Alex & Alexa Ch. 16


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"I've never lost anyone important to me, Alex," she murmured. "I mean, you know I was worried about being alone my whole life, but... to lose someone who was your everything... oh, God, Alex, I'm so sorry..."

She wept quietly on my shoulder while I caressed hers. Freja now knelt in front of me, between my legs, and gently lifted my chin, not at all bothered by my red eyes or worn expression.

"Alex," she said softly. "I will be honest with you. We may never find Alexa. If she has gone away and does not wish to be found, it would be rather easy for her. She is not only a citizen of the EU, but also the Commonwealth, so she could go anywhere. And like you, she is a polyglot, she speaks many languages, so she'd be comfortable in many places."

"My Klingon is better than hers." I mumbled, smiling weakly. She smiled back, shaking her head slightly.

"You do not need to try and cheer us up, my friend. Let us be here for you. And to that end, let me promise you something, on Alexa's behalf..."

Her tone was now quiet but serious as she stared into my eyes. "If we do not see her, ever again, then Jeanie and I will act as wives for you. We cannot replace her, we know that, but we both loved her, and we will look after you in her name. Even children. We talked about it on the way down when we suspected the worst. It's... it's what she'd want, she wouldn't want you to be alone, Alex."

I didn't really have anything to say, but I smiled and nodded. She got back on the chesterfield and pulled a cover over us, in spite of the late summer warmth. The two of them nestled into me, caressing me slowly and whispering comforting words. In a cocoon, my weary mind drifted and I fell back asleep, wondering where my beloved wife had gone.


We were all sitting around the coffee table, staring into our cups. Mom and dad had been gone to their bedroom for several hours and I admit I slept for most of those. Dad had made some obligatory calls to the airport, of course, but they had no information to give him. We couldn't even file a missing persons report, since Alexa was an adult and had left a perfectly cogent letter saying goodbye that indicated she was in no danger. She was just... going away.

How do you find someone who doesn't want to be found? And even if you do find them... what then?

Jeanie had made some sandwiches and salad, and we all picked away at them dutifully, even if none of us felt like eating. Still, protein and carbs to help us think were not a bad thing.

I could tell dad was agitated- he wanted to make sure his wife wasn't in distress, and he could do nothing about it. Thankfully, he didn't blame me, because he clearly felt awful for me as well. Nothing was harder on my dad than not being able to help the people he loved. Why had I allowed this to happen?

"I still can't believe she took off and none of us noticed," mom said finally. "I didn't, your father didn't, you didn't... she must have been so careful."

"Can't be sure, but she might have gone out her bedroom window and shimmied down that lattice," dad mused. "She kept that window open a lot on pleasant nights."

Freja nodded. "And she is, oh, how do you say it... a real monkey. She was always climbing trees and into her bedroom when she was out past curfew. It was amazing to watch how agile she could be."

"Well, you said she was a good little gymnast, which accounts for her HR-inappropriate level of flexibility," mom sighed. "So, when we were all asleep, she went out her window and took off to God-knows-where. I've contacted both sides of my family and told them she went AWOL, on the off-chance she shows up with any of them to learn more about herself. Obviously that won't happen, but being thorough keeps me focused."

Freja had told mom and dad about their offer to look after me in Alexa's place. They both seemed to not really mind, but why would they? I wasn't related to either of these girls and it did little or nothing to solve the primary aspect of this crisis from their point of view. Ancillary solutions were far from their minds at the moment. Since my parents hadn't known about our relationship or that Alexa and I considered ourselves husband and wife, the offer was rather moot. I think everyone was just wanting to keep all lines of communication clear at this point, no secrets or surprises.

"You saw them marry one another, Freja?" dad asked, looking at her.

She smiled warmly. "Only after the fact, but they recorded it. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Even considering my wedding to Jeanie. They were so in love, Michael."

"Alex?" mom intoned, looking at me. "Would you like to take us there?"

I hadn't expected that question, but I also knew better than to say no. To be honest, I didn't really feel a reason to say no either. What was the glade to me now, except a shrine of memory? I nodded my agreement.

"Bring your laptop along," she said as she rose. "We'll all go."

"Then we will follow you." Freja said, nodding. "We will take Jeanie's car and meet-"

"No, come in the van with us," dad said, his voice gentle but brooking no argument. "The family's grown small enough recently, I see no point in anyone being separated, even for a short drive. We'll meet in the living room in five minutes."

