And Other Duties As Required Ch. 05-07


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I had never felt this way before. I - No, wait... My pulse quickened. I thought back to the past few days, to all the tall men, handsome men, muscular men, all making my heart pound, making me feel weak and gooey and submissive. How had I not noticed? I let out a frustrated, horny sigh.

I stood up and stared at my reflection. Madeline's laughing grin flashed through my mind. That bitch. I slammed a fist against the mirror. She had made me gay.

Or... well... I thought back to the warmth that had flooded through me as Meiling took my hand in hers. Maybe not completely gay. Bi?

I stood up on trembling legs. I wanted to reach a hand back down, my body wanted me to finish what I had started. It was begging to be held and squeezed and fucked, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't give myself over to the possibility that I would once again lose myself in that boy-crazy haze. I didn't want to like men. This wasn't who I was. Even if - shit - even if liking men felt so fucking good.

I beat my fist against the sink, splashed cold water on my face, and stepped out into the hall.

I was a mess as I returned. Hair in disarray, blouse buttons ripped to reveal an even greater expanse of creamy flesh than before, and the unmistakable glow of a woman who had just been fucking herself silly in the bathroom. Everybody pretended not to notice.

I blushed and nodded my way through the rest of the meeting, all the hornier and more desperate. God, I was aware of it now. That flush of blood, that elevation of my senses, that... excitement. I had blamed the boiling warmth in my sex to my overactive libido, but there was so much more to my arrousal than that. Feelings I couldn't process suddenly all made sense in context. I wanted this idiot to like me, I wanted him to think I looked pretty, I warmed at his smile.

Shit, I was in a lot of trouble.

I kept my head down and tried to think gynophilic thoughts. I conjured up bouncing tits and beautiful lusty faces and the memory of Meiling and Min moaning naked and scrubbing in the shower. All day I'd been avoiding such distractions, but now, well, desperate times called for desperate measures.

I boiled away in the corner, chewing my lip as I tried not to cry out at my own fantasies. By the time we were done, I don't think I'd paid attention to a single word he'd said.

Our day was done.

I collapsed into a chair as soon as we got home. I was spent. Completely worn out. All the weight of the day pounding down on me. An Idol's life was exhausting.

It was late. We had scant few hours before we had to get ready for tomorrow, but it was time at least to ourselves. The girls had curled up on the couch to watch some mindless television. I envied them. Oh, how I'd love to just shut off my brain and relax. But no. I had to use this time carefully. I had to put together a plan, figure out some way around Madeline's machinations.

Instead, I found myself pulling up the group's old choreography, videos of dance practices and concerts in the past. I paused on a still of the girl I now was, shining brightly on stage, a grin that could light up the world.

God, how was this face even capable of an expression like that? I looked into the mirror and tried to summon even an ounce of that enthusiasm, an ounce of that sweetness. I faltered. My lips were weak.

I tried again and again. Cheeks trembling, muscles aching. A tear ran down my cheek.

I slammed a fist down on the table and sobbed. I wanted my fucking life back.

There was a ping in my email - a response from Mia, the idol Madeline had doomed to her life. Hope swelled within me. Maybe I wasn't the only one.

"Miki, I'm sorry." it began.

"Its funny. You asked me if I've noticed anything strange the past few days. The truth is, yes.

I don't know what inspired it, but the past few days I've come to the realization that I've been a horrible person. I've been selfish, self-entitled, and awful to all of the people in my life. It's like a veil has been lifted from my eyes and I'm seeing for the first time that the person I've been - the person I've become - is not the person I want to be. I want to thank you for reaching out to me. So few other people have and I'm so alone. The most important people in my life won't even talk to me after what I've done.

So I'll say again - I'm sorry. From the bottom of my heart, Miki, for all of the shit I gave you. You were this young fresh-faced thing and you reminded me of who I was when I was just starting out. You're young and full of potential and I... I'm not. You made me see that and it terrified me. It made me bitter. So bitter that I couldn't stand it. So bitter that I sabotaged your success and humiliated you when you came to me for help.

I pretended to be your friend and I ruined you, and now I have nothing but regrets.

I'm done with it now though. I'm putting all of my wickedness behind me. I don't know if I can ever make up for the things I've done. But I'm going to start. I don't expect you to forgive me. I expect you'll hate me forever like everybody else. But I have to try.

