And Other Duties As Required Ch. 05-07


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When we weren't fucking, we were cuddling, clinging together in mutual need. Flesh to flesh, breast to breast. Sweet breath slanted off my brow.

Madeline never sprang forth to punish me for my sins. In the post-coital glow, my guilt seemed so distant. I wasn't their manager anymore. I was one of them. As though there could be anything wrong with such tenderness.

At some point sleep overcame me. I was tired. Sore. I had lost track of how many times I'd cum, and yet somehow, I was still hungry for more. It had been the best sex I had ever had; I'd screamed out in rapture time and time again, and still it left me with room for dessert. What would it take to satisfy this appetite of mine? I thought back to that body-breaking dildo, and fell asleep with a hand buried in my hot snatch.

I slept. I dreamed. I danced.

I spun in a grand ballroom, strong arms holding me tight as my dress spun out behind me, long, elegant and flowing, twirling out girlishly with each spin.

I looked up at the man leading me. The manager smiled back - princely, regal. His eyes sparkled as he gazed beatifically into mine. I blushed, giggling at his charming grin. A handsome smile, so broad and masculine that it sent my girlish heart atitter. I was the world to him, and I ached for him in return.

I pulled myself in tighter. The warmth of him inspiring further warmth in me, a silky heat that spread through my pounding breast. I was his. It was my job to please him. To make him feel good. I'd do anything for this man.

I could feel his hardening ardour pressing against me, growing into the tightness between us. I could feel myself growing weak as it grew strong, as he swept me away in his dance. I smiled, grateful for the chance to do what I knew I had to do. My dress spilled out around me as I fell to my knees. All around us people danced and people watched. Scandalous grins turned to sneers of perverse interest as their features warped - Madeline's face laughing at me from every corner.

Proudly, I pulled his masculinity from his pants, long and hard and pulsing with need, as hungry for me as I was for it. I cooed in appreciation. How sweet a gift, how romantic a notion. This hardness, this desire - it was all for me. It was proof of his caring, his love, his devotion.

I stuck out my tongue, one long slow lick taking me from it's churning base to it's throbbing head. A shiver of delight ran through me. Each lick, each flick of my tongue, felt as good as a tongue on my own sex.

I struggled to fit the head - easily as large and as purple a plum - into my mouth, to engulf it, to be the space that it filled. I wished with every fiber of my being that it could be a perfect fit - Cinderella's slipper - but it was too much. It couldn't be contained.

My head rolled, my tongue alive with sensation as I kissed and licked and sucked. Electric jolts quivered through me each ounce of pleasure that I gave him echoed back through my own needy sex. And yet, I didn't care. The pleasure I received was immaterial. What mattered was him.

He groaned. Precum spilled out, as hot and as wet as my own raging pussy. I breathed it in like a sweet perfume and drank it deep, grateful for even the smallest of tastes and oh-so-eager for more. His hands were on my head, grasping my hair, guiding me, using me, teaching me how to be his perfect cock-hole, his perfect woman. What a wonderful man he was.

I lost all track of self, all track of time, there was only me, there was only this, there was only now - an eternal moment of rising bliss as I worshipped at the font of this manhood. This was my place. This was where I belonged. Why would I ever want anything more? Nirvana was a cock down my throat. My blissful cries echoed out like poetry even as I filled my mouth with as much of him as I could.

"You're mine." I looked up into my prince's eyes once more to see Madeline's smug face atop his body, and yet, I wasn't afraid.

"I'm yours."

As I knelt there in devoted sacrament, my prayers were answered. Her heavy, manly balls pulsed and throbbed and her abs twitched in approval. She squeezed my hair tight, burying herself to the hilt inside of me. A flood of hot cum sloshed its way toward her cock, ready to flood into me - my baptism, my salvation, mere moments away.

I woke up screaming. Meiling's tongue danced across my clitoris in a practiced rhythm, jolts of ab-tensing pleasure sending my body rocking to whatever song was playing through her head.

"Oh good." Min was already over by the dresser putting on makeup. "She's up."

"Told you that would work." Meiling looked up from between my legs, a dreamy half-lidded smile lighting up her face. "Good morning, Miki."