I went and got dressed while the girls waited patiently. Dad was getting the van ready. I don't know why, but I got into clothes one would consider a little bit dressy for a walk through a provincial park. I guess because I associated the glade with Alexa, and now it was almost a shrine to her in my mind...

I took a deep breath, steeling myself.


It was dark now as we stood in the glade. The night was clear, and the moon's silvery rays pierced the canopy to touch the emerald grass and crystalline waters of the brook. A light breeze rustling leaves overhead was the only sound we could hear.

"It's beautiful," mom said quietly, almost reverently as she looked around in wonder. "I can see why you two chose it."

"Thanks," I said rather uncertainly, rubbing my neck. Jeanie and Freja were also standing nearby, holding one another's hand, having removed their shoes and enjoying the feel of their grass under their feet. "So, uh, yeah... this is where it all happened."

"The first time you made love to Alli, and where you married her," dad mused. "I agree with your mother, it's enchanting. Day or night, this place would be magical."

"It's a shame Alli's not here," mom said almost wistfully, although I could see her eyes were glassy with tears. It was as if she expected to never see her sister again. "Alex, I..."

"Yeah, mom?" I asked, wondering what she wanted to say.

"Do you have the video you took of you marrying Alli on your laptop? If you do... could we see it?"

I was quiet for a moment but then nodded. There was no need to protect anything now, was there? "Yeah, mom. I guess you should."

She smiled and covered her mouth while dad took her other hand. "I guess I had daydreams of being at Alli's wedding, either as her Maid of Honour or giving her away, since mom and dad aren't with us anymore. And now, it turns out I... I missed the whole thing..."

Dad hugged mom and she fought back her tears while I pulled out my laptop, checking the battery power when I turned it on. It would be good for at least three hours. I gave it to mom and she knelt in the grass, with my device on her lap. Dad knelt behind her while Jeanie sidled into one side with Freja behind her and me on the other. I found the folder with the clip in question and clicked Play...


"Pourquoi sous tes cheveux me cacher ton visage? Laisse mes doigts jaloux écarter ce nuage : Rougis-tu d'être belle, ô charme de mes yeux? L'aurore, ainsi que toi, de ses roses s'ombrage. Pudeur! honte céleste! instinct mystérieux, Ce qui brille le plus se voile davantage ; Comme si la beauté, cette divine image, N'était faite que pour les cieux! Tes yeux sont deux sources vives Où vient se peindre un ciel pur, Quand les rameaux de leurs rives Leur découvrent son azur. Dans ce miroir retracées, Chacune de tes pensées Jette en passant son éclair, Comme on voit sur l'eau limpide Flotter l'image rapide Des cygnes qui fendent l'air! Ton front, que ton voile ombrage Et découvre tour à tour, Est une nuit sans nuage Prête à recevoir le jour ; Ta bouche, qui va sourire, Est l'onde qui se retire Au souffle errant du zéphyr, Et, sur ces bords qu'elle quitte, Laisse au regard qu'elle invite, Compter les perles d'Ophyr! Ton cou, penché sur l'épaule, Tombe sous son doux fardeau, Comme les branches du saule Sous le poids d'un passereau ; Ton sein, que l'oeil voit à peine Soulevant à chaque haleine Le poids léger de ton coeur, Est comme deux tourterelles Qui font palpiter leurs ailes Dans la main de l'oiseleur. Tes deux mains sont deux corbeilles Qui laissent passer le jour ; Tes doigts de roses vermeilles En couronnent le contour. Sur le gazon qui l'embrasse Ton pied se pose, et la grâce, Comme un divin instrument, Aux sons égaux d'une lyre Semble accorder et conduire Ton plus léger mouvement."

Alexa's eyes shone as she listened to my recitation of Lamartine, who she had previously told me was one of her favourite chanseurs. I watched myself cough and somewhat apologetically smile.

"I had to get some French in there for you somehow. But you know I love you. I... have no choice, Alexa. If there is indeed such a thing as being 'fated', this is it. And I wouldn't resist it if it was true."

We all watched I slipped the blue ring-pop onto her finger, still looking into her eyes. "I wed thee now. I devote my heart and soul to you, Alexa. And you are forever mine, come what may."