You asked me to be your mentor once. I hope to one day earn enough of your trust that you'd ask again. For now though, I have to put my life in order. I have so much to atone for and I don't even know where to begin.

Thank you again for reaching out, Miki. It means so much to me.

I'm so sorry.


"Jesus christ, Madeline," I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "what did you do?"

I agonized over a reply. How do you respond to something like that? But I knew it wasn't her fault, not really. What would I think if it was Madeline sending a message like that? I'd think it was disingenuous bullshit, some sort of scheme. That poor girl.

I told her I forgave her. That we could talk any time. That we could still be friends. What else could I do?

I went back over the letter a few more times. I don't know what kind of history she had with Madeline, but she seemed just as oblivious as anybody else. She had had been given an entirely new life and she thought it had always been hers, even as she looked back over all the things she would never do.

I closed the browser. She had no idea what had been taken from her. What had I been expecting? An ally? A knight in shining armor? I really was all alone.

"Miki?" There was a knock. Min poked her head in. "Quit looking at porn and hurry your fat butt up. It's time for bed."

"Bed?" It wasn't even 9 o clock. I wiped away the tears and followed.

Bed - It turns out - involved 20 minutes of scrubbing off makeup and applying various face creams. It wasn't enough to be cleansed. Oh no. It needed to be double cleansed and then treated and moisturized. An idols skin, Meiling was happy to point out, was the canvas of her beauty.

"Wait." It clicked. "We all share a bed?"

"Yeah, the company still hasn't fixed the error." Min sighed. "I was going to mention it when Ms. Martin was here earlier, but she was being all creepy, you know?"

The two of them were wear clad in diaphanous whisps of negligee, carefully tailored to tantalizingly accentuate their exposed curves as they lay cuddled up on the king-sized bed I'd grown so familiar with these past few days. The flimsy lingerie was like a ribbon on a Christmas present: just begging to get pulled off and discarded, and yet they wore it as casually and as comfortably as pajamas.

"It's fine though - we're all girls here, right?" Meiling giggled.

"Yeah, don't tell me your getting shy, rookie."

"No! I just... its fine. I guess." I looked away. Of course, to them this was just three straight heterosexual roommates sharing a bed. It was entirely platonic. Despite the closeness, despite the stunning lack of clothing, despite my furious pounding libido, there was nothing sexual about it. Just one further insult to my masculinity.

I plopped down on the bed, the hem of my nightie riding up over my prodigious ass as I crawled over to the empty space between them.

"Great!" purred Meiling, "Now spread your legs!" Her soft hand found its way to my thigh.


"Spread your legs, Miki." Min whined. "We've been craving that juicy pussy of yours all day."

"What!?" My head swam. I tried to sit up, tried to stumble backwards. Once again, I doubted my sanity.

"Don't act like we haven't noticed the way you've been teasing." Meiling chastised, "You've been very mean."

"Teasing!?" I balked

"The way you kept shaking your ass at us during dance practice." Meiling wiggled.

"The way you kept flaunting those oversized boobs." Min ran a hand down the side of her breast.

"Not joining us in the shower." the two said at once, then giggled.

They started to rub up against me. My breath to hitched.

"That wasn't... I wasn't..."

"So your saying," Meiling's fingers walked up along the length of my thigh, "that you didn't dip out of our meeting to go masturbate in the bathroom? That wasn't your horny pussy we had to spend the rest of the meeting smelling?"

"And that's to say nothing of the photoshoot." Min groaned.

"Oh my god, that photoshoot!" Lips were bit.

I couldn't escape. The two of them had me surrounded, pressing in closer. Meiling buried her hungry face into my neck, kissing and licking while Min sucked gently on my ear.

"W-what is all this?"

"Sex?" Min raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah," Meiling laughed. "it's a teambuilding exercise? We do this every night."

Jesus christ, Madeline.

"Come on, Miki. You want this just as much as we do, don't even try to hide it. It's not like you've been doing a very good job of hiding how horny you've been today."

I blushed. I tried to shake my head, but I couldn't deny the longing on my face, in my loins.

The smell of their warm bodies was soft and sensual, yet with an undeniable undercut of arousal. It was like a perfume of pheromones pounding through my brain. My knees went weak as that smell pushed all sense of reason further to the back of my mind.

