up and say, "If you say it's a good deal, sir, then it's a good deal. You're a federal judge and I trust you!" Then he looked at the rest of the guys in the band and they all nodded their acknowledgment. However, when he looked at me, his facial expression changed and he suspiciously said, "I've been noticing now that you don't seem to be surprised by any of this. Did you know something the rest of us didn't?

I just laughed and said, "Yeah, I knew this was going to eventually happen the moment I set foot on the same stage with you guys."

Bryan began to laugh, and looking at Don, said, "Where do we sign?"


Andie came home with me for Thanksgiving, and Mom and Dad fussed over her making her feel welcome. I knew that Andie had never really had a good Christmas in her life. So, I took some of the reward money and bought her a brand new 1977 Mercedes 350SL, Convertible, and when she tried to protest, I reached into my pocket and with drew a ring box. With my parents as witnesses, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. Of course she said yes, but only after I gently pried her arms from around my neck. It was the best Christmas ever. It was also an emotional roller-coaster ride for Andie that day, because, no sooner had she regained control of her senses from the marriage proposal, than my mother presented her with a gold locket, which had belonged to my great grandmother, hanging on a dainty gold chain. Needless to say, Andie fell into another bout of tears again. Mom simply threw her arms around her and said, "You're gonna be okay, baby-girl. You're my daughter now, and nobody's ever gonna hurt you again."

"I love you all so very much," said Andie, now moving from my mother's arms to mine, and laying her head against my chest.

"We love you, too, pretty girl," replied Dad, moving to put his arms around us both.

I turned 19 that spring and Andie and my parents threw me a party, the likes of which I believe even to this day, the city of Denton, Texas had never seen before. It was at mine and Andie's house which turned into to a block party that lasted until right before the sun came up. Andie got me a birthday present that I still cherish to this day. It wasn't anything extravagant. It was a Saint Cecelia (the patron saint of music), pendant that hung on a long silver chain. As she put it around my neck, she leaned into my ear and breathed, "I'll love you for the rest of my life, Baby."

I pulled her to me and said, "I'll never stop loving you either, my beautiful angel."


It was during the summer, June of 1977 that we flew out to Los Angeles to start work on our first album. I had been working on the material for it all throughout the spring, sometimes at the cost of what little of a social life I had. However, Andie was right there beside me, encouraging my every step. Even the guys in the band kept me focused and were there to help if I needed it. And when I was done, I had written twelve songs that I was very proud of. Everyone who we played them for fell in love with our music as well as our sound. Little did any of us know that Don had been secretly keeping tabs on us, and we later discovered that he was pleased with what he saw.

As soon as we landed at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport), there was a limo driver holding up a sign that had the name of our band written it. His name was Jeff, and he was very cool. He helped us with our bags and said, "I'm going to be your driver while you're here in L.A., fellas, so, if you need anything, just let me know!"


We had been slated to record our first album in Habersham Studios (which is no longer there) on Sunset Strip. To say that we were all excited would be an understament. "Well, hi guys! I'm glad you could make it," said Don, as he greeted us in the studio, then he asked, "Was the flight out alright? Your accommodations okay?"

"Everything is fine, Don, I replied, "We're just ready to get started. Did our gear get here alright?" We had all of our instruments and gear sent out ahead of us two days before we came.

With the exception of your gear, Mark, everything else is all set up and waiting for you in studio A," said Don.

With my stomach rising up into my throat at the thought that something had happened to my keyboards, I nervously asked, "What's wrong with my gear, Don?"

Don began to laugh, but then suddenly seeing the obvious fear written across my face, he patted my shoulder, and reassuringly replied, "Take it easy, kid. There's nothing wrong with your gear. It's just that nobody around here knows how to set it up, that's all," and then he began to laugh again, making me feel a lot easier and very relieved.


The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, and all five of us were being put through all the paces at an exacting rate. We were measured for our stage clothes, as well as having our hair styled, all to give us what Don called, "The Million Dollar Look!" By late August; we had finished our first album, and were damn proud of all the hard work we'd done. Don had given us free reign on what we recorded, and the first time he heard the finished product; I though he was going to pee his pants, he was so excited. We hadn't even taken the picture for the album cover before we began to hear our music being played on the radio. People began calling into the radio stations requesting to hear our music since right after our first debut cut off the album was aired. It was a very exciting time for us, but still, I missed Andie and every day it grew worse. I hadn't seen her since the 2nd of June and here it was the 27th of August. The phone calls I made once a week weren't enough for me. I had gotten used to sleeping next to her every night and it was beginning to really wear on me. It got to the point that I was having trouble falling asleep. I needn't have worried though, the rest of the guys were beginning to notice that I was falling into a "funk" of sorts, and without my knowledge, brought it to Don's attention. God, how I love these guys!

Once the album was complete, we started making preparations for the up and coming tour for our new album, wardrobe, rehearsals, etc. I was sitting in my hotel room one afternoon after rehearsals, bored to tears when the phone rang. I picked it up and it was Don saying that he needed to see me back at the studio immediately. He wouldn't say why, but he sounded extremely irritated to the point I thought he might be pissed off at me. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what I'd done so, I went downstairs and then out to the curb to hail a cab.

"Hey Don, what's up?" I asked, walking into his office and sitting down across his desk from him.

He gave me a stern glare and replied, "We've got a big problem, Mark!"

I wasn't sure what he meant so; I simply shrugged my shoulders and said, "Excuse me?"

"Don't be stupid, Mark, you know exactly what I'm talking about, dammit," he hissed.

It takes a lot to make me angry. But the one thing that will make me lose my temper quicker than anything is to be called stupid, and I did just that. I stood up and glared back at Don, and with all the control and respect I could muster; I leaned down till our faces were mere inches apart, and menacingly growled, "While I appreciate everything you've done for all of us, you have no right to speak to me like this, and furthermore; I'm smarter than anyone you fucking know!"