Her eyes were shining with tears as I spoke the words she was so desperate to hear. She nodded when I finished and drew a deep breath.

"Alex, I don't speak Sumerian, you're better at the ancient languages than I am. But this is the world's oldest known love poem, from Sumer, because I feel our souls have been bonded as one since before recorded history..."

"Bridegroom, dear to my heart, Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet, Lion, dear to my heart, Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.

Bridegroom, let me caress you, My precious caress is more savory than honey, In the bedchamber, honey-filled, Let me enjoy your goodly beauty, Lion, let me caress you.

My precious caress is more savory than honey. Bridegroom, you have taken your pleasure of me, Tell my mother, she will give you delicacies, My father, he will give you gifts.

You, because you love me, Give me pray of your caresses, My lord god, my lord protector, My Shu-Sin, who gladdens Enlil's heart, Give me pray of your caresses."

She looked into my eyes as she slipped my ring-pop onto my finger, quoting the play Much Ado About Nothing.

"As you are mine, so now am I yours."

We all watched the screen as I pulled Alexa to me and kissed her deeply. Tears trickled down mom's face as she watched. Freja and Jeanie were both tearing up as well, even thought they'd both watched it before.

"Slick editing, Alex," mom said softly, putting her hand on mine. "It was beautiful."

"Yeah, thanks," I said as I closed the laptop before Alexa and I started making love. I was determined to be honest with my parents, I wasn't sure I was ready for them to watch me make love to mom's sister, though. "It helps when the subject matter is Alexa."

We'd both been recording the event with our phones, along with our laptops, meaning I had plenty of angles to choose from when making the final video of our marriage. Alexa and I had watched it countless times, falling more in love every time we did so.

And now... nothing.


We were all sitting around the dining table, drinking coffee. My laptop sat in front of me. No one was saying much of anything at the moment.

"You... you and dad should keep my laptop for now," I said finally. "I'll give you the password. I mean, yeah, there's probably a lot of videos you won't want to watch, but there'll be a lot you do, too. If you really want to know what we meant to one another."

"I do, baby," mom said, looking at me, her eyes soft with love. "I only want your happiness, and I don't know how to give it to you. The other complications aside, we can't even find her."

"Well... could we try to figure it out?" Jeanie asked. "I mean, she'll be somewhere in the Commonwealth or the EU, right? That's what Freja said."

"That's pretty much half the planet, darling," mom sighed. "A little more daunting than it might seem."

"Yeah, but she won't go anywhere that random." Jeanie insisted. "Just because she speaks Arabic doesn't mean she'll head to Iran."

"True, my love, but she won't go anywhere that will remind her of her pain, either." Freja added, ignoring her beloved's error in geography. "Not Cardiff, and not Roskilde. She was never truly happy anywhere. She always wanted to be here."

We all sat silently for several seconds, unsure what to say.

"Paris." I said finally. Everyone looked at me.

"Remember karaoke night?" I continued. "Freja said that even Alexa got tired of Paris and Alexa disagreed, said... what was it... she said that if she'd been older when she lived there, with her own money, she might've stayed. But grandma's career took her elsewhere."

"Alex is right," dad said, nodding. "You were sharp to catch that and remember it."

"I, I remember just about everything she says, to be honest. If I had to hazard a guess, she will go to Paris."

"Even if she did, it's a big city," Freja sighed. "We could all go and still never find her."

We were all silent again before mom finally looked up at dad. "Michael?"

I knew that tone. She was officially deferring to my dad. About this whole situation. I know it often seems like mom runs the roost, but when the chips were down, there was no question who the head of our household was.

Dad closed his eyes and we all waited for several minutes while he wrestled with this entire mess in his mind. All I could hear was the summer breeze outside and the sound of my heart beating.

When he opened his eyes, he smiled at me. "I think we'd better dig up your passport, Alex," he said cheerfully. "You've got a wife to bring home..."


"Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu`on m`a fait, ni le mal
Tout ça m`est bien égal
Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
C`est paye, balaye, oublie, je me fous do passe

The haunting strains of Edith Piaf's voice reached me as I stepped through the front door of the café. It sent chills through me, making me tremble, as I thought of Alexa singing the song, a touching ballad of no regrets, come what may.