No. I turned my head away.

I couldn't. Oh, I wanted to. After an entire day of torments, I'd have given anything to be able to drop to my knees and rut until the sun went out. But I couldn't give in. What sort of manager would I be if I slept with these girls? If I gave into my desires? Wasn't this just proving Madeline right about me? I pulled away from their fledgling embrace. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

But these girls weren't taking no for an answer.

The two advanced on me as one, hands stroking my body, stoking the eager coals of my lust higher and higher even as I squirmed out my token defiance. I whimpered. Lips and fingers tickled at my vulnerable spots. I tried to pull away, tried to run, but after everything I had been through today, I just didn't have the strength.

I fell backwards into the warmth of their embrace, sandwiched between two hot wriggling bodies. Their flesh was a balm upon mine, a deep tissue massage. Sweet flesh slipped over sweet flesh as we exchanged a three-way embrace.

And then we began, earnestly and in reality, that which had haunted my horny fantasies all day.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Sex as a man was rough and straight to the point. As a woman - as a woman being fucked by other women - it was soft, gentle, precise. The girls would do with a thousand little caresses what a man would do with a single thrust.

And the foreplay - fuck - I had never experienced foreplay before. Not really. Not like this. My body shuddered as min nibbled on my ear, as Meiling blew at my neck, as their hands traced tantalizingly - teasingly - over my hypersensitive skin. My hips bucked in time to my low moans and their horny cooing giggles.

We kissed. Three pairs of lips struggled for dominance, crossing paths and intertwining. It was cursory at first, shy wet probes, but it they grew more eager and confident and passionate with each success. Soon our lips struggled for dominance as we pressed together tighter.

Their eagerness made it all too apparent that they were just as cloyingly, desperately horny as I was. I could feel the pounding of their hearts through their breasts, the soft gasps of their breath, those gentle moans, all echoing my own passion, my own lust. We were comrades - sisters - in our need, taking and giving our pleasure in equal measure. Hands probed, stroked and rubbed at every hot inch of soft silky skin.

A seeking hand found the thin fabric of my nightie and tore it away.

Skilled fingers drummed against my tight body as Meiling's tongue slid deeper into my mouth. I melted into it, soft and weak and moaning. I sucked welcomingly and wanted more, wanted her to somehow fill up the spaces between us, to fill the hole inside of me, to make me whole.

With a mischievous smirk, she pulled away, delivering one final small kiss to my lower lip as she started her descent downwards, kissing and sucking a slow gentle path down my writhing body.

Min's arms wrapped around me as I shook at the sensation. She held my body tight against hers, squeezing us together as her hands found their way across flawless skin to the vast real-estate of my creamy mounds. Her tongue wrote a love letter on the back of my neck as her fingers traced their path around my heaving breasts.

Her soft hands slid home, massaging, pressing and grasping at my titflesh. She was teasing me now, tantalizingly tracing her nails along my sensitive areola. Electric tingles spread throughout my chest, building in time to the beating of my heart as she prodded my hypersexual body into a frothing wet frenzy of boiling, gushing, screaming heat. My body buckled in need. I was completely at their mercy.

And then, with a kiss between my legs, Meiling sent me crying, my back arching in rapture.

Fuck fuck fuck. My toes curled. My body writhed. She had found her way to the hot creamy core of my desire, her tongue tracing the electric edge of my vulva and circling once - twice - three times around the hot, engorged mess of nerves that was my eager clitoris. I think I was falling in love. She was good. She was so good.

My eyes rolled up into the back of my head. Meiling was such a sweet thing, so innocent in appearance. How could someone like that be so fucking good? So perversely, carnally, animalistically skilled?

Her long tongue, simultaneously so soft and so stern, lapped up the boiling juices flooding out of me, somehow drinking in the gushing river of my mewling, horny desperation. Oh god, I needed this so badly. The whole of my being was tingling, numb with desire, and with every soft caress it sang out in bliss like a violin quivering in the hands of a virtuoso.

Min finished sucking on my neck, pulling away with a loud sloppy pop. Without ever taking her hands off me, she crawled around to my front. The small girl's delicate, flawless skin and elegant curves loomed over me as she repositioned.