I whimpered. No light shone in through the window. My body, beneath the sea of endorphins I was riding, was a tangled wreck of aching muscle. I screamed a very different kind of scream.

"What time is it?" I asked,y voice a pleading whimper.


"Six-Fifteen," chided Min. "You slept through the alarm."

"You looked like you were having a good dream," Meiling licked her lips, "so I thought I'd help out."

The dream was already fading. A princess and a ballroom? A handsome face? A huge dick. Oh god.

"Wait... why is it so early?" I shook my head to dislodge the image

"Morning practice?" Meiling and Min exchanged a concerned look. "We have to get a couple hours in before breakfast."

I tried to close my eyes and retreat back into the dream. Anything was better than this.

"Are you still feeling anemic, Miki?" Meiling pulled me into a warm cuddle.

"No." I shook my head. I wanted to say yes, to seize any advantage I could, but I didn't want to give Madeline any more ammunition.

"Good." Miki added. "We can't keep slacking off like yesterday."

I roiled. Slacking off? Every muscle in my body was sore after that marathon of training. I stretched, then winced. I could barely even move. But what choice did I have?

I groaned and tried to sit up. At least Madeline's body was young. I was hardly old, especially for someone in my position - but if I had tried to do all of that with my old body, I'd be in the hospital for sure. As sore as I was, the pain was soothed by the balm of youth, a body in its peak working the way it was supposed to.

"Come on, Rookie, time to get up. We got a lot of practice ahead of us. You want to be an idol, don't you?" she stuck out her tongue.

I groaned again and forced my aching body out of bed. It wasn't a matter of want, it was a matter of need. If I was going to escape Madeline, then this is what I needed to do.

Right. I shook my head again. I steeled my nerve. If this was what it was going to take, then that's what it was going to take. No matter the pain, no matter the agony. I was going to win.

The rest of the week passed much the same way. Each day an endless slog of grueling practice and training. I wasn't going to be caught off guard again. I wasn't going to let Madeline win again. I was trying to cram an entire lifetime of being an idol into just one agonizing week, but dammit I wasn't just going to give up. Madeline thought she could break me? She thought she could humiliate me? All she'd done is piss me off.

And so, even as the man I once was melted in the crucible of Miki - even as I endured every girly humiliation - I bit my tongue and I grinned through gritted teeth. I laughed and I giggled and I put up with the pain and the suffering and all of the horny indignation.

I was just glad I didn't have to do it alone. As hard as the girls made it sometimes, knowing that I had people I could count on, people who would pick me up when I fell and who would keep me motivated, it helped. Prior to this, I don't think I ever had anybody in my life I'd seriously call a friend. I don't know what I would have done without them.

And sure, each night, they kept the itch at bay - the sheet-gripping sweetness of their tongues helping to fight back the endless tide of my nymphomaniacal desires - but it was more than that. As weak and as vulnerable as it made me feel, being close to them brought comfort and warmth. It gave me some semblance of peace when I needed it the most.

Together, I thought, we could do anything. Let Madeline do her worst.

How foolish I was, how naive. If only I knew what she had in store.

-= Chapter 7 =-

I took a deep breath. It was the day of the handshake event. We'd taken the morning off of training and gotten some extra sleep - it was that big a deal.

The whole week I'd been expected Madeline to make another move, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it had been strangely quiet. More of her torments? Had she lost interest after the photoshoot? It was now or never. I had to be careful.

The venue was an old record store near our corporate office. We did a lot of events there, so this wasn't too far out of the ordinary so far, especially since it gave us a chance to promote the upcoming concert. People who had reordered VIP concert tickets had all gotten their handshake tickets in the mail, and anyone else walking in could purchase one and get into line.

And what a line it was. We hadn't even started yet and already we could see it spiraling out the door. They cheered as we drove past, waving. We'd be coming in through the back of course, and it was still early. All of the last-minute preparations took hours.