The Sixteenth Arrondisments, where she had lived many years ago. Simple inquiries eventually confirmed that a beautiful blonde girl had indeed been seen in the neighbourhood. She had only just arrived three days before, but people were already speaking of her, that she had apparently lived there once before. In spite of her beauty, she seemed supremely sad. My heart pounded, it could only be her.

Avec mes souvenirs j`ai allume le feu
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs,
Je n`ai plus besoin d`eux
Balaye les amours avec leurs trémolos
Balaye pour toujours
Je réparas a zéro

There she is...

Beautiful beyond words, even when she was wracked with grief. She sat at a small table, looking out the window to her side. Even across the room, I could see her eyes were red with grief, her fingers gently touching her lips. Surrounded by people, she still seemed so alone. That was no doubt how she wanted it.

She turned her head and our eyes met.

I smiled gently and held up my hand, showing her the little plastic ring on my wedding finger.

Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu`on m`a fait, ni le mal
Tout ça m`est bien égal
Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie, car me joies
Aujourd'hui ça commence avec toi!"

There were tears in her eyes as she smiled and held up her hand, showing me the little yellow ring she'd always sworn to wear.

"Because my life, because my joy, today they begin with you!"

~ fin~

Author's Notes: Yes, this story about Alex and Alexa has come to an end. And yes, Alex is taking her home as his wife. Of course, there'll be things to work out, but our crew will no doubt see it through.

But having said that, this is only the first part of the story. It will be continuing in one form or another. That'll be in the new year, because I've seriously gotta catch up on other stories, but I enjoyed this one too much to let it end. I have several ideas, and many people have suggested ideas. If you have ideas, PM me and let me know.

I've decided there will be a Christmas Special extra chapter. It's late summer in our storyline, but this chapter will come out around Christmas. Because fans who are evolved beyond hate mail have requested something along those lines. So, what the hey, right?

And yes, there was no sex in this chapter. I just couldn't find a place to fit it in where it seemed appropriate. Then again, a lot of people have told me that just because this is an erotic site, not every chapter published has to be laden with sex. Sometimes, emotion and romance are what you need. Hopefully this chapter wrapped up this arc in the right vein, then.

In this final Author's Notes, I'm going to explain a few things and straighten out some others. For instance, what does our cast look like in my mind?

Michael looks a lot like Dave Draper in the late 60's and early 70's, but with humour and intelligence glinting in his eyes. And his face is not all pinched together.

Karen. I always pictured her looking like the French ballet star Sylvie Guillem in the 80's, only with a pronounced bust. I always loved that fashionable Dutch bob-cut.

I dunno the name of the girl who I think looks like Freja, and I can't put the pic on here anyway. But her hair is honey blonde, sort of a wavy bob, as opposed to Karen's straight hair. Her eyes are a warm hazel and her smile is pleasant and friendly. Her body is slender but attractive, her boobs average in size, maybe a little pointy. Her outstanding feature is her ass and her legs.

Jeanie. Curvier than Freja, bigger boobs. She has lots of curly brown hair, cascading down her back. Nice girl, pretty smile, but you can see in her eyes that there's not a lot going on upstairs. I picture Carli Banks with curly brown hair.

Heather. The adult movie actress Lizz Tayler is a good approximation of how I see her.

Alex, well... I don't rightly know who he would look like, but he's got a strong swimmer or gymnast's build, shaggy blond hair like dad and blue eyes. A wry, mischievous smirk.

Alexa. Okay, here we go...

Galadriel has always been my ideal woman. With big boobs and without a big damn gap in her front teeth. Fuck you, Peter Jackson. Alexa, in my mind is beautiful and regal, like Galadriel.

When she's being goofy, she reminds me of the cosplay goddess Jess Nigri. When she's being flirty and sexy, I think of Kate Upton or Charlotte McKinney. She's got the sensuality of Marilyn Monroe. And she's a succubus when she's being sexual. Not falling in love with her is a real challenge. Except maybe for you hate trolls out there. You're so strong, you are...

A lot happened in the first week of this story, and then it sort of slowed down, while the quandary they found themselves in simmered under the surface. Hopefully the change in pace wasn't too jarring. And as an author on this site, you just have to accept that no matter which way you take a story, fast or slow, sex every chapter or not every chapter, people are going to have tantrums at you because you're not doing what they want.