She smiled, then brought her gentle lips up to one of my trembling breasts. God, it was almost the size of her head. She kissed one gently, then reached out her hands to hold them, even as they spilled out around her fingers. Awestruck by these perfect fleshy orbs, her smile turned into a horny grin. She squeezed.

Oh fuck. I bucked. She was done teasing.

Both hands went to work. This wasn't the rough aggressive squeeze of a man's hand - or even of my own clumsy explorations - but firm, sensual, and playful. A fire in my chest to match the one in my cunt. She lifted one of my achingly hard nipples to her lips and ran her tongue around it, kissing and then sucking, nibbling faintly at the hypersensitive tip. As good as it felt, this wasn't for my sake, but her taking her own satisfaction. She pulled off the wet mound and blew. I shook. Between the two of them it was all I could do to force myself to breath between gasping moans.

And then Min dropped lower, kissing her way down to Meiling, delicate fingers replacing her wet tongue's rapturous assault on my nipples. Despite her new position, she wasn't about to yield for a second her claim on my tits. I spread my legs wider in invitation.

How different could two girls licking at my inflamed pussy be? It was an idle thought, a stupid thought, and it answered itself in the question. Two girls probing, two girls kissing. No breaks, no pauses, just an unrelenting flow of fuel thrown onto the fires of my bucking, frothing, gushing lust.

Oh god, and I thought Meiling had been good.

I soon lost track of whose lips were doing what. The two of them competed to see who could get me to scream louder, but when it soon became apparent that I was already screaming as loud as I could, they started to work together instead.

One minute one tongue would be probing the engorged chasm of my sex while the other traced perverse paths along my puffy clitoris, the next minute they'd each taken a side, one licking the left half while the other licked the right. At one point I'm pretty sure they were just making out with my pussy in the middle. There seemed no end to the games they could come up and all of them left me a shivering quaking dripping mess.

My pussy was leaking, overflowing, my body... my body... When had I stopped thinking of this as Madeline's body? But - oh fuck - It was my body right now wasn't it? And this was my pleasure, my orgasm, and my nymphomaniacal drive to escalate my climax higher and higher.

My breath failed me as together the two of them brought me to the edge. No slow climb, no jerky pounding, just a steady delicate orchestra of perfectly timed notes. I had been allowed no chance to falter, no time to recover. I was at their mercy as we climbed higher and higher to the peaks of heaven.

Body tense, I gripped the sheets, mind subsumed in dizzy yearning bliss. Twin suns of sensation brought the seas of my arousal to the edge of boiling, to the cusp of hot sweet sweaty climax, my pornographic body living up to its reputation as it drowned me in pleasure the likes of which I had never before experienced.

I came, and I never stopped.

The roaring inferno of my desire exploded into a staccato supernova of carnal bliss. A torrent of pussy juice sprayed from my ringing cunt as I thrashed and I screamed and my body shook. Endorphins drowned out my brain and dribbled down my ears. Each time I thought the sensation was about to fade it just rose again, again and again and again.

Whether it was minutes or hours or the passing of an age, I couldn't tell. My soul had already departed my body.

"Mmm, Miki's so juicy." Min giggled as she came away with my girl-cum sloppy on her face. Meiling licked it up.

That was the next thing I remembered. Meiling's bald vulva was waving in my face, drooling it's heady intoxicating perfume. Her cream was thick and luxurious and I drank it in like a woman dying of thirst.

Somehow, I was still horny.

I had thought once that I knew how to please women. How wrong I had been. But now... even here on the edge of exhaustion, even here on the heady shores on the far side of my first climax, now I was learning all I needed to know and more. It was like we were on the same wavelength. I knew exactly what she wanted. The need pulsing in that pungent pink pussy of hers was the same as the one pounding in all of our hearts.

Meiling's hips ground her pussy into my face as she spread Min's legs and dove into her cunt in turn. We fell sideways on the bed, an ouroboros of sapphic squirming girlflesh, three hearts, three cunts, beating as one.

We fucked late into the night, the girls evidently just as animalistically, whimperingly needy as I was. Round after round of girlish venting, letting out all of our yearnings and frustration. Meiling shuddering around my tongue even as I kept going, even as Min drove me to yet another climax. We swapped partners and positions and before long I had lost track of who's cunt was whose, or how many times the two of them brought me to heaven.