Still, the line was so long. How long had they been waiting? And for what? Each of them would only get fifteen seconds with one of us. A handshake and a few words. I guess they didn't see it that way though. For them, this was a irresistible chance to actually interact with the girls they idolized, an opportunity to show their love. For them, any wait was worth it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. This would be my first time interacting with fans as a woman, as Miki. Fans were... well, there was a weird disconnect there. By and large they were just normal people who wanted to support the girls they loved, but some... some were a little obsessive. You never knew what could happen with fans. That's why we had security. Tall, stern figures standing just off to the side, stopwatches in hand and ready to leap to our honor at a moments notice. It rarely came to that, of course, but it was known to happen.

Like it or not, fans were the pulsing lifeblood of idoldom. It was their money that paid our cheques. As large as the industry was, they were the customers. That's why were here today - to give something back, to show them that the idols they worshiped cared, that we'd be nothing without them.

And that meant I had to be the girl that they loved. I had to be the Miki that the world believed I was. A little shy, a little demure, but enthusiastic and genuine. Above all, grateful and innocent.

I had masturbated three times this morning, trying to get all of the lust out of my brain. It still wasn't nearly enough. As we stepped inside, I could already feel the low simmer building up in my bones. I did my best to shake it away - I couldn't afford any weakness - but by this point I'd learned that it was just something I had to live with.

I almost tripped when I saw the concert posters plastering the shop and the back room. When last I'd seen it, we had been wearing cutesy outfits appropriate for idols like us. Now it was the three of us wearing those flimsy nothings from the photoshoot. Same positions, same poses, same poster, different wardrobe. This was Madeline's work.

Luckily, they didn't actually expect us to wear costumes for this kind of thing. For public events like this, we had a bit more control over our style.

For the others that meant they could dress cute, girly, stylish. For me it meant a tight blouse that clung to my skin and a ruffled tartan miniskirt that threated to flare up over my ass at the slightest provocation.

"Oh my god," gushed Melody as she ran a powdered brush under my eyelids. She was the reason we had to be there so early. Art took time. "Your eyes are so dark. Were you up all night?"

In truth, yes. Last night's sex had been particularly vigorous, but I didn't know how to even begin explaining that to her.

"The three of you really need to start taking better care of yourselves. Min was just complaining about her pants being too tight. Not everyday is cheat day you know." she stuck out a tongue. "If you three don't start taking better care of yourselves you're not going to fit into your costume come the concert. Might already have to adjust Min's inseam." she gave a giggle.

Min was currently in the bathroom hyperventilating. Meiling had gone in after her to try to coax her out. She was more nervous about this than I was.

Wait, hold on. Was she calling me fat? After all the exercise I'd endured over the past week? I fumed, but didn't try to argue. There was something about the sight of the girl - her small delicate head stuck obliviously on the body of her bodybuilder fiancé - that disinclined me from wanting to start shit.

Not that she realized her own strength. She was wearing an all-too delicate summer dress, her very muscular - and very male - body squeezing tightly at the seams as she hummed and spun and fluttered her way around the staff-room that was serving as our green room.

I don't know what I'd been expecting. That Madeline would have turned her back? I guess at least she hadn't made things any worse.

Melody had taken great joy in showing us all the pictures her and her fiancé took on their holiday this past week. His bearded face grinned back from a selfie despite the weight of the muscular girl sitting on his delicate female lap.

I had to force a smile as she gushed about their wedding plans and how she just couldn't decide on a dress.

By the time she was done with us, our faces and outfits, though less over-the-top than they had been for the photoshoot, were no less beautiful. Somehow Melody had found a way to bring out the girl-next-door in even me. There was little she could do to stop me from being a sexual dynamo, but she had done wonders to make me more... well, approachable. A mask of powder above a mask of flesh.

Was I actually ready to do this? No. But I was as ready as I'd ever be. I'd had all week to prepare. I'd studied. I'd practiced. If I could fool those girls into believing I was Miki, then how much harder would it be too fool fans for fifteen seconds at a time?

And then all of my confidence drained out of me in just a few short words.

"Oh Mik Mik?" an all-too familiar voice rang out behind me. "A moment, if you'd please?"

My blood ran cold. Madeline, pulling me into an office.

The sight of her in my body brought all of my agony to the surface. It had cooled over the past week, tempered in the mundanity of this girl's life, but now, now it was all I could do not to run over and kick her in the fucking balls.

She grinned, knowing full well I couldn't do anything to her. Had my body always been so tall? So intimidating? Had my voice always been so deep and powerful? A soft blush crossed my face. Had I always been that hot?

"Your manager tells me you've been a busy girl this week. Seems like you've been having just as much fun as I have."

I scowled, my heart raging at my impotence.

"Aw, poor Miki," she cooed, "so defiant. This is what you wanted, isn't it? A second chance? And what's the matter? I thought you'd have loved a week away from it all with those two lovely girls. Did you like the little gift I left for you?"

"You bitch."

"Careful, Miki." she warned, her eyes going deadly serious. "Let's not forget our place. You're an idol, remember? Let's see that pretty little smile."

I leaned back and forced the saccharine expression I'd been practicing all week, a sharp contrast to the rage behind it.

"See? Isn't that much better? I'll tell you what. There's a lot of people here today to see you, charming girl that you are. They really liked the centerfold. It's a top seller. Good job."

I gripped a fist and didn't rise to her challenge. That stupid centerfold had been following me around all week.

"Your job today is simple, Miki. All you have to do is please your fans. All you have to do is handle your line."

"That's it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That's it. If you can... satisfy... everybody lined up to see you, then you win. It's as simple as that. I'll let you have your old life back, good as new. I might even let you keep some of the upgrades I made." She winked. "Sound good?"

"I don't buy it. It's too easy. What's the game, Madeline?"

"That is the game." she sighed. "Look, Miki. I don't need to make this hard for you. I know how hard this is to begin with. I've been on the other end of this, remember? So just sit your pretty little ass down and give the fans what they want. Be the sex symbol they believe you to be. Finish your line before we close the doors and you can go free."

"And if I fail? What then?"

"Then?" She grinned. "Then the real fun begins."

"How do I know I can even trust you? How do I know you aren't going to just fuck me over even if I win? How do I know you won't just keep dragging this out, best two out of three, best five out of seven, until you finally win?"

"Oh, you can't." She laughed. "I could ruin you to my heart's content and you wouldn't even notice. But, well," her smile fell away, "games are boring without rules. As I'm starting to learn." she looked at the remote on the desk in front of her. "Especially when you're playing with cheats turned on. If I don't keep it fun somehow, then, well, what's the point?"

My heart pounded.

"Come on, Miki, where'd that pretty smile go? That's all anyone came here to see. Well, that and those ridiculous tits of yours. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Now get going. You don't want to keep everybody waiting, now do you?"

Her laughter was still haunting my mind as we three girls stepped out into the store some time later. The fans, stuffed behind a velvet rope, were all clamoring to see us. Three lanes had formed, one for each of us, each with a lineup as far back as we could see.

Oh my god. I stopped, stunned like a deer in headlights. There were so many of them. All eyes on us. All eyes on me.

The ones in the front of my lane were tired and hungry. They had been here since the store opened this morning - maybe earlier - all to be the first to see me, to see Miki. They looked like they were going to cry just looking at me. My heart pounded. I clenched a fist. I could do this. I had to. I had spent all week pretending to be Miki, pretending to be this lovable sexy girl. I could fool these men for the fifteen seconds at a time it took to move things along.

Meiling waved - the only one of us not currently terrified. The entire store burst into cheers.

I took a deep breath. I could do this. the line wasn't even that bad, not really. We weren't even A-listers. If I kept things moving, I should be able to handle them without too much trouble. I just had to stay focused and keep in character. Hell, Meiling's line was way longer. She was the one everybody was here to see.

I sat down behind the little table and took a sip of water. Televisions around the store were feeding in video of the three of us at the front while speakers piped in our music. Beside me a tall intimidating man stood ready with a stopwatch.

"We will now begin the handshake event!" Screamed the manager, his voice drowned out by the eager crowd. He pulled the belt from the stanchion like the gun at the start of a race. I flinched. Have you ever seen hundreds of people surge forward all at once? I thought I was about to get swept away.

Instead, they stopped patiently at the marker 5 feet away. The first stepped forward.

"Oh my god," he gushed "I'm such a huge fan!" He was on the verge of tears as he tried not to fangirl over me. "I can't believe I'm first! I've been following your career since that video of you on the subway! You were so amazing!"